~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Glad they're taking good care of you JsMom. Hope everything is going well!:winkwink:

Congrats agin Miss Bellum and Anon. Eleanor is a gorgeous little girl! :flower:

Sue, I'd cash the check and save it for your little gal's future. It'll be the only thing she gets from him, but it may help pay for school or her first car. :thumbup:

Hope you aren't coming down with something Breadsticks... :dohh:

As for me... Been losing little blood streaked pieces of mucus plug, and an increase in BH, but no real contractions. My OB says I'm still dilated to 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. She offered to strip my membranes next week if I wanna.
Sounds like it could be promising nenna! I wish my midwife would offer a membrane strip guess that's not routine for my office. From what I've read though I'd be a good candidate already being dilated to 3cm. Oh well hopefully things start on their own soon
Random comment:

Being first time parents, everyone has been very excited to provide me and DH with lots of lovely things for our little boy. We are very lucky to have so many generous family, friends and co-workers. I have already had two baby showers thrown for me(one by my mom and a beautiful surprise shower at my work yesterday), with another on the 30th that my husbands family are hosting....

But oh my gosh. I have SO MUCH stuff for this baby. I don't even know what to do with it all, there is no way my kid is going to be able to wear all these clothes....But more importantly as I was washing all his blankets and things, I realized we have been given....

54 washcloths. 54!!!!. I am actually afraid I will get more at the next shower and I won't know what to do with them all. Any tips for other uses that there is for baby washcloths:dohh:
Miss Bellum- She is adorable!! Congrats on the natural breech delivery!

Sue- I would put it into a savings, and leave it there until you know what to do with it. Definitely don't get rid of it though, as it could really help. I like the idea of saving it for her education, or first car. :)

Counting- Use the baby washclothes as reusable wipes! Keep some in a tupperware/wipe box with a bit of plain soap and tea tree oil and water, and you'll save tons on disposable wipes as you'll only have to buy them for using away from home. I wish I had 54!!

Just got "Third Trimester Tea" from Earth Mama Angel Baby, an organic product company. I love the taste of it!!! And it has red raspberry leaf in it, and a few other ingredients that are good for labor prep. I just realized I won't be full-term until Wednesday, I got ahead of myself thinking I was full term this weekend for some reason. Good thing I have the tickers to remind me of how far along I am. I remember in early pregancy when I would count it down to the day... like "i'm 9 weeks, 2 days". Then at some point in 2nd tri I just started referring to the months like "I'm about 6 months". Now in the end it's starting to be like the beginning again. :)

Does anyone else who stays at home feel like... lazy? I don't have any kids to take care of, no job to go to, and my cat doesn't require much. To be honest, I stay naked all day if I don't have anywhere to go. I live on the top floor of a building, and no one can see up so I don't bother putting on clothes because I feel like I get soaked with sweat every time I wear them. Ughh, I told my husband yesterday to "NEVER get me pregnant in fall ever again!! Being heavily pregnant in summer time sucks".
Miss baby Eleanor is adorable! Breech birth & a baby girl, surprises definitely to keep you on your toes. Hope you're doing well.

Thanks all for the advice on "daddy of the year" 's cheque. I like the idea of banking it and forgetting about it until she's much older. Lot of thinking to do I think but I definitely don't want anything to do with him now (not that I ever did since he left), he's said his piece with his 'letter' (manly huh!) and made it clear he's done, well so am I.

Been out tonight to a Sausage & Ale festival with live music. It was great, nice Shropshire sausages, no Ale for me :haha: I went with Blackcurrant Water :) home and in bed now....so tired!! X
I had my Drs appointment yesterday...omg talk about a horrible day. First I parked over the road from the hospital thinking it would be a shorter walk in the rain and the shopping centre security guard caught me leaving the premises and advised me to move the car or get it towed...baagh...then I park in the hospital carparking and drop my ticket down between my carseat and the console and couldnt reach it. Had to worm around like a beached whale trying to get it. Finally got it and couldn't for the life of me remember what I had done with the car keys...meanwhile the midwife is texting my phone saying she is already waiting up at the clinic lol so I text her back saying I am almost there and on my way...Finally found the keys and got to the appointment slightly late but was seen straight away and all seems to be okay for me to go ahead with the VBac. hooray. Dr said baby is down but still slightly to the side but they usually flip round the right way during labor...I said I pray this one does the right thing. She also said it would probably be a quicker labor than with Libby. Maybe 8-12 hours maximum. I was really glad to hear this! They cant use the gel for induction if I go over term because it progresses labor too fast and there is a higher risk of blood loss etc so I am hopeful that this one comes SOON and on his own without intervention!
Still not measuring overly big which is great! Only 1 week behind! But I am still very keen for this baby to come early rather than late. My next appointment is the 5th of July if I haven't already had him. Really I just want this labor and delivery to go without the drama I had with Libby.
Congrats Miss Bellum! She is beautiful! Glad to hear everything turned out good!
i have a feeling i'm going to have this baby on my due date or late just because of all the signs and drs telling me i'm going to go early..i hope they're right but we'll see!!

I haven't been to work since Tuesday this week because of pain. I had Wednesday off and was supposed to get my hair done but started contracting and went to the hospital they told me to stay home thursday and take it easy until my antibiotic kicked in to help stop the contractions. Ive been contracting on and off still today so figured i'd wait and go back to work Monday. I spoke with one of the ladies in Human Resources and she said she's going to double check with our Short Term Disability provider and see if I can possibly work half days for the next week and a day to help make it easier on me. She said she'll let me know Monday but if I can't work half days i figure i have 5 working days left so i should make it!!
Jmom, sorry you're stuck in the hospital but glad your little one is doing well!

Sue, you are a strong woman and will do what it takes to protect your little one. At least you found out early on what he was doing. I found out after my DS1 was 6 weeks old, the day I went back to work, I got a phone call he was drunk and driving with our son and that he was still sleeping around with the same girl he had been for 2 years. Needless to say, it devastated me. I know that if I can do it, ANYONE can as long as you have your child's best interest at heart which I can tell you do! When my son was 5, his father signed off all parental rights to him which in turn now allows my DH to adopt him!! He is so excited that he is finally going to have a father. But I have one thing to say, as much as you can't stand the man, try not to talk bad about him in front of your daughter. I have never said anything negative about my sons dad and he come up with conclusions on his own. He asked why he doesn't want to be around and I simply told him I don't know why he doesn't want to be a part of your life. He said how can someone not want to be in their child's life? He doesn't get it, but now with DH, he finally understands what it's like to have a father and he's so happy to be able to be adopted by him. OK, sorry that was so long. Just remember how strong you are even in those times you don't think you can be! You are a strong beautiful person that can and will take care of that beautiful little girl and you will know that you have done your best in raising her!!

Libbysmum, YAY for a VBAC!!! You must be excited! Hoping everything goes great!!

AFM, I have been diagnosed today with postpartum PUPPS! I had been itching but figured it was just my stretch marks and where my uterus was going back down. Today I woke up with a major rash all over my abdomen, the tops of my feet and the back of my hands! The nurse said it could be a heat rash but I asked her how could it be a heat rash on the back of my hands and tops of my feet when all I'm wearing is flip flops?? It itches so bad!!!! She called in a prescription for cream for me to put on it. I sure do hope it works!!! I'm not going to be able to handle this itching very well! LOL! As it is, I'm sitting here with just my nursing bra and undies on to keep anything from really touching it to make it itch worse!
Congrats Miss Bellum and Anon!!! She is beautiful!!
I've rung the midwife today, baby is being naughty and not moving so I've got to lay still for 2 hours and eat and drink cold drinks, if nothing I've got to go in to be monitored.. Argh (laying still for 2 hours is easier said than done with a toddler). I'm worried :wacko:
I've rung the midwife today, baby is being naughty and not moving so I've got to lay still for 2 hours and eat and drink cold drinks, if nothing I've got to go in to be monitored.. Argh (laying still for 2 hours is easier said than done with a toddler). I'm worried :wacko:

Hope everything is ok, I had to go in and be monitored a couple of weeks ago. It's scary waiting but fingers crossed baby is just having a lazy day. :hugs:
I've rung the midwife today, baby is being naughty and not moving so I've got to lay still for 2 hours and eat and drink cold drinks, if nothing I've got to go in to be monitored.. Argh (laying still for 2 hours is easier said than done with a toddler). I'm worried :wacko:

Sorry he's being naughty :( I hope he starts jumping about soon x
hope everything is ok kaths x

nenna - ooh exciting losing your plug :)

counting - lol I'll be honest I wouldn't know what to do with 54 washcloths haha. At least you've got too many rather than too few though :p

sue - I'm sorry the father is such a jerk. Deffo put the money in savings for your daughter if I were you. *hugs* - you're such a strong lovely lady, things will be fine x
the sausage festival sounds like it was fun :)

motherearth - I've been feeling really lazy too. I've been doing so little compared to what I normally do. I don't mean in terms of the kids, obviously I've got 3 of them and they still need looking after, but things like ordering takeaways instead of cooking dinner, and letting the washing up pile up all day instead of doing it after every meal, and not bothering to tidy things up properly because I just haven't got the energy. I feel really guilty about it, but at the same time I feel drained!

Libbysmum - so glad your appointment went well, even if you did have a bit of a fiasco in the car park

tlh - I hope your work is understanding x

JJSmom - nice story about your son now having a dad. And oh no I'm so sorry you have PUPPPS. I had it when I was pg with Lydia (and slightly with Alex) and it was horrific. Splashing myself with really cold water was the only relief I could get.

As for me, I have a cold. Not a horrific "I must stay in bed all day" kinda cold, just one where I have a sore throat and runny nose and feel a bit sorry for myself.

Other than that, nowt to report. No labour signs still other than BHs.

39 + 2


Can't believe it's now 5 days till my due date. Eek!
Alice I'm totally wanting that dog....seriously. What a little puddin'!! Is it boy/girl...name? :)
Lush bump as always! Hope the littlen doesn't keep you waiting much longer.

38 weeks today for me :happydance:
I've just listed lots of old things I've been gathering up on eBay, finally got round to it! Be good to make a few quid for my PP account!

Rest of the day will amount to relaxing I think!
Alice I'm totally wanting that dog....seriously. What a little puddin'!! Is it boy/girl...name? :)
Lush bump as always! Hope the littlen doesn't keep you waiting much longer.

She's a girl. Lhasa Apso cross Papillon (her mum was a Lhasa Apso, her dad was a Papillon). She'll be 2 years old at the end of of July. She's called Fluffy haha (my DD named her).

She's very VERY playful and affectionate, and kind of insane haha.

She gets really really fluffy (hence her name) if we don't keep taking her to the groomers every 3 months or so to be shaved down.

Awwww Fluffy!! haha that video is sooo cute!! She's like 'PLAY WITH ME!' :haha:

Just adorable, I'll remember that breed because she looks really playful but not too big. If I got a big dog my parents would never visit.

Have decided to wait to see if Millie asks for a dog in a few years, if she does we'll get one & I'll just blame her :haha:
yeah she wants to play allllll the time lol. Except for night time. It's like she's a different dog at night - she settles down nicely and goes to sleep. I do like her, she's nice with the kids which is important :)


I'm so photo-spamming now haha. That's in her shaved-down coat.
Aww Alice that photo of your puppy and kids is to cute! And your bump looks amazing as usual!

Sue happy 38 weeks!

Kaths hope baby starts cooperating soon!

Afm dh and I dtd last night and I had really painful contractions and a few loose bowel movements. Went to bed and they disappeared but woke up with an upset tummy and more loose stool so maybe my body is clearing out. Hoping to take dd to the movie theatre for the first time this morning to see the new monsters inc movie. She is absolutely obsessed so should be Fun minus me having to pee a million times :haha:

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