~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Good luck Abigail, hope she comes soon

June, thanks for the birth story, I really enjoy reading them. Little Emma took her time, but I bet she's worth every minute of walking that mall now! :hugs:
june - poor you not progressing all that time. At least all's well that ends well x

abagail - ooh how exciting - good luck hun x

becca - the storm sounds scary - stay safe!


40 + 2

I'm still bloody here

*nuts wall*

Nothing. No twinges, nothing. A couple more BHs yesterday but no more than I've been having for weeks.
No loss of plug
No loss of water
No contractions
Nil, zilch, zip, nada

And I slept horrendously last night so I'm bloody knackered.

On the plus side my DD has finally stopped throwing up. She was sick and had the runs all night Thursday night, and all day yesterday (even right up to bedtime) but she's woken up feeling a lot better now, so that's something at least.

I don't wanna be pregnant any more :(
Good luck Abigail, hope she comes soon

June, thanks for the birth story, I really enjoy reading them. Little Emma took her time, but I bet she's worth every minute of walking that mall now! :hugs:

Oh definitely! I'm just happy the nurses and doctor listened to me and realized how exhausted I was and didnt just say I had to wait it out. That would've been difficult.

But she is worth every single thing I went thru with that pregnancy :)
I went in to be monitored yesterday as he had gone very quiet, the midwifed are great. Is feel like I'm wasting their time cos as soon as they put the monitor on he wakes up!!! I was worried tho cos doc had put me on strong painkillers the other day for these monster piles, and they make me feel very woozy so worried about how they would make baby feel! But midwife said they are completely safe and baby is fine. No sign of arriving yet! Hope he gets a move on!
Lovely story June thanks for sharing. You did great!

Eeekk Becca that does not sound fun! No baby escapologist just yet until it's passed!!!

Ooooeeee good luck Abagail!! :happydance:

Please Lydia is feeling better Alice, that really isn't something you need to be dealing with at this stage. And at least it's the weekend so she's got a couple more days to rest up. COME ON BABY!! We're all dying to know pink or blue....and weight!

Nothing much here, baby is obeying my rules. Having a relaxing day today!
Wow what a birth story...glad she finally made it. As for being loud...I am sure other women are loud. I was so loud with Libby I didn't even know I could be that loud. She was posterior and hurt like heck. I have been trying to keep this one forward as much as I can with the ball and different exercises. I hope he does the right thing and comes out with less hassle than Libby did!
Abigail all the best!!! We hope it isn't too long or painful!
I am feeling really uncomfortable. I hope I go next! DD is still up and about full of beans. It is 8.30pm and she only woke from her nap about 5pm so I am guessing I am in for a late night with her. DH gave up trying to settle her down and took himself to bed. We went out today to see the SUperman movie...It was his birthday treat. His actual birthday is Monday.
Alice...you too...I really feel bad that your babies come late!
Morning all, hope you are all doing well.

Yesterday was a bit rough, LO seemed to be on a growth spurt and constantly wanted to eat. She stayed awake for much longer than usual and for most of the night. I think tempers frayed a bit at 4 in the morning! However at least she slept through from 5-9am so I was able to get some kip, feeling much better about things now.

We have also finally got our kitchen installed! Hurrah, we can now actually cook! And we have a dishwasher, what a life saver! I am so enjoying have a sensible cooking space rather than doing an obstacle course in our loft room just to have a cup of coffee.

junemomma - thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to seeing a picture!

counting - sorry to hear the hospital has been so rubbish. Hoping things start to get better for you soon x x

abagailb14 - How exciting! Good luck x x

alice - Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Hope your LO comes soon, it must be so frustrating having to wait.

alannadee - glad you & baby are doing well.

sue_88 - Hope your LO does stay put so you can get your home birth!

libbysmum - will keep fingers crossed that your little one arrives soon . Hope you enjoyed the film.
Glad your kitchen is coming along Miss! That must be quite difficult trying to juggle baby and renovating! What a little pudding coming before DD hey!! Still at least you're seeing progress now! Hope Eleanor gives you a better night tonight! X
Miss bellum, being deprived of sleep is not good, and makes things seem 100 times worse, I'm glad you did get a little sleep though. Its exhausting when they're up all night feeding.

I'm feeling exhausted now, I took jack to the park over the road from mine, all was well until he decided to have a tantrum at the top of the slide and wouldn't come down (been down loads of times before) so guess who had to climb up a log ladder, through a tunnel, over a wobbley bridge and down the slide with jack :dohh:.. Taking into account this is all toddler size and I only just fit through the flipping tunnel! Little monkey! So what was going to be a nice little morning out for a walk in the park turned into a nightmare and a hot and flustered mummy and toddler! Arghh.. Time for a cup of tea :coffee:
OMG! That sounds pretty awful Kath. Imagine if you'd got wedged....

"999 - what is your emergency" :haha:
What a little monkey though Jack!

Lois (Goddaughter) used to do that at times, pretend she now hated a piece of kit she was on at the park........I used to be quite mean though and just tell her she'd have to stay there.

I don't like park equipment for some reason :nope: bit of a scardey cat here! Millie is going to have to learn it all herself lol.

Project BAKE about to commence - I am going to make a couple of Lemon Drizzle Loaf Cakes mmmmmmmmmmm. One for demolishing pretty soon (my family is over tomorrow) and then one for the freezer for when needed! *slurp*
abagailb14 - hope things don't stall out too much and then baby decides to make a debut!

Alice - awww *hugs* at least kiddo is feeling better. No more getting sick yourself!!!

J an I are up early this morning and downstairs. We're having "deferred" father's day today so we're letting hubs sleep in. As soon as I get the coupons together we'll hit the grocery store, pick up J's shoes I ordered from payless and then nip over to Dunkin Donuts to get some fancy drinks and donuts then home again to wake up hubs.

Made it through the storm unscathed. I did not sleep well though (what else is new?) Woke up rather puffy today :( phooey. Carpal tunnel is definitely back since I stopped taking the steroids. I start again on the 1st.. My parents should be back in Virginia by tonight so.... tomorrow is officially the start of baby eviction notices. :)

Lots of baby dust for the weekend girls!!

oh question - I was thinking about going for a pedicure but I've got a plantar wart (funess of pregnancy immunity - a couple popped up while pregnant) do most nail techs care? Do they just wear gloves anyway? I've only ever had a pedicure once or twice... don't really feel brave enough to call up and say - hey I have a plantar wart can I still come in. Any advice?
OMG! That sounds pretty awful Kath. Imagine if you'd got wedged....

"999 - what is your emergency" :haha:
What a little monkey though Jack!

Lois (Goddaughter) used to do that at times, pretend she now hated a piece of kit she was on at the park........I used to be quite mean though and just tell her she'd have to stay there.

I don't like park equipment for some reason :nope: bit of a scardey cat here! Millie is going to have to learn it all herself lol.

Project BAKE about to commence - I am going to make a couple of Lemon Drizzle Loaf Cakes mmmmmmmmmmm. One for demolishing pretty soon (my family is over tomorrow) and then one for the freezer for when needed! *slurp*

I know!! it's all enclosed so there was no way of getting him out. I did visualise getting wedged and I didn't even have my phone! Luckily there was no one about. I Must have looked a sight, 38 weeks pregnant doing an assault course. I can laugh about it now and apart from that we did have a fun time!

Lemon cake sounds absolutely yum! You are so organised, I have nothing in my freezer apart from thoroughly unhealthy stuff! Maybe I will get bits done now I'm off work. Are you managing to fill your days sue? Or do you get bored? X

Sorry becca, can't help with your wart.. I would maybe just phone them to check. A pedicure sounds lovely :thumbup:
Baby boy needs to be born soon. I have been in bed for two days straight now, and I don't even know what to do with myself. When I get up for more than (literally) 5 minutes the headache comes on full force(rather than the more bearable off and on all day) and I can't function whatsoever. I'd like to take a shower but I honestly think it might be too much for me to stand for that long, and the heat makes me instantly swell(even more than I already am). I feel terrible complaining here, but at this point I am so frustrated I could literally just sit here and cry. I feel like such a whiny baby:cry:
Counting I am surprised they have let you go this long without induction or something. I was praying like mad this one would come but he was pretty quiet all night. This morning he has been poking me so maybe he was just getting up his energy for the delivery?
Kath...your toddler sounds like mine...adventurous! I can't keep up with her in the park anymore. She runs too fast for me. We have a duck pond less than 3 blocks away but I am afraid to go there without my DH to chase her cause she LOVES water and would more than likely jump in and who knows how clean that water is or isn't.
Today she was up at 6am demanding cake...I told her to go back to sleep. Ended up getting up to her cunningly telling me she had done a poop which was just to lure me out of bed as there was no poop! She is so sneaky!
counting - you're quite entitled to complain hun! It sounds horrible! I had a bit of a headache today that lasted a couple of hours, nothing anywhere NEAR as bad as the one you've described, and I felt like crying myself, and that was just for a mild headache! So by all means hun have a grumble, that's what we're here for.
We're all aching in one way or another - we've all gotten so far, I think we're entitled to a few moans xx
I think you are entitled to moan for sure alicecooper- I'd be bawling my eyes out if I went overdue :haha:. I have to say, I know nobody ever told me being 9 months pregnant was comfortable, but I am a first time mom and I legitimately had NO IDEA it would feel like this! You are a trooper to handle being overdue!(with all of your kids!)

Libbysmum- Maybe if we have a very serious talk with these guys they will decide to come out? I don't know about you but I am considering in utero bribing. I've just about offered this little one a trip to disney and a puppy in hopes he would come out! I hope your LO decides to make an appearance.
counting, You definitely have a right to complain! I can't believe they haven't induced you yet! It's so scary especially being a first time mom and on top of that everything you are going through with that little one! Praying everything goes in your favor tomorrow!!! Make sure you tell them as soon as you stand up you get a massive headache that wont go away and is absolutely horrible!! They need to do something to help you out and letting it just stay that way isn't going to help anything! That could put both you and baby at great risk!!! :hugs:
Hugs to you Counting... I can't imagine being cooped up in bed all day :sad1: I really hope you get some relief soon xox
Same to you Alice... you are a trooper!!! But I think it's awesome you are waiting for baby to make the move instead of hustling everything along :thumbup:

Sue, I did a bit of a project BAKE! Made a big pan of chocolaty puffed wheat squares yesterday then today three banana loaves :shock: And my oh my they are yummy. My mum keeps asking if I'm nesting, but I don't really feel like I am. I don't have a big burst of energy or anything.

Summer finally hit us in lower BC! It's HOT and I'm puffin out :wacko: But I've been going for little strolls and we're going to the beach for a fire and wiener roast tonight. I'm hoping baby will be ready soon!
Thanks guys. I kind of promised myself I would try not to complain after everything that happened with this pregnancy(as I was actually told I was having a miscarriage and the baby wouldn't live early on, that combined with the spina bifida scare, placenta bleeding, etc.) I stuck it out with the HG without complaining as I just felt sick but I knew everything was ok, but I really can't help it now. I just feel so sick, and I worry so much about the health of baby boy and that what is happening is going to hurt him. I'm glad you ladies don't mind me complaining.

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