morning everyone,
well i made it to 7weeks! *YAY* im so thank-ful

i go for my first scan tomorrow & i just really hope everything goes well,i can't wait to see my little jelly bean and make sure my little bean is growing ok.
i tell you one thing im alittle upset with myself because i havent really been doing much school work & i really wanna get as much as i can done before baby gets here:-/
it's just been hard because all's thats on my mind right now is baby baby baby baby lol
i know im probably not the only one but you know i really wanna be able to help dh one day.
i wanna be able to take some stress off him/get a bigger better house/buy my own car instead of having to use his..i mean yeah when he not working i can take it anywhere anytime and what really sucks is he got a work truck.
i wonder why he can't bring the work truck home sometimes?!?! that way i wouldn't have to worrie about getting up at 3am in the morning drag ds out with me or if the rest of the kids are there,you know their not older enough to be left at home!!!
i really gotta buckle down because in the end this will help this new baby baby baby and the rest of the kids out in the end oh and can't forget about DH my poor DH that bust his butt every single day and never seems to get a break

im hoping to that will start getting along better

i mean we get along fine now but hey whats wrong with alittle more improvement?! "right"
ok so as some of you know ive been having alot of trouble with my mother and that it has got so bad that recently it has gottan so bad that ive actually told her i just want her to say away!.
of course i gave in thou because she kept leaving me messages crying that she will work on her and go get us some help, you know it really hurt me hearing her cry but then i think to myself what about all of the time she made me cry?!
not only that but my mom has been really sick the past couple of years

she has a bag on her stomach that her poop goes in idk how to spell it i'll try but i know its wrong its called a coilisum bag<-that actually looks like it could be pretty close to right but ne how she got one of them a HUGE hernia the size of a basketball on her stomach back problems and all the bones in her right knee are broken im sorri theirs another word for it but my spelling seems to be little off this morning not only that but i know my markings are never in the right spot on here when i write so excuce me for that ladies or most of the time im on my phone!!!!
anyways but like i was saying my mom has all of that stuff wrong with her and on top of it she not helping her self out to much because she taken lots and lots of pain meds that is not good for ur body and on top of all that she has a few drinks a day of her liquor 43 & ginger ale

i know she in pain but i wish she just realize she killing herself and even know we have our differences i dont wanna lose my mother

i mean its bad enough that i dont talk or see my real father because of somethings that happen when i was younger but thank god for a friend of my mothers that has been there since day one is in own life because without him my son wouldnt have a poppop and omg just so much more,he really is a angel sent from above!!!!
but ill make this ending short me and my mother are gonna get us some help because we know that we are all that we got and that we need each other

fingers crossed ladies
hope everyones weekend is going good and everyone have a very blessed sunday