~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Hi all. I'm due on July 13th. Still in shock! FX everything goes well for us all.
morning ladies!

wow i can not believe how many july babys there are going to be its WONDERFUL that we can all go threw this together and have each others support,you know i really have to say i don't know how i would have got threw some of my stressful days without you wonderful ladies:)!!!!
and i agree its very nice to see the rest of the july spots starting to fill up.
so big congrats to all the new ladies & WELCOME WELCOME i know you'll just love this thread like the rest of us do:hugs:

i cant believe tomorrow ill be 7weeks!!! and then monday i go for my scan YAY DH said he was gonna make it no matter what YAY he said that he wasnt going to miss it for the world:)
he has been so sweet lately & im so happy he is starting to understand that i dont mean to be a big fat meany but im just pregnant and not feeling good.
last night after him working a 14hour day he came home brought dinner after he took a shower he filled the tub up for me with bubbles:dance: even lite candles around the tub YAY
then he rub my whole body for 2hours sorri if its "TMI" but it was so wonderful he made me feel so wonderful & special & beautiful last night.
you know what i was having a craving for blueberrys & he went out, had to run to like 3 different stores because you know their really not in season right now to get me some nice big yummy blue berrys what a great DH<3
i just felt so bad this morning because i kept getting up to go pee or to throw up but he was right by myside holding back my hair rubbing my tummy :) i got the best dh ever!!!

oh and i havent been smoking at all:) so im really proud of myself,i just want my baby to come out healthy and smoking can make them chances go down

well hope everyone has a great weekend im about to wake ds up for his bowling league
ilovehim, that sounds like my OH!! Except I start getting upset when he can't find it and I don't want him to keep looking so I say forget it. He's like no I'm going again. Then I say if you do I'm going to get mad. Because I feel I have no right to have him run everywhere all the time just because I want something. If he has looked a couple places and no luck I feel he shouldn't keep going. :) He brought me a blizzard home last night while I was asleep. I felt bad, I told him that from now on to please ask me before bringing me a treat. I'm not wanting sweets. Weird for me because I'm a sweet eater. But now all I want is pickles which I had to promise my mom I wouldn't eat until after my doc appt.

I'm getting ready to go to a warehouse sale with purses and quilts!! I'm so excited!!!!
Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a little while, but I do read or at least skim, :coffee:. :haha:
Congrats on all new :bfp:s

Love to all!
Ilovehim, what a great dh you have! Think I'll be taking some tips and throwing them dh's way. What a great thread, it will be amazing to hear about all the babies being born next year. My scan is not until 12th Dec but I'll get to find out if there is one or 2 lil beans in there! We transferred 2 to increase our chance of success and secretly I'm hoping for 2 now, despite the added risk x
Hey ladies!! I am soooo excited to be able to join this thread!! Got my first ever BFP yesterday after 47months!!! Can't wait for us all to share this journey together!! My Baby is due 26th July :happydance:
Thanks ladies! I feel really exhausted today and have lost 2lbs from the stress (and blood loss probably! :haha:)

Honestly, I'm thinking (/hoping) that since the area of bleeding is now gone on the scan, that maybe all of this nightmare was from that.

I'm still bleeding today, a mixture of red and brown so I think it's starting to change color. As the doc said last night there was no more active bleeding the good thing is this should just be "leftovers". There was another clot, but he did say he saw one by my cervix so it could be that. :shrug:
jjsmom- i feel alittle bad but at the same time i do believe that i deserve everything that he is doing for me because you know i take care of everything i wash the clothes/ clean the house/ take care of the kids/cook dinner/& the list indeed goes on & on so having him run around for me for once made me feel so0o good:).
I think he starting to realize how much this baby is kicking my butt, you know he was even getting mad at how many time i was getting up at night either to PEE PEE or get sick but im glad he is seeing now that i don't mean it at all and that i really try not to wake him up, he told me this morning that he was getting used to it lol poor thing.
just wait till the baby get here though because i will not be the only one waking up well actually i probably will just let him sleep cause he does work long hours,not to mention his job is dangerous so i don't want him to get tired fall asleep and get hurt:-( cause idk what id do without him.
mMm wanting to eat pickles huh!?!? sounds like you might be cooking alittle boy in that oven of yours, i know that i dont feel nothing like i did when i was pregnant with my son!
does your mom not wanting u to get pickles because of ur blood pressure? sucks dont it,i tend to have high blood pressure too but its actually been good which is very suprising, well good luck at ur doctors & have fun shopping pick me up something nice ok lol i think maybe i might go looking around at this place called burlington coat factory they have a big big big big big biiigggg baby department:-D i look window shopping but i cant wait to find out whats cooking in my belly so i can really start shopping and looking or atleast getting a better ideal of what i want.

sandoval- yes he is great!! best of luck with your hubby im sure he will do the same for you especially since this is your first baby or babys:) you know i was thinking it be cool too when i go for my sonogram on monday & they seen two but then yet again idk but then yet again me & dh wouldnt have to wait till this baby got older and have to try again because with this one it took us two years but im telling u one thing that after this im getting the shot or something because i atleast wanna wait till this baby is potty train out of dipars in pre*k you know anywhere from 3-5yrs old and hopefully it wont take us 2yrs again:-/ how long were u ttc for?!?

ok ladies so i took a belly pic lol i swear i already look a few months but thats just because im a bigger woman anyway and this is my 2nd one but i think im starting to look pregnant what do yall think cute?! or JUST FAT lol
how long were u ttc for?!?

We were trying for a year but found out that dh has a seriously low sperm count with poor motility so it would never happen naturally for us. We started our first IVF last month and it worked! So thankful.

I don't think you look months pregnant, just a little bloated - I'm the same! I've heard people show quicker with their 2nd or 3rd baby so maybe you will show soon though. I can't wait to have a bump! x
Hi girls can I join please, I am due 22nd July with baby number 2, we already ave a daughter who will be three in January xx

Congratulations to everyone :hugs:
I can't believe that I actually have a little life growing inside me! Seeing that :bfp: was the most exciting, nerve wracking moment of my life :haha:

My DH and I are so very excited to welcome our very first baby into the world, due July 17th as of right now. I have my 8 week U/S on December 7th and I am so impatient lol I want it to be here now! In the meantime, waiting for my two HCG betas to come back from the lab so I can get my numbers, and eating as healthy as humanly possible (beside those cream puffs the other night... hmmm). 3 weeks to go before I get to see my little bean in there! :cloud9:

Good luck to all us July Sunbeams, happy and healthy nine months and congratulations on all the :bfp:'s!

how long were u ttc for?!?

We were trying for a year but found out that dh has a seriously low sperm count with poor motility so it would never happen naturally for us. We started our first IVF last month and it worked! So thankful.

I don't think you look months pregnant, just a little bloated - I'm the same! I've heard people show quicker with their 2nd or 3rd baby so maybe you will show soon though. I can't wait to have a bump! x

wow thats really cool that one ur first ivf it worked!! YAY i know u are thankful not only that but i heard that you've got to keep paying for it if it doesnt work?!? my friends sister in law had something done where they put the sperm up close by the egg, she said she had to pay like 12,000 and it wasnt 100% guarantee.
however if it didnt happen that try that the next one would only cost her 8,000 , im sorry but that is just crazy who has that kind of money?!
i really thought i was going to have to turn to fertiliy treatment but got so0o very lucky:happydance:
im glad i dont look months and months pregnant lol thats good to hear because the last thing i need to hear when i do start to show is wow u look like ur about to pop or are you sure its not TWINS in there ugh god that just would totally suck!!.
i remember after i had my son this girl i knew told me that i looked really fat,i was so0o about to give her a piece of my mind and well i did lol,i said well atleast i just had a baby!!!i said why the H*** are you fat?!? i swear how rude not only that but i went threw bad post depressing!!
you know i tell you one thing with my son i wanted to him to hurry up and get here and i couldnt wait but this time i just wanna stay pregnant for as long as my bean wants to stay in their, im not gonna lie the ideal of having 2kids that i can't give back gets kinda scarey sometimes and i ask myself em i gonna be able to do this?!?! but i know once baby gets here all will be well.
i was really scared i wouldnt know what to do with my son but im telling u once i had him my mommy powers kicked in and i rocked it,i never drop him like i thought i was "thank god" i held him just right i changed his dipar just right when he got his pee pee cut i made sure that got healed all all right i mean it really is crazy how once that baby comes into ur arms BAMN u just know what to do<3
I'm scared too! Having two kids sounds mad! Sophie will only be 2. I'm going to have my hands full!!
I'm scared too! Having two kids sounds mad! Sophie will only be 2. I'm going to have my hands full!!

wow! sounds like my sister lol she due in either may or june and her son don't even turn 2yrs till August!! i don't think i could handle that lol but i know u can do it girl!!! my mom had me and my sister close together she was born 1/14/87 and i was born 3/16/88 so i think thats only like 14months apart.
she said that she'd get one of us dressed & the next thing she would know is after she thought she had us both dress the one she got dress first had done got naked and run out the door lol:hugs:
ilovehim - We are on the NHS waiting list for IVF which gives us 2 free go's, however the waiting list is TWO YEARS!! We decided to pay for 1 go and see if it worked, but to be honest we couldn't have afforded to pay again if it failed. It cost about £5500. The catch 22 is that if we have a live baby we automatically lose our free go's on the NHS. Definitely glad it's worked out this way though, I couldn't have waited another 2 years doing nothing, even if we did have to pay for it x
congrats to the new bfp's!

so sorry for those ladies who now have angels :cry:

ms is beginning to well and truely kick in here and just to add to it decided to put our house on the market...why not!? :haha:
jjsmom- i feel alittle bad but at the same time i do believe that i deserve everything that he is doing for me because you know i take care of everything i wash the clothes/ clean the house/ take care of the kids/cook dinner/& the list indeed goes on & on so having him run around for me for once made me feel so0o good:).
I think he starting to realize how much this baby is kicking my butt, you know he was even getting mad at how many time i was getting up at night either to PEE PEE or get sick but im glad he is seeing now that i don't mean it at all and that i really try not to wake him up, he told me this morning that he was getting used to it lol poor thing.
just wait till the baby get here though because i will not be the only one waking up well actually i probably will just let him sleep cause he does work long hours,not to mention his job is dangerous so i don't want him to get tired fall asleep and get hurt:-( cause idk what id do without him.
mMm wanting to eat pickles huh!?!? sounds like you might be cooking alittle boy in that oven of yours, i know that i dont feel nothing like i did when i was pregnant with my son!
does your mom not wanting u to get pickles because of ur blood pressure? sucks dont it,i tend to have high blood pressure too but its actually been good which is very suprising, well good luck at ur doctors & have fun shopping pick me up something nice ok lol i think maybe i might go looking around at this place called burlington coat factory they have a big big big big big biiigggg baby department:-D i look window shopping but i cant wait to find out whats cooking in my belly so i can really start shopping and looking or atleast getting a better ideal of what i want.

sandoval- yes he is great!! best of luck with your hubby im sure he will do the same for you especially since this is your first baby or babys:) you know i was thinking it be cool too when i go for my sonogram on monday & they seen two but then yet again idk but then yet again me & dh wouldnt have to wait till this baby got older and have to try again because with this one it took us two years but im telling u one thing that after this im getting the shot or something because i atleast wanna wait till this baby is potty train out of dipars in pre*k you know anywhere from 3-5yrs old and hopefully it wont take us 2yrs again:-/ how long were u ttc for?!?

ok ladies so i took a belly pic lol i swear i already look a few months but thats just because im a bigger woman anyway and this is my 2nd one but i think im starting to look pregnant what do yall think cute?! or JUST FAT lol
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I'm not saying you don't deserve it! :) I think we all deserve it. HAHA! After all we are carrying their child around and having it grow nice and big in our tummy and our bodies get all out of whack! Definitely won't want him to get hurt on his job! I feel bad because I'm not even interested in bd'ing right now. Poor OH wants some and I can't even follow through or when I do it's hard for me to try and get into it. I always feel crampy and blah afterwards. But it's not fair to him either to not get it in every once in a while.

When I was pg with my son all I ate was junk food. chili cheese fries, pizza, garlic sticks, everything bad and artery clogging! LOL! Now I don't want sweets, want pickles which I've never liked even with DS. So I'm hoping it's a girl!! All I know is we bd'ed 2 days before I ovulated so I hope that means girl! :)
With my DS, I think he's going to want to help and I'm going to enjoy having two children. DS will be 9 when our LO is born so he wants to be a big brother. He said he will feed the baby but I have to change the poopy diapers. LOL! Might be a different story when we start going for #3 and have 2 little ones. :)
I'm really excited by it all! Apart from on days like today where my toddler has been flat out refusing for an hour to go to sleep even though she's showing ALL the tired signs!

People keep shooting off fireworks. I now have an overtired grumpy girl while being exhausted myself! Inconsiderate *******s!

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