hey ladies,
well ive been at the hospital all day because i couldnt stop throwing up & it hurt so bad that i was scared that something was wrong! they said that everything looked fine even did a ultrasound

but the teach was a real B**** she wouldnt let me see the screen,she wouldnt tell me nothing,when i got down to u/s she was like oh ur down here for just that WHY DO THEY WANT to do a scan?! im like wow really and then i heard her turn up the sound and heard a heartbeat & when i went to ask her if it was the babys she was like you came in to the ER so i can't tell you anything,then she hurry up and turn it back down!.
i can believe how rude she was,anyway the doctor came back in the room of course like an hour or 2 after i got back from the scan and i was in tears waiting to hear something DH got really po too but the dr came in and said that your baby has a heartbeat and that eveyrthing look fine she didnt say how many weeks it measure of how good the heartbeat was but it made me feel good that she said all was well so i felt alot better about that

they gave me lots of fluids and some nausea stuff which made me feel so much better!
i cant wait to go for my actually scan tomorrow where i'll get to see my baby hear & see the heart beat and on top of it get PICTURES YAY!!! i feel so much better to know that there will be a baby on the screen tomorrow!!!
Welcome AGAIN to all the new ladies!! H&H 9months
lovn- im so happy for you!!! that is so great that you got your bfp so SOON!! they do say that after M/C u get preggiers faster u should post a picture of ur test id love to see it:-D ekkkk im so happy for you STICK BABY STICK STICK STICK my daddys birthday is augs 2nd and my moms the 11th