They never fail to amaze do they... men I mean. Again today we're in the milk aisle... the men bashing has had me in fits .
Jodes you are so my kind of gal. We lived in Oz before our year here in se Asia , cant wait to get back . Spa treatments are super cheap here so I'm determined to get a few facials and massages in .I love that maternity label too
I know this would be a bad month to try , we leave here on the 18 th but I find it hard to let a cycle go by. Plus as stupid as it sounds I think I've figured out a few things about my cycle. Well dance every other night , I'll temp but only till o as I found the charting
post o increased my anxiety and use opks again. I'm lucky that all this will be pre move
then the ttw will be busy anyway. Then we can start the ball rolling with specialists in Oz , so nothing lost really. Also everything is being paid for , packers , a lovely apartment when we get there so it's not that stressful to be honest. We cant wait to get out of here and have moved so much were used to it.
Sorry rambling.![]()
As for ewcm , I don't get a lot now , but found increasing fluids really helped and yes I drank grapefruit juice by the gallon.I've decided Im not sure about cough medicine so I'll give it a miss.
Hope your bearing up Junebug ?:hugs
I'm learning so much from you girls![]()
Thank you Jodes2011 but got the BFN this morning.I'm officially 3 days late now so until AF shows, there is still hope.
I was so sure it would be positive too! Had dreams of a positive test, which I never do!
Was just hoping I would know today whether I could drink over this long weekend or not. Maybe tomorrow.![]()
Hi I have just been trying to work out when I'm likely to get AF and if my OV date was off track, whether our BD dates still have us coveredWhat helped you determine to move this cycle to 32 days, not 28?
The mild cramps I've had over the last 4 days have now stopped.
I do feel a bit tetchy today so whether that's the AF approaching or simply DH being a bl**dy nuisance in M&S I dont know![]()
Twice we stopped and I said 'is there anything else we need to get'.
"No" he said. "Nothing"
"Are you sure?"
We must have stood in the queue for 15 bloomin minutes. We're served, pack and pay and as soon as we start to push the trolley away from the till its:
"Oh heck - we need foil, cheese and washing up liquid"
I mean which part of "is there anything else we need to get" did he not understand? He had the bloomin' shopping list in his pocket for crying out loud.
Dear goodness I'm away from BnB for a couple of days and this thread has gone crazy!!
Well AF is due tomorrow and so far I've resisted testing. I really think it's not my month and to be honest over the last week I've done just about everything you're not supposed to do if you're pregnant, so it may be better if it isn't my month... Anyway DH is away all day today with the boys, and I'm away all day tomorrow, so I'm not tempted to test as I'd prefer him to be here.
What about the other early testers??
Oh OK thanks! Wendy I think we're due to ovulate around the same time! Are you doing OPKs? I think I'll start doing them at day 12. My last cycle had a longer follicular phase than normal, I O'ed at day 20. I usually O day 16-17...
Indigo - I think your temps look great! Looking forward to seeing what they are like tomorrow! FX'd for you.
As for me - I started spotting today (8dpo). Urghhh.....I have had this each cycle since coming off the pill. I have been taking vit b50 complex but it doesn't seem to have helped (although my LP did lengthen). I think I am out TBH - I will probably get 3 days or so of spotting and then the witch will arrive![]()
Indigo, have you had a nap yet and is your DH still in one piece? Lol
Indigo, have you had a nap yet and is your DH still in one piece? Lol
Yes, I had a nap and DH is still kicking....He is trying to be nice and keeping his head
DMom....How are you feeling? Any side affects?
Hey Ladies,
I would like to join you in the July testing. I will be testing around July 9th... if I hold out that long. Anyways, I have a silly question. I am on cycle day 22 of 28. Anyways, I noticed about an hour ago that I had stretchy clear CM. I have never noticed it this late in my cycle. It is always between days 10 - 15. So here is the silly question. Can I be ovulation this late in my cycle? Just a bit confused.![]()
to all
Hey Ladies,
I would like to join you in the July testing. I will be testing around July 9th... if I hold out that long. Anyways, I have a silly question. I am on cycle day 22 of 28. Anyways, I noticed about an hour ago that I had stretchy clear CM. I have never noticed it this late in my cycle. It is always between days 10 - 15. So here is the silly question. Can I be ovulation this late in my cycle? Just a bit confused.![]()
to all
Do you test or chart for OV?