June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Cart & Emma's mom, 1mc
Sep 16, 2009
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Thought I would take the plunge!

Meli, I hope that dh comes around and that your dad and brother don't add to his thinking.

Here is my chart, pretty boring still waiting....
My Ovulation Chart

Can you believe we are under a tornado watch in the middle of winter!!!??

Angel due dates:
Melissa, June 2
Vegas, June 2
Jasmine, June 3
Angel, June 6
Stefanie, June 16
Jenk, June 28

Rainbow due dates:
Sweetmommaof2, Lucas born 9/19/13 :blue:
Angel, Emma born 10/19/13 :pink:
Stefanie, Sienna 11/22/13:pink:
Jasmine, Astrid born 11/18/13 :pink:
Vegas, Grace 12/12/13:pink: Pregnant with #3, due 6/2/15
Melissa, Xzavier born 9/27/13 :blue:
Jenkb, Emersyn born 12/28/14:pink:
Yaaaayyyyy, for the June baby angels! Wooooo!

Vegas, I know what you mean about that dip, I've been getting some strecthy cm too, surely cd7 was too early to o though? Post o temps normally above 97.6 though, who knows? Do you reckon I should start with the cheapie opks tomorrow just in case? x x
Thought I would take the plunge!

Meli, I hope that dh comes around and that your dad and brother don't add to his thinking.

Here is my chart, pretty boring still waiting....
My Ovulation Chart

Can you believe we are under a tornado watch in the middle of winter!!!??

I am stalking your chart even though it seems like gibberish to me lol! I can barely figure out my chart hee hee!!

Tornado watch in middle of winter? This is really weird weather!

Thanks for changing over the thread!
Yaaaayyyyy, for the June baby angels! Wooooo!

Vegas, I know what you mean about that dip, I've been getting some strecthy cm too, surely cd7 was too early to o though? Post o temps normally above 97.6 though, who knows? Do you reckon I should start with the cheapie opks tomorrow just in case? x x

Hey Jasmine,
What does the white O/blank circle mean on your chart CD 2 mean?
Angel: Thanks for the new thread! Stay safe. Tornadoes have gotten so much stronger and frequent these last few years. My parents get the warnings all the time where they live too. Thankfully they have a basement, but most people don't.

Jasmine: I wonder if your body is trying to O early, but stops and then you go ahead and O later. Didn't you think that you had ovulated early last cycle too, only to confirm O later? Who knows, perhaps it means nothing.
Jasmine, if you remember, I had some really good ewcm on cd 8 and thought "what the heck!?". I didn't ever o then, and still haven't unless I am today. I have yet to have any more really good ewcm and I usually do. I think if would have had any opks, I would have started taking them then.
Yaaaayyyyy, for the June baby angels! Wooooo!

Vegas, I know what you mean about that dip, I've been getting some strecthy cm too, surely cd7 was too early to o though? Post o temps normally above 97.6 though, who knows? Do you reckon I should start with the cheapie opks tomorrow just in case? x x

Hey Jasmine,
What does the white O/blank circle mean on your chart CD 2 mean?

The open circle means you took your temp at a different time, so it might be off. If you see a filled circle with black around it, then it mean it was discarded.
My Ovulation Chart

Thought I would attach my chart to this new thread! Wow, Angel, you're still waiting to ovulate! I think your egg is waiting for mine and Meli's! Sociable egg, whatever next!

Yeah that's right Vegas (good memory!), last cycle I got an almost positive opk on cd9 with watery and then the opks went back negative and I ovulated on cd17 in the end! I took a cheapie just this morning to check, there is a line there but not positive! Think I'll stick to the cheapies until cd11 then start taking the digis!

I didn't know that tornados weren't normally a winter thing! That would seem normal to me to have one in winter, but the closet we get is Wizard of Oz! Eva's favourite film! I guess it's not fun in real life must be scary! The snow has gone now in the UK, it's just miserable old raining now x x

Does anyone know where Stef is? Hope she's okay x
I love that!!! My egg is just trying to be sociable!:haha: I don't know where Stef is, she hasn't been in her journal either. Come back to us Stef!!!!

Wow..that’s a great memory ya got there--remembering jasmine’s false o last month!!


I was rofl at your comment to Angel regarding her egg is a sociable one…that’s cute!


Wow. Just wow. I just got off the phone with my uncle who needs the liver transplant. He is such an ass!!! Backstory-my mom is one of 7, she is the oldest and he is the youngest. My large family is very close, most (except for me) live within a 5 mile radius of each other. For the last ten years or so, this uncle has estranged himself from our family. I don’t know what his issues are/I don’t care, all I know is that he talks sh*t about all of us to each other, to all his friends and others (it all gets back to us--trust me). Says that he doesn’t need his family-he has his friends and that’s all he needs. He can’t even bring himself to make appearances at family events-not even the important ones, like my grandmother’s (his mother’s) birthday parties (she’s 89 y/o). This totally bugs me--like really? You can’t bring yourself to make an appearance to your own mother’s bday party--it’s not like she’ll be around forever, you can’t pretend to be civil and let my poor grandmother die in peace??? This are the reasons DH hates my uncle--for this behavior. And I don’t blame DH--but he’s my uncle and regardless of all of the above, I still was willing to donate to him. Although it’s on everyone’s mind, none of us would ever say to him “where are all your friends to donate to you? You don’t need your family, huh? Well, look who’s saving your life”.

As you know, I was asked (by my mom and aunties) to accompany him to his dr’s appt. a couple of days ago, which I did do. Took 2.5 hours of my sick time to do that. I also typed up the results of the appt, scanned the possible donor paperwork, and emailed to the extended family. Turns out he was admitted to the hospital in the afternoon due to mild complications. I called my aunties to let them know. Yesterday morning (Tuesday) I called him again to check status, was he still hospitalized, did he need anything, just to check on him, to let him know that we/I cared. He said he was still in the hospital, doing fine, didn’t need anything. Ok. This morning, I called him again to find out status, wanted to check up on him, ask did he need anything? Etc etc. He tells me “I am still in the hospital. Please leave me alone while I’m in the hospital” I, very shocked, responded ‘”ok”. He then HUNG UP on me !

WTH!!!?? I am so upset, my feelings are hurt, I’m embarrassed at how he treated me, crying here at work!! Can you believe what an ass he is?? Granted, I don’t know if he even knows that I’m a possible donor, but to me, it doesn’t matter. Donor or not, I still don’t deserve to be treated this way!! Does this not even paint a picture of what a **** he is?? Why is DH always right about these type of things??Now I’m feeling like "f*** you!! Why should I put off ttc, why should I put my health in jeopardy to donate to someone like you??]

I am so upset and I just want to say “forget it” and move on with my life and go back to ttc. Am I taking this too personal?? I don’t even want to share this with my family because #1. I’m embarrassed, and #2, it will prove right all those who said not to donate (DH, my brother, my father, and I’m sure there are many more who agree with DH).

Sorry for the rant but I have nobody else to vent to!!! I need to get a grip and pull myself together soon--students will be out on their break and will probably be popping into my office to see me..I cant look like something is wrong!!
If I am very honest with you, I don't think I would donate to him. That probably isn't the highest road to take. I hate ungratefulness. You would be a better person than me to donate and risk your health and put your life on hold as far as ttc. There would also be a financial strain on your dh while you are out of work. I hope that doesn't make me sound awful.

But on the flip side, I think it is very common for people with illness to get bitter. It is very hard to ask for help and many people wouldn't want to or put that burden on someone else (maybe why he has said he doesn't need you all). Lastly, I hate it when people call me about medical issues too. I had a few problems with my pregnancy with Carter and family would call all the time asking about me and the baby, wanting details. I hated it!! I know they were just trying to show they cared, but it only seemed nosy and pushy to me. I am not sure if that makes any sense.

You have a huge decision to make and I am sure it will be tough no matter which route you take. I don't think you are wrong for being hurt by his treatment though.:hugs: I am sorry he acted that way.
Hi Angel,

You make sense. My uncle is a very, very bitter person. He became one before he got sick-I think it was due to his divorce. That’s the turning point that I can remember. You make a good point about when you were having medical issues, people calling you to show they cared got on your nerves and seemed nosy and pushy to you. It completely makes sense--thanks for that viewpoint!

I think I will go back to ttc, see what happens this month, and take it from there.

Thanks again for your views!!!
Oh Meli,

I'm so sorry that you have been treated this way by your uncle. :growlmad: That's not fair at all, maybe the illness is also getting to him a bit? Maybe it's making him a little bitter? Don't take it personally if you can help it? :hugs:

I'm not sure if you should hold off ttc though, I mean you could always leave it up to fate? Like whatever is meant to be will be and if you do get pregnant it's a perfectly acceptable reason not to help, at least you were willing before. Part of me thinks your baby bean deserves a little life just as much if not more, but maybe that's being harsh, sometimes you have to put yourself first in life however hard that is though. Of course it's your decision entirely but if it was me, I would leave it up to fate. If I didn't fall pregnant I would help him but if I did I would not.

Hope you will be okay at work hunny x x
Omg Angel, I didn't even read your reply and we said the same thing! hehe, come on Meli let your egg socialise with us x (just kidding!)
OMG You are cracking me up!!!

But I agree, come on Meli!!
Thought we might do a little quiz for fun to get to know each other

Where is my cell phone?
Right next to me on the printer

Yes, married this past Aug. Been together since I was 17 (I am 27)

Your hair?
Currently brown, naturally a dishwater blonde

Your mother?
A great mom and grandma, but very controlling

Your father?
A great dad and grandpa, but a know-it-all

Your favorite thing?

Favorite drink?
Pepsi in a can and screwdrivers

What room are you in?
Living room

Your hobby?

Your fear?
Getting cancer

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Have three kids, one born this October and then ttc when that one is 2 or 3 for another

Where were you last night?

Something that you aren't good at?
A good dancer- NO rhythm!

Wish list item?
Books by Kate Morton and a coffee mug that looks like Chip from Beauty and the Beast

Last thing you did?
Took clothes out of the dryer

What are you wearing?
Black and red plaid pajama pants and a breast cancer support tshirt

Your pets?
Dog-Peepers and cat-Bugs

Only a few close in person, lots of friend/acquaintances, a ton of lovely internet friends

Your mood?

Yes please!

Your car?
gold Malibu

Something you're not wearing?

Your favorite store?
Walmart:blush: I am always there. I love to go to health food/organic food shops

Your favorite color?
Purple, but wear lots of pink and blue

Favorite Book?
The Forgotten Garden

Favorite Movie?
National Treasure with Nicholas Cage

When is the last time you cried?
The other night with my box

Favorite place to eat?
Chilis (honey chipolte chicken crispers) and a fancy crepe place downtown

Favorite place I'd like to be right now?
On the beach

Which would you prefer, Harry Potty or Twilight?

You don't have to do it, but I thought it could be fun to see everyone's answers.
Oh Meli,

I'm so sorry that you have been treated this way by your uncle. :growlmad: That's not fair at all, maybe the illness is also getting to him a bit? Maybe it's making him a little bitter? Don't take it personally if you can help it? :hugs:

I'm not sure if you should hold off ttc though, I mean you could always leave it up to fate? Like whatever is meant to be will be and if you do get pregnant it's a perfectly acceptable reason not to help, at least you were willing before. Part of me thinks your baby bean deserves a little life just as much if not more, but maybe that's being harsh, sometimes you have to put yourself first in life however hard that is though. Of course it's your decision entirely but if it was me, I would leave it up to fate. If I didn't fall pregnant I would help him but if I did I would not.

Hope you will be okay at work hunny x x

Thanks Jasmine! You also make lots of good points--I will def be back in ttc mode and all our eggs will be social LOL! Let's see what happens and what God's plan is for me.

My eyes aren't as swollen but they're still red--it's obvious that something's wrong. My poor student workers looked at me, and look like they want to ask if I'm ok, but thank goodness they didnt!! I am very emotional and cry at the drop of a hat--I totally hate it--not to mention if I cry, even a little, it's very obvious for like, forever. Some people can cry and then few minutes later, they are just fine. Not me! It's like the mark of the scarlet letter on my forehead when I cry. Took some aspirin for the accompanying sinus headache, I HOPE DH doesnt notice when I get home tonight (luckily, I will be home at least an hour later because today is my weekly costco shopping night). I hope I can get away with a "Nothing's wrong! I'm just tired".

A couple of hours ago my uncle called me back. He didnt apologize, but went on and on about his frustrations at the hospital (you know, they are not moving fast enough, they are bugging him, yadda yadda, Im sure you can imagine what kind of patient he is--I'm sure they just LOVE him there--NOT!) then he says "can you understand my frustration?" That's about as far as I can expect as far as an apology..sigh...I guess that's progress..
Angel, cute idea! Here are my answers, will have to post the rest tomorrow cuz I'm leaving work now! YAYY

Where is my cell phone?
Right next to me on my desk while here at work, when I leave the office it stays in my purse until bedtime, when I turn it off and plug it in the charger.

Been together since I was 28 (I am now 40 1/2 y.o). we are 5 years apart-he is 45 y/o.

Your hair?
long thick dark brown with a few auburn highlights (I use henna, specifically because it colors my grey hairs auburn lol!). My hair has light natural curls.

Your mother?
Growing up we had our challenges, I guess because we are so much alike, she was def very controlling then, she is a great mom and grandma, very chill and mellow and very generous-spoiling not just her grandkids, but me too!

Your father?
A great dad and grandfather, very generous, I have to watch what I say around him, e,g, if I say “My neck and back hurt, I need to buy a better mousepad” next thing I know, he’s bought me a new ergonomic desk, along with mousepad and wristrest, he’s too much!! He can be kind of sarcastic when he thinks he’s being funny lol!
Your favorite thing?
LOTS- taking a nap on train on the way home from work, watching our favorite tv shows with DH and SS, taking our family trips with my extended family-our tradition is winter cabin trip, summer beach camping trip, fall beach festival trip…and every other year, a trip to Cancun (OMG! LUV LUV CANCUN!)

Favorite drink?
Pina coladas and iced tea

What room are you in?
My work office

Your hobby?
Reading-I am a speed reader (not on purpose, it just happens) and I love to read anything and everything I can get my hands on…

Your fear?
losing immediate family member, never having a child.

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Have at least one child!!

Where were you last night?
Home, making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner

Something that you aren't?
like Angel, I STINK at dancing!! All those dance lessons my poor mother put me through--all for nothing.

Wish list item?
Hummm….I have to think about this…

Last thing you did?
posted on bnb

What are you wearing?
black work slacks, black sweater with violet/pinks/black hued colored scarf

Your pets?

Same as Angel-only a few close in person, lots of friend/acquaintances, and all of y’all June Baby Angel thread ladies!

Your mood?

definitely starting Friday night at the mountains!!

Your car?
Honda Civic Hybrid

Something you're not wearing?

Your favorite store?
Target, Walmart , Kohls, Macy’s

Your favorite color?
Black, red
Wow! I can't believe there is a tornado watch for you right now!!! Thank you for starting the new thread!!! To be 100% honest I have no idea how to even begin reading the ovulation charts lol! Talk you ladies soon! Hugs!
Missouri weather for this week (winter):
Monday- 70's
Tuesday- tornado watch
Wednesday- snow
Insane!! The gimmick on our weather channel is "if you don't like the weather in Missouri, just wait, it'll change!".

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