I love your US pic. Your little bean is so clear! Any guesses yet as to gender? Are you feeling the same cravings as with Sienna? Come on September 11th!
As far as diapers, for daytime we use Pampers/Huggies/Sams Club and Costco brands. For nighttime we use Luvs nighttime diapers. They are good for 12 hours and thats about how long he sleeps at night;so far, so good (I hope I didnt just jinx myself!). Although, in the beginning, I did notice that when Xzaxiers diapers would leak, it was because his little penis wasnt arranged to face downward. Since I started making sure it faces downward, he has not leaked through a diaper. Then again, when hes awake, we change his diaper every 3 hours, so maybe that helps as well? I know you guys mentioned before that you liked the Walmart brand, and I tried those in the beginning, but he leaked through those. Maybe that was before I started facing penis downward? (sounds like a yoga pose lol)
I am crossing my fingers that Siennas better sleep streak is back on!
Thanks for the compliment. I still have to post Xzaviers studio pix from last months session (6 months). On August 23rd we will be taking him for his 7 month pix and will include his big sister and Matthew as well. I plan to just do the 3 kids together and not the adults.
I hate how I came out. I was mad because for his baptism, I had planned to get my hair blown out in the morning at the salon. Well, with us having to decorate the morning of the baptism, that plan went out the door. All I was able to do was put hot rollers on, so that when I put my hair back into my everyday pony tail, it looked more presentable. So there I was, going to decorate the park WEARING MY ROLLERS. Going to BevMo to pick up the keg WEARING MY ROLLERS. Yes, I was THAT lady

But I didnt care because the shame of being seen wearing rollers by most people that I didnt know, was nothing close to the shame of being seen with my hair just blah in a ponytail..if that makes any sense.
Anywho, so when I agreed to get the portraits done (because Raul has been harassing me for years to take a family portrait), my condition was that I would be able to go to the salon to get a cut and blowout. I thought my mom would be able to come over to babysit while I did that (because anytime I get that done, were talking at least 2, sometimes 3 hours). Well, she couldnt make it so I was relegated to going down the street to a Great Clips for a quick blow out. I was mad because I spent $35 (including tip) for just a blow out that I was unhappy with, and it took only an hour opposed to going to the salon and spending $70 but being happy with the finished product. Anyways, nothing I can do about it now! The next time we do family portraits I will REFUSE to do them unless I can get my hair done the way I want to
No worries about being offensive with the PT comment. I agree with you and Vegasbabies do things on their own time!
speaking of car tags and license office
It was time for me to take a new Driver license pic. I received it in the mail yesterday and OMG. I HATE how I look

! I MUST lose weight. I cant wait til I stop pumping so I can take some crack or meth to kickstart the weight loss
In your state you are required to get your car inspected to renew your registration? Here we just have to mail a check or pay online lol. The only thing they may require periodically is a smog inspection certificate.
I was so sad to read about those poor neglected kids. I FUCKEN want to KILL people, and parents who neglect and abuse kids. Sorry for the language but nothing gets me more riled up than stories like this

Bless you for helping to make their lives better. I would be a wreck to be around them and would want to take them home with me.
Thats awesome that Charlotte already knows so much! What a smartie pants. Shes definitely getting a leg up on school. Heck, even I feel like sometimes I cant count to 100 LOL
LOL at blaming me for your paranoia. Sorry about that, but Ben can thank me later. Oh, and I am definitely sending AF vibes your way, Im sure she will show her face soon.
Youre back!!!!!!

Congrats on your new job. Sounds like a good fit and that youre really enjoying it! Isnt it funny how it happens
you go for it not thinking you would get it, and you did! Its meant to be.
Who cares about changing Astrids name. Youre her momma-you can do what you want as she doesnt know any better, anyways! Im sure she can kid you about it as an adult, but hey, we need stuff to give our parents a ribbing about, right? sounds like you were going through PND. So sorry you had to go through that; I wish you would have logged on here and we would have been here for you
Yes, you MUST post pix of the girls since you arent currently on fb.
I definitely remember you! It is wonderful that you do what you do. You make peoples dreams come true
We werent able to go camping, a spot big enough for the RV didnt open up. BOO! We did drive down and spent the day there; arrived around 11am and left at 9pm. We hung out with my family and went to the beach for a couple of hours. It was a nice break from the infernal heat at home. Raul won this year but next year, its back onto regularly scheduled programming (camping and sleeping in a tent for 4 nights!)
Raul and I were doing better but now we are dealing with some other issues. In addition to our full time jobs, for the last 3 years, Raul and I have owned a business (50%) along with my dad (25%) and my brother (25%). Well, theres been some tension lately because my dad wants to get more involved now, when the agreement was that Raul and I would run it completely and they would be silent partners. Raul thinks that I am always on the side of my family and not his side. Its just truly difficult blending business and family (and I know they always say to never do that, but we promised we would never let this happen..but here we are!).
So I am at the point that I need to talk to my dad and ask him to back off and let us just do this. Its not worth my relationship with Raul nor is it worth ruining the relationship between Raul, my dad and brother (its pretty frayed at this point, I dont think it can ever be the same that it was, but it can get worse and thats what I want to avoid). So this is really stressing me out atm. I am afraid my dad will get angry and resentful with me because I know this will hurt his feelings
but it has to be done. Raul and I cant even have a conversation about the business, make decisions, etc because it just leads to a huge fight. And its getting harder and harder to move past those fights
On a sad note, Nurse Pedro died yesterday

IDK if you recall me mentioning him and request for prayers on Xzaviers fb page a few months ago? Anyways, he was 45 years old and had a teenage daughter. He was Xzaviers nurse for his first days in the NICU (and after as well) and he was also in the delivery room when Xzavier was born. He was a great nurse and person and will be missed
Too young to die!
Now for some good news finally! My co-worker just announced her pregnancy. I KNEW IT! I'm so excited for her and she was always so supportive throughout my pregnancy and the NICU. Ive been on bump watch with her since I came back to work because she just got married last November and I knew she wanted to start a family soon. She is due March 3 and in four weeks she plans to find out the gender. Im hoping for a boy so I can pass along all my stuff! Even if she has a girl, theres lots of stuff I plan to give her thats gender neutral
boppy, bumbo, swing, rock n play, bouncer, infant car seat and stroller and 3 bases, changing pad and 3 covers for it, crib wedges, pumping bras, travel bed
..she is gonna score