June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Jen, love the ultrasound pic! I am going to guess boy, just for the sake of evening things out! Yay to half way and yay to being accepted by the midwives. I can't believe you haven't bought anything! Well done on the self control! Sorry you couldn't do a garden this season. This is my first time. I wasn't sure if I would like doing it or not, but I love it! I hope you have a good time at the lake and I hope the weather is nice for you!

Meli, for preschool here, they don't do it at the public schools. You can either qualify for it to be free based on income or if your child is behind in development, or you pay for it. Have fun this weekend, hope a spot opens! Oh yeah, and yes I am helping to take care of the children at the daycare. It kind of sucks. I am not sure how long I will stay.

Stef, Sorry about the job:( I didn't even notice Jasmine's profile! I haven't seen a post from her in a while though.

AFM, Emma had went to bed for the last three nights with just breast milk!!! I am super pleased about this. If she goes until 7am tomorrow, she will have went without formula for 72 hours!!! This hasn't happened since she was tiny!:happydance:
Angel, Aww, boo to no boob pic. Lol. I don't have much boobage to share myself... even when they're completely full they're still pretty small :haha:

I worked at a daycare once, it sucked. I will never work at one again... although the one I was at was apparently pretty bad. My boss's ex business partner broke in one day while we were there with the kids and was going off on some of the employees. A few weeks later, my boss and some of the employees had to go to court with the ex business partner, and instead of closing for the day because we didn't have enough staff for the number of children, my boss had us turn off all the lights and park down the street in case child welfare came around (they were like 2 buildings over and were already watching her). I quit after that. Being interrogated by child welfare because your boss can't handle running a daycare when you haven't done anything feels super shitty.

Yay for Emma going on just breastmilk! That probably feels pretty good :thumbup:

AFM, I don't want to jinx myself... but Sienna slept 8 hours straight last night! I didn't do anything differently, so not sure what happened... but FX it happens again! It did take almost 2 hours to get her back to sleep when she woke up super early this morning, but I suppose it's better than waking up 5 times.

Yah, I roll Xzavier to his back but then he eventually rolls back to his side, with his head splayed back at a weird angle. He is also odd at times lol.

The PT says they don’t suggest standing so early, nor walkers nor jumpie swings, because it causes increased muscle tone and poor alignment…

Loose skin?? WHERE?!?
I am glad you guys had a wonderful vacation.


that stinks that your boss is horrible, I hope something better comes up really soon for you!

I also don’t know what’s going on with Jasmine, I hope everything is ok.

You made me lol at this “Being interrogated by child welfare because your boss can't handle running a daycare when you haven't done anything feels super shitty”

YAYY to Sienna sleeping 8 hours straight! I bet this is the beginning of her sleeping better.


I have never heard of having to pay for preschool. BOO!!

I love Emma's room, especially the baby rocker with the teddy bear. Cute touch! I also love the bird cage, it adds a whimsical touch.
The last 3 nights have been 1000x better! She's only woken up once each night, so yay! Makes for a much happier me (and her) during the day.

Ok I have a question for you guys. She used to be able to make it through the night on one diaper, no problems at all, when she was just on the boob. Now with formula, she leaks through almost every night if I don't change her in the middle of the night. Any thoughts as to why the change would cause that?

Had my appointment yesterday. Little peanut measured exactly on track, to the day. Was asleep when we started, but started waking up, stretching, kicking around during the ultrasound. The midwife said the baby looks perfect, "textbook" even, that when they show photos of babies at different stages, this is exactly what they are looking for at this stage. And apparently I have an extremely tilted forward uterus; it was a vaginal ultrasound and she had to tilt the wand up so much I could feel the bottom edge of it like it was in my butt, lol

Here's a pic
Stef, nice pic! I love how you can see the little arms! I am happy to hear bean is right on track and happy to hear Sienna's sleep has improved! With the diapers, I think that for most babies they eat more with formula. Simply because it comes out easier. So either she is just fuller, thus more pee, or it is time to go to the next size up or change brands. With Carter, every once in a while he would start leaking, for us it always meant moving to the next size. And while every time he was still well within the weight limit, it always worked moving him up.

Meli, I love the recent family pics! You all look so nice! And as for the physical therapist, not so be offensive, I don't believe it. I am a firm believer that babies do things when THEY are ready. And thanks for using the word whimsical, that was just what I was going for!

AFM, we waited until the last minute to renew my car tags and went yesterday to get it inspected. Well it failed. I didn't realize the top light on my hatch was out. So anyhow, I had to get the light fixed today, get it reinspected and go to the license office. The kids did great for me, and luckily Jeff took it the the dealership to fix the light so I didn't have to worry about that.
Also, we got three new kids at the daycare today. They have been SUPER neglected and we were all excited/nervous to finally meet them. Well turns out they were so sweet. BUT it also turns out that they all have lice, but they didn't find out until after I had already been gone and I hugged the oldest three times. I am waiting for Jeff to get home to check my head. I already have the shampoo and the comb ready to go. And by the way, when I say neglected, I mean that the littlest, 2, does NOT eat solid food. He still only has bottles. It is a sad case, but I am excited to do my part in helping them start living a healthy, normal, LOVING life.
Angel, yeah usually a lot of leaks does mean moving up for Sienna, but I'm 95% sure it's not time to move up because the size she is in now is still fitting her just as it was before, and it looks pretty perfect still. I think you might be right about her just eating more with formula. Sometimes I wonder if she's getting TOO much, with bottles and boobs...

I'm with you on the thoughts of Xzavier's PT, it sounds odd to me.

So what ended up happening? Did the kids give you lice? That's so sad how they've been raised... People piss me off so much sometimes.
Jeff has checked my head twice and I also had my mom do it and they say they don't see anything. My head still feels all itchy though! I guess it is all in my head. It is a very sad case. On Friday they just looked in awe at everything there was there to do. I held a circle time and I read a silly movement book. It had the kids hopping like bunnies, growling like lions and all kinds of things like that. The smiles on their faces when they saw the other kids being so silly was amazing. They barely participated, just sat there watching smiling! It was pretty awesome. I am really hoping we make a difference in their lives!
I'm pretty sure my head would be itchy at the thought of it, too! Glad it looks like you're in the clear, though.

Are the kids still with their parents or have they been placed with someone better to care for them? It sounds awesome to get to watch them experience all that! I'm sure you guys are definitely making a difference.
They were taken out of their home due to neglect and suspected sexual abuse of the oldest (4). Apparently the abuser was the mother. She is not allowed anywhere near the children unless the caseworker is there. They were placed with their 71 year old grandfather. He must be a great man taking them in. I feel bad for him having to deal with all the lice, but it has to be done. They were sent home again today because the director still found nits:(
Stef: such a clear US photo of your little bean. Love it! As for leaky diapers I've always used the Pampers that say they are good for 12 hours. I use the cheapo diapers during the day and Pampers at night. She's only leaked through once and that's because she had pooped too. I did the same with Charlotte and every time I thought I could switch to the day (cheap) diapers at night she'd leak.

Angel: so sad about the kids at your daycare. I know you and the other teachers will help them adjust and flourish. Hope you don't end up with lice. Makes me itch to think about it too!

Meli: VPK is free here, but it's only like two hours a day. So my daycare offers "free" VPK, but I'm still paying for the rest of the day. They've already done such a great job with Charlotte that I have no idea what more she'll learn in VPK or even kindergarten. She can almost read, she can write her full name, count to 100 and add small numbers together. I sure didn't know all that when I was four.

Afm: we are all well. I'm a bit paranoid right now that I may have had some poorly timed s-e-x with dh without protection. I blame Melissa for making me think I need to please my dh. Please send some period vibes my way. I'm supposed to get fitted with my IUD as soon as AF starts. I'm not even sure I want a third, but I'm certain I do not want another one this soon. All I want is one football season of not being pregnant (since I was for most of the last two seasons).
Hello girls. Popping on to say Hi. Remember me?? Back on the board ans saw this group!! xx to you all!
Hiya guys!

Long time no speak hey! Anyway, I came on here and saw that you were worrying about me, so I just wanted to update you all! I have a new job now, which I started last week, and so I'm hoping to use my lunchtimes to come on here and catch up with you all! Yey!

So, my new job is a full time designer position in a small village about half an hour away from home! I wasn't intending on going back to work full time but then this position came up, which was perfect so I went for it (thinking I wouldn't get it) and I got it. It's print design, designing local advertisments and so far I'm loving it, the hardest part is leaving the girls, that's really hard. Although, it's nice to be with adults and using my brain again.

I actually came off facebook while I was job hunting and found that I haven't gone back on there. I miss your updates and my close friends but there's a lot of stuff on there that aggravates me too, so I'm having a little break.

Astrid is doing great, as you guys all know I had changed her name to Violet but we found that it didn't stick and that we all still felt really strongly about the name Astrid so we decided to go back to using Astrid Wren which are now her two middle names but I do intend to officially change it back when she is 2 before we get her first passport. I feel a bit embarrassed about it all if I'm honest and I know a lot of people didn't really understand the reasons and just think we're plain potty but honestly I don't care! As long as my family and close friends are happy, I am too! I do feel like I've been in a bit of a dark place at times and I wonder if that's why I went ahead and changed her name, I let these emotions consume me and people's reactions to her name really upset me but now, I don't care what anyone thinks. I should have come on here where I know you guys would have supported me but I just felt so low, I didn't even have the energy to clean some days. I was getting really down. I'm feeling a lot better now I'm at work, I can now see how low I was, maybe I had a touch of PND?

And little Astrid is blooming, she's started babbling now, saying 'baba', 'mama' and she has a little name for Eva which is simply 'E' hehe! She can roll over and slide around on her bum. She has big bambi eyes and loves music and cuddles. She's absolutely adorable, such a good girl, so placid and calm, she has the whitest blonde hair but olive skin, I know she's definitely going to be my last so I'm enjoying it as much as I can, we're all smitten!

She has been getting a little anxious and not settling as well at night since going to nursery which makes me feel sad but I know she will be okay and get used to it. The nursery is fantastic and a lot of close friends have there children there too.

Eva is doing great too, she is enjoying summer holiday club at the same nursery as Asti, and looking forward to starting school. She seems to have really grown up lately and we're so proud of her too!


Wow! Congratulations on your wedding and super quick baby no 2! Haha! You and blake sure don't mess around! You looked absolutely beautiful and to think you put it all together so quickly, it looked wonderful! I couldn't believe it when I saw that you were expecting again but won't it be lovely for them, they'll be so close! Are you going to find out the gender this time and my fave subject, do you have any names you like? Sienna was looking beautiful the last time I saw her and she's coming on so well!


Xzaviour was also looking wonderful and I so enjoyed reading your updates, I may have to rejoin facebook so I can see those again but at least you come on here too! Sorry, to hear that you and Raul were going through a tough patch but like all the girls have said it is totally normal and you guys were under so much more stress than normal but you'll be fine and TWICE A WEEK? lucky him! I guess we're averaging about once a week really that's fine though! Too tired for anything else!


I'm so happy that you got your little house and the kids rooms are looking so lovely! The little vegetable patch is great! I honestly don't know how you manage it, my house is a tip! Emma is absolutely beautiful too, are you thinking of diving in for number three now?


Absolutely wonderful news that you're not only pregnant but are half way! I am so happy for you and your family! You should really start buying things now and I bet you won't be able to stop once you do! Are you finding out the gender?


Sounds like everything is going really well with you and the girls! Grace is so gorgeous, I'm glad you managed to get a free little holiday recently, brilliant! I'm sending massive period vibes to you, I hope the witch gets you good! That made me laugh though about blaming Meli! haha! meli you're a bad influence!


Hi! Good to hear from you, I've been a stranger to this forum lately but I'm hoping not to be now!

So, looking forward to hearing from you girls x x x
Jasmine, you're back!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! I so miss seeing photos of your beautiful girls on FB. They are both so adorable. I love all of the names you have selected and since she is young it won't matter to her how many times you change it. Heck, I refer to Gracie as "the baby" or "the little one" most of the time. So do you call her Astrid or Asti? Who knows, she may want to be referred to as Wren.

Congrats on the new job! I totally understand how you feel about needing to be with other adults. Being a SAHM just wasn't for me and I take my hat off for all the women who can do it without going stark raving mad. I'm sure your girls love being around other kids as much as you like being around other adults, it's only natural.

You must post photos of the girls if you aren't going back to FB.

Phantom: welcome back to you too! Do you ever get updates on your surrogate babies? And I see you appear to be getting ready to be a surrogate again. Any plans to add to your own family? I'm sure your sweet boy might enjoy a sibling. Of course there are perks to being an only child.

AFM: CD 27 and waiting. We dtd on CD 22, but I typically don't ovulate until about CD 19. I should have been more careful so I wouldn't be here sweating it out.
Hi girls :)

I got a few pics a few months ago, but nothing since. I knew it would slowly dwindle down, so I'm okay with that. They are done with their family and just enjoying the twins. The mom is super thoughtful so I'm sure I'll hear something on them around the one-year mark.

I am doing another surrogacy, yes. Hoping to transfer next month.

As far as another of our own, I'm planning on getting pregnant ASAP after this surrogacy. We were going to have another one and then do a surrogacy but plans changed a bit. Haha.
Vegas, I thought about trying Pampers for nighttime only, still tempted to and might just give it a go. We're using Luvs and up until now they've been great at night. They're supposed to be great for night but they just aren't holding up anymore.

What a smart little girl Charlotte is! That's awesome how much she knows already. FX for you that AF shows up! I also LOL'd at blaming Melissa :haha:

Jasmine! Congrats on the new job! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. I can relate to feeling down a lot, I have too, and toss in the hormones now... have had a few crazy lady meltdowns.

We definitely will be finding out the gender, I'm way too horribly impatient to wait. It'll either be at my next appt on Sept 11th or on the one after that at 20 weeks. Depends on if my midwife will do another ultrasound early. We like Cadence for a girl, but we haven't agreed on a SINGLE boys name...

Phantom - hey! Of course we remember you! How awesome that you're going to be a surrogate again - you're an angel!

AFM, the slightly better sleep streak has ended. Last night was another waking up 5 times night. Hoping it's just a fluke... I was really enjoying only having to get up with her once a night.
Phantom, yes of course we remember you!! I have actually been thinking of you because I have been thinking about surrogacy. Who did you go through? I just love being pregnant and enjoy the whole birth experience!

Middy, so glad to hear from you. Don't feel embarrassed about changing her name back. She has to have it forever, so you want to make sure it is right! I am happy to hear you are all doing well. Congrats on the job! As for number three for me, I don't think it will be happening for me.

Stef, I am sorry the good sleep has ended. Hopefully it comes back soon! I like the name Cadence!

Vegas, Period dust coming your way!!
Phantom - hey! Of course we remember you! How awesome that you're going to be a surrogate again - you're an angel!

Haha thanks! It's been a great experience but I am already broody for ym next one! congrats on your BFP, I see in ur ticker.

Phantom, yes of course we remember you!! I have actually been thinking of you because I have been thinking about surrogacy. Who did you go through? I just love being pregnant and enjoy the whole birth experience!

I used the agency Growing Generations the first time. They were wonderful. If you want to apply with them, PM me and you can use me as a referral. This time, I'm Indy! Doing it solo!
For me I just love being pregnant and the birth, but of course compensation doesn't hurt. Compensation is the only way Jeff would go for the idea at all. On their site it says you get $25,000 plus $5000 for additional expenses. Is this true? That is so much?!

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