June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

How goes it, ladies? I'm feeling excited about one thing... well you all know I loved the experience of the birthing center and was sad I ended up having to transfer, and sad that they messed with our billing. Well... I was searching for regular OBs and found out that one of the best hospitals here now has a birthing center, complete with home-like settings AND midwives. So it's the same set up as the other center, same minimal intervention idea, get to go home 4-12 hours after birth as long as everything is ok, etc etc... and it's inside the hospital, which helps Blake feel better.


The delivery area won't be open until September, but they have a separate section for the prenatal appts with the midwives.

How freaking awesome is that?! I'm getting to experience both of the only (and brand new) birthing centers in this area. I made a consult appt for next Thursday.

Also, my milk is ALREADY decreasing... I really don't want to have to supplement with formula... I ordered More Milk Two from Motherlove that's supposed to help milk supply and be safe for pregnancy... hopefully it helps.
That is great news Stef!! I am just so excited you are pregnant!
I have heard great things about Motherlove, so hopefully it helps.
I kind of do want to go through it with you. This IUD is getting in my though! The reason we will probably not have more is because I want to stay home with them and that is just that much longer I would be out of work. I am getting so broody though, I keep thinking "well if we have them really close together then it won't be so rough. I would only be out of work for a year or two more". But the adjustment has been VERY hard for me in going from 1-2. I have heard 2-3 is a breeze, but I don't really see how! Also, I get super broody for pregnancy and birth, not always the baby. So I wonder/fear if I did have another, would I just get broody all over again.

And Emma does have tons of hair, I already have to put a pony in it every day because her bangs are so long. They tough the tops of her cheeks if I let them hang. I am trying to go ahead and grow them so it can go behind her ears.

I will def gets pictures of everything. It is taking a while to get everything done. But when I think about it, it has only been two months and we had a vacation and Carter's birthday all in that time to worry about.
Angel, idk, I think if you had two so close together plus Carter, it probably wouldn't be so easy! I'm nervous about just having the two so close together...

Went to my first midwife appt yesterday. She's really nice, I like her a lot. She did a vaginal ultrasound and we saw the tiny little bean with its tiny little heartbeat. She's going to do another at my next appt (at 10+1, July 31st) because her machine was acting up and she couldn't get a measurement this time around.

As for symptoms... not a whole lot. Nauseous when I'm hungry, tired of course, skin's been breaking out a bit, but other than that... not much.

Where is everyone?! Come back to us!
I am glad you app went well. And you are right, I am sure it would be hard! If I had already lost all my baby weight I think I would still consider it though! I am still struggling with my weight. I am at my heaviest I have ever been, so I know getting pregnant would make it worse of course!
8 more days Jen! I am counting them down for you!! You doing okay? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Stef how are you?

I am SO SO SO SO happy to read that you are pregnant with your rainbow. It literally brought tears to my eyes. I pray for you every night.


Congrats to you as well. YAYYY! Sienna gets to be a big sissy  I also pray for you. At least you are doing the deed. Which is way more than Raul and I were doing, for a while there.


I am so glad that you’re now a homeowner. All your struggles to save, not to mention being a SAHM, were all worth it. And that last year in an apartment paid off. Props to you guys!

I know what you mean about being fat. Although I don’t think you look fat at all! I think I have gained MORE weight since I came back to work. Like as if I wasn’t fat enough to begin with. You know, “let’s go out to lunch and catch up” stuff. And people bringing desserts and crap to share.. I can’t wait until I stop pumping and I can start taking some sort of weight loss supplements to kickstart a drastic diet. I HATE MY BODY!!


I lol’d at your fb comment on one of the pictures of me taken during Xzavier’s baptism. The truth is, yes, of course I was beaming with pride and happy, BUT the reason why my arms are across my chest in most of those pix is because my dress showed SO MUCH cleavage it was indecent.

My mom bought me 3 dresses from Macy’s. The night before the baptism, I tried them all on and modeled them for my mom and 2 aunts and they all voted on this dress. Well……after wearing the dress a few minutes at church, I realized it was showing WAY too much, but it was too late to go home to change because as it was, we arrived 5 minutes late. I was able to go home after the ceremony and before the party and put on a shelf bra underneath…


Now that I am back at work I think it will be way easier for me to post and follow this thread. I MISS U GUYS! :hugs: I love reading your updates and seeing pix on FB, but it’s not the same as it is here.

Can I say our babies are the most CUTEST and ADORABLE babies I have ever seen in my life  No, no, I’m not partial. I’m stating the facts. My eyes don’t lie to me (unless I look in the mirror and think I look good in an outfit, when I know that I don’t! LOL)

Raul and I were going through a rough patch for the past couple of months. Maybe it was too much togetherness since I was home for 9 months and he works from home…my co-worker (who’s also been through many medical nightmares with her daughter before she died at 5years old) theorizes that we/I am going through a sort of PTSD thing from the whole NICU experience. We would argue over the stupidest, and I mean, stupidest things!

I never thought having a baby would put such a kink in our sex life. But although I do get in the mood sometimes, I would still rather sleep than dtd! But I realize that sex is so important to him, and I need to keep the party going or else he gets resentful eventually. If he’s happy in the bedroom and in the dining room, then he’s a happy camper so lately I have been making an effort to get back on board the sex train and it seems to be working..he is WAY less cranky and stuff. Now I need to go back to cooking a little more!

I work 4 days/week with Tuesdays off. On Mondays our teenage neighbor watches Xzavier, but I need to find another sitter soon because she goes back to school in 1 month.

My mom and MIL alternate weeks watching Xzavier Weds, Thurs and Friday. They come on Tuesday night and stay overnight until their shift ends on Friday afternoon lol. They usually come with food to cook dinner those days and most of the time they get a chance to do some cleaning, like straighten up the living room, dust the living room, sweep and vacuum the whole house, clean the toilets. I don’t get embarrassed and don’t take it personal, like they are saying that my house is a mess and they want to clean. No shame in my game! I’m just grateful.

I hope all of you are doing well!
Meli, I agree that we all have the cutest babies ever, I was thinking that before too!

I'm sorry things have been rough with you and Raul, I hope they're starting to get better! And I can't blame you, it wouldn't bother me at all if my mom / MIL wanted to clean my house for me! In fact, I welcome it, lol.

Angel, any pics of the new house yet?

Jen, vegas, Jas, where you ladies been?!?

AFM, feeling miserable most of the time lately. Didn't leave the house for 9 days straight, partially prego tired / ick, partially because I had a cold. Sienna has been a hellion at night, waking 3-5 times every night... except last night. Last night I got up with her 6 times, and I'm pretty sure Blake got up with her at least once that I didn't get up. It's been pretty miserable here at night.

Other than that... no real news. Have my next midwife appt next Thursday (the 31st) and will be getting an ultrasound, so I should have pics to show.
Hi, everyone! Here I am!

Stef: huge congrats on baby #2! I can see why you are so exhausted. Are you still nursing? Perhaps that's part of the reason Sierra is waking so much as I've read your supply or milk can change when you get pregnant. Of course there are a million things that can keep them up at night.

Jen: how are you feeling? I've been thinking a lot about you lately. A bump photo is required very soon. Any kicks yet?

Angel: we still need new house photos. I know you must be thrilled to be in a house again. I still can't get over how much hair Emma has. So much fun for you!

Jasmine: where are you? If I can post so can you!

Meli: that is too funny about the dress. Of course if I had a bosom like yours I'd take pride in it! My boobs totally deflated when I stopped nursing. Boo! Don't be too hard on yourself about a few pounds. For the record, I think you look beautiful. I've probably pushed myself too hard as I started working out when Grace was seven weeks old. My supply did drop a bit and taking Fenugreek made me leak (not cool). I also laughed when you said you didn't think having a baby would affect your sex life. Between all the stress you had and then just all the normal baby stuff sex had to be the last thing on your mind. Men are different. Sex is always #1 on their list. Life will eventually return to normal, albeit a new normal.

Afm: Grace is just starting to cut her first tooth. She's the happiest baby ever. She sometimes sleeps through the night, but typically gets up once in the night. I was hoping she would be a super sleeper like her sister was, but she really is her own little person. We are headed to the beach this weekend. It should be a fun little trip. Ben and I are still contemplating going for baby #3, but I think we'll wait at least one more year then reevaluate. I keep joking that I know how much he wants three girls. It's not like we get a choice. Well, that's all from me for now.

Yes, things have gotten much better with Raul, now that I am trying to be back on the sex train. At least twice a week…I can handle that, right?? That’s what I keep trying to tell myself :winkwink:

Yuck, you had a cold…= misery, especially being pg and having a LO. I hope you’ve recovered already.

Have Sienna’s sleeping habits gotten better? Vegas makes a good point…maybe this new pg is affecting your milk supply?

I can’t wait to see your US pics!


Awww thanks for the compliment, but it’s not “a few pounds”. Can you believe that I now weigh MORE than Raul? He’s lost 22 lbs in the last 3 months; he has really been watching his food intake and working out more. I am mortified :cry: I already told my coworker that when the time comes for me to stop pumping, I am going to hunt down some crack or meth to help me lose weight LOL.

I am so glad to hear that Grace is a happy baby!

Have fun at the beach!

Oh, and I can’t even imagine having another LO to care for :nope: Yay to u guys to even contemplate it now!


How are you and the homeowner life coming along?


YES YES I agree with Vegas. A bump pic is REQUIRED :winkwink:


Where are you?? Come to think of it, I don’t even think you have posted on fb for a long time? What gives?!


Xzavier is the most chill baby. When he wakes up in the morning, he doesn’t even cry. He will just chill in his crib, find his paci and play with stuff he finds in his crib. He will stay at least 30 minutes like that…I’ve tried leaving him to see how long he will last before throwing a fit but I don’t have it in me to leave him for longer than 30 minutes!

Lately he has been going to bed around 930pm-10pm and sleeps for at least 10 hours, sometimes more. YAY!! :happydance::happydance: I used to rock him, but maybe because it’s so hot lately, he is fine with me leaving him in his crib with his glowworm and his mobile running. I usually put him on his stomach and pat his booty while he sucks his paci for a couple of minutes. Then I sit in the glider and read my Nook for about 30 minutes or so (he can’t see me). Once I establish he’s sound asleep, I then flip him over to his back v-e-r-y carefully.

Sometimes I have to wake him up, before he wakes up, on the weekends if we have plans, and he wakes up with a smile on his face.

He’s been having many preteething episodes. He is miserable during these episodes, and between crying and tears, he will laugh/smile at us, then cry again…lol.

His favorite thing is to be outside. He screams in happiness when we are holding him and walk towards the front or back door because he thinks we are going outside. He likes to just stare at everything outside. Raul will wear him when we go on our nightly walks and Xzavier enjoys it.

He also likes when I put him in the car seat because he knows that we are going somewhere. He will stare out the window at everything and is enthralled. He loves being out on the street amd running errands with me. As long as when I take him out of the car seat base when we arrive at our destination, I must move the handles and the carseat canopy all the way back, so he can see all the action around him..or else he is constantly leaning forward, being nosy :haha:

When we are holding him while sitting down, he always tries to stand up. He refuses to just sit. His physical therapist said that we must not let him stand so much, it’s not good for him. It;s hard because he has a mind of his own! I swear if it were up to him, he would be walking already.

Hope all of you are staying cool!
Meli, don't feel bad about the sex, we never have it! I really need to take your advice and just suck it up and do it once in a while for him though. As for the relationship troubles, I wouldn't worry too much. Having a child is very stressful, add to that a child that stayed in the nicu so long like yours and it is no wonder there may be a few issues. I am glad you guys are doing better though.
I am so jealous of Xzavier's sleep! Such a good boy for you guys! I am curious as to why the physical therapist said not to let him stand so much?

Vegas, Glad everyone seems to be doing well. Hope you had fun at the beach! I can't wait to get back to the beach, but I don't think we will for another year or two. We are going to skip a vacation next year to save up for a Disney trip the following year.

Stef, I am sorry you have been so miserable:( and I am sorry Sienna has been waking so much. I couldn't hardly stand it when Emma was waking 4 times a night, I can't imagine 6-7 at this age! I had to get her in her own room and do formula at night. It made a world of a difference for us. I am thinking I want to go back to BF at night though to help with supply. I am thinking about trying some Motherlove.

Jen, we need pics!! US pics and bump pics!!! I hope all went well at the ultrasound. We have been patiently waiting since Thursday....:haha:

AFM, I started working a few hours a day at my cousin's daycare. It is a crappy job, but it gets us a little extra spending money, especially since Carter starts preschool at $120/mo next month (only 2.5 hours 3 days a week). I am pretty nervous about him starting. I know he will love it and do great, but I will miss him, and he has really only been watched my my mom.
Emma is doing well, she usually sleeps from about 8:30pm all the way until about 6:50am, she will wake for a small bottle and go back to sleep in the swing for about an hour. Sometimes she wakes one other time during the night, but it is usually a quick 10-15 minute wake up for a bottle. I still have to feed her to sleep and sometimes she fights it or wakes as soon as I lay her down which gets frustrating, but it isn't so bad. She eats great, basically what we eat as long as it isn't a really salty or processed meal. She feeds herself and LOVES food. I think a lot of times she would prefer to eat food over nurse, which makes me a little sad:( She can crawl, cruise, wave, clap and point. She says all kinds of sounds, but no words yet. She doesn't have any teeth yet, but that is okay with me!
The house is coming along, we haven't done much work on anything since vacation other than Carter's bed and shelves. I feel like we will never finish painting Emma's closet doors. I will take some pictures tomorrow of her room to post, you will just have to look past the packed closet and envision white closet doors! I also want to make a crib skirt and get her some curtains.
So here are a few pictures of the house and Carter's room. The garden is about 5 times the size it is there, I couldn't believe how easy it was to grow!! Oh yeah, and one of my boobs since we were talking about Melissa's cleavage. Every time I wear a bathing suit I can't believe how big they look, so I snapped that to remember, because hopefully after I am done bf and can lose some weight they will get smaller!








With Carter's room, I still want to get curtains for the bottom portion of his bed and replace the animals in the frames with maybe vintage super hero prints.
Vegas, I am still nursing. My supply has definitely gone down, but we've started supplementing with formula, so I don't think that's it. I'm not sure what is going on, but I feel like pulling my hair out!

Baby 3... go for it! I don't think I could handle 3 girls though, lol. We're kind of hoping this one is a girl, but everyone else would be disappointed.

Meli, nope, Sienna is still waking up 3-5 times a night... usually 4 or 5. Takes 15-30 minutes to get her back to sleep every time, too! Ugh. I gave in one night last week and she slept in our bed, which does help (she only woke up once), but I'm a super light sleeper and she tosses and turns a lot, so I still didn't get much sleep.

Soooo jealous of Xzavier's sleep! How awesome is that! You should get video of him screaming in happiness when you walk toward the door, that sounds so cute! I'm curious, too, as to why they don't want him standing much?

Angel, yep, we're trying formula for her last feeding at night, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Jealous of Emma's sleep, too! Sienna needs to be fed to sleep, too, which sucks at night...

Love Carter's bed! That's too cool! A few of your pics didn't load... no boob pic!
Hi Girls:

I am sorry I have been so terrible at posting. I am not sure where the time is going (although that is a good thing…..I am anxious for it to be December already….as much as I don’t want to wish away the summer).

Angel – Thanks for sharing the pictures. Carter’s room looks great. I can see he loves his tall bed!! What a great idea. That leaves lots of extra room to play. I am sure Carter will love preschool. It is always harder on the parents than the kids!!

Your garden picture didn’t post. I did see the picture of your vegetable harvest the other day on Facebook. I can imagine your garden is amazing. We didn’t get a garden planted this year. With all of the rain and bad weather we had it seemed any day we were around and able to do it, it was too wet/or raining. By the time the weather smartened up it was too late. I am a bit sad. I do love all the fresh produce!!

Meli – So glad you are back with us on BNB!!! I really enjoy seeing all of Xzaviers updates on Facebook. I can’t believe how big he is getting (and how cute he is!!). You are right you girls did have some of the cutest babies ever!!

I am glad your childcare situation is working out so well. There is no better caregiver than a grandma!! Plus it is an added bonus that they help you out with cooking and cleaning. You are very lucky!! I wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to clean my house either, and I have no excuse not to do it myself!!

I am sorry to hear you and Raul went through a rough patch. As the other girls have said with the stress and trauma of the extended NICU stay and all the worries about Xzavier it is not surprising that it took a toll on your relationship. So glad to hear things are getting better.

I am curious like the other girls….why do they not want Xzavier to stand too much?? It sounds like he is a really happy laid back baby.

Stef – So exciting you had your first ultrasound and saw the heartbeat!! I am excited that another one of our group is pregnant with me. Sorry to hear Sienna is not sleeping well. I can’t imagine how tough that is. I have been so tired with this pregnancy and never feel like I have slept enough and I don’t even have anyone waking me up 5-6 times a night. I am going to be in for a huge shock after this baby is born. I hope things settle down soon and she starts sleeping through the night for you!!

Vegas – Hope your beach trip was really fun and you had good weather!! We are going to go to the lake this weekend (for the long weekend). I am really looking forward to it. They are even forecasting good weather (although I will believe it when I see it). Last time we were at the lake it rained and was cold/cloudy the whole time. I am hoping we can actually go in the lake this time!! Corrie’s family has a cabin at a lake that is about 1 ½ hours away. We are really lucky we can go there whenever we want to get away.

Jasmine – We miss you. Hope you and your family are all doing well. Come back to us soon!!
AFM - I am officially over the halfway mark!! It is quite exciting!!

My ultrasound last week was good. Everything was measuring on track (baby was measuring two days ahead of the Dec 13 due date….so right on schedule!!). They told me I had an anterior placenta. This would explain why I haven’t felt a lot of movement yet. They said the baby was breech but that was normal at this point. I saw the doctor the day after the ultrasound. The risk for downs, other trisomy's, and spina bifida were all really low. The heartbeat was 138 at the ultrasound but was 152 at the doctors office the next day. She could hear the baby kicking with the Doppler. She said the heart rate varies depending on what the baby is doing (makes sense to me). Its always been 150 or higher every other time they've checked.

It was pretty cute. The baby was sucking its thumb on the ultrasound. Corrie thought that was pretty cool. I think I am finally starting to realize there is really a baby in there. I still haven’t bought one baby related thing yet (other than a few pairs of maternity pants….so much more comfortable!!). I think we will have to start thinking about buying stuff now.

We have been accepted by the midwives (thanks to my sister….she just started as a midwife here at the beginning of July and found an opening for me with one of her colleagues). It is almost impossible to get a midwife here. There is a really high demand and not many available. I am lucky!! I am also lucky to have a sister who is a midwife. I can bother her with all of my questions and not feel bad (especially if it is an evening or a weekend!!).

I have no bump pictures yet. I will try and take one later this week and post it. I do have a new ultrasound photo from last week. I took a photo on my phone of a printout they made me. So the picture isn’t the greatest quality….but its better than nothing!!


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Your house is so beautiful! It looks like a new housing tract. Awesome job on Cart’s room as well. It looks wonderful.

Good for you to work a few hours. I assume you will be helping watch the kids, right?

Why does Carter’s preschool charge fees? Is it a private school?

Ha! I missed the boob pic as well :wacko:


Sorry that Sienna’s sleep is still bad. I guess every baby is different. I remember Vegas saying that Grace and Charlotte would sleep 6 hour stretches at a time. I was so jealous. I don’t know how we were able to change Xzavier’s sleeping habits, tbh. I think the biggest part is that Xzavier hardly sleeps throughout the day. He needs a nap every 2-3 hours, but they are quick cat naps – 30 min tops. When I was home with him, I would sleep with him during some of his naps and I would lay him in my bed. When he would wake up, I would pat his booty and he would go right back to sleep. So like a typical night would go: he goes down for the night at 2am, wakes up at 7am, eats and goes right back to sleep til 10am, wakes up to eat, stays up for 1-2 hours then goes back to sleep for 1 hour, then wakes up to eat, I would put him down for nap at 2pm and would sleep together with him for 2-3 hours, we would follow this pattern. No wonder he wasn’t ready to go to sleep so early!

When my mom started babysitting him, she was on a mission to show me that the more I kept him awake during the day, the better/earlier he would sleep at night. She didn’t believe me that I couldn’t stop him from napping all day, and even if he didn’t nap much, he still wouldn’t go to bed until midnight. Well at some point our efforts started turning the tide..slowly but surely. It probably also has lots to do that the older he gets, the less napping he requires? What’s annoying is that my MIL and my teenage babysitter aren’t as ‘effective’ in entertaining him/keeping him awake during the day. I’m sure it’s because it’s much easier to let him nap than taking care of him. I can definitely tell the difference when he naps too much during the day because he doesn't go down as easy at night.

Good idea…I will try to capture his video of him screaming at the front door. I think Raul captured one when we were going on a hike. He LOVES being outdoors.


Thanks for updating us!!!

So glad to hear all is progressing well. Yay to being halfway cooked! :happydance:

Love the pic of your LO! :hugs:

Based on the 150 heartbeat, I predict girl :pink:

So glad the risk of issues is really low. That’s great news.

Who cares about wishing away the summer! I would be so ready for December as well.

What is your regular size (if you don’t mind me asking)? I have some new maternity clothes that I didn’t even get to wear that I can ship off to you, if they would fit..?

Yes, I agree, it will be a big shock once your LO arrives and you are sleep deprived. But you will be just fine and will be astounded when you realize how little sleep you can get by on.

Yay to getting accepted by a midwife, and your sis being a midwife (Congrats to her!)

Have fun this weekend at the lake.


Beautiful vacay pix on fb! I don’t want to put this comment on fb and look like a crazy stalker, but HOLY COW! You look awesome in a bikini!!! :thumbup::thumbup: :winkwink: SO JEALOUS!!!! :growlmad:

Please tell Ben that I HOPE he appreciates what a hot wifey he’s got!


I forgot the reason why the PT said we shouldn’t let Xzavier stand as much as he insists to. She said this goes for all babies, but especially for preemies. I will find out this week and follow up when I get the answer.

We are supposed to go camping to a state beach this weekend…but we ran into a snag with the RV we were planning to borrow. Our reserved spot permits RV’s up to 27 feet…well, the RV we were planning on using is 32 feet :cry: Please cross your fingers that a suitable spot opens up, or that Raul is able to find another suitable rental…
Jen: thanks for sharing your scan photo. Isn't it just amazing?! I predict girl too, but I'm always wrong! I know you are in a hurry to get to December, but it'll be here before you know it. Enjoy the rest of your summer and your time at the lake. Sounds super relaxing.

Angel: love Carter's room. That is the coolest bed! You're going to have to repost your boob photo. Wish I had taken one before my boobs deflated post-nursing. I'm so flat chested now. I'm jealous of your garden. I've tried to grow veggies, but for some reason it's hard here. Poor soil lots of bugs and the rain turns everything to mush. What I wouldn't give for good tomatoes!

Stef: some babies are just not great sleepers. In time she'll sort it out, but I know it's hard waiting for that to happen. I'm still shocked that Grace doesn't consistently sleep through the night as I'm following the same routine I did with Charlotte. I just like to think that sometimes she just wants a late night cuddle.

I think having two girls so close in age would be super-fun, but I think even if you have a boy they'll be the best of friends. Can't wait until you find out!

Meli: two times a week? You go, girl! Ben wishes we would do it that much. I'm not willing to do it at all right now as I'm waiting for AF so I can have my IUD placed.

So when do you think your pt person will allow Xzavier to start standing? Some kids are early walkers and I don't know how you keep them from naturally developing. Btw, I think it's cute that you let Xzavier fall asleep on his tummy and then roll him to his back. Grace has been sleeping on her tummy, much to my chagrin, since she was three months old. I can flip her all I want, but she always flips back to her tummy. What's worse is that she likes to sleep face down! She's an odd one at times.

Funny you mention the bikini pic. One of my co-workers wanted me to post a bikini shot since he knows I've been working out. I really didn't want to, but I figured why the heck not. My tummy still has some loose skin, but I've stretched that stomach out to the max two times for those girls and I shouldn't be ashamed.

I hope you get your camper all sorted, sounds like a fun trip you've got planned.

Afm: not to much to report. Grace is cutting her first tooth still. It's been a week and it's just now breaking the surface. The girls had a ton of fun on our little trip. It was a work-function for Ben so it was a free vacation. I'm not sure if I would have wanted to take Grace to the beach so soon if it hadn't been for the excuse that he had to go for work. We hired a sitter for the evenings, so that made the trip even nicer!
Jen, yayyy for being over halfway!!! So glad the risks are low and that everything went well at the ultrasound. Don't feel bad about not buying baby related things yet, it took us a long time to buy anything too! And congrats on being accepted by the midwife!

Meli, I wish what you do with Xzavier worked with Sienna. She is also a cat napper and still wakes up that much at night. I thought maybe she was overtired and couldn't sleep well because of it, but there's been a couple days that her naps were good length and she still woke up a ton.

Hope you can get the RV issue worked out!

vegas, if that's the case, Sienna wants LOTS of late night cuddles, lol. Free vacation... I'm jealous! I want to get to a beach, but we don't have any near us that we know of. Glad you had a good time!

AFM, not much new. still eating like a cow to feel normal. Still not getting much sleep. Blah blah. Still looking for a new work from home job because the one I have now is stresssssing me out and my boss is a horrible manager.

So I was curious about what was going on with Jasmine. Went to go to her FB profile; it's been deactivated. Does anyone know what's going on?



Hope it worked this time.
Well I tried to upload the boobies again and it didn't work. I guess you guys don't get to see the fun bags! Here are some of Emma's room. Disregard the closet!






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