June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Vegas, we're having a hard time with names. We've been trying to agree on a boy name since before we knew Sienna was a girl, lol.

Angel, I'm scared of a boy, considering how Blake was as a child. :haha: Can't believe Emma is 11 months today!

AFM, so Sienna has been attempting the walking thing a little bit here and there. Last night she took 5 steps! She's also been a terror this week... temper tantrums like crazy whenever we take something away or she doesn't get what she wants. She's constantly climbing up onto the couch.
So, started feeling little man moving from the outside over the weekend, how wild is that. Didn't feel Sienna from the outside until 19 weeks, this one at 17 1/2. He was nutso last night... guess Oreos and chocolate milk get him going :haha:
Stef: hooray on already feeling movement from the outside. Sounds like he's going to be a strong one. Can't believe Sienna is taking steps. Amazing how fast they grow up.

Meli: happiest of birthdays to Xzavier! Can you even believe it? What a year your family has had. Xzavier is truly a miracle.

Not too much going on here. We are taking Grace to see an ophthalmologist today as Ben thinks her left eye is lazy. Hoping he's wrong, but I'd rather have an expert's opinion and if it is lazy I hear early intervention is best. Also, Grace can now go from sitting to standing without using anything to pull herself up. She'll stand for a few seconds realize she doesn't know how to walk and then lower herself back down. We all clap when she does this and it tickles her.

How is everyone else? Jen? Angel? Jasmine?
Stef, Is Sienna walking now, I don't think I have seen anything about ti on facebook? Yay to feeling movement!!!

Vegas, how did Grace's appointment go?

AFM, I have been pretty busy getting things ready for Emma's party. We have also put new flooring in the playroom. While we had the baseboards up, we decided to replace them. So we have been in the process of redoing the playroom as well. Sucks because the carpet was BRAND new, but Bugs spoiled it so badly it is beyond repair. He is on meds for his bladder crystals and they seem to be helping. This is the cats last strike though. Jeff says we will have to get rid of him or something. I do agree though, we can't keep replacing the flooring every 5 months!
I am super excited for Emma's party, but dreading her turning one. The time has gone too fast. I am unsure that I will ever get to be a surrogate with all the health crap I have going on, so the thought that I will never be pregnant again has been weighing heavily on me and has me very sad.
Angel: sorry you had to replace your playroom flooring. Sucks that you had to do it because your cat is sick.

I'm sure Emma's party is going to be awesome. Can't believe her birthday is just a few weeks away.

So have y'all completely ruled out having more children down the line?

Afm: the doctor said Grace's eyes are fine. She does have an astigmatism and is a tad nearsighted (no surprise since Ben and I are both nearsighted), so they want to see her back in six months, but they aren't recommending glasses at this time.
Glad Grace's eyes are fine!!!

I have ultrasound to see if we have heartbeat(s) tomorrow. All of my symptoms have disappeared :S PLUS my hair is startiogto fall out, which usually doesn't happen until 3-4 months AFTER pregnancy for me. How weird is that?

Guess we'll see :)
Phantom: good luck. In my experience it may not mean anything as I've gone through phases of not feeling anything and continued hair loss.

AFM: so as you all may recall I had a failed IUD insertion at the end of August. I was told to wait to take my new pills until I got a period. Long story short, I'm pregnant. I did not expect this or particularly want it, but this baby wants us. I had a bleed last night and figured it was all over. Went to the doctor today , had a scan, and there was a tiny little heartbeat. I'm still at risk for a miscarriage,but so far this baby is hanging on. I found out last Tuesday as I had only bled for one day the week prior and wondered if something was up. I figured there was no way I'm pregnant as we were safe with the exception of one time where I was so paranoid I took the morning after pill (less than 24 hours later). Guess the baby implanted quickly. I feel overwhelmed.
Vegas, I am glad Grace's eyes are good! And Congrats!!! I hope it sticks for you guys! I can understand the overwhelmed feeling though. I know that is how I would feel if I were. I have actually thought of testing as I just had 6 days of light spotting instead of my normal overflowing Super + tampon period. I don't have any symptoms though and I have always had at least sore boobs. It would be pretty unlikely too, seeing as I don't even know the days we have had sex as they are so rare. I am sure it will all work out for you all though.

Phantom, I hope your ultrasound goes well tomorrow. How many eggs did they transfer?
Angel, Sienna is taking steps, but she gets ahead of herself, tries running, and falls down, occasionally head first!

I can't believe Emma is going to be 1 in just a few days... make sure you post pictures from her party!

Also curious if you guys have decided on no more kids!

vegas, glad Grace's eyes are fine.

I can COMPLETELY relate to feeling overwhelmed. How far along are you, do you know?

Phantom, how did the ultrasound go?

AFM, had our 20 week ultrasound last week, got results yesterday. I have a low lying placenta, but it isn't too far off where they want it for safety. My midwife said they want it 20mm minimum away from the cervix, mine is 17mm, so it shouldn't be an issue since it will most likely move up enough in time. They did see a shadow on little guy's heart, but they said they aren't concerned. She said if she were she would send me for a more detailed heart scan. They are just going to do another ultrasound at 28-29 weeks to check again and to make sure the placenta has moved.

Also, I think you all saw on FB, but we chose a name! Connor James. Connor was on our top for awhile, but it just wasn't clicking, until we had the 20 week ultrasound. James is Blake's older brother, and they are very close, so he wanted to honor him.

Really starting to freak out about having 2 babies so close together now. Blake said that if I need him to, he will try to switch up his schedule at work so he's at home more during the day (meaning he'd be going into work for 4am and getting out at 1 or 1:30). :wacko:

Idk if we're going to get around to it, but I know what I want to do in the new nursery. Cute little monsters. Put together this mockup in Photoshop -

Stef: I love the name Connor James! So obviously I understand freaking out about having two children so close together, but you'll get by and so will I. That is sweet of Blake offering to switch up his schedule. Love the nursery idea. So cute!

Angel:so did you test? Trust me, it only takes one time!

Jen: where are you and more importantly, how are you? We want to see a bump photo!

Phantom: did it take?

Meli/Jasmine: where are you?

AFM: doctor appointment Friday afternoon. I believe I'll be 7+5 on Friday, but not 100% sure. Starting to feel nauseous. Had one more bleeding episode after my workout on Saturday. Haven't worked out this week as I feel so gross. IFor this thing sticks then I need to hurry up and get to second tri.
Stef, I love the room! Emma does the same as Sienna with getting ahead of herself. Has fallen too bad yet though, luckily. I really like the name you chose. A very strong, solid name.

Vegas, how did your appointment go?

AFM, I did test, it was negative, thank goodness. We have decided that we are done. I have to assume that financially our situation won't take a drastic change, and because of that we are done. We just can't afford for me to be out of work that much longer. And I know I can still work and have kids, but I really want to be home when they are little. I do think I ovulated today. For the first time since Emma has been born I actually felt O pain and had TONS of mucus.

So Emma's party was a ton of work, but it turned out great (aside from the in laws, but I don't feel like typing a book tonight). So the party is done, the playroom floor is done and Jeff is on vacation. I am working a little more than normal this week, but it should be fairly relaxing. Today we went to the zoo, I get my hair done on Tuesday, Thursday we have family pictures, Friday we have our MOMS Club halloween party and THEN on Saturday Jeff and I will have our first night away from both the kids!! Nervous, but excited!
Angel: loved all the photos from Emma's birthday. You did a great job! So if you know you're done do either of you plan on getting fixed? As you know, accidents happen!

AFM: the appointment went well Friday. Baby's official due date is now June 2nd. This totally freaks me out as this is the same due date I had with my loss. According to my dates I'm due May 31st. Although I haven't bled in a week I have been told no exercise and no sex until this subchorionic hematoma heals. It did get smaller, so that's good. Grace is
Oops posted too soon. Grace is really developing a personality. She is just so cute all the time. So pleased to have such a happy baby!
Nope, no one getting fixed. I am still thinking about surrogacy. And I hate the thought that it will never happen. If it happens accidentally, then we will deal with it I guess. I sure hope it doesn't happen though since I do have the IUD in and I think that could be dangerous for the baby.
It is so fun when they really start developing their personalities!! Emma is a right little bossy diva!
I am sure that having the same due date would be a bit nerve wracking. Do you feel positive about this pregnancy?
Angel: I'm so jealous that you actually got an iud. I wouldn't be sitting here nauseous if they had been able to place mine.

I never feel super confident about my pregnancies until I have a babe in arms. I'm still in disbelief that I'm pregnant and with the same due date as the loss, everything feels like déjà vu. I have yet to tell anyone other than Ben and my trainer since my doctor says I can't exercise until my SCH clears up. I did bleed after a few workouts so I guess it is for the best.

My mom is coming in for Halloween. Not sure I want to tell her, but not sure if I can hide it either.
Hi ladies.I hope all is well. I know I have not logged in for so long…I guess I didn’t want to think/write about what was going on in my life at that time. Like they say..denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

Anyways, I thought things were bad back them between my family (dad and brother), raul and I? Well, that was nothing. Shit got real, really fast, about a couple of weeks after I last updated. Now,the relationship between me, my dad and brother is completely strained/nonexistent. And between Raul and them? Over, I don’t think it can ever be repaired.
Raul and I have actually been going to therapy since that happened. Because he resents me; claims that I’ve always been on their “team” and not “his team”. That whole ongoing episode opened a huge wound in our relationship…and it seems since then, new shit just keeps getting added to the shit pile.
We always argue and fight. I feel anger, resentment, disdain from him. I can do nothing right in his eyes.
I’m a nag, I’m a bitch, I don’t clean enough, I don’t cook enough…we don’t have sex enough…I don’t spend enough time with him (watching tv late at night,,,because I am TIRED).
So then I vacuumed the house, he got on my case because I don’t plan my time well. Where have my time management skills gone? The woman that was super organized and had her shit together? Where is she, he wants to know?
That same day, I cooked, again he bitched me out because it took too long. I said it would take 30 min but it took an hour…so he had to watch X for 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.
It just gets worse and worse. He can be a real dick, and hard, and cold hearted. And it seems to happen more and more often, and shorter in between episodes.
Oh, and the worse part about it? Everytime-He manages to turn the shit around, and I am to blame./ It’s my fault. It’s a gift that he has…he should be a politician. This man can out argue me, out logic me, out explain me, he can run circles around me and I’m no dummy.
I had to call the therapist to squeeze us in for tonight because this latest shit that we are arguing about, needs to be resolved now.
I feel like I just cant anymore. I love him so so much,,with all my heart. We have been through so much in our 14 years together…not to mention Xzavier. I am not going anywhere, and I think he knows this. He is secure in my love for him…or maybe he just doesn’t care anymore? I really don’t know.
It just boggles my mind how people can love each other so much yet go through such bullshit. When I thought we had already been through the worst with X’s NICU stay…
The only place I can tell u guys what happens is at work…but at work I really cant because I have student workers. And students who are in and out of my office. And when I write about whats going on, I cant keep it together…
I am going to try to log in later today or tomorrow while at work to catch up on this thread. I just read the last one and OMG vegas you are pG!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Meli: I am so sorry things have been so tough. Huge hugs. You deserve a break after all you've been through and that just hasn't happened. First, you still have so much to be grateful for with Xzavier's health. Second, although I'm not quite sure what happened between your family and your hubby (though I know it has to do with the store you own together), it seems to me they may all be acting a bit stubborn. You are all family at the end of the day and there must be some sort of compromise. Finally, I think Raul has been under so much stress this last year and it's so easy to take it out on your spouse. I hope your therapist has reminded him that life is far from perfect and that the addition of a child will turn everything upside down. It's time for him to accept that he is no longer your first priority. He's a big boy and can do for himself where Xzavier cannot. You are for sure meeting all of Xzavier's needs. You cannot be everything to everyone at all times. I know you are putting yourself last and you need to do things for yourself in order to be able to keep up with all you do. Do not feel guilty about the house or dinner. Also, I'd tell Raul and your dadthat the issue between them does not involve you. You love them both, but they either need to sort things out or agree to disagree. Hope that's not too much advice. I just want the best for you and your family.

AFM: still pregnant. Got paranoid last week and went back to the doctor for a scan. Baby looks fine and the SCH is almost gone. Grace took a step a few times last week. She's also really developing a personality. She's super good at playing peek-a-boo and "dances" if you sing to her. Such a silly girl.
So here goes my book…….sorry it’s so long!


I am so happy to hear that baby is fine and the sch is almost gone. YAYY!! I will keep you in my prayers..not just so baby is healthy but so that it’s a boy~ Did you tell your mom yet?

Thanks for your kind words. You make some very valid points.
The therapist has told him this before; that having a baby throws an atom bomb into a relationship, and that expectations have to change to be reasonable. She mentioned this again last night. She also observed that we are not connected/bonded as a couple anymore. She wants us to start seeing her on a weekly basis (instead of every 2 weeks) and ordered us to start spending time together-alone, at least once a week and to hire a babysitter for these date nights.

It’s worse than I thought. He basically admitted that at this point, he is with me just because of Xzavier. He complains that he BEGS me to spend time with him, but I refuse. Well, I am TIRED! I am the one who wakes up at 445am, 4 days a week. I am the one that wakes up whenever Xzavier wakes up in the morning. He doesn’t get it.

I don’t cook breakfast for him anymore. Well, I’m either taking advantage of nap time and napping with Xzavier, or I am taking care of Xzavier, OR I am doing a load of laundry, or something else. Sorry if I don’t feel like dropping everything to cater to you.

I’ve told him many times “When do you EVER see me watching tv? On the computer? Doing anything besides watching Xzavier or doing something that HAS to be done?” Sorry to bother your ipad time or tv time to ask you to watch Xzavier for 10 minutes while I do a load of YOUR laundry or something else…I am not lazy and sit around watching tv and eating bon bons and ignoring my baby. I am always on the go, doing something that needs to be done.

BUT, After all is said and done, he runs the show and drives the bus, I think he feels because he is the major support of this family, it’s his terms. After last night’s meeting, it’s obvious that I am the one that needs to step up my game and do what I need to do to start catering to Raul again, if I want to stay together with him, because if not, I can see him kicking me to the curb eventually…maybe not right now, but eventually. F*ck me and my needs for sanity and sleep (which is how it’s been, but I guess not good enough—I think I am going to have to have a car accident while driving to the train station as a zombie in the mornings before he gets it?) I think I just really spoiled him before baby, and he is resentful towards me that I no longer ‘cater’ to him. He will never admit that, except, that’s what he means when all his list of complaints were tallied.

He also stated all his stressors and worries; and I get that, I really do. But I guess mine are secondary to his…

So like this isn’t bad enough, last Monday his daughter Raquel called him, she was a wreck. Her boyfriend (whom she has lived with for the past 5 months) dumped her and she lost it. She lives 2 ½ hours away; he had to go pick her up and take her to the hospital, he was there with her from 10am til 11pm. I told him, bring her here, if you are really worried about her (she was worried because turns out her ex BF is a depressive person, has tried to kill himself before, etc etc).

So we weren’t sure about Raquel’s mental health; was she on suicide watch as well or is she just really dramatic and fragile?

Backstory of Raquel: Her mother did her a disservice by basically doing EVERYTHING for her. She’s kinda useless, tbh. She’s a smart cookie, but I think she is emotionally stunted or something. She does not behave like a 22 year old college graduate….behaves more like a 10 year old.

She declined to go home with him last Monday, Tuesday he took the day off from work and went golfing with some buddies, Wednesday she called him, a mess, asked him to pick her up again. (She claimed she had so much anxiety that she couldn’t drive). So there he goes on Wednesday, driving 5 hours round trip to pick her up and bring her back home.

Thursday I worked (I had stayed home ill on Wednesday) and Friday I had a day off because my mom was going on a cruise.

Friday I had tons of errands planned, one of which was to pick up Xzavier’s October portraits from JCP. Raul had work appointments so he told me to not leave Raquel home alone, so I replied “fine. I will take her with me” He said that was ok.

My conversation with her Friday at noon:

Me: Can you go to the mall with me? I need to pick up X’s pictures.

Her: No

Me: Can you come with me and wait in the car? I have lots of errands to do and I can;’t leave you here alone. If you don’t come with me, I can’t do any of my errands…

Her: No.

Me: Wellllll okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk……

So Friday was a wasted day off. Not to mention, she wa refusing to eat anything, doesn’t pick up after herself, leaves her stuff all over, never asks to help with Xzavier.... Oh, and do not let me forget to mention this gem: She asked me if I could do her laundry for her. What does she give me??? Period panties!!!! YES, she did. I was mortified for her. I would DIE before giving anyone my period panties to wash for me. I would throw them away first. Not even would I ask my mom to do it for me. I guess her mom never taught her that when you have those accidents, you wash them right away, try to soak them with cold water and soak and wash as best you can until you can throw them in the washer. Oh, and 3 of the 4 panties were like that. SO, let me see, once your period started, you didn’t know that you would have it for the next 3 days?? SMDH!!! So this little gem gives you an idea of what I am working with here..I didn’t even share this story with Raul because he would be mortified for his daughter,…I would be mortified to tell him, just like I am mortified telling u guys…kwim? But I thought this is integral so you understand her complete picture.

Ok, back to the story. She is always draped over Raul…when he lays on the chaise lounge in the living room, she puts a pillow on his lap and lays on his lap. She’s like a cat, all draped all over him. And that’s fine. I am not jealous at all—she’s his daughter for crying out loud. BUT when you take up my spot on the couch…well that kinda irks me. But I don’t say anything.

Sunday morning, Xzavier woke up at the crack of dawn because of this stupid daylight savings time. After feeding him, playing with him, and feeding again, he finally went down for his first nap around 930am. I was waiting for this moment so that I could jump back in my cozy warm heavenly bed to catch a snooze.

Raul sleepily says: Come join us.

Me: that’s the plan. Then I think to myself...Wait..what do you mean “us”?

Raquel was in our bed!!!!! OMG!!!! WTH??!!!

Me: ummmmm nooooo, that’s ok, just let me take my pillow and I will sleep somewhere else…

So I take my pillow and go to Matthew’s room and make a space on his bed. 10 minutes later he comes in and I thought he was going to say “She’s gone, come back to bed”, instead he says: “come join us”.

Again, I say “Noo that’s ok, but thank you”.

Like I said, this girl is so needy, after thinking about it, I am not surprised she did that, but what DID surprise me is that she didn’t say “sorry, my bad, here let me get out of your bed so that you could sleep”. She has no sense of boundaries.

Of course Raul knew I was irritated, because he knows me, but she doesn’t know, because I didn’t take it out on her or show her.

So he invited me to go to breakfast and I said “no thank you”.

Then the whole paperclip fiasco happened…which thank God ended the way it did.

That night, Raul went to pick up Matthew from his mom’s house (2 hour round trip drive). Before he left, he told me to think about what I wanted him to pick up for dinner and text him my order. I asked her if she wanted anything, she said no.

I hadn’t eaten since 8am (toast and coffee). My stomach had been in knots all day with the stupid paperclip incident, so by 8pm I was starving. I ordered 4 taco bell surpreme hard tacos. Usually, I order 3, but because I was starving, I ordered 4.

Raul and Matthew arrive around 815pm.

Raquel: Ohhh u went to Taco Bell?? Yay!!

Raul: You wanted something? I didn’t know! I told Melissa to ask you if you wanted anything and she said that you said no!

Me: I DID ask her!! She DID say no!!

Raquel: ohhhhh yah.,..I did say no.

Raul: Well, I’m sure Melissa wont mind sharing her tacos with you, right Melissa?

Me: of course not! She can have as many as she wants.

GRRRR!! First you take my bed, then you take my TACO! I know this taco thing is petty…,but still!!

Raul or Matthew couldn’t share their food because they didn’t get anything..I was the only one with food, it turns out.

So then Raul knew I was irritated about that as well, but again, I didn’t show it to her, she had no clue, but HE knew.

So that night he brings up the bed incident. I just smiled (probably sarcastically) and didn’t say anything.

Raul: What? Why that snarky smile?

Me: Ohhh let’s just let this go…please. It doesn’t matter anymore… (saying this because I just KNOW it will turn into another huge blowup)

Him: No, really, tell me what the problem is?

Me: Ok. Fine. I will tell you. I think it’s WEIRD that she did that. I know she is “different” , is very needy and emotionally fragile right now…but I cannot, for the life of me, imagine doing this to my dad, when I was 22 years old. The last time I hugged my dad sleeping I was 10 years old. I am not saying at all that this was sexual, trust me I KNOW it wasn’t, but that’s just ME. I just wouldn’t do it. AND if his wife came in the room, I would have quickly scooted out of there and said “Here you go, your space back” and would have kindly left the room.

Well, this turned into World War 1000 because he thought I WAS inferring that it was sexual in one way or another. He obviously didn’t, or didn’t want to hear me, when I said that it was not about anything sexual at all.

He was mad at me, that I was irritated at the bed incident. How dare he be mad at me for that? He cannot understand why that irritated me. I should have just climbed into bed with them, he said!!!??

Then he brought up the taco incident and said that I am so PETTY. I am like, are you kidding me? I welcome this girl into our house, I kiss her ass, do her load of laundry, try to make sure she is comfortable, handle her with kid gloves…and I am petty???!!!

So somehow we let it go…and ended up having sex after.

Oh, and one more thing. Do you think that after we came home from the hospital, she would have unglued herself from the computer, come out of Matthew's room to inquire about Xzavier and his status? Nope…she did not. After I found the paperclip and told Raul, I volunteered the info to her I said “Guess what? Good news! He didn’t swallow the clip after all” Her response “Great” I don’t think she even looked away from the computer, tbh.

He had planned to take her home on Monday night. So around 630pm they left and around 830pm I texted him to tell him I had ordered him a plate of Thai food because I knew he would get home late and would probably be hungry and I wanted to make sure he didn’t pick up anything on the way home.

His response “I may have dinner with Steve, but Pad Thai will NEVER go to waste”.

When did he make plans for dinner with Steve?? This was the first I heard of it, so that set off another ROUND of war.

Turns out he couldn’t even meet Steve after all because when Raquel got to her place, she saw all her ex’s stuff was gone so that sent her on another meltdown. So he couldn’t leave her and had to cancel dinner. HA HA.

But not ha ha for so long, because having to cancel his plans because of her, and my attitude about the dinner to begin with, and the bed and taco incident, left him in a FOUL mood.

Which brought us to Tuesday/yesterday. My day off. He went off on me again about all those issues above and says I am acting weird/jealous about his daughter…he hated it when Connie (Matthew’s mom) acted the same way..says I remind him of his first ex wife (Raquel’s mom) and there is nobody in this world that he hates more than her.

Like I said earlier, the therapist wants us to spend more time together, which I foresee as difficult to do/another big issue seeing as it looks like Raquel will be around us a lot. Because remember she always has to be draped on her dad.

Remember he took her home Monday night? Well, yesterday (Tuesday) morning, she called him again to pick her up. At least he told her he couldn’t pick her up; if she wanted to come she would have to drive. So she drove to our house. And at least he honored the therapist appointment and didn’t cancel because of her. So I give him credit for that as well.

So now she’s back home with us, adding more stress and problems to my/our lives.

And we are supposed to be spending more time together, how can we do that when she is always around, draped on her dad?
Oh my God Melissa! I am so sorry this is all happening. I barely even know where to start. First of all I commend you on putting up with this. I struggle with acting the way Raul acts with you, toward Jeff. As for being on him all the time about everything. For me, it is the stress, money, tiredness, body issues, that kind of thing. I have to really work on it.
Next, PLEASE PLEASE don't feel that I am saying you aren't doing enough, because you are. But is there no way to do laundry with X with you, maybe playing in a laundry basket? OR maybe when cooking dinner you can give him something (food or toys, wooden spoons) on his tray? Just trying to offer some tips to help watch X and get some stuff done.
Now, as for his daughter. Her behavior is NOT normal. I would NEVER lay on my dad like that and would NEVER snuggle with him in bed. That is absolutely not okay. That is very weird. He HAS to set some boundaries with her. If I am super honest, it actually made me feel a little sick reading it. I would not be able to tolerate that behavior at all and if he did nothing to change it, well that would be a major issue for me, perhaps even splitting up worthy for me. As for her laziness, I would have had to say something to him and her about it. She is a grown woman and if she is going to be living there, even for a short time, needs to pull her weight. I would sit down with both of them and lay out expectations. If she can't abide by them, then she shouldn't be there and Raul should agree. For him not to is a bit ridiculous. He wants to complain you don't have time for him, yet he causes more work for you by not making her "behave". And I would not have given her my damn tacos.
What did the therapist have to say about his daughter's weird snuggling??? And if it is something he didn't want to bring up, well then, that should tell you something. If he didn't want to bring it up, he knows it is weird or wrong.
I am so mad for you right now!!! How dare he act this way!!!

But on the positive side, I am very happy X is okay and didn't swallow that clip!

Vegas, did you end up telling your mom? I am glad the baby is doing well and that the sch is almost gone! They are so cute playing peek-a-boo, aren't they!

Afm, my iud came out today with my tampon!!! Maybe I should get on the baby train......just kidding!! Don't even want to think about having a newborn again, especially with Emma finally getting teeth and waking lots!
Jen, when is your due date so I can add it to the front page?

Also, Stef and Vegas what are your due dates?

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