June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I hope you have a good time with your sister and that it helps you tww go faster.
Middy: thank you for sharing your birth story. Sorry you never made it to the birthing pool, but you made it through! I love the name Astrid. It suits her better than your other options. How is Eva doing as a big sister?

Angel: how is Emma doing with the Zantac?

Jen: you are on a lot of supplements! Fingers crossed this is your month, but if it's not at least you'll have Disney to distract you and will be able to ride all the rides. It should be nice weather for your visit.

Stef: how are you and Sienna getting along?

Meli: Xzavier is looking so good these days. Sorry one of the nurses wasn't being nice the other day. I'm not sure what she said, but everyone on the NICU should be positive at all times. Sure there may be setbacks, but there have been and will continue to be more positive advances so there is no need to focus on anything negative.

Afm: please send labor vibes my way on Saturday and Sunday. My doctor is on call and if I don't have the baby until Thursday then I'll miss Charlotte's Christmas program on Friday. I've been feeling pretty good this week and even managed to vacuum the whole house last night. My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. Pretty sure baby is content on the inside, but has completely outgrown the space. I took a photo earlier this week that I'll post later. Everyone comments how big my tummy is, gee thanks!
Meli, so glad your work approved your PT hours! I learned a trick for pumping that seems to help - when I notice there is less coming out of one boob, I massage areas that are still firm while the pump is going. It gets things flowing again, and with doing this, I'm able to get 4 full ounces (out of one boob!).

Vegas, I do think Sienna has some gas, she seems to be a gassy girl! I don't think, though, that it's the only reason she's been up all night. We get all the burps out and use gas drops and she was still up all night (although last night was soooo much better, more about that below!).

I hope that things work out and you can have your section on the 8th instead! Sending labor vibes and FX!

Jas, what a story! And so quick, too! I agree with Angel, your pleas for help sounded like me, too! I was screaming at the top of my lungs and cursing and everything by the end at the birthing center (luckily I was the only one there!).

Angel, I thought it might be reflux for a bit, but if it is, it's very mild and holding her more upright after eating for a little while takes care of it because it doesn't seem to effect her the way I would expect reflux to. I'm keeping an eye on how she reacts to feedings and nighttime to see if it gets any worse; it seems like it might just be that she is feeding for soothing and not to try and sooth reflux.

Is Emma doing better now that she has her meds?

Jen, I do think knowing the result will be a baby makes the pain more tolerable (I WOULD have had a natural birth if Sienna hadn't gotten stuck, by the time I'd been in labor for 40 something hours even my midwife recommended the hospital and an epidural, and just hours before she had been saying how against epidurals they are!).

That's awesome that your sister is studying to be a midwife! Would you have her be your midwife?

AFM, I have never been SO happy to sleep for 3 hours straight! We managed to keep Sienna awake a lot more yesterday. She fell asleep early last night, so I went to change her, which woke her up. I put her in her bassinet and she started screaming. I knew she wasn't hungry and her diaper was clean, and if she got picked up she stopped screaming, and binky made her stop screaming, so I knew she just didn't want to go to sleep. We put the baby monitor in the room and went back into the living room and let her cry it out for awhile. When we went to bed I fed her one more time, got some burps out and she passed out. She only woke every 3 1/2 - 4 hours to feed, and had one 30 minute bout of fussing, but NO screaming; we were able to stay in the bedroom the whole night! Hoping it repeats tonight!

Learned last night that it's STILL too soon for me to be doing a whole lot. We tried grocery shopping. The pain in my girl parts was so intense by the end of it that I thought I was going to cry. :wacko:

And she's 2 weeks today. Time is flying!

Look how similar they look!!! I did not realize!
So Emma has improved just barely with her meds. If it doesn't get better by Monday I will be calling again.

Stef, I am going to be trying that pumping tip the next time I do it! I REALLY need a hands free bra!
I hope your bits start feeling better soon, mine took a while and then after it stopped hurting, once in a while it hurt again for a few days when I did too much. I also hope Sienna continues to sleep well.

Jen, after the miscarriage I actually made a thread about how in the world I would manage a natural birth when I could barely handle the miscarriage contractions. I still ended up with an epidural, but I remember in labor telling Jeff at one point that the contractions I was getting were as bad as the miscarriage ones and I went hours past that!

Vegas, sending you tons of labor dust! Anything happening on its own? Hope it happens tomorrow so you can see Charlotte's program! But otherwise, only 5 more days!!!!
Angel: for some reason I can't see your photos here, but I did see them on FB and they do look similar! Sorry you aren't seeing more improvement with Emma. How long did they say it would take to work?

Stef: hope Sienna continues to have good nights, and that the time between waking gets longer and longer. Take care of yourself and don't push yourself too much. You had the world's longest labor so it's going to take some time to heal fully.

Afm: I've had some cramping and back pain the last two evenings, but I believe it's just from overdoing it during the day. I just wish baby would choose his/her own bday. We put the tree up and decorated today. It's hard getting into the holiday season when it's 85 out, but the house smells like winter so at least that's something.
Hey girls,
I'm really struggling to get a minute to myself! Don't know if you saw on Facebook but were moving house unexpectedly we already have the keys to the new place and it needs do much stuff doing or organising including carpets throughout, washing machine, cooker, fridge freezer getting as well as decorating, cleaning, packing the house up, Christmas, Eva's birthday, Shane going to Las Vegas for the week and new bsby, I actually can't get a minute and when I do I sleep do I promise you are all in mug thoughts all of the rind and as soon as I can I'll write an update!
Vegas all the best for this week thinking of you x
Vegas, I haven't been able to post either but you haven't been out of my mind or my prayers!!! I can't wait...:hugs::flower: baby G is almost here! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Will check in with y'allll as soon as I can! Stef, thanks for the squeezing boob while pumping trick. Have managed to squeeze a little more milk that way.
Middy: I can't believe you are moving with so much going on. Of course, it may just be as well to concentrate the chaos. Good luck!

Afm: so today I am 39+ 2. We have a Christmas party that lasts almost all day at work today, so I'm doing that until I leave for my doctor's appointment this afternoon and then I won't return to work until February 10th.

So it's 4:30ish here and I can't sleep. I've been cramping all night, but I'm not sure if it is just too much pressure due to my huge bump, tummy trouble (which is what I suspect) or actual contractions. My doctor appointment isn't until 3:00 and it better not be anything else as a) my party is about an hour from home/doctor b) dh has a really important presentation at 1:00 he can't miss and c) today is our nephew's b-day so I'd prefer a unique date. Whatever. I'll keep you posted, but at this point I just want it to wait until Thursday.

I hope you enjoy your party today in spite of feeling a little off!

Hi to everyone else!! :hugs::hugs:
Angel, they do look A LOT alike! Did you have to call the doctor again for Emma? I want to get a hands free bra, too! I don't pump often but when I do I don't make great use of my dual pump... I only use one side at a time, I hate having both my hands occupied with it! I read somewhere of someone just buying a cheap sports bra and cutting small holes to use to insert the shields into, not sure how it works but I might try it (since I'm a cheapo).

Vegas, hope you have fun at your work party. Any updates on the cramping?

Jas, you must be superwoman trying to move with a newborn! Hope you get to rest soon.

Meli, glad the trick worked for you! I actually think I might have an oversupply, which would explain being able to get a full 4 oz each side when I pump (I actually got 4 ounces from one side one time right AFTER feeding Sienna).

AFM, like I mentioned, I'm thinking I might have an oversupply / forceful letdown, and that might be the problem with Sienna's reflux like symptoms. She chokes a little sometimes when feeding, and I've noticed that there's milk sort of bubbling out of her mouth and leaking down my stomach while she's feeding sometimes. I've been doing some research on it and trying some suggestions (e.g. feeding from one side for each feeding to avoid feeding too much foremilk which can cause gas, altering positions to work against gravity, burping more often, etc.).

Oversupply would explain why she wants to feed more often, why she spits up so much and often 2-2 1/2 hours after being fed, why she's gassy or seemingly gassy...

Something I read on this -
This ‘average’ mother’s baby will get a total of about 5 ounces of milk if he nurses on both breasts. The mother with too much milk, on the other hand, may have an ounce of foremilk and 3 ounces of hindmilk in each breast. This means that the baby may get 4ounces of milk on the first breast, and if you switch him to the other side, he may be so full that he will only get the ounce of foremilk that comes out at the beginning of the feeding. This results in a disproportionate amount of foremilk – and since foremilk is high in lactose, he may become gassy and spit up as a result of too much lactose being emptied into his bowel. Because he doesn’t get enough of the fatty hind milk, his stomach empties quickly and he wants to eat again soon.

So trying these new things seems to be helping somewhat. She was up from 9-midnight last night but after that, she slept all night just waking for feedings rather than being up all night screaming and wanting to feed constantly. This was the first night since that other night that she slept, so it was great for me! She's more awake today, as well, which hopefully will help with tonight. I've been trying a 1.5 hours awake / 1.5 hours asleep schedule and waking her from naps is essentially impossible (we've tried changing diapers, changing clothes, turning the TV up, playing loud music, fussing with her, pretty much everything, the kid could sleep through WWIII if she wanted to!). Today she woke up from a nap and stayed up on her own for 2.5 hours... hoping it doesn't backfire with me not being able to get her up from this nap!

My parents left on Saturday, which was sad :( They're planning on moving out here as soon as they can get everything together, figure out what to do with their house, and my dad needs to find a job out here. Blake's mom even offered to let them stay at her house if they don't find a house right away. My brother is leaving to drive out on Friday, so he should be here by Saturday evening or Sunday, depending on when he leaves on Friday and if he goes straight to his hotel when he gets here or not. Oh... and his partner proposed to him! I hope I like this kid... meeting him for the first time when they get here...

I don't remember if I told you guys, but Blake quit smoking the day Sienna was born. He got one of those ecigs that you fill with the flavored liquid stuff, so that's been helping, and he hasn't had a single cigarette in 18 days. Every past attempt didn't last a day. He decided on her bday that quitting that day would make him want to stick it out (his dad died of lung cancer when he was 10). So proud of him!
Stef: that's so great that Blake has quit smoking. There was a time when I smoked and am happy that I quit.

I plan on trying the sports bra trick when I get my pump. If I become an avid pumper after returning to work then I'll go for the pricier pump bra like the one Meli has.

I have no advice wrt oversupply. Personally, I just think newborns are fussy. I'm sure mine will be.

Congrats to your brother!

Afm: just got back from the doctor. I didn't let him do a pelvic exam (because I still feel weird about having a male OB look at my hooha, yet I'm fine with having him cut me open). I do still have some cramping, but seeing as it's almost constant I don't think they are actual contractions. I only need to make it 40 more hours.
Will hopefully reply tomorrow. Thinking about you Vegas, I know you can make it!

how are youuuuuuuuuu?????

Keep us now posted! :hugs:

Stef and Vegas,

I will take a close up pic and post of the front and back of my pumping bra so u guys can try to cut up a sports bra.

how are youuuuuuuuuu?????

Keep us now posted! :hugs:

Stef and Vegas,

I will take a close up pic and post of the front and back of my pumping bra so u guys can try to cut up a sports bra.
Well, it's a girl! Grace Victoria Goodin was born at 7:55am weighing 8lb15oz and 20.5" long. We just decided on the name. I'll go into details later about everything later today as I really need a nap. Grace's blood sugar was low even after me feeding her, so she's in the transitional nursery being monitored. I can't post photos from my laptop on bnb, but I'll make an announcement on FB once we get her back on the room and she's all cleaned up. She's a little chunker for sure. We are totally in love.
Yayyy!!! Congrats Vegas! What a beautiful name, too. I'll be watching for your announcement, can't wait to see pictures!

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