Angel, they do look A LOT alike! Did you have to call the doctor again for Emma? I want to get a hands free bra, too! I don't pump often but when I do I don't make great use of my dual pump... I only use one side at a time, I hate having both my hands occupied with it! I read somewhere of someone just buying a cheap sports bra and cutting small holes to use to insert the shields into, not sure how it works but I might try it (since I'm a cheapo).
Vegas, hope you have fun at your work party. Any updates on the cramping?
Jas, you must be superwoman trying to move with a newborn! Hope you get to rest soon.
Meli, glad the trick worked for you! I actually think I might have an oversupply, which would explain being able to get a full 4 oz each side when I pump (I actually got 4 ounces from one side one time right AFTER feeding Sienna).
AFM, like I mentioned, I'm thinking I might have an oversupply / forceful letdown, and that might be the problem with Sienna's reflux like symptoms. She chokes a little sometimes when feeding, and I've noticed that there's milk sort of bubbling out of her mouth and leaking down my stomach while she's feeding sometimes. I've been doing some research on it and trying some suggestions (e.g. feeding from one side for each feeding to avoid feeding too much foremilk which can cause gas, altering positions to work against gravity, burping more often, etc.).
Oversupply would explain why she wants to feed more often, why she spits up so much and often 2-2 1/2 hours after being fed, why she's gassy or seemingly gassy...
Something I read on this -
This ‘average’ mother’s baby will get a total of about 5 ounces of milk if he nurses on both breasts. The mother with too much milk, on the other hand, may have an ounce of foremilk and 3 ounces of hindmilk in each breast. This means that the baby may get 4ounces of milk on the first breast, and if you switch him to the other side, he may be so full that he will only get the ounce of foremilk that comes out at the beginning of the feeding. This results in a disproportionate amount of foremilk – and since foremilk is high in lactose, he may become gassy and spit up as a result of too much lactose being emptied into his bowel. Because he doesn’t get enough of the fatty hind milk, his stomach empties quickly and he wants to eat again soon.
So trying these new things seems to be helping somewhat. She was up from 9-midnight last night but after that, she slept all night just waking for feedings rather than being up all night screaming and wanting to feed constantly. This was the first night since that other night that she slept, so it was great for me! She's more awake today, as well, which hopefully will help with tonight. I've been trying a 1.5 hours awake / 1.5 hours asleep schedule and waking her from naps is essentially impossible (we've tried changing diapers, changing clothes, turning the TV up, playing loud music, fussing with her, pretty much everything, the kid could sleep through WWIII if she wanted to!). Today she woke up from a nap and stayed up on her own for 2.5 hours... hoping it doesn't backfire with me not being able to get her up from this nap!
My parents left on Saturday, which was sad

They're planning on moving out here as soon as they can get everything together, figure out what to do with their house, and my dad needs to find a job out here. Blake's mom even offered to let them stay at her house if they don't find a house right away. My brother is leaving to drive out on Friday, so he should be here by Saturday evening or Sunday, depending on when he leaves on Friday and if he goes straight to his hotel when he gets here or not. Oh... and his partner proposed to him! I hope I like this kid... meeting him for the first time when they get here...
I don't remember if I told you guys, but Blake quit smoking the day Sienna was born. He got one of those ecigs that you fill with the flavored liquid stuff, so that's been helping, and he hasn't had a single cigarette in 18 days. Every past attempt didn't last a day. He decided on her bday that quitting that day would make him want to stick it out (his dad died of lung cancer when he was 10). So proud of him!