Hi everyone! DH finally went into the office this morning before visiting Zavy, so I have the computer to myself!
So much to catch up on but will try my best. Sorry if I forget anything..
Angel- Emma is so cute!! She DOES look just like Jeff. I see it now. Now you have one child that resembles each parent, how beautiful is that!! As for the mommy group xmas game, we call it white elephant. We do that with my family on xmas day and I hate it because I hate it when people steal my stuff. We have such a big family that we can strategize amongst each other to steal stuff back from each other when the need arises, alliances are formed and broken LOL! There are a couple of people we dont let play with us. Lets just say they take things personal ha ha. We do the same thing at work and I just buy a bottle of Skyy vodka from Sams club and Im done. It always turns out to be a popular item.
Ohhh and idk what youre talking about. You DO look beautiful in the fb pix you post. Youre radiant!!
I feel the same way
sad and miss being pregnant. I loved it and I know that I will never be pg again. Oh well. I just concentrate on my blessing Zavy and nothing else matters.
No Xmas decorations for us this year. The nursery still isnt ready so the way I see it, I have no business decorating for Xmas, glad you guys will!
Stef-Congrats on Sienna! She is beautiful!! Her mouth looks just like it did in the ultrasound. Sorry you had such a hard time of it!! Probs because youre so tiny!! I hope that your family visits and keeping Sienna to yourselves for the first few hours she was born worked out. I am SO GLAD Blake decided to stay home this Thanksgiving. Sienna is still too young so I think its for the best. Take care of yourself and keep an eye on those temperatures. I will say extra prayers for you tonight!
Jasmine-Congrats on Astrid! She is so lovely and looks just like Eva diva! Vegas is rightyou do look amazing one week post birth! How does that happen? I completely looked like a strung out hooker too. I was a fright after 6 days on bed rest. My hair looked like a rats nest and it literally took me 30 minutes in the shower with a deep conditioner, brushing it section by section, until all the knots came out. I was so ready to just cut it off at that point because I didnt think I would get the knots out! Ohh, and you and dh ARE completely insane to move house again. Although, I think you did mention that a couple of months ago, didnt you? Lol at dude tracker!
Jen-I know how you feel and please know that I pray for you all the time! I completely understand not wanting to post, but youre not a Debbie downer at all. I found that it helped me to write about those things and share with you guys. Because if you dont share with us, with who then? Having said that, I understand if you decide that you dont want to
but I hope you decide to stick around!! I hope you have a wonderful time in Florida.
Vegas-what a scare Thumper gave me. I knew everything would be fine but it still scared me, I have to admit! I think it probably scared all of us. I know that I am on high alert after my experience, thats for sure. Im so glad that everything is great and I cant wait til Thumper arrives.
So I am doing wonderful. Zavy is wonderful, thus we are too. Every day brings little improvements; sometimes each day also brings little setbacks, but thats ok!! I realized something a couple of weeks ago and I have to update my siggy, because Zavy was born at 23 weeks 1 day, not 23 weeks 5 days. Every time I would go to my dr appts my dr would push up my due date by 1 day, because he was measuring big. But you know as well as I do that I (we) tracked our cycles with a fever. I know exactly when we had sex (May 1) because I was recovering from my surgery the week before, and we only bdd 1 during the fertile time. I know that I od on May 2, so thats when he was conceived; either May 2 or May 3. He truly is our miracle and I am forever grateful and indebted to God for creating and saving him. I believe Zavy was meant to make this world a better place and I will teach him the miracle of his birth, the miracle of his life, and that he has a responsibility to be compassionate, and to help the underprivileged and underserved. I will teach him both by words and examples.
My 10 weeks of paid time off ends December 3. Since Zavy is doing so well, I feel comfortable returning back to work on Dec 6. Trust me, if he wasnt, I would not go back to work! I will take days off here and there, like when he has his surgery and the following day. My intention is to work part time, and once Zavy is released, I will take my 3 months unpaid family leave time. I just want to make sure that my job is protected, thats why I am going back to work until hes released from the NICU. Not to mention that in December we have a winter break with paid time off for 6 days. That would be silly for me not to take advantage, right? I will live with my mom during the week since work and the hospital are within 20 minutes of her house. That will save me the 75 minute each way commute time and I should be able to spend from 2pm-10pm at Zavys bedside and my mom will take the morning shift. Thats the plan, FX that my work is able to approve part time hours.
Hopefully once I go back to work it will be easier for me to post lol. I know, I know, crazy right? But we only have 1 computer in the house and its so hard to post from my phone and Nook. Although, I think dh is planning on buying a computer for ds for xmas, so I will have access to another computer after that! I miss you guys!! I read each and every post and I enjoy it. Thanks for all your support and all your prayers!! Xoxo