June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

I haven't gotten an update yet, but people have congratulated her on facebook.
I saw the same thing last night. I'm going to take it that both Stef and Sienna are doing well. That's all I really need to know for now.
Hello – Thanks so much for all of your support. It is not any of you that make me feel weird about posting. You have all been nothing but supportive. I know it is in my own head. I guess I feel a little bit out of place being the only one of us left without a baby (or a baby due within the next month!!).

Stef – Congratulations!!! I am so excited that Sienna is finally here. Sounds like you had a tough labour but I bet it was all worth it as soon as you got to hold her!! Hope you are all doing well (and the family visits sorted themselves out smoothly!!).

Vegas – We are still heading to Florida in December. We will be there from Dec 15 – Dec 26. I am looking forward to our trip. It will be a lot of fun. It will be nice to have a break from winter. It was pretty cold here last week (although it did warm up quite a bit yesterday and today is not so bad). It was -20 degrees Celsius (with a windchill of -35) last week. Today it is only -5 (with a windchill of -15).

Angel – I think your gift exchange idea sounds like a good one. I like to cook though so I like stuff like that. We have had gift exchanges like that with my splurge group. The gifts that tend to get stolen seem quite random within our group. People usually steal the gift cards (although that seems really boring). Really nice Christmas decorations are always popular. One year the big hit was a cookie jar (I think it was a snowman). Alcohol is popular too like Vegas said. Chocolate, bath stuff, nail polish, lotion, and nice hand soap are other popular gifts. I know what you mean. I always try hard to pick something that will be popular. It’s always nice to bring the gift that everyone wants (no one wants to be the gift that everyone wants to get rid of!) I can’t believe how much hair Emma has. She is such a sweetheart!! I hope she is continuing to sleep better for you. Has Carter started adjusting better to her being here??

Jasmine – I just love the nickname Asti. It is so cute!! Has Eva accepted the middle name change to Wren yet (or does she know about it)?? How does she like being a big sister?? I hope you guys are settling in well and that you are getting some sleep!!

Meli – I am so pleased that Xzavier continues to do so well. He is eating more and more cheeseburgers and starting to get bigger and stronger. I love all the photos. Keep those updates coming!! I hope you are doing well throughout this stressful time. It really sounds like things are going well but I can imagine that it is still pretty tough on you (and your family).

AFM – I go for my first follicle tracking scan tomorrow for this cycle. Depending on what we see I may get a trigger shot. Fingers crossed we see something good!! I will ask the nurse tomorrow about the status of that referral. Hopefully its been done in the last two weeks since I talked to her last. If not I will have to ask the nurse to talk to her about it. It takes forever to get an appointment with my doctor so I am hoping the nurse will agree to bring it up with her. It is very frustrating that time is ticking away in the meantime. They should understand how stressful it can be to be in limbo. I’ll let you guys know what I find out tomorrow.
Jen, fx for tomorrow!!! I want to slap your dr! Why don't doctors have more of a sense of urgency with these things. They know how long you have been waiting and hoping.:growlmad:
Carter is getting better slowly. He has even started today trying to help by putting her binky back in, which is huge for him!
I really can't imagine it being so cold! I am pathetic when it gets below freezing, forget the negatives!!

Vegas, how are you?

Middy and Stef, hope you are enjoying your sweet girls!

Melissa, love seeing all of Xzaviers pics! He is so cute, I can't wait to see him fatten up!
Jen: good luck with your appointment tomorrow. They better have that referral ready for you! Hopefully the weather will be nice for you while you are here in Orlando (though I really want it to be cold on Christmas Day).

Angel: happy to hear Carter is finally warming up to Emma. Even happier to see that she slept so well last night!

Stef: we want to hear your birth story! Hope you are doing well.

Middy: how is it possible you look so good so soon after having a baby?! I will look like a strung out hooker one week post baby, but you look like a cover girl. Not fair!

Afm: I'm ready for this baby to come out. 17 more days! I've been feeling really dizzy lately and it was so bad today that I went into the doctor's today to talk about it. Turns out that my ear that has felt clogged up is affecting my equilibrium. Other than that I guess I'm fine as is baby. Tomorrow I have a sonogram just to make sure all is well seeing as I had such low amniotic fluid with Charlotte. Wish me luck!
Vegas, your dry wit NEVER fails to make me lol. Strung out hooker LOL

Will say extra prayers for u to tonight although I am sure all is well.

I will respond properly tomorrow morning. Time to go pump and then go back to Zavy's bedside.

Xoxo to all!
Hey girlies,

Haha Vegas! You do make me laugh too, it's my favourite type of humour Meli thet dry wit of hers!

RIGHT, responses and birth story coming shortly from me I promise, even got my laptop out yesterday but got dude tracked!

Much love to everyone x
Dude tracked? That's a new one check out my iPhone trying to be all American to fit in with you girls x
Middy: I was wondering what "dude tracked" meant. I was wondering if your dh wanted a quickie or something. Not sure what else it could be. Gotta love autocorrect!

Meli: glad I make you laugh. I hope that each day brings you more happiness as Xzavier gets stronger and healthier. He is so cute and I look forward to your updates every morning. It's the first thing I do when I get up.
So I'm at the hospital as my baby refused to take practice breaths during the biophysical profile (BPP) scan this afternoon. Everything else: amniotic fluid, hb, tone and movement looked great. So they sent me to triage for another biophysical and a non-stress test (NST). Failed the second BPP and am getting ready to be hooked up for the NST. I can't find much info online about what happens if they can't see practice breathing, but I'm not too concerned.
Awww Vegas, good luck hunny keep us posted, hope everything is okay but everything else looks good x
Vegas, sending extra extra prayers your way. Don't stress out. Idk why I said that; u strike me as a cool cucumber type of chick :hugs:
Well, I'm home. The NST turned out fine after a bit of prodding. The doctor is making me go back to the hospital tomorrow evening to retest. Not sure what happens if they can't get baby to cooperate. The doctor said she'd be more concerned if the amnio was also low, but it's fine. I'm just wondering if I'll have more of these tests over the next two weeks. It's annoying but I'd rather be on the safe side.

On another note, tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of me finding out that I had miscarried. I've thought a lot about it today as I was with the same ultrasound tech and even saw the same nurse at the hospital as I had last year. Things seem to look a lot better for me now, but I'm still a bit anxious and am looking forward to holding my healthy baby.
Awww really happy it looks okay Vegas. Can't wait for you to get your healthy baby in your arms too, won't be long now x
Vegas, glad everything looks okay. FX tomorrow is the same. :hugs: I know how worried you are after Charlotte's fluid was low, but I am sure bean will be perfect! I can't wait to find out what the sex is! I can't believe you only have 16 days left!!
Strung out hooker, I love it! Don't worry, I don't look so lovely either!

I didn't really think about my angel on my anniversary. Sadly, for some reason I thought the date was the 19th, not the 9th.:blush: I felt awful. Having it in my sig, you would think I would have remembered.

Middy, I also wondered about dude tracked!:haha:

Meli, love to hear about Xzavier's antics!

AFM, I had me pp visit yesterday. Not an exam, more of consult on how I am doing. Anyhow, I was so sad when I went in. I miss being pregnant, and I don't know if I ever will be again.:cry:
Nothing else going on really. Got the most of the Christmas decorations up and will be going to my mom's for Thanksgiving. You guys?
Ahhh!!! It's been so long since I came on! Really need to write up a birth story because it was freaking crazy.

Middy: how is it possible you look so good so soon after having a baby?! I will look like a strung out hooker one week post baby, but you look like a cover girl. Not fair!

Love that I come back to a comment like this! :haha: You crack me up!

Jas, dude tracked hahaha!!! Autocorrect? That was great.

God I love you ladies!

Angel, thanks for updating everyone last week! I didn't bring my laptop with me and logging on to BNB on my phone is a huge pain in the butt, too difficult to read and type up a response and too much chance of losing it like the last time I tried!

Jen, hope your appt went well!

Meli, how have you been? We see updates of Xzavier (and so happy he seems to be doing so well!), but they don't include much on how you're doing!

So I will try to write up a birth story with all the details asap. The basics - long, hard, would totally have made it drug free if she hadn't been back to back causing me not to dilate right. My midwife even recommended an epidural at the hospital so I could calm down in hopes that would help me dilate. After all that she got stuck behind my pubic bone. I would have pushed all day and all night to work her out, but I found out after they were going to allow me two more pushes before saying csection. We ended up using the suction thing, which I guess was the right choice; I hadn't realized I was thisclose to csection. Second degree tear.

And now I have postpartum pre-eclampsia. :wacko: My feet/ankles were CRAZY swollen last night and have been worse than during pregnancy. My midwife came by the house for an appt this morning. Have to monitor my BP throughout the day (Blake had hypertension years ago and has a home monitor), watch my temp because I had a fever this morning. Have to fill a BP med if the diastolic reading goes above 100 (it was 94 this morning). Have to call her immediately if I see spots / flashes, get a severe headache or have epigastric pain, or if my temp goes above 100.4. Have to take a calcium / magnesium supplement, drink lots of water and eat lots of protein.

Having some issues with Sienna and sleeping - she was sleeping like a champ the first few nights until two nights ago when she's decided night time is time to want to feed every 20 minutes and she freaks out if she's not on the boob all night. Trying to work on keeping her up before bed so she's tired enough to not try sooth feeding all night. Other than that, she's an angel and we're so in love with her! Blake is amazing, they say it takes time for a lot of men to develop that connection with the baby... not him. He swears when her head popped out she looked straight at him, he said she's the first thing she saw when she was born, and he loves that. He stares at her with this adorable grin on his face, it's so sweet. He's completely smitten.

So those are the recent updates. Will work on a birth story!

Oh and we aren't going to his mom's tomorrow. He's decided he's also too worried about taking Sienna out in the cold / around a bunch of people, so he's making us our first holiday dinner as a family and it'll just be us.

Hi everyone! DH finally went into the office this morning before visiting Zavy, so I have the computer to myself!

So much to catch up on but will try my best. Sorry if I forget anything..

Angel- Emma is so cute!! She DOES look just like Jeff. I see it now. Now you have one child that resembles each parent, how beautiful is that!! As for the mommy group xmas game, we call it white elephant. We do that with my family on xmas day and I hate it because I hate it when people steal my stuff. We have such a big family that we can strategize amongst each other to steal stuff back from each other when the need arises, alliances are formed and broken LOL! There are a couple of people we don’t let play with us. Let’s just say they take things personal ha ha. We do the same thing at work and I just buy a bottle of Skyy vodka from Sam’s club and I’m done. It always turns out to be a popular item.

Ohhh and idk what you’re talking about. You DO look beautiful in the fb pix you post. You’re radiant!!

I feel the same way…sad and miss being pregnant. I loved it and I know that I will never be pg again. Oh well. I just concentrate on my blessing Zavy and nothing else matters.

No Xmas decorations for us this year. The nursery still isn’t ready so the way I see it, I have no business decorating for Xmas, glad you guys will!

Stef-Congrats on Sienna! She is beautiful!! Her mouth looks just like it did in the ultrasound. Sorry you had such a hard time of it!! Probs because you’re so tiny!! I hope that your family visits and keeping Sienna to yourselves for the first few hours she was born worked out. I am SO GLAD Blake decided to stay home this Thanksgiving. Sienna is still too young so I think it’s for the best. Take care of yourself and keep an eye on those temperatures. I will say extra prayers for you tonight!

Jasmine-Congrats on Astrid! She is so lovely and looks just like Eva diva! Vegas is right—you do look amazing one week post birth! How does that happen? I completely looked like a strung out hooker too. I was a fright after 6 days on bed rest. My hair looked like a rats nest and it literally took me 30 minutes in the shower with a deep conditioner, brushing it section by section, until all the knots came out. I was so ready to just cut it off at that point because I didn’t think I would get the knots out! Ohh, and you and dh ARE completely insane to move house again. Although, I think you did mention that a couple of months ago, didn’t you? Lol at dude tracker!

Jen-I know how you feel and please know that I pray for you all the time! I completely understand not wanting to post, but you’re not a Debbie downer at all. I found that it helped me to write about those things and share with you guys. Because if you don’t share with us, with who then? Having said that, I understand if you decide that you don’t want to…but I hope you decide to stick around!! I hope you have a wonderful time in Florida.

Vegas-what a scare Thumper gave me. I knew everything would be fine but it still scared me, I have to admit! I think it probably scared all of us. I know that I am on high alert after my experience, that’s for sure. I’m so glad that everything is great and I can’t wait til Thumper arrives.

So I am doing wonderful. Zavy is wonderful, thus we are too. Every day brings little improvements; sometimes each day also brings little setbacks, but that’s ok!! I realized something a couple of weeks ago and I have to update my siggy, because Zavy was born at 23 weeks 1 day, not 23 weeks 5 days. Every time I would go to my dr appts my dr would push up my due date by 1 day, because he was measuring big. But you know as well as I do that I (we) tracked our cycles with a fever. I know exactly when we had sex (May 1) because I was recovering from my surgery the week before, and we only bd’d 1 during the fertile time. I know that I o’d on May 2, so that’s when he was conceived; either May 2 or May 3. He truly is our miracle and I am forever grateful and indebted to God for creating and saving him. I believe Zavy was meant to make this world a better place and I will teach him the miracle of his birth, the miracle of his life, and that he has a responsibility to be compassionate, and to help the underprivileged and underserved. I will teach him both by words and examples.

My 10 weeks of paid time off ends December 3. Since Zavy is doing so well, I feel comfortable returning back to work on Dec 6. Trust me, if he wasn’t, I would not go back to work! I will take days off here and there, like when he has his surgery and the following day. My intention is to work part time, and once Zavy is released, I will take my 3 months unpaid family leave time. I just want to make sure that my job is protected, that’s why I am going back to work until he’s released from the NICU. Not to mention that in December we have a winter break with paid time off for 6 days. That would be silly for me not to take advantage, right? I will live with my mom during the week since work and the hospital are within 20 minutes of her house. That will save me the 75 minute each way commute time and I should be able to spend from 2pm-10pm at Zavy’s bedside and my mom will take the morning shift. That’s the plan, FX that my work is able to approve part time hours.

Hopefully once I go back to work it will be easier for me to post lol. I know, I know, crazy right? But we only have 1 computer in the house and it’s so hard to post from my phone and Nook. Although, I think dh is planning on buying a computer for ds for xmas, so I will have access to another computer after that! I miss you guys!! I read each and every post and I enjoy it. Thanks for all your support and all your prayers!! Xoxo :hugs:
Stef: first, I am so glad that Sierra is here and doing well. She is just beautiful. Second, I can't believe after your traumatic birth experience you are now experiencing complications. That totally sucks, but I'm glad the doctors are keeping an eye on you. Next, babies are deceiving in that they all sleep great for a few days and then they get hungry and know they can and will be fed on demand if they make a fuss. They are use to getting nourishment day and night in the womb so it takes a bit if time to understand how things work on the outside. Finally, I am so glad you don't have to travel tomorrow. You need your rest and tiny babies do need protecting.

Meli: I think you should decorate for Christmas. You have been blessed despite the challenges Xzavier faced early on, he has shown time and again his resilience and you know that he is being watched over. Also, can you decorate his hospital isolette? Christmas cling-ins or something like that? After all, it is his first Christmas.

I was wondering how you were taking your leave, thanks for explaining. I'm sure it will work out with work. It's also nice that your mom is able to keep an eye on Xzavier. My mom wouldn't be that dedicated, yet my mil would do it.

You say Xzavier will be your only, but my SIL has had two since her premie thanks to successful cerclages. She was 40 with her last, so age isn't that big of a factor. Just putting it out there.

Afm: work is going by painfully slow today. As soon as I leave here I have to go back to the hospital for a repeat of yesterday's tests. Thumper has been moving today, but I can tell it's a lazy day. Not good for testing. I've eaten plenty of sugar so you'd think he/she would be going crazy. Of course I'm tired too. Our power went out at 1:30 last night and woke us up. It finally came back at 4:00am and I was able to sleep a bit after that. I really need to do a bunch of prep work for Thanksgiving tomorrow, but I have no idea how long everything is going to take tonight.
Vegas - So glad that everything ended up being ok. Sorry you have to go back and test again tonight but as you said better to be safe!! I’ve never even heard of practice breathing and testing for it. I’m lucky that I have all of you to help me out when I eventually do get pregnant. You guys are all pros at this now.

It is amazing how much difference a year can make. It must have brought back a lot of memories to be having tests with the same people on basically the same day as last year. At least this time you know you will be holding your healthy baby in a few short weeks. I'm confident that when you go back to be tested today that everything will be great. I'm thinking about you and sending you all my positive thoughts.

Angel - Glad to hear that Carter is starting to accept Emma. He must be realizing she isn't going anywhere (and she is pretty darn cute!!).

Living in Saskatchewan all of my life I am pretty used to the cold. You can never be fully used to it. Its almost like you forget about how bad it gets by the end of the winter as a defence mechanism. I think if we didn’t forget then the whole province would move somewhere warmer!! I do really like winter (most of the time). Its just those extremely cold days that are tough. It definitely makes you want to curl up in your cozy bed and not leave the house!!

Jasmine and Stef – Hope you are enjoying those brand new babies!! I am loving all of the pictures on Facebook.

Stef – Sorry to hear about the post partum pre-eclampsia I hope it goes away quickly and you don’t need medication or any medical treatment!! I’m glad to hear that you are going to have a quiet Thanksgiving at home. Looking forward to hearing your birth story when you have a chance to post it. It sounds like you had quite a rough time. I’m just happy that in the end Sienna was healthy and you managed to avoid the c-section. It’s so nice that Blake has bonded so quickly.

Hopefully Sienna starts sleeping better again. From what I hear the first few months of sleep deprivation can be pretty tough but I know you will get through it. That’s why babies are so cute, so you can’t be mad at them for turning your life upside down.

Meli – Its so good to hear from you. As Stef said, its great to hear all of Xzavier’s updates on Facebook but its also nice to hear about you and how you are doing as well!! I love Xzavier’s nickname. Zavy sounds so cute!! Say hi to Zavy from the president of his Saskatchewan fan club!!

I’m sorry you have to go back to work already but I think your plan is a good one. You will definitely need that time at home with him when he gets to come home from the hospital. He is in good hands at the hospital right now. As hard as it will be for you to not be with him I think you are doing the right thing. Working mornings and having your mom with him while you work and having the afternoon and evenings to spend with him sounds like it will work out well (other than the fact that you will be really tired from 14 or 15 hour days!!) Being able to stay with your mom during the week to avoid the commute will save you a lot of time. Its so great that your mom is so close and able to spend so much time with Xzavier as well.

AFM – Had my follicle scan yesterday at cd13. I had a good follicle (16.5) on the right side. My lining was good. Things are right on track to where they should be for this time in my cycle. I have an appointment to go back Friday morning. By that time the follicle should either have ovulated on its own or be ready to go. If its still there we will do the trigger shot. Based on the last couple of months I expect I will need to do the trigger but I guess you never know.

I asked about the referral. It still was not done. The nurse I always see sent the doctor a message with a reminder and asked her to please finish it. I hope she will do it right away. I will check back with the fertility clinic before we go away and see if they have received it. If not I will have to request it again. It sort of surprises me that she hasn’t done it yet. She is usually really on top of things. I really like her so it is especially frustrating that this time she is taking so long.

I spent the afternoon with my mom and my youngest nephew yesterday. We had a fun day. I went and played squash with my husband last night. We have been playing a few times a week lately. He has always played a lot but I never played before last spring. Its pretty fun. Trying to keep busy and not think so much about all of this fertility stuff. With Christmas coming and our trip in a few weeks the next month should fly by. New year, new plan, new hope. Maybe 2014 will be our lucky year.
Jen: fingers crossed for your trigger shot. What a Christmas gift a BFP would be! I cannot believe your doctor has still not written that recommendation! I hope you get it soon.

Afm: so I'm sitting at the hospital and baby has had the hiccups for the last four minutes. That would totally count if I was hooked up right now, but I'm sure baby will end up sleeping through the exam. Damn it!

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