June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

YAY Vegas! So happy for you guys. I can't wait to see her pictures on fb!! A chunker, indeed :hugs:

ha ha, from thumper, to chunker :haha:
Grace is still in the damn nursery. Apparently her blood sugar levels are up, but they are taking their sweet time returning her to us. Also, she has a slight heart murmur which is also common in newborns. Meli, I haven't seen her in almost four hours and it's torture. I can only imagine how you've felt these last few months.
Awww they had BEST hurry up and bring sweet lil Grace Victoria to you soon!! Can't wait to see her pics :hugs:
P's. Love her name, and the initials are cool!
I would say something and get her back! I know when they took Sienna to do hearing tests I was freaking out and it was only 20ish minutes!

Saw Grace's pic on FB - what a cutie! Loving those chunky cheeks!
I just had to pop in to say Congrats to you Vegas. I have been thinking about you the last couple of days and I am thrilled to hear that Grace is finally here. Love the name!! I hope they have given her back to you now!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. Things have been crazy busy with Christmas parties, birthdays, work, my sister being home and trying to get ready to go away on Sunday. I keep planning to write a quick reply and then run out of time. I have been thinking of all of you and reading your updates and loving your photo's!!

I am hoping to get a chance to write a proper reply before we leave on Sunday.
Awww they had BEST hurry up and bring sweet lil Grace Victoria to you soon!! Can't wait to see her pics :hugs:
P's. Love her name, and the initials are cool!
Finally typed up my labor story. Super long, sorry about that! Hard to write up 5 days in a short post :haha:

On Sunday, November 17th, we DTD in hopes it would help move things along. My cervix was so low that it hurt! Less than 10 minutes after we finished (right around 11pm), I got my first real, not BH, contraction. I knew it was different because it started in my back and moved into my abdomen.

Monday, the 18th, I had mildly painful contractions all day, varying in time from 4-11ish minutes apart. I went to a meeting for my new work from home job for 4 hours and sat through the contractions (that was fun!). Monday night they seemed to slow down. Tuesday, same thing. I would think things were progressing but then it would all slow down. They were uncomfortable enough, though, that at night I was moving to the couch to not wake Blake up.

Wednesday, the 20th, I really thought it was almost time. The contractions really kicked in at 2:30am, much stronger and 12-15 minutes apart. By 6:30am they were 9-10 minutes apart. When I showered around 10:30, I had a bloody show, then had a lot more by 4pm and around 6:30pm, accompanied by a number of contractions in a short period of time. Blake ended up leaving work early, around noon, just in case. I thought my water broke around 7 (and technically, I suppose it did, but it was only a slow leak). I took another shower that night to help with contractions, which ended up slowing them down some, but they were still just as strong. By that point, they were coming 3-5 minutes apart. They didn’t progress any more that night, although they did keep coming, painful and sporadic (4-8 minutes apart, although one very strong one had 35ish minutes contraction free before it).

Thursday, the 21st, her due date - at 6am I had a cluster of contractions that lasted 4 minutes (this would end up being how almost the entire rest of my labor would go… contractions one on top of the other!). Up to that point they had been at 5 minutes apart for an hour. I decided to take a bath to try and help with the pain. It didn’t help much, but I don’t think I filled the tub enough. At 8am I started using a heating pad on my back, which helped. Contractions were now 4 minutes apart for an hour.

I had spent most of every night since Sunday sleeping between contractions and was exhausted already, and still had SO much time left. We were at the birthing center around 10am Thursday morning, and they checked me - I was at a 4. I lay down in the bed and tried sleeping through contractions some more. Blake’s mom showed up, so Blake left to get something to eat, as he hadn’t eaten yet. I spent the entire day with everyone trying to find things I’d be willing to eat, but I was nauseous and in pain and exhausted and just didn’t want to eat (I ended up eating half a granola bar all day).

After Blake came back, he ended up falling asleep on the bed with me. He ended up passing out! At some point in the afternoon I got into the birthing pool (at the center they have hot tub style tubs, super nice). Around 6-6:30, Blake and his mom went to get dinner (again trying to convince me to let them bring food back for me!). While they were gone, things started getting more serious. My midwife checked me again around 7, and shortly after, my water officially broke (at least, this is what we told the hospital after I transferred so I would have more time to labor before they would decide it had been too long and emergency csection was necessary). I was in transition and feeling it BIG TIME. I threw up and was in a lot of pain. By 9 I was at a 9 (I can’t remember but I think I was close to a 9 at 7) and thought it may finally be almost time, but also learned that Sienna had her hand up to her face and that she was back to back.

From 9 on, Blake’s mom waited outside the room because we thought it might happen at any time. We spent a lot of time trying different laboring positions to get Sienna to flip back the right way. I tried standing, laying in the tub, kneeling in the tub, sitting on the birthing stool, even sitting on the toilet. My midwife tried this thing with a scarf - she wrapped it tightly around my abdomen and pulled it back and forth while I was standing up bent over the bed. I was so convinced Sienna was going to come on her due date (and she would have, had she not been back to back and not putting enough pressure directly on my cervix to help it open up) that when I found out it was midnight, I cried (sort of, I was so exhausted and probably dehydrated that no tears came out).

Most of my contractions during the day had been one on top of the other - I’d get 3 back to back, then have a longer break than normal in between. When they weren’t too horrible, I decided this was ok, because I got longer rest periods in between. Once transition hit and shortly before, I changed my mind, because I was still getting 3 contractions, now extremely strong, on top of each other, but I wasn’t getting the longer break in between. I’d have 3 contractions lasting a total of 3-5 minutes, then have 1-2 minutes until the next set of 3. I was downright screaming at the top of my lungs. I hyperventilated a few times, having panic attacks.

At some point late in the night we switched to the shower. They ran the hot water on my lower back for about an hour before I decided I really had to do #2 (TMI ladies, I had been leaking stuff all over everywhere since my waters went, lol - blood, waters, in the shower little bits of poo… at some point I had to pee and was going to go after a particularly bad contraction, but the contraction made me pee all over the floor).

It was now close to 2am and I wasn’t sure I could take anymore. My midwife had me try one more thing - she moved everything off the bed and had me crawl in circles. Sounds ridiculous, probably looked ridiculous (especially since I was crawling around in nothing but a bikini top)! But apparently, it could help a back to back baby flip face down, although it didn’t work for us. After this, my midwife said she recommended we transfer to the hospital. She knew I was exhausted and in a lot of pain, and said we could continue to try getting her to flip or waiting for me to dilate more (I was stuck at just over 9), but then we run the risk of staying stuck and it could end up being dangerous. She recommended we transfer to the hospital, and she even recommended an epidural (even though hours before she was saying how against pain relief they are at the birthing center).

I was SO heartbroken. I knew I had to transfer, that it was the safer option to reduce the risk of emergency csection, but all I could think about was how it was ruining my birth plan. I loved the idea of the birthing center, I loved the room we were in, I loved the thought of a natural water birth. I WOULD have given birth in that tub if she had been head up.

So we packed up our stuff and my midwife and the doula that had been with her most of the night helped me out to the car while Blake carried our stuff. It took a good 10+ minutes to get from the room to the car (which wasn’t very far) because I kept having to stop for contractions. I screamed most of the drive there; that was horrible, thank god it was only a few minute drive. My midwife asked me if I wanted to walk to the labor ward or take a wheelchair - I thought she was nuts. Wheelchair of course!

Somehow contractions slowed when we got to the room, but they were still just as painful, and I HATED having to wait for pain relief. Most of my plans had flown out the window already, and I knew the epidural would allow me to calm down, get some rest, and may help me dilate more since I wouldn’t be so wound up, so I went with it. It took forever for the guy to get to the room to give me the epidural, and they were asking me all sorts of questions until then. 9cm dilated for 6+ hours and in extreme pain, and they want me to answer medical history questions?! Ugh.

After the epi, around 3:30-4 on November 22nd, Blake, my midwife and I were able to get some rest. Around 7am, my midwife left to head back the birthing center. Around 8, Blake left to go home and take care of the cats and pick a few things up (I had only planned a bag for the birthing center, not for being in the hospital). He was back by 10ish. By 11, I was FINALLY 10cm, and called my midwife to head back to the hospital.

We started pushing by noon. I don’t think I’ve ever put so much effort into anything in my life! With the epi, we were, of course, limited to what positions I could be in, but I managed to get up on my knees and push in that position (by letting the epi wear off some, I was controlling it with a button). I was surprised to find that I had more progress pushing on my back with my legs up, holding on the sides of the bed / someone’s hand. Sienna wasn’t just back to back, she was also stuck behind my pubic bone. Once the doctor came in and set up, Blake came to my side and held my hand, my midwife and nurse helped direct me on pushing. After many hours, the doctor suggested the vacuum thing. I kept trying on my own for a good hour or more (time flew by while pushing, it may very well have been a lot longer). I let the epi almost completely wear off before something told me to push the button (and I was glad I did, with needing the stitches). I ended up saying ok, go ahead and use the vacuum. This ended up being a good decision because I found out later that they were going to allow me two more pushes before recommending csection. It still took ALL of my effort and then some for a number of pushes in addition to the vacuum to get her out.

Right before my last push, Blake said, “Come on Stef, push our daughter out!” Sienna was born after many, MANY hours of labor and 5 hours of pushing, at 4:58pm on November 22nd at 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21.5 inches. I don’t remember much of anything right after she came out. I commented that the placenta came out very quickly. I told the doctor that Blake wanted to cut the cord after he already had (I don’t remember this at all, but he said once she came out, they let the cord finish pulsing and he cut it). I also told the doctor it was taking a long time to stitch me up.

What everyone was amazed by, besides how long I labored and how long I went without pain relief, was that Sienna’s heart rate stayed completely healthy the entire time. Not one time did it accelerate or decelerate. She was perfectly content and unstressed the entire time.

I wish it had gone how I planned… I’m still upset it didn’t. But it could have gone much differently and could have ended in emergency csection. I plan to go back to the birthing center for our next pregnancy and try to have my natural water birth.
CONGRATULATIONS VEGAS! I love How totally crap I am at guessing genders! Literally I'm wrong every time! Beautiful name, so fid she just look like a little Grace then? Do you have her baby now? I saw her on fb, she's beautiful alright! Hope you're doing okay too!

Omg, Shane's gone out straight after work to his friends leaving do for drinks and I've been on my own from 7am until well it's now 22.36pm and he'll still be at least an hour, I'm so tired, my hand is actually throbbing from feeding and winding all of the time and I'm getting really angry and frustrated! I literally can't put Astrid down for a minute, even to write this, she's crying and grunting, I'm getting to the end of my tether, it annoys me as soon as OH goes out, he doesn't even text or ring to see if I'm okay! Too busy having fun and he'll get out if all of the night feeds, not that he does any anyway! As if I'd be able to go out drinking and have a full nights sleep! Men?

Best go, duty calls again!
Congrats again Vegas!!!
Thanks for sharing your story Stef.
I never got to properly resond, and still won't for a few days. We are leaving for Memphis tomorrow to see Jeff's family for Christmas.
How nice of Sienna to throw up on my boob. Thought she was making hungry faces because we had just finished on one boob and she started doing the lip smacking thing. Went to put her to the other boob and bam... puke. Gross. Payback for that boob leaking all over her pjs? :haha:

Have you guys ever had experience with baby acne? She has it pretty bad. Midwife recommended rubbing breast milk on it. Seems to be helping a little bit, just hate seeing all that irritation on her poor face.
Stef: I'm exhausted just reading your story, can't imagine having actually lived it. I'm just so happy everything turned out well. Sounds like Sienna was just content in your tummy and wasn't about to let some pesky contractions and pushing boss her around! I wonder if she'll have a strong personality like my Charlotte.

Middy: my dh is already planning on going out of town for a football game, so really they are all the same. With Charlotte I'd call him at work crying and beg him to come early as sometimes it was all just too much and that was with him being gone just nine hours.

Angel: safe travels! I know it has been quite cold and a bit icy in Memphis.

Jen: safe travels to you too.

Afm: Grace was returned to us at about 3:00. She's been super good all day and finally opened her eyes and kept them open for a good 20 minutes while Charlotte was visiting. I don't think Charlotte knows what to make of Grace, who she called Gravy. Charlotte was more interested in the balloon that came with a flower arrangement we got and the view from our eighth floor room than her new sister. They have the rest of their lives to bond.

I was just allowed to get up and walk for the first time since my surgery. So far, so good. My tummy looks like a marshmallow, but I appreciate the fact I no longer have a tiny human bouncing on my bladder or spreading out my ribs!
Vegas, I'm sure she will have a strong personality! She's already a stubborn little girl and she's already so much like Blake... I'm in trouble :haha:

I agree about the man thing. Blake isn't going anywhere, but he does seem to think taking care of a newborn all day is easy and I should have time to get all the house stuff done and my 2 work from home jobs. We got into it this morning when he woke me up looking for a pair of his pants and freaking out because they were still in the dryer (dry, just hadn't been brought up yet). I had only been asleep 3 hours because Sienna had been up all night screaming and he was bitching about having to go to the cold basement after taking a shower and I commented about having been up all night with a screaming newborn. He said something about sleeping when she's asleep and like it's so hard to feed her then lay her down. I wanted to punch him!

How is Grace doing? Are her sugar levels back to normal? That's super cute - Gravy.

I forgot to add one thing to my story - one of the things my midwife tried to help me progress before we transferred. She had me push with everything I had while she tried to push the lip of cervix that was left out of the way. It hurt like HELL. We tried that a good 3 or 4 times for about 10 minutes each time. Horrible!
Vegas, Grace is so adorable, and Charlotte calling her Gravy is just too cute! I hope things are going well for you all. I am sorry they kept her away so long. They kept Carter for that and his temp. I didn't see him until he was 5 hours old.:growlmad:
I have called Jeff crying as well.

Stef, thanks for the sports bra tip, I am going to try that! Good luck to Blake. I am an ex smoker and it is very hard to quit. I ended up using Chantix to quit.
I have heard breast milk works well on the acne, has it improved?
Your birth story sounds exhausting, which I am sure it was. Pushing past that lip does sound awfully painful! I can't believe you held out that long with the the pain! How did you like the tub? I have always wanted a water birth.

Jen, hope you are doing well.

Meli, Xzavier is such a champ! I loved the isolette clings. Do they have any idea why he is losing grams?

Middy, how inconsiderate of Shane. I would be making him do a night feed on the weekends! With the holidays, the store Jeff works at is open until 11pm. Some days I leave around ten am for a play date, then he goes to work and won't get home until midnight after I'm in bed. It is brutal!

AFM, Emma's zantac doesn't really seem to be making much of a difference. She still barely sleeps in the day (she is currently in her car seat on the dryer in hopes of a nap). She is starting to smile while interacting though. And while that doesn't make up for the nap misery, it does make it easier to take.
Carter is doing okay with her, I just wish I wasn't sitting holding her so often.
So we went to Mephis to visit Jeff's family. We had a good time, his aunt and grandma were there and it was really nice because they haven't seen Carter in about 2.5 years. He had a great time playing with them. Jeff's mom is in bad shape though. The looks awful. She has really bad diahrrea and nausea. She has throat cancer and she has barely eaten a thing since Thanksgiving. Sounds unbelievable, but it is true. She has lost over 60lbs in about 6 weeks. Her throat is so raw and bleeding from the radiation and chemo that she can barely stand to swallow even water. It was so sad seeing her struggle so much. Jeff was having a horrible time watching her. She mostly stayed in bed and when she wasn't, she was asleep sitting up on the couch. I think she will be done with the treatments this week, but it may take up to 12 weeks for her throat to heal. If we living closer I would go out there and help. Apparently my sister in law that is a nurse and lives ten minutes away is never willing to help. She has a an old friend that is staying with her to help drive her to her treatments and help, but apparently she also hasn't been much help at home.
Nothing much else happening, aside from Carter's stocking, I am done Christmas shopping. I still need to wrap everything though.
Stef: so based on this last birth, are you in a hurry to do it all again?

Angel: your poor mil. Do they believe the treatments have helped? Also, I'm sorry Jeff has been so busy at work. I'm lucky that Charlotte is in daycare this week and Ben is home to help, but next week she'll be home and other than a Christmas Day, Ben will be working.

Afm: Gracie is doing quite well. She didn't want to sleep last night and only wanted bottled milk. My milk just came in so she's doing better at the boob today. Did anyone have a lot of swelling after they gave birth or is it just me? My ankles are more swollen now than they were when I was pregnant. Heck, I've only lost ten pounds which totally sucks. I'm not allowed to even walk around the block until four weeks pp. it's hard because I feel pretty darn good, I'm only on Advil now as I want to keep off of the heavier stuff. Charlotte is adjusting well, she plays with a doll that she says is her sister since she isn't allowed to carry the real baby around.
Stef had swollen ankles I think. I still can't wear my wedding ring. I don't think I am swollen though, I think I need to lose more weight.

I hope you’re doing well! Almost time to go on your vacay, right? How exciting!!


All I can say is, oh my goodness. Blake’s reaction was a typical man response, right? Because we baby them so darn much!

Oh, and I am also interested in your response to vegas about your willingness to do this all over again.


LOL at your tummy looking like a marshmallow. I would expect nothing less than that, seeing as Gracie weighed ALMOST 9 LBS!

I didn’t have swelling after giving birth, as a matter of fact, I was able to see the difference in swelling right away after giving birth. I guess I was really swollen throughout this pregnancy and didn’t even know it!! Then again, my pg experience was totally cut short so maybe it’s not even applicable.

I’m glad Gracie is doing better at feeding!


How is your move coming along?


I forgot to say that YES, Cart and Emma DO look so much alike! I bet Emma will look just like Cart, except for darker hair.

Xzavier is losing grams because of his ostomy bag. The intestinal resection is causing him to ‘dump’; it’s what happens to some people as a side effect of gastric bypass surgery. His nutrients are going through his system too fast and aren’t being absorbed effectively. His Dr. from a couple of weeks ago found the perfect combination: continuous feeds via his stomach tube, 6 cc’s per hour, with a 20 calorie fortifier. His new Dr. switched it to 6.5 and now 7 cc’s per hour, with a 24 calorie fortifier. It took his old Dr. a few days to find what worked for Xzavier, and now his new dr. changed it up. I’m trying not to get frustrated and don’t want to tell his dr “can’t you do what Dr. Gangitano did?” KWIM? I need to talk to his nurse today and pick her brain before I approach his dr.

I hope Emma’s reflux is getting better! I am terrified that’s a problem we will run into with Zavy when we start bottle feeds. I hear it’s a common preemie side effect.

Sorry to hear about Jeff’s mom. I will pray for her and she will get better once she stops treatment.

Yay to finishing Xmas shopping. I’m done also, since I’m only buying gifts for dh and ds. Actually, I still need to buy dh’s gift, I plan to do that on Friday on the way home from the hospital I will stop by the mall; I already know what I am going to buy him. It should be pretty empty at 11pm at night (I hope!). As I’ve heard it put comically on fb “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” LOL.

Oh, and I need to lose weight too! I have no time for exercising so I’m trying not to stress out about it. I just want to concentrate on my lil man coming home then I will deal with this extra weight. 6 weeks post delivery I went to my dr and she dialed my synthroid meds back down. Too bad because I was losing weight (which I have now gained back!). It was pretty cool except the fact that I had a racing heart, which is a side effect of when your meds are too high. I figured it would be a good idea to not have a heart attack so I am taking the new lower dosage.


Zavy is doing great, so I’m doing great!

I haven’t had time to go on fb lately since I returned to work! I will log in and catch up as soon as I can.

My return to work is going well thus far. Kind of stressful but that’s to be expected, right?

Life is great!
Meli: so happy to hear you are doing well even if you are super busy. I'm sorry Xzavier is having some minor issues with his ostomy bag and I have no idea how they decide how much is the right amount. I'm guessing it has to do with his current weight and if you don't up the amount then baby can't gain. Just my assumption. I know you are ready for him to reach five pounds so he can get the surgery to fix his tummy, but sometimes slow and steady wins the race. Every day I read your updates I am in awe of Xzavier's progress and know everything is progressing just as it should.

Afm: forget about marshmallow tummy, I now have porn star boobs! Actually they are so engorged they look like a bad boob job and they hurt like crazy. I'm nursing as much as she'll allow, plus I'm using compresses and even cabbage leaves for short periods of time to try to relieve the pressure, but I think it's just going to take a few days to subside. I also just got my double electric pump in so I want to play with it, but not until I can get the girls under control.

Grace has lost an entire pound so I need to feed like crazy, plus I'm giving formula after a few of the feeds just to make sure she's getting all she needs. She's a pretty easy baby thus far. My biggest concern is she has already developed a diaper rash. I stopped using real wipes a few days ago and am now just using a tissue or warm moist paper towel followed by some ointment. Fingers crossed this works.

You are right about slow and steady winning the race. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Lol at bad boob job!

I’m so glad to hear Grace is an easy baby thus far. Was Charlotte the same?

Sorry to hear that she already has a diaper rash. Poor thing!! FX that it goes away soon, and that your boobies stop hurting so much!


I am thinking of buying this bassinet, but wanted feedback from y’all. I like the vibrating and audio. I learned my lesson to check in before buying something (Baby Bjorn carrier). Btw, I did buy an Ergo baby carrier and a moby wrap! Your thoughts?

The First Years - Carry-Me-Near 5-in-1 Baby Bassinet

The First Years bassinet for your baby is a portable sleeper, bassinet, bedside sleeper, play seat and changing table all in one. The First Years 5-in-1 bassinet has a strong handle that lets you carry your sleeping baby from one room to another. With a sturdy base, this baby bassinet can either rock back and forth or lock into place.

The First Years Bassinet:

The three sleep modes: portable sleeper, bassinet and bedside sleeper
Ergonomically designed handle allows you to carry your sleeping baby from room to room in the portable sleeper

Controls are built directly into the handle; battery-operated gentle vibrations, five peaceful audio selections and a nightlight

The First Years baby bassinet features a sturdy base that can rock back and forth or lock into place

Easily convert the bassinet into a bedside sleeper that securely attaches to the adult bed

Vinyl-covered changing table offers a separate surface from the sleep area

Portable sleeper becomes a play seat complete with fun plush characters that dangle from the canopy
a few months ago you posted a link on fb to walmart of a baby/infant carrier you had purchased? I remember it was on clearance and when I went to buy it it was sold out already. Just curious which one it was?
Meli: for a bassinet, that looks awesome. My only concern with bassinets is how long until Xzavier outgrows it. I expect he'll still be small when you bring him home, but babies grow in length pretty quickly and you may only use it for a few months before you need a new system. If you are ok with that, then go for it!

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