June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Thanks Vegas - you are right a bfp would be the ultimate Christmas present!!

I hope they get you hooked up soon (before the post hiccup nap kicks in!!).
It's been an hour and I'm still waiting. I'm so mad. I ate and drank like they asked to wake baby and it's all going to be for nothing. I'm giving them 30 more minutes then demanding to speak with my doctor.
That is so frustrating!! I hope they get you in soon!! I don't understand why ob offices run like that. Like they assume pregnant women have nothing better to do than sit around in the waiting room for hours at a time. The office my doctor is at is like that to. Waiting for an hour or an hour and a half to see the doctor is not unusual. Once I was waiting for almost two hours. I had to go plug the meter so I didn't get a parking ticket and I asked another lady to tell them I would be right back if they called my name while I was gone. We started talking and it turns out we both had an appointment to see the same doctor at the exact same time. It wasn't even staggered by five or ten minutes. No wonder they were so late. They had multiple people booked for each time slot. I think that is terrible!!

Anyways, I hope the baby cooperates when you finally do get in!! The last thing you want to do is go back tomorrow to try again!!
Jenk: two appointments at the same timel. Geeze, that takes the cake. I was actually at the hospital as that is where they wanted me to take the test and they don't take appointments.

Ok, so I passed the first test as baby "breathed" with like two minutes to spare. Although the tech claimed she didn't peek she kept referring to baby as "she". I'm hoping she really didn't see as I really don't want to know. The non-stress test was also perfect. I was there a total of four hours so I'm pretty upset that I lost another evening, but happy that baby is well. I go back to my regular doctor for my routine check on Monday. I'm curious to see what he will say about it all.

US girls, have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
Vegas - Glad to hear that all the tests went well. It sucks you had to wait so long!! At least they got what they needed and didn't make you go back again!!

Hope all of you in the US had a good Thanksgiving yesterday!! Our Thanksgiving is in October in Canada. So no turkey for me :( I did have yummy bbq steak yesterday though. Its not turkey but it was pretty good anyways!

I had another follicle scan this morning. The follicle on the right that was 16.5 on Tuesday was 23.6 today. My lining went from 11.6 to 15 (which is a good thickness). Since I hadn't ovulated on my own yet (and the follicle was a good size) I got the trigger shot today. This means I should ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours from now. Wish me luck!! We have been bd'ing every two days (Sun, Tues, Thurs). I think we will bd tonight and tomorrow, and possibly Sunday (if we aren't too sick of it by then). I'll start my progesterone Sunday and then go get my progesterone tested next week on Thursday or Friday. Hopefully we have all the bases covered.

How is everyone else doing?? Hope everyone has a good weekend!!
Stef, I am sorry the labor was so long and hard for you. Can't wait to hear all the details. I remember after I got your text, I told Jeff that I hoped you got an epidural.
How is you bp?
I hope she starts sleeping a bit better, or at least stopping needing to soothe constantly.
That is good that you guys decided to stay home for the holiday. I hope Blake did a good job.

Meli, thanks for the compliments. As for the game, I would certainly steal a bottle of vodka!!
I wouldn't bother with decorations either. You guys are hardly there to enjoy them anyway. But I agree with Vegas as well and love her idea of the window clings.
I would stick with your due date as well. It irritates me that doctors think that all patients know nothing, when women like us DO know, at least when it comes to this stuff.
It sounds like you worked out your leave very efficiently.

Jen, Glad you had a good time with your nephew. What is squash like, I don't think I have ever even seen it played. 2014 will be lucky, I just know it!
Angel - I figured it was time to update my sig since most of you girls already had your babies and Vegas is so close. Glad you like it.

Squash is similar to racquetball. Its a lot of fun (and a good workout). Basically the court is fully enclosed room, you play with another person and hit a little ball against the front wall, the other person has to hit it back to the front wall before it bounces on the floor more than once (you can bounce it off any of the walls multiple times it just cant bounce on the floor more than once before you hit it back). So think of tennis but both players are on the same side and instead of hitting it over the net you hit it against the front wall. We went and played yesterday for almost 3 hours.

Today I assume I should be 2dpo. Having had my trigger on Friday morning I should have ovulated sometime on Saturday (they say 12 - 36 hours from shot to ovulation). This cycle we bd'ed Sun, Tues, Thurs, Friday, Saturday. Really there should be no way we missed it so fingers crossed!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Jen: that is a lot of bd'ing! I don't think I've (Dh and I) have done it that much total in months! I think we'd both like to, but at this point it is either painful or really awkward, plus he feels it is a bit creepy at this point lol. Of course he'd be more than happy if I'd offer him other "services" as if that will happen! You do sound like you've got all your bases covered, now you get to wait. Question: are you taking any supplements or have your dh on anything? Can't hurt, right?

Afm: I'm off to see the doctor at 4:00. Fanticising him telling me that we should have the baby this week, but know that won't happen. I'm so ready to meet this little person and regain full bladder control. Anyway, I let you all know if there is any news.
Meli, the family visits did end up working out ok. Blake's family (well just his mom, one brother and his wife and two kids and an aunt and uncle) came to visit the night she was born, but they waited well over an hour after, so that was nice. His mom was actually at the hospital the entire time waiting, she's been really good about everything. She did come to the birthing center with us and was there for most of the labor. At first I was annoyed, but after just a few minutes, her being there was nice because Blake didn't know how to help, and having been through it 6 times before, she was really good at helping keeping me calm and breathing properly.

I believe Zavy was meant to make this world a better place and I will teach him the miracle of his birth, the miracle of his life, and that he has a responsibility to be compassionate, and to help the underprivileged and underserved. I will teach him both by words and examples.

I love the way you put this. He is definitely a miracle baby, and he is definitely here for a reason. He is such a strong little man already.

Have you figured out if your work is going to allow you PT hours? Your plan sounds like a good one to me!

Vegas, glad the last appt went well!

I'm so ready to meet this little person and regain full bladder control.

Haha I felt the same way! I still don't feel like I have full control, though... not that anything leaks out, but it's not so easy to stop a stream once I'm going... TMI? :haha: I assume it's because everything down there is still healing... I guess that's probably a feeling you wouldn't get after a csection so you probably have no clue what I'm saying, lol.

That’s why babies are so cute, so you can’t be mad at them for turning your life upside down.

Jen, this made me giggle! Must be true, it makes sense!

FX for catching the egg this month! Hoping the reason that referral hasn't been done is because the universe knows you won't need it!

Angel, loving all the pics of Emma, she's so damn cute! Is Carter still doing well with her? Does he help out?

AFM, haven't had a chance to write up a labor story yet, between baby time, family visiting, trying to keep up the house as much as I can and working from home. I will though, I promise. It might take me until next week after my parents leave, but it'll get written!

Swelling is gone and BP is down, didn't need to fill that rx. Sienna is still having nighttime issues. Last night she was up until 4 and the night before until 5 screaming bloody murder. I don't think it's just mixing day and night up because it's not as if she is just awake at night, she's screaming her head off, which makes me think something else is going on. Not quite sure what. I've tried everything I can think of - she stops screaming when she's feeding, but she also pulls her mouth off constantly, starts searching for the nipple again and starts screaming again. Her bouncy vibrating chair thing works, but only once it hits 4-5 in the morning.

We didn't end up doing Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving, the turkey wasn't thawed in time. We did it on Friday and my parents ate with us. They actually did most of the work and babysat so we could check out some Black Friday deals. That was weird, being away from Sienna. It was also about 10 minutes before I felt like falling over, didn't realize I was still so weak. My parents also babysat last night so we could go out to dinner, since we won't be able to for quite awhile. They're loving getting to spend time with Sienna, it's going to be a disaster when they leave; I think even my dad will cry (if you knew my dad, you'd understand just how RARE this is. I don't think I've EVER seen him cry).

Oh my goodness, December 9 is almost here!!! How exciting! I CANNOT wait to find out if it’s a girl or boy. You make a good point about decorating the house for Christmas. I think we will at least do a tree, but I definitely won’t be doing outside lights or lawn decorations, or the indoor decorations/tchotchkes. I may do a door garland. Oh, and I like your idea of gel clings for Zavy’s bed! I’m going to stop at the store on the way to the hospital to buy some for him and a couple of the other NICU babies. FX I find some.

Yah, my mom is a trooper and insists on not taking a break from him. I’ve tried to explain that it’s not a good idea for her to be driving with one hand in a cast, but she says “the hospital is only 20 minutes away and it’s all street driving” lol.

Yah..I’m pretty sure Zavy will be our one and only. I can't imagine getting pg again and having to be on bed rest for 2nd and 3rd tri. That’s what the doctor said I would need to do, in addition to a cerclage. I wouldn’t be able to run after Zavy or carry him or take care of him. And I truly think I would be terrified throughout the whole pregnancy, not to mention I could never forgive myself if I gave birth pre term again. I can’t do this to another baby! IDK, maybe you’re right and I’ll forget about all this in a couple of months!

I’m glad your hospital tests came back normal :hugs: I can’t believe that you had to cook/prep for Thanksgiving! I totally would have gotten a pass this year lol.


I’m glad you like his nickname Zavy. DH doesn’t like the nickname. I should probably stop using it because now I’m getting used to it. Or maybe not lol!

I agree with Stef: the reason why your doctor has lagged in writing up your referral is because the universe knows you wont need it. Although I would be frustrated by the delay also!!

Squash sounds fun, and also like good exercise. Bonus!

A Christmas BFP would be the best present ever!! :dust::dust::dust:


Emma is lovely! And oh my gosh I still cant get over the fact that she is TOTALLY Jeff’s mini me! I love that Christmas photo!


I’m so glad Blake’s family cooperated with the visting/meeting Sienna. Sounds like a bonus that she was able to help you through the labor, too! Sienna is a DOLL!

I’m so glad that you blood pressure is finally down. I hope that Sienna starts self soothing soon. If not, like Jen said, she is so cute for a reason!

Jasmine (AKA supermodel mom),

I hope you're doing well! And what on earth are you doing trying to fit into pre pregnancy jeans?! :wacko:

I am doing great! My thanksgiving was nice. My family just told us to show up whenever and don’t worry about bringing anything, so that’s what we did. I also opened my shower presents there so that was nice. Then it was back to the hospital for another couple of hours.

My part time hours were approved! I start next Tuesday December 10. I have to work a minimum of 18.75 hours to keep my full benefits, so I will work Tues, Weds & Thurs, 830am-345pm. That includes 1 hour of unpaid time for two 30 minute pumping sessions. My days will be hectic and exhausting but that’s ok; I can stick it out for a couple of months. With Zavy doing as well as he is, my plan is doable. Now, if he were to hit a major bump in the road, I will definitely miss work. Hopefully there won’t be a need for that!

Anyone know how I can get formula samples? I am planning ahead because I think eventually I may need to supplement with formula. My first 2 or 3 pumps of the day, I get 2 full ounces from each boob. For the next 3 pumps, only get 1 full ounce, maybe a little more, from the left boob. The last pump the left will fill 2 ounces again. The right boob is a champ…always get 2 full ounces from that one lol.

Oh, and here’s my tn in case you guys ever want to text me/call me. I know some of y’all have each other’s number. 626-975-1699

Meli: talk to the hospital about formula samples and then again to Xzavier's pediatrician once he's home as both should be able to provide you with formula. I would think the nicu would be able to sneak you samples once or twice a week until he gets home. They may also have special formula that may be easier on his system. Also, are you taking fenugreek? It helped with my supply, but it will make you smell like maple syrup.

I'm so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and will be doing some decorating for the Christmas holiday. I hope you find some cute window clings for Xzavier's bed.

So awesome that your part time status was approved. I'm sure that's a huge weight off your shoulders.

Also, I hate to disappoint you, but my section is planned for the 12th, not the 9th as we had originally planned (dr is going to some conference or something). My doctor will be on call all weekend and I would love to have him/her on the 8th. That's the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It has significance to me as I went to school at Immaculate Conception, not to mention that Ben and I got married at Immaculate Conception as did my parents 41 years ago.

Stef: I'm sorry that Sienna is keeping you awake at all hours. Do you think she may have a bit of gas? Charlotte only slept in her bouncy or swing for a while as she had a fussy tummy.

I'm glad that you had a low key Thanksgiving and that you managed to get some shopping done!

that's right. I remember now that ur c section was changed to Dec 12. Yes, Dec 8 would have been perfect! Oh by I did find Xmas clings! Ty for the idea. I would never have thought of it, Idk why, I put them up at my office every year. I bought some for some of the other nicu babies also. We WILL have the Xmas spirit at the hospital.

yes, I am taking fenugreek faithfully, although I don't smell like maple syrup, at least not as far as I know.and drinking lots of water and eating steel cut oatmeal every morning, and the occasional night time beer. I LOVE how it relaxes me and puts me to sleep. Don't want to get to used to that lol.


I also love ur siggy! I need to update mine also!


Here at dealership, waiting for car to be ready because it needed service. I am so antsy and can't wait to see Zavy. Speaking of cars, I am SO glad we didn't buy a new car yet. That's a bill I don't have to worry about! I guess that means I drive DH's car when I have Zavy. I can get used to that lol.

Can y'allll let me know when you have jotted down my number so I can go back and delete it from the post?
Hi guys!

Finally jotted down my birth story! Will reply to everyone individually the next time which hopefully will be sooner rather than later! So here goes!

Astrid Wren Gladstone
Born at 39 + 2 weeks
19/11/13 12:04am

Birth Story
Early Monday morning, around 2am, I went to the bathroom and noticed some blood in my underwear, I turned the light on and saw that I had gotten a bloody show. I was literally so excited and nervous that I couldn’t sleep, I thought that the contractions would start fairly soon as they did when I had a show with Eva. I decided I would go for a bath but then decided against this but went downstairs on the sofa to sleep as I was far too restless anyway. I stayed awake until around 5am waiting for something to happen but it didn’t. I must have dropped off as the next thing I knew, Shane was in the living room in a towel, it confused me as I still thought it was 5am but it was 7am and time for him to be going to work soon. I got up and went to the bathroom and had a much larger bloody show, I was really excited now and again thought things would get going soon! I had no idea whether or not to send Shane to work so I called the midwives who basically said that it was my call but that a show could appear as early as three weeks before labour started, hmmm! I decided to send him to work but to be on call just in case!

Eva had half day school and as Shane had taken the car to work I was to pick her up at midday, I thought that something may have happened by then but if not the walk would do me good! I spent the morning, knitting and googling bloody shows and generally getting frustrated at lack of contractions, I’m not the most patient person at the best of times! I also packed and repacked our hospital bags and put them right by the front door! I thought it was a good chance to get organised!

So midday arrived and still no contractions so I shuffled my way over to the school to pick up Eva, it was raining and cold and I was feeling pretty miserable not to mention huge! Anyway, I went to collect Eva and we came home! Shane came home from work around 5pm, I’d been having Braxton hicks for the last few weeks but from around 6pm they started forming a regular pattern, which they hadn’t done before, they were starting to come every ten minutes. I decided to go for a bath and during the bath I had two contractions that were quite painful so I started to get excited! I was now quite sure that she would be arriving soon!

I stated timing my contractions and we let Shane’s family know the situation so we could arrange for Eva to be picked up and looked after! The contractions gradually got worse but it was getting increasing difficult to be in labour with Eva at home, as everytime I wanted to bounce on my ball, she wanted to as well and then threw a paddy when she couldn’t! Shane’s sister was finishing her shift at 8pm so she came straight afterwards to take Eva to her nannas! By the time she arrived the contractions were quite painful but still bearable, they were coming every 8 minutes and lasting around a minute! I remember feeling really miserable and negative about the labour as second time around I knew what I was in for! When Leigh arrived, she was really exicted and her and Eva were jumping up and down in excitement as they packed Eva into the car, it was really sweet but I had to go back inside to deal with the contractions!

I rang the labour ward and told them the situation, they advised me to try and get the contractions nearer together, more like 3 to 4 minutes apart but that ultimately it was my call! Anyway, the contractions actually got further apart to ten minutes but they increased in intensity. Both myself and Shane decided we would go in to hospital but we quickly had some tea and toast first! We rang the hospital on the way to let them know we were arriving!

The journey to hospital was actually really peaceful and for once Shane’s driving wasn’t annoying me! He was very careful and didn’t speak to me just let me deal with the contractions. I was managing to breath through them all the way. It was when we actually arrived at hospital that they picked up a gear! Shane had to do the talking for me, as I was collapsing against the wall every few minutes in agony!

We were taken to our room, which were completely new since the last time we were there and so much better! They were huge, they had a bath tub, loads of room, a toilet cubicle and a huge comfy bed and chair, I was impressed! Our midwife was called Cherry Dunlop and as we arrived at 10pm just as labour ward was opening, I asked if she was working all night and she said yes, I was happy that I would get to keep her and told her so! She examined me and I was 4cm, so we could stay! Actually it took her a while to examine me as everytime I got a contraction, I ran to the toilet to either do a wee or a poo! She spoke to me about pain relief and my options were really to have an injection of meptid or to go in the pool! I opted for the pool so they said it would take a little while to fill up. Shane and I got on with getting through the contractions while they went to do that! The contractions were getting really painful and I was not coping at all with them. I was finding it extremely hard to use the gas and air, as I would take some as the contraction started but them wasn’t able to continue on it as I needed to be vocal and by vocal I mean shouting , swearing and screaming the place down! I definitely won the award for the loudest person! I could hear other women screaming but I was drowning them out! I actually got to the point where I became quite despairing, I was screaming ‘PLEASE HELP ME’ over and over. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t cope as I thought I was still only around 5cm dilated and also I didn’t understand where the hell my pool was! They kept saying it takes a while to fill up but we never even got to that stage!

The contractions were coming thick and fast and I had a couple that were back to back which nearly sent me loopy. Even Shane was saying, Jas I REALLY think you should get some pain relief! Shane was great though, throughout, I was loving having him stroke my back and leaning on him and smelling his t shirt, I found it comforting, he was really encouraging and positive. It can’t have been easy for him, the whole thing was like an exorcism! All of a sudden, the contractions ramped up even more and they were lasting so long, I think I went a bit bonkers at that point, the midwife knew it was time for me to push but I didn’t realise! We’d only been there two hours. Anyway, they attempted to move me onto the bed but I was in too much pain, they did manage it though with a lot of rude protesting from me! The midwife broke my waters herself and the bay was coming straight away! I looked at the digital clock and noticed it was 11.58pm so I wondered whether she would be born on the 18th or 19th November! The pushing was bloody awful just as I remembered last time but was a lot quicker thank god! Her head came out and she was back to back so it was her face that came out looking upwards, and she started crying which was really strange! I think I was scaring her with all of the noise and commotion! I then started panicking as my contractions had stopped and I thought that she was about to get her shoulders stuck! The midwife told me to give a little push and at 12.04am, she was born! I just took a little minute to recover and then she was placed in my arms! She was absolutely perfect, it was instant love, we bonded instantly which was lovely. She was so small, such a perfect little face and loads of golden hair especially at the back and sides! She also had a lot of fuzzy hair all over her body just like a little peach! The midwife got the scales and weighed her, she was 6 pounds 5 ounces, so very small! We stayed in the room for a few hours, I had a lovely bath while Shane cuddled her. We stared and her and looked at our list of names and the only one that seemed right was Astrid, I knew she was special enough to pull it off! The only other name she suited was Meg or Willow but we decided on Astrid! We were wheeled over to the ward, there was only me and one other lady there, a Chinese lady with a little baby boy called Noah, we didn’t hear a peep out of either baby all night but I couldn’t sleep anyway, all the adrenalin! I had the midwives bring me hot chocolate which was lovely!

We stayed until around 2pm the next day, after I had had my lunch of course, and we took our beautiful little Astrid home to meet her very excited big sister and our family is complete! X x x
Jen, I have played racquetball. It was super fun, but at the time I was a smoker, so it about killed me!!! That does sound like a great BDing schedule. FX!

Stef, I am glad having your mil around was helpful. I am sure Blake will be better with the next one now that he has experience. Carter is getting better with Emma, but right now she is still so needy and fussy that he isn't really enjoying his new role.
I am glad you bp doesn't seem to be an issue.
Could Sienna's problem be reflux? Maybe why she pulls away screaming?
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and that you got a little break. My mom hasn't kept Emma for more than 45 so I could run to the store. She cries so much that I don't want to leave her. Not for Emma, but because I would feel bad for who I left her with because they wouldn't be able to settle her. She cried a ton during just that 45 minutes with my mom.

Meli, I think it is so great that your mom is there so much!! I think in your place, I couldn't imagine another, but you never know, Vegas may be right. I am happy to hear your Thanksgiving was nice and that your pt hours were approved.
For samples, try signing up for all the formula mom programs. Enfamil's is called Enfamil Family Beginnings I think, they all have one. You could sign up under a few names, or a few family members so you can get more. Emma is mostly bf, but still has formula about 25% of the time and we haven't had to buy formula yet!
I got your number by the way.
I heard some really great things about this stuff:

Vegas, I assume your appointment went well. I too CANT wait to find out what Thumper is!!

AFM, I finally took Emma to the dr yesterday. She is so fussy and sleeps like crap, I get so frustrated. I suspected silent reflux and it turns out I was right. She is always at the breast, takes well over an hour to settle, then only sleeps 20 minutes. Nights are better, thank God! She sometimes fights the breast, and sometimes flies her head back off it crying. She is also always chewing, like something came up and she is chewing it down. She has gained 3lbs and 2.5 ounces in only 6 weeks! That coupled with the fact that she is always ate the breast, suggests overeating. With reflux, the eat, get pain, eat some more for comfort and to soothe the throat. Then they get too full and have reflux even worse. A vicious cycle. Anyhow, she gave me Zantac, I pray it helps. I can't imagine this baby ever being happy!!
Middy, thank you for sharing! Your "please help me" part reminded me of my desperate pleading. That is wonderful that you bonded so well! How is Eva with her?
Vegas – It was a lot of bding!! Hopefully it did the trick. I do take supplements. I take D3, Folic Acid, Probiotics, Evening Primrose Oil (in the last half of my cycle) and Essential Fatty Acid (fish oil) in the first half of my cycle, and an advanced B complex. Those are my base supplements. I was taking some other things that were recommended specifically for ttc (tranilast, innositol and guaifenesin) they are supposed to help the sperm meet the egg better and increase cervical mucas. I took those for abeut seven months but took a break from them this month (they are really expensive and I thought I would give it a bit of a break). My husband was taking Zinc,Vitamin C, Folic Acid and Vitamin B. He doesn't take them consistently though. I pretty much have to remind him all the time.

Sorry that your c-section was pushed back. Its only a few days but I am sure you would rather not wait any longer than you have to. It will be worth the wait. We are all anxious to find what baby Thumper will be.

Stef – Love your new photo. Sienna is so cute!! I'm glad to hear the swelling went away and your bp went down. That worked out well that you got to spend Thanksgiving (a day late) with your parents especially since they did most of the work!! Its great they got to bond with Sienna and give you a bit of time with Blake. Sounds like a win win situation to me!!

Meli – I can just picture the decorations in the NICU. That was so thoughtful that you got decorations for Zavy's friends too. It's nice to share the Christmas spirit! I'm happy for you that the part time hours were approved. That must be a relief. I think you have come up with a good plan!! Oh and I put your number in my phone and texted you mine.

Jasmine – Thanks for posting your birth story. I know there was a lot of pain but it sounds like things went pretty quickly once they got started. People always tell me that pain with purpose is easier to deal with. When you know the result will be a beautiful baby does it make it more tolerable?? I remember about 30 mins after my sister had her first baby she said “that wasn't so bad”. Even though she had been in agony just short time before that.

Angel – Love the Santa photo. I hope that Emma starts to feel better now that you know for sure she is having reflux. I hope the Zantac does the trick and gives her (and you) some relief. Poor little girl. Its so hard when they are so little and can't tell you what is wrong.

AFM - I would love it if I didn't need that referral. I would like to think that the delay is just the universe telling me I don't need it. I guess I will know in the next two weeks. Now if only I could speed up time a bit. Vegas, I'm sure you would be ok with me speeding us up to Dec 12!!

Not much else going on with me at the moment. My sister comes home on Thursday. I don't know if I told you guys but she is in the last year of her schooling to become a midwife. Her whole family moved to Ontario for her first two years, they were able to move back here for her third year and she had to go back to Ontario for her last year (her family stayed here). Its been really tough on all of them. I am looking forward to seeing her. I know her kids are super excited. She has to go back Dec 31 and will be completely done in April.

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