June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli, I can understand not wanting another baby after the worries with Xzavier - is it just because you're worried about it happening again? Like Vegas said, it is possible to go full term on subsequent babies because they know now what precautions you would need to take. Although I can completely understand not wanting to end up on bed rest with little superhero X wanting your attention!

Angel, thanks for the link for the Dreft on FB. We went to the dr. last night and the NP we saw said it's definitely just baby acne, but I'm going to continue with the Dreft for now (since we already bought it!). If it helps, good, if not we just won't buy it again. The price on it through the link you sent is good through the 17th of January, so I should know by then if it helps and can buy it at that price to get more.

I understand the midwife charging some for her services, but she is charging the full labor and delivery amount; she didn't deliver Sienna so I don't know how she can do that. Blake already tried talking with her because he knew I wanted to go back in the future, but she won't budge. Upsetting because I feel like I can't trust them now, so we won't be going back :(

Vegas, it's probably best to not think about what Charlotte tells people :haha: I'd imagine that goes for everyone with kids that age!

Go you for shaving, I waited almost 5 weeks before going down there! Lol. I was worried about the stitched up area being irritated by the razor. It was a forest. Worse than that... I waited that same amount of time to shave my legs again :wacko: That was just pure laziness.

The acne is ehh. Seems to be a bit better on her face, but worse on her chest. She also has a bit on her arms now, and there's some + dry skin all over her scalp. The NP last night said it's all normal; some babies get baby acne over their whole body.

Yay for gaining weight! Go Gracie!

AFM, went to the doctor's office last night because Sienna has had the sniffles pretty bad, a minor cough, and she had a reflux incident the other night that scared me. It sounded like she was choking on stomach acid and a few minutes later she threw up pretty bad. She also was having a hard time eating for hours. She would try, would pull off and start freaking out searching for the nipple again, just to repeat. It took me hours to calm her down and for her to eat enough to be satisfied. I'm not sure if it was from reflux or frustration with not being able to latch properly because she can't breath well through her nose. The same thing happened the night before that and last night, but not nearly as bad. Anyway, we need to do saline spray / suctioning and the NP prescribed Zantac for the reflux.

Blake told me last night he's been thinking up names for number 2 already, lol.

Oh, and Sienna is up to 9 pounds 15 ounces.

How funny that you had your eye on the same JCP nursery furniture. You have good taste! DH also liked the hutch but I did put my foot down on that. I refuse to allow him to pay $400 just for a hutch lol. I'll post a pic of the nursery when it's all done (and who knows when that will be LOL)


So glad that Grace is gaining the weight so quickly and you can stop taking her to the dr so often. Although in all the pix you post she looks so adorbs and chunkers it’s hard to see that she’s lost any weight lol.

How are you coping with your in laws in town?


Sorry that your mw is charging you the full amount, when they stated they wouldn’t if they didn’t deliver. Hopefully they will rethink it and work with you, I mean, that’s stupid for them not to do so and then lose you as a future customer, not to mention you could warn others away from them in future. IF they refuse to work with you on adjusting the bill, I would go on Yelp and submit a review stating the facts of how they screwed you. Just sayin’

And yes, the primary reason I would be afraid to get pregnant again is because of the incompetent cervix. I know they can do a cerclage but my goodness…if I got pg again, and took all the steps to avoid premature delivery, but STILL delivered early, I don’t think I could EVER forgive myself. Secondary reason is because I don’t want to ignore Zavy while I am on bed rest..I feel like he has been through so much, he deserves ALL my time and attention. I know there is a fine line between overindulging and spoiling children, I need to keep my eye on that but I know Raul will keep me in line.

Sorry to hear about Sienna’s reflux. I am SO afraid of this with Zavy. We won’t know if he has reflux until a couple of weeks after his surgery, which is when they will start bottle feedings in addition to the nasal gastro tube that’s delivering his cheeseburgers.But I know reflux is a common preemie problem. And sometimes it sounds like he's choking on his own saliva! arghhh. I pray that he will be spared this.


I hope you are doing well and have recovered from your fun holiday!


Where are you?? Probably moving and settling in to your new place, I imagine…….you crazy kids lol!


I am doing wonderful, what with all of Zavy’s strides and milestones. We had a wonderful start to the New Year!

OHH and I have all you guys beat regarding shaving legs. I haven’t shaved since right before I delivered Zavy, believe it or not! Reasons are: 1. laziness, 2. Dh doesn’t care 3. I had a few laser hair removal sessions a few years ago so my hair that does grow back, grows back really thin, and with my complexion, it blends in so it’s hard to see. Not to mention that with all this warm weather I can get away with summer maxi dresses LOL. Having laser hair removal was the BEST ‘vanity’ thing I’ve done.

I hope everyone is doing great! Xoxo
Damn it!! I didn't click "remember me" and lost my reply again!!!

Stef, hope the acne is doing ok now and that the sniffles are gone and that the zantac has started working. I am really sorry about how the birth center is acting.

Vegas, how is Grace's weigh gain? I hope you are having (or had if they are gone) a good time with your in laws. Wasn't it you that read The Flowers in the Attic series? They are showing a new movie version of Flowers in the Attic on Lifetime this month. I am not sure of the date though.

Meli, Zavy is doing so well!!! It is hard to believe that Cart was that little! How long will they wait after he reaches 5lbs to do surgery?

Jen and Middy hope you are both well.

AFM, not much going on. Starting to look for a new rental....blah.... Emma has her two month check on Tuesday. She has her shots so I am dreading it, yet anxious to see how much she has grown. Carter is getting better with her everyday. Emma is getting better with her naps and sleeps at night from 9-9:30 to about 5, so that is great. Jeff had a job interview to be an accountant and is waiting to hear from them, so we are keeping our fingers crossed on that. I am SOOOO tired of hearing him complain about working in the retail world.
Also, Meli, you aren't getting rid of your October milk already are you? Isn't it good frozen for 6 months?
Hi Angel,

I didn't know that Carter was that small! Wowzers...

yes, my milk is good for 6 mos but I have no more room! My regular freezer is full, as is the new freezer we bbought in November. It totally SUCKS!

Nice job on Emma pretty much sleeping through the night. Yayyy! :thumbup:

GL on Jeff getting this new job. I will cross my fingers but most importantly, I will pray on it!
Angel: I'll keep my fingers crossed for Jeff. So are you looking for a house or another apartment? I know you don't really like your current spot so I hope you find something you really love. That is great that Emma is sleeping so well!

Meli: I am just amazed at how well Xzavier is doing. I'll pray that his surgery goes well and that he will be able to come home soon. How long after surgery do they think he'll have to stay? Also, will you be able to breastfeed Zxavier or do you think you'll just give him expressed milk? You really must have a ton. I'm working on my freezer stash for when I return to work. I'm freezing 3oz bags and so far I have 18 bags. We have a large new freezer and I even my small stash is starting to take up a lot of room in there.

Middy: saw your FB post. Hang in there! My dh is going to Vegas in two weeks and I'm dreading being on my own with two little ones (mainly the older one, lol). How is the new place?

Stef: how are you and your sweet little lady doing?

Jen: good timing with your Disney trip. It actually reached freezing temps here today. I'm curious how cold it must be where you live.

Afm: all my guests (in-laws, Ben's aunt, and friends from Vegas) have now all gone. I'm enjoying the quiet. Grace is doing well. She slept five hours straight last night. I'm hoping she'll keep that up. I think I may have a yeast infection/thrush in my nipples. It's not bad yet, but I've got some pain where I didn't before. I'm very determined to keep up the breastfeeding until flu season is over at the very least since baby could be exposed at daycare. Just hate that bf'ing can be so painful.
Hi Vegas,

As far as how long Xzavier will have to stay after his surgery really depends on him. Not just on how well he is recovering from the surgery, but how his bottle feeds go. First off they need his intestines to recover for a few days before starting feeds again. Then they will start off very slowly. Then they will let me attempt bottle feeding (because today will just be a quick trial, like 13 cc’s or something like that. I’m terrified of the bottle feeding and possible reflux that he will be prone to. Then he needs to be feeding on full bottles and no more gavage via NG tube. Then if you add breastfeeding to the mix, I’m afraid it may set him back or take him longer to get the swing of things because he also needs to be able to coordinate the whole sucking/swallowing while still breathing when he is feeding, whether from breast or bottle. So my gut is to just do bottle (not to mention I will know EXACTLY how much he drank, and DH can help me with the feeds) but the OT did want to attempt the breast feeding just to see how he does. Well, I’m pretty sure I know what he will do. Probably what he does to the paci, which is that he will go to town. I swear that he KNOWS there is supposed to be milk coming from that nipple and many times it frustrates the heck out of him that nothing comes out lol. Then he calms down again.

Yes, I have a TON of milk, dating back to mid October. I capture and contain the milk in the snappie bottles provided by the hospital. That’s prob why I am having such a hard time storing the milk effectively, as opposed to using the bags that may store more easily.

Good for you on starting your stash! Yay!! PS, I also ordered 2 pumping bras from that link you provided and also got the email that my order was received, but haven’t recvd confirmation that it has shipped. I suspect it was a mistake and they won’t honor my order.

Freezing temps in FL? I expected it where Angel and Stef are, and maybe even Jen, but not in FL! I bet you guys are all hibernating, aren’t ya? Here it’s 75 degrees today-yesterday was a high of 85. I hope temps continue to stay mild so that when we do take Xzavier home it won’t be so cold! Although, even if it does get cold, it still won’t compare to your current temps so I‘m really not complaining.

YAY that Gracie slept 5 hours straight! Awesome!

Ouch sorry to hear that you are feeling the pain in your boobs.

PS I bought this car seat cover. It’s supposed to keep the car seat a little cooler, at least cool enough so the metal doesn’t burn baby or parent. We’ll see how it works in a few months!

Meli, Blake said the same thing about writing reviews online about what the midwife did. They aren't going to budge, unfortunately.

It's funny you say Raul will keep you in line in terms of spoiling Xzavier. Blake and I are going to end up being the opposite! I know if it's up to him, Sienna will be spoiled ROTTEN!

I also hope that Xzavier doesn't have reflux. Sienna's seems mild compared to what I've read about it, and it was still difficult. Seeing her in pain and not being able to do anything sucked. Your little superhero has been through enough!

Lucky girl with not shaving! If I don't shave for A DAY it's noticeable. Super pale legs + dark hair.

Angel, I'm not sure if the meds are working or not, she still seems to have some reflux. And I was wrong about it being Zantac; I assumed it was when she prescribed it (she sent it in over the computer to the pharmacy and didn't say the name), but when we picked it up I saw that it's Axid.

So how did Emma's appointment go today? That's great how much she's sleeping at night! Can't wait until Sienna does that... Last night she woke up every 1 1/2 hours or so... wondering if she's getting sicker from me and Blake... it seems that this flu thing comes on suuuuper slow getting worse slowly and stays around for quite awhile. It's hard to tell, though, because we aren't developing fevers, so unless Sienna starts coughing a lot or throwing up, I won't really know for sure. She has been extra fussy since last night, though.

Good luck to Jeff and to finding a new place!

Vegas, hope breastfeeding gets easier for you soon. How much weight did Grace gain?

Jas, sending some sanity your way! I don't think I could handle what you're taking on right now! Superwoman!

AFM, not doing too bad here. Trying to get Sienna to go to bed earlier, she's a true night owl and wants to sleep during the day and stay up until 11 or 12 at night. She was wide awake at midnight on New Year's Eve while I had to wake Blake up at 11:59, lol.

The acne is doing so so much better. Not sure if it's from the switch to Dreft or not. I'm going to keep using it and try switching back to All Free and Clear when it's empty. If the acne comes back, I guess I'll know!

She has officially grown out of newborn diapers. We were pushing it a little trying to get through one of the packs we had just bought, but as you may have seen on FB, she leaked straight through, and that's when I decided it was time to give it up and move on to 1's. They're a bit big on her, but if I overlap the velcro strips, they work. She is in 3 month onesies, though.

We're trying to get her to lay with her head to the left. She is obsessed with laying on her right cheek, and her head is developing a flat spot. I'm actually getting a little worried about her neck muscles because she insists SO much on laying on her right cheek. And she HATES tummy time, so to get some in, when she's sleepy during the day sometimes I put her on her belly for naps and just keep a close eye on her. Not the same, I know, but it's better than her screaming on her tummy since that gets us nowhere anyway.

This flu is crazy. Blake is still trying to get over it, after almost 2 weeks. He'll have a day where he feels a little better, then it gets worse again. I've had a bit of a sore throat for about a week and a minor cough, both are now slowly getting worse and I'm coughing a lot more, so I don't think I've avoided it and I'm expecting it to get worse. I'm taking my prenatals again in hopes that all the good stuff in them helps out, and I'm taking the grapefruit seed extract that helped the time I got a sinus infection while pregnant. So FX. I know of a few people that ended up going to the hospital for it.

So who's gotten crazy snow with these storms? I'm not sure what the official temp was here yesterday, but the prediction was a high of -2 and wind chills up to -35. I didn't even dare step outside. And they officially called our snowstorm on Sunday a blizzard, so Blake was excited about that. He said he wanted to experience a blizzard... he was like a little kid on Sunday morning, watching the news waiting for them to call it a blizzard, talking a lot and excited sounding about how much snow was predicted and everything the news was saying, it was funny.
Hi ladies! Just wanted to give you a heads up that Target has tons of their baby stuff (not just baby clothes) on sale IN STORE.

I bought this swing for 50% off, normally $159. It swings both sideways and forward, and it’s powered by AC adapter and batteries. I wanted to make sure it had AC adapter because I read somewhere that the batteries run out quick on these suckers.


I also found the JJ Cole bundle me for 50% off.


I found a mesh crib bumper for 50% off ($13.98!) and all his crib sheets, playard sheets and bassinet sheets were 50% off!


Crazy that Sienna is a night owl. Did you notice those patterns when you were pg with her?

So glad the acne is better! That had to be annoying.

Interesting regarding her liking to lay with her head on the left. Maybe that was her position on the womb?

I hear this flu is HORRENDOUS from multiple people that I know that’ve come down with it. I heard it mimics the asthma cough, where it takes FOREVER for the cough to go away. Couple people I know had to go on asthma meds to start getting rid of it after 1 month of suffering. My mom was actually coughing up blood, that’s how much she was coughing. She’s been sick for a week and a half and finally feels better enough to be back at Zavy’s bedside today. She was having withdrawals from him. I HOPE YOUR ILLNESS DOESN’T GET WORSE AND IS NOT THE SAME AS THOSE THAT I KNOW THAT’VE GOTTEN SICK!

LOL about Blake being excited with the weather. If I lived somewhere it snowed big time, I would probs just hibernate. I would be afraid to drive in the snow, tire chains be darned!!

I hope everyone is doing great!

Were you the one that said that you kept Charlotte in a playard next to your bed for her first few months of life?

Did the playard come with a mattress or did you buy one? Or was it not necessary?
Meli, I wish Target had that swing on sale before Christmas! Blake's mom got us a swing, but it's a normal one. I think Sienna would like one that goes side to side better, one of the only ways to calm her down when she has reflux is to sway her side to side propped up on my legs.

I may have to check them out for crib sheets, though! Do you know how long this sale is lasting?

When I was pg with her, she was active pretty much ALL the time, except for around 9am to 1pm or so. But yeah, she was always moving around whenever I woke in the middle of the night.

As for her position in there... I've been trying to figure that out myself. I know she always hung out on my left side, but since she flipped breech and then back and then was back to back, I'm having a hard time figuring out what side she may have favored. I do know she always had an arm stretched out to my right side all the time because it always felt like she was punching my hip!

I believe it about the cough for this flu. It's slowly getting worse for me, which means it's going to last for some time. Blake has been coughing up stuff for awhile now. Today I'm not coughing as much but it's worse than it was yesterday when I do, and it's coming with a wheeze.

We have a pack n play (playard) that we got for the bedroom that we keep in the living room (got a bassinet for the bedroom instead). It has a mattress pad thing that it came with.

Thanks for your input on the playard. I already have the playard. I'm thinking that instead of buying the bassinet I mentioned i an earlier post, I will buy the Tiny Love 3 in 1 rocker/napper. I wanted that one to begin with because not only does it have vibrations but you can incline it for them to sit or to sleep at an incline or to sleep flat. I didnt buy it because his bouncer needs to fit in his hospital crib, and this one is too big. BUT the one I bought him hasnt even been used yet! If the hospital doesnt use it before his discharge, then I will return it and buy the Tiny Love. IDK why they made a big fuss of me bringing it but then havent even used it once :growlmad:

The clearance stuff will be there until they sell out. I've been to 2 different Targets in the last 2 nights and they still had a pretty decent stock of the sheets. They were $5 each at the clearance price.

Too bad it's too late for you to get a different swing. It sounds like this one is right up your alley. UNLESS, you still have the box your swing came in?! :winkwink:
Meli: I did keep Charlotte in a pack-n-play and am doing the same with Gracie. Charlotte's just had the regular mat that positioned itself towards the top of the play yard, just like a crib. I had a quilted play yard sheet off it that provided a bit of extra cushioning. It is an Eddie Bauer sheet from Target. The new pack-n-play has a basinette, but Gracie is almost too long for it (she was 21.75" at our last appointment a week ago). So once she outgrows th basinette, she'll go in the regular bed part.

Ok, so I haven't received my pumping bra either, maybe I'll call them. I need to see if they charged my cc for the shipping. It did sound too good to be true.

So how are you feeling now that Xzavier's surgery date has been set? I just know he'll do great! Praying for him and your family.

Stef: I can't believe you can still use newborn diapers. No wonder you had a blowout. I've been using size ones since about week two (since I was given lots of size ones and only one pack of newborn diapers). Of course, we've still had one blowout, so it can still happen.

I sure hope you are feeling better and Sienna doesn't get sick. Take her in if you think she's getting sick or has a fever, you don't want to mess around with this flu.

Afm: I'll catch up later as I'm trying to type and feed the baby at the same time and it's not really working lol.
Meli: make sure you buy a crib wedge. You cab use it in the play yard as well as the regular crib. Charlotte had reflux and I found it really helped. Also, I was afraid of SIDS and the crib wedge is supposed to help prevent SIDS too.
Meli, I think it would be hard for me to not buy a new freezer or store some in a family members. Before you know it Zavy will be home and you will start using some and have more room.
I saw that car seat cover you bought on pinterest when you posted. It looks very handy, especially since you guys have tons of hot weather. Speaking of, I am very jealous of your mild temps!!
Do you have any tips on how to get more from pumping. I don't pump often, I would say maybe 3-4 times a week and I don't get much.
It does sound like there are a lot of tests Zavy has to pass before going home, but I know he will pass all those just as he has the ones in the past!
The swing you posted is the same one I have I think. Does it light up with stars? If so, it is the one I have, but in bunnies. I need to check out those sheets. I need some blue or orange ones to go with the fabric we are using for everything else.

Vegas, we are going to be looking for a house to rent. I am so tired of renting, but it seems like we will never be in a place in our lives to buy!! I know we could buy a house and still have close to the same payments as we rent for, maybe even less!
I hope your thrush/yeast goes away quickly. MY nipples seem to be permanently sore, not bad, just a slight general soreness. I don't know if I am doing something wrong??
Yay to Grace sleeping 5 hours!
Let me know what you all find out about the bras. i ordered one as well, but haven't heard anything about shipping.

Stef, hope you all are feeling better and that Sienna didn't get it.
Emma's appointment went well. She is following her growth curves, but did find out she has a small head. He head is only on the 5th percentile. They aren't worried at all and said she is perfect on her curve. I just thought it was cute that she has such a dinky head!
We want to get Emma more into a bedtime routine too. We will be starting a bath, lotion and booby routine around 7:30 tonight or tomorrow. The pediatrician said now is the age that they start realizing that things are happening at the same time everyday. This is also the same age we started with Carter and it seemed to be successful.
We got over a foot of snow. It is finally starting to melt. It should be gone soon with temps in the 40s all week here. I am so ready for it to be gone. I am ready for warmer weather. I hate being cooped up in the house!
We are in the same position with diapers, except with 1s. I got great deals on several packs, so we still have 3 and a half packs to use. We still have a little while in them, but I have a feeling by the last pack or two we will be pushing it.

Middy, I hope things are settling down. You are better than me. If you remember, we were supposed to move at the end of December, but after having Emma, I realized it just wasn't feasible. I don't know how you did it!!

Jen, how was the rest of your trip? Have you been back to the dr? Did they finally send your referral?
Hey Girls:

Once again I am terribly behind in my posting. I just don’t know where the time goes. As I mentioned briefly I had a really good trip to Orlando. The weather was great and we saw and did a ton of things. I came home to a deep freeze. It has finally warmed up over the last day and a half but we had a stretch of a few weeks of terrible weather. A few days it was -32 with a windchill of -52 Celsius (This translates to -22 with a windchill of -62 Fahrenheit). Needless to say you didn’t spend anymore time outside than absolutely necessary!! Running from the car into buildings was not pleasant. Today was a balmy -6 Celsius (19 degrees Fahrenheit) with almost no wind. It seems beautiful out (although I would guess some of you might still think that is pretty cold!!)

My referral finally was sent to the fertility clinic. When I got back from my trip I had a letter from the clinic stating that they received the referral from my doctor on December 23 and that the expected waiting time for an appointment was four months from the receipt of the referral. I was pretty mad about that as the waiting time was only 3 months when I originally saw my doctor in October (when she was supposed to send the referral in). So rather than being close to the end of a three month wait (if she sent it in October) I would be at the start of a four month wait.

Luckily when I had called the clinic back in November to ask if they had received my referral the person who I talked to had suggested that I call in and go on the cancellation list as soon as I was notified they received my referral. I called the clinic after I got back from my trip and saw their letter and got put on the list. I actually got a call on Tuesday (Jan7) and got a cancellation appointment for next week (on Tuesday Jan 14 @11:15). I am pretty excited that there was a cancellation so quickly. I am not sure what they will do that day. I am currently on cd1. I will be on cd5 on Tuesday. Typically they do cd3 bloodwork. I will likely have to wait until next month unless they let me do it two days late. Fingers crossed we can get started quickly. I feel like I have been waiting forever. I don’t know how I would have waited another 4 months if I hadn’t been told about the cancellation list!!

I’ve been enjoying all of the baby pictures on Facebook. I can’t believe how big all of the babies are getting already (and how cute the older brother and sisters are too)!!

Angel – I hope that you guys find a great new house to rent. Good luck to Jeff on the accounting job. I will cross my fingers too!! Glad to hear that Emma’s checkup went well. Having a small head would have been a bonus when you delivered her. Big headed babies are much harder to get out (plus they topple over more easily once they start sitting and standing up)!

Vegas – Glad to hear all of your guests have gone home. As fun as it is to visit it is nice to get back into a more normal routine. If you need any advice about Orlando tourist attractions I am now an expert (well not really….but we did hit a lot of places while we were there). You live in a very interesting place. We would need to go back and spend a month or two to really see everything. There is definitely no shortage of options for things to do and see. I’m glad to hear that Grace is sleeping pretty well.

Stef – I hope you and Blake can both shake that illness and that Sienna doesn’t get it. There are a ton of illnesses going around here too. It seems like they all last a super long time. I haven’t caught anything yet but my husband has been sick a few times. I think cutting out gluten and dairy has actually helped my immune system. I used to get sick all the time and since I cut it out last March I haven’t been sick once. You mentioned a while back that you were considering cutting dairy if Sienna’s reflux or acne didn’t clear up. You said you would really miss chocolate milk. I found an amazing chocolate almond milk. To me it is even better than chocolate dairy milk. The brand is Earth Balance. If you find you have to cut dairy I highly recommend it (I even recommend it if you don’t have to cut dairy!!).

Meli – I have been so glad to read all of Zavy’s great updates lately. I am thrilled that his eye surgery went well yesterday and I just know that his other surgery will be great on Tuesday as well. He is in my thoughts and I look forward to his daily photo’s and updates on facebook. He looks so much older in his recent photo’s. I can’t believe how much he has grown and how many milestones he is reaching already. I am super jealous of your lovely weather. I only dream about 85 degrees these days. The Florida sunshine did give me a nice break though. Only 3 – 4 more months of winter here…..ugggh…..that is a long time!!

Jasmine – Hope that things are settling down for you. Moving with a newborn (and a 4 year old) is a huge undertaking. Especially right around the holidays. Even thinking about it makes me exhausted!! Huge kudos to you for getting through it and not killing anyone!!
Jen: I'm so glad you had a nice time here and you got to enjoy our beautiful weather.

I'm even happier you got your referral and an appointment right away. It was meant to be. Let's hope they can help you quickly and get you pregnant!

I'll have to look for that chocolate almond milk. I love almond milk. I stopped drinking cow's milk about three years ago because I just like the taste of almond milk better.

Stay warm and let us know how the appointment goes. So excited for you!
Meli, I don't think we still have the box for the swing. She does like this one, though, so it's ok.

So happy Xzavier's reached the point for his surgery! I know he's going to do great!

Vegas, we ran out of the newborn diapers we were given and I had tried 1's, but they were too big, so we kept buying newborn. We were trying out different brands, and she fit well in the Walmart brand (Parent's Choice), and I actually really liked them, surprisingly. When we ran out of those, we bought Huggies Little Snugglers again because I really liked them as well, and it turns out they're smaller than Parent's Choice, which is why they didn't fit. I decided instead of buying anymore newborn when she'd probably be out of even the larger ones soon, we'd move onto the 1's we were given because we have a ton of them. They are still a bit big, though, but better a bit big where I can just overlap the velcro than too small and not holding everything in! The 1's still leak if I'm not extra careful about making sure they're on well enough.

Speaking of leaking... huge blowout yesterday. I picked her up off her playmat and wondered why I was wet... looked down and saw that the entire front of my white shirt was covered in poop. Poop puddle on the playmate, poop covered diaper inside and out, down her leg, on her socks... It was disgusting. And RIGHT as we were about to eat dinner with a couple of my friends. What's crazy is it was only a 5 minute poop; I heard when it started and was giving it a few minutes to finish (when I don't, things like the poop running down the walls incident happen). :wacko:

Angel, you should look into options for buying, you might be surprised. There are different types of loans, and I believe there is one that doesn't require a down payment (I know there's one that requires a very small down payment).

We've been trying to get Sienna on a sleep schedule, too. So difficult... It doesn't matter how much or how little sleep she gets during the day (there were a couple days this past week where she didn't sleep much because she was super fussy and woke up every time I put her down), she still wants to stay up late.

We got a ton of snow! The roads were still iffy on Wednesday, and it was still slippery outside yesterday. I haven't gone anywhere since last weekend.

For the diapers - couldn't you exchange them for a larger size if you can't make it through them all? We have one pack of unopened newborn we're going to do that with.

Jen, so glad you had fun on your trip! I'm jealous :)

Yayyyyy for having the appt so soon! It's about time your dr. office got that referral in! You'll have to let us know how your appt goes.

Lucky you, not getting sick! I think what I caught is going away already. At first I thought it was just slowly going to get worse, but now it seems to be getting better. I love grapefruit seed extract! I know that's the reason.

I definitely have to try chocolate almond milk. I've never even tried regular almond milk, they both sound amazing.
Ladies: I just got an email from the company that makes the pumping bras we ordered for free. It looks like they will honor the order even though they got ten times the response they were expecting. I sort of feel bad for them.

Thanks for the info on the pack n play. We have one too, but I think I am going to buy the Tiny Love rocker bouncer (instead of the bassinet I originally planned to get) because it has the vibrating feature, recline feature and music.

Thanks for the info about the crib wedge. I just ordered one online from Walmart. Sounds like it comes in 2 pieces that fit together in the cover. One piece can be used for bassinets and pack and plays, etc so FX!

I also received the email regarding the pumping bra. Yay! My 2nd bra got lost yesterday somewhere in this mess that is called a house while dh and ds were moving stuff around. Of course my bra was moved and nobody has any recall of having touched it. ARGH. It BETTER pop up soon because I don’t want to put this bra in the dryer.


I know what you mean but there truly isn’t anybody that can give up space. My mom is the only one I would feel comfortable asking but her freezer is always full! I really don’t want to buy a new freezer. This first new one we bought I can substantiate using it after I am storing milk, but a 2nd I don’t think I can….

Sorry but I don’t have any tips to get more milk on pumping. From what I know, you ‘train’ your boobs on how much milk to produce in the first few days of pumping. I would say just take fenugreek 3x a day.

I don’t know what the swing looks like, tbh. I bought it one night on my way from the hospital to my mom’s house and left it at my mom’s house because I didn’t want to drive around with it in my backseat (my trunk was taken up with my clothes and pillow because I stay at her house 3 nights a week).

When are you guys planning on moving to a house? In the spring or summer?

Has Jeff heard anything on the accounting job? I pray for him every night!

How is Emma’s bedtime routine coming along?


BRRR to your weather! Can you guys believe that I am still able to wear my summer maxi dresses and flip flops?! I’ll push it as long as I can!

Thank goodness you were able to get in so quickly to the clinic. YAY! I was having an anxiety attack :wacko: when I read that you were looking at a 4 month wait. I pray for you every night, for the strength to stay strong during this journey. I know when the time is right you will get pg and deliver a healthy baby, I just pray to God for you to have extra strength and not give up. :dust:


So do you recommend the Walmart brand diapers?

Yah….that blowout you described sounds interesting. I’m sure I will be experiencing such events soon as well!

Sorry that Sienna isn’t cooperating with a sleep schedule. Has it gotten better?


SO excited for tomorrow’s surgery! I can’t wait for him to be done with those pesky bag changes and I’m sure Xzavier will be glad as well!

So we have the Graco Snug ride 30 infant car seat. I am trying to figure out what to do about a stroller. I don’t want to buy the stroller that comes with the car seat because then once the infant car seat is too small, then the stroller will no longer be needed as well, correct? And then I will have to buy not just another car seat, but stroller as well?

Any ideas on what stroller I can buy that will fit not just my Graco Snug Ride 30 infant car seat, but a future larger car seat as well? idk, maybe there isn't a way around having to buy multiple strollers but thought I would ask. We also have to buy a jogging stroller for our family walks…(that we have been ignoring since Zavy born!)

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