Angel, sorry to hear about your friend.
Stef, have fun tomorrow celebrating Valentines!
Vegas, i cant believe it's almost time to go back to work!! GL with getting out the door on time. you seem like supermom, I know you can do it! PS loved the juice box snacks you posted on fb! I also plan to take Zavy for swim lessons starting in June at the YMCA.
Hi ladies so here is my issue with SIL and MIL.
I might have already mentioned that back in the beginning when Xzavier was born, mil and sil both complained to raul that Meli was making faces She wasnt very welcoming. Really?! My baby is fighting for his life so yah, youre probably 100% right. I was not a very gracious host, nor did I give a crap!!! My focus was and always has been Zavy. Sorry if I didnt chit chat with you about the weather, or smile enough for your liking. I mean really.. and I have never had a bad relationship with my mil. Now my sil is a different story
her and Raul have always had issues but when Xzavier was born she was here for him and made the effort to visit him lots so it thawed Rauls heart. So, when I suggested to Raul that his sister and her husband be one of 2 pairs of people to baptize Zavy, he agreed. We asked her and she was so excited, we told her not to tell anyone because we still hadnt decided who the other pair would be, and they will be from my family.
Well, the first week Zavy was home he had 2 dr appointments, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. I asked my mom to go with me to the Tuesday one to help me, but didnt ask her for Wednesday because she was going out of town on a cruise. So I asked MIL to help me with the Wednesday apt. She kind of snootily responded Oh, you mean your mom isnt going with you?! I just played it off and didnt react to her snootiness and said, no, please, if you can accompany me I would appreciate it. So she did and everything was fine (or so I thought).
Anyways, a couple of weeks ago mil mentioned to Raul over the phone, bitching about things that I didnt mention in FB. Things that had to do with her, maybe gifts she had bought him? Well, I add as much as I can remember and thank people as much as I can, but of course there will be those that fall through the cracks, but I know that she wasnt one of them!! I dont know if its sil thats in her ear, egging her on, or what the deal is. So of course Raul got pissed off and told her listen, Im tired of this bs. Cut the crap now because I;m not having it. Meli didnt omit anything of yours and if she did, it wasnt on purpose. How petty can you be? What I dont understand is, what she thought she would accomplish, telling Raul this. How stupid is she? She knows her son, all she is doing is pissing him off and antagonizing him.
I think she is jealous of my mom and how much time she would go to the hospital. She went like, maybe 6 times to visit him in the 18 weeks he was in the NICU. My mom was there pretty much every day. She has also mentioned to Raul that my mom and my family look down on her because she doesnt speak perfect English. Yes, her and my mom are totally different. My mom assimilated while keeping her heritage, and worked her way up the corporate ladder to a great career. My mom is the most humble, gracious and respected person that I know. She has NEVER looked down on anybody, it doesnt matter what their lot in life is. I think its just MILs own insecurities that she is projecting.
So I told Raul You need to check your sister. Tell her in a nice way that she needs to stop talking shit and soon, because I am not going to have her baptize Zavy and then have to walk on eggshells around her all the time, and then you and her get pissed off at each other again and dont talk for another 10 years. I will not rob Zavy of his godparents. SIL as a selection is making me nervous and I am totally second guessing myself on this one, because I am the one that brought it up to Raul and pushed for it!!
So, last week, maybe a couple of days after the not so pleasant conversation between Raul and MIL re FB, she calls him again to ask about the tdap. I told her she had to have the tdap because she is around Xzavier. She was on speakerphone but I guess she didnt know it because I told Raul, please remind her about Mondays appt that she said she would accompany me to. She responded Why is she asking me again? Isnt it fair that she ask her mom and we take turns? I said You know what, that;s ok. Dont worry about it. I will find someone else to go with me Right away she backpedaled and said no, thats ok, I will go with you and I said NO THANK YOU. She then called me the next day and apologized and kissed my a**. I dont hold grudges but I am really irritated with these people.