June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


Look at these bracelets on sale on Amazon!! There are a bunch! I ordered three different ones and got confirmations on them.
Meli: anxiously awaiting news of Zxavier's surgery. I just know he is going to do great, especially since he has so many people praying for him and cheering him on.

We have the Graco Snugride and the matching stroller. When babies get old enough to sit up on their own, about six months old (more for X) then you use the regular stroller, not the car seat for walking around. You would also be able to use the jogging stroller at this point.

You could just get a frame like this: www.amazon.com/Graco-1793955-SnugRi...rr&keywords=Stroller+frame+for+graco+car+seat

Jen: today is your big day too! Let us know what the doctor has to say. I hope they will be able to give you some good news.

Angel: cute bracelets and what a deal! Oh, and I agree about the fenugreek. It really does work, but you will smell like syrup. Also, eat some oatmeal for breakfast of make some cookies with oatmeal.

Afm: got my free bra yesterday. Hooray! It works great on me too. In other news, I'm sick. My throat is so sore. I was supposed to meet up with a friend today for lunch, but had to cancel. I just hope Gracie doesn't catch it. Tomorrow I take G in for her one-month check-up. I'm curious how long she is now because I had to pack away her newborn clothes already. Time is just going so fast!

Thanks for the info on the strollers. I could never have figured that out on my own and will buy that one you suggested!!

I also received my 2 free bras yesterday. Yay!:happydance:

So sorry that you’re sick. BOO!!! I hope you don’t pass it along to the rest of the family!

It’s hard to believe that Gracie is 1 month old and already outgrew her newborn clothes. Crazy!


Those bracelets are pretty. Thanks for sharing! I ordered a set in black.

Angel, Stef, Middy and Jen,

How are you guys doing?

Doing WONDERFUL now that Zavy's surgery is done. Just trying to get the house ready....we had to empty out 3 rooms for them to be painted and it looks like we are moving!
Meli: so happy to hear that Xzavier's surgery was a success. He'll be home before you know it.

Afm: had Grace's one month check-up today. The little chunker is now 9lb15oz. That means she's gained 1lb7oz in two weeks! She's also a bit longer at 22 inches. Up from 20.5 at birth. No wonder she outgrew her newborn clothes!

I'm feeling better today, but still not 100%. Ok, got to go pick-up Charlotte at daycare.

Oh my goodness…a little chunker, indeed! How adorable! I can’t wait for Zavy to start chunking up as well.

I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Since you’re feeling better, it sounds like you didn’t get the dreaded cold/illness that has knocked people for a loop, because if you had, I don’t think you would be feeling even a little bit better yet!
Hello Girls:

I just wanted to give you an update about my appointment yesterday. We didn’t really learn anything new but we now have a plan in place. We paid our $200 fee to go on the IVF waiting list. They expect it should take three months for us to be able to start IVF. I am so incredibly glad I didn’t have to wait the four months to get in for the initial appointment!! Then it would have been 7 months to IVF.

In the meantime we will do IUI’s while we are waiting. It was too late to start anything this month (as I was on CD5 and they start medications on CD3). So when I get to CD1 next month (which should be sometime around Feb 7) I am supposed to call them. We will set up an appointment for around CD10 for follicle tracking and they will do a Sonohysterography (A small tube, or catheter, is placed into the cervix through the vagina. After filling the uterus with a saline (salt solution) through the catheter, this procedure uses transvaginal ultrasound to help detect problems such as endometrial polyps and fibroids and can determine if the tubes are open.) I previously had a HSG (which is a similar test) that showed that everything was normal. Since that test was more than a year ago they will do the sono now just to make sure everything still looks good. I will take medication (Femera) from CD 3-7. We will then do a trigger shot and an IUI. If I don’t get a bfp then we will either do another IUI with Femera or look at doing injectable medication with an IUI. IUI with Femera will likely cost about $500 - $600 per cycle. Injectable medications range from $2,000 - $4,000.

After those two IUI’s (if there is no bfp) we should be through the waiting list and ready to do an IVF. IVF will likely cost around $10,000 (including medication) per try. They say there is about a 35 – 40% chance of success with IVF.

Right now, due to my “unexplained” infertility (I really hate that diagnosis!!) they say we have about a 2% chance of getting pregnant with a non-medicated/natural cycle. This goes up to about 4% if we add something like Clomid or Femera. I think the IUI with Clomid or Femera brings it up to about 10% (which still seems so low!!) In comparison, they say that for young fertile couples, the chance of conception is between 20% and 37% per month.

One thing that I am grateful for is that living in Canada we do have healthcare that covers most medical related visits. I don’t have to pay for visits to my doctor, or things like tracking scans or blood tests. I don’t have to pay to have a baby or if I had to stay in the hospital and have tests or surgery. I am very lucky for that. It is still a big financial commitment to take the leap to IVF. I know it is 100% worth it in the end if it gives us our rainbow baby. It would be hard to accept if we had to go through multiple IVF’s and didn’t have a successful pregnancy. I can’t think like that though. I truly do believe that this will work for us. I just have those moments where the negative thoughts creep in before I can beat them back with my optimism.

Anyways, I am very glad to have a plan in place. One step closer to our goal of a healthy baby in 2014!!

Meli – Just wanted to say I am so happy to hear that Zavy’s surgery went well yesterday. I was thinking of you and your family and sending Zavy lots of positive healing energy. I know that he is strong and determined and I was sure that things would go well but it was sure good to read your status that said the surgery went well!! That is one more thing to check off the list. He will be going home before you know it!!

Vegas – Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!! That weight gain sure explains Grace growing out of her newborn outfits. She is obviously getting enough to eat!! Keep up the good work Grace (and mommy)!!

Stef – Hope the roads are better and you are able to get out of the house!! It warmed up a lot here. Its melting a ton as it was above freezing and sunny today. We had wind warnings. The wind was gusting up to 100km’s an hour (62 miles). We have had crazy weather this year so far!! Sienna’s poop explosions do not sound like fun. It’s amazing how kids always know how to time those things (I am sure your dinner guests enjoyed that one!!).

Angel – You girls always find such good deals!! I guess I don’t look for stuff much. I can’t even remember the last time I shopped online. I never seem to find deals like you do. Hope you are all doing well!! Any news on the job Jeff applied for or a new place to live??

Jasmine – Hope you are doing well!!
Meli: I bet Xzavier will fatten up quickly once he's allowed to start back on his cheeseburgers. He really took to those bottles and loves his pacifier so you know he's going to have a hearty appetite. My nephew, who was the preemie, was quite big by the time he was a year old with big chubby cheeks and legs.

Jen: sounds like you've got a plan now! I'm so happy to hear they are being so proactive. I hope the iui works just so you can get that bfp sooner. I agree that unexplained infertility must be one of the most frustrating diagnosis, but it should also mean that the treatments they give you should have a better chance of working since it looks like everything is in working order.

Afm: found out that Grace won't be able to start daycare until February 17, but I told my boss I'd be back on the 10th. Hopefully he won't be too mad. Even starting on the 17th I'm only taking nine weeks off.
Jen, -6 does sound extremely cold. We had a couple days where I am with higher - temps and it was awful!
I thought the same thing about and easier delivery with Emma's small head!
I am glad you guys have a plan in place. You can at least enjoy a break from the pressure and stress this cycle.
I like to think I am thrifty and a great deal finder, but I cheap. I watch a site called hip2save and it tells me about great deals.

Stef, we really like walmart diapers. I like how they don't get mushy. They were all Carter wore from about 10 months on.
I hope the poop came out of your white shirt! We usually give Emma's poops a couple of minutes too. I don't get run-outs, but I can waste three diapers in a row when she wasn't finished.
We would LOVE to buy, but we really need to pay off some debt and buy another car first. It makes me so mad to hear about people's mortgages that are less than we are paying in rent!
I have no idea if I can exchange the diapers. I think we will make it through them though. If not I can list them on a resale site.

Vegas, I got my bra in, but I haven't picked it up from the office. I hope you are feeling better by now.
How cute with your chunker weighing only a pound under Emma!!
How do you feel about only taking 9 weeks?

Meli, we will be moving into a new place April 1st. I am not looking forward to moving or even looking for a house, but I am ready for more space and a backyard again!
As for Emma's bedtime routine, it is still nonexistent. She won't sleep anywhere but the swing or with me next to her. I tried to put her in the bassinet last night when we went to bed and she only lasted in it until 1.
With the walmart diapers, I do recommend them, but lots of people don't like them. They say they feel too papery, but that is kind of why I like them.
You will still be able to use the stroller after he grows out of the snug ride. After the snug ride, you would be upgrading to a stationary seat, one that stays in the car. Therefor you will not need another car seat to fit in the stroller. Hope that makes sense.
Now to important stuff... I am so happy that Zavy did so well with his surgery!!!! And I know like Vegas, that he will do great with his bottle feedings and will fatten up in no time!!!

Middy, hope you are well!

AFM, not much here again. Still searching houses online and doing drive bys. We are scheduled to look at 2 on Monday. It stinks to be looking so early, but we can't wait until the last minute either.
Oh yeah, sadly, Jeff did not get that job. He doesn't have accounting experience and it is killing him! All his schooling doesn't seem to matter at all, at least to get the jobs that pay at least what he is making now.
Emma is doing okay. Still super fuzzy during the day and nursing TONS. Her naps are usually only 30 minutes and only in the swing.
Carter is good as well. He gets better with Emma every day. He had a great time playing with Charlie tonight.
Jeff has the next three days off so we are going to try to make the most of it. I can't wait for it to get warmer so we can get outside!!
Angel: have you tried introducing a bedtime routine for Emma? I've been using the "Happiest baby on the block" techniques and they are really starting to work. At first Grace hated being swaddled with her arms at her side and now, just a week later, she's fine with it and goes to sleep easily, and stays asleep as she's not flailing around. I'm also a fan of using white noise. I'm getting one 4.5-5.5 hour block a night, then she eats and goes another 2-3 hours. Naps are still unpredictable, but I'll let daycare work that out.

I'm fine with going back to work. I'm a better mom when I'm working. Spending smaller amounts of quality time with my children works better for me than spending all my time with them. I know this to be true after three whole years at home with Charlotte versus this past year of me working.

Good luck with the house hunt. I hope you find a great house to rent. I know you are so ready to have a yard again.
Meli, like Angel, I do recommend the Walmart diapers. They do feel different than the name brands - when we first tried them I was worried they would suck - but they work pretty well. Sienna didn't have any major poops while wearing them, though, so we'll see when I start using them again (we got a ton of them from his diaper party but right now I'm on a pack of Luvs).

Her sleeping schedule hasn't really gotten any better... she wants to stay up late and sleep in. I'm fine with sleeping in, but she stays up super late and doesn't get a good amount of sleep at night, so she's tired during the day. It's a vicious cycle I'm really trying to break!

So glad Xzavier is doing so well from his surgery! Here's to future diaper blowouts! :haha:

Vegas, hope you're feeling better! Are you looking forward to getting back to work?

Jen, so glad you are able to have a plan now. It sounds like things are moving forward the way they should be, finally!

Angel, I still end up wasting multiple diapers on some poop changes. She'll trick me into thinking it's done, I get the new diaper on and am just about to button up her clothes when more poop comes out. Little stinker. And the poop did come out of the shirt, took two washings in Dreft.

That sucks that Jeff didn't get the job. It's hard trying to find a job with no experience - you can't find a job without the experience, you can't get the experience without the job!

Jas, how are you?

AFM, Sienna is 2 months today! 2 month appt tomorrow. I'm wondering what she's up to for weight because she's been feeling so much heavier! And the 3 month sleepers I just bought seem like they aren't going to fit very soon.

So I've got nipple thrush :wacko: Worse on the left side than the right. I'm taking grapefruit seed extract to try and get rid of it. You guys might remember I took it for a sinus infection and the flu. This stuff is amazing! We'll see how it does. I'm also rinsing with a vinegar / water solution on a cotton ball after each feeding. Doing that one time drastically reduced the pain in my right nipple when she's feeding, so it must be helping. I'll be asking about treatment for her at her appt, although I'm not sure if she's having a problem. Is it possible I have the infection and she doesn't?

And I have a new brother in law. My brother got married on Saturday. No wedding thing, they just signed papers and made it official. They're talking about adopting, and he said the longer they are officially married before they try, the better it will look. They also have a contract in on a house. Feels weird to me... they've been together less than a year.
Stef: can't wait to hear how big Sienna has gotten. It's crazy how fast they grow.

Have you thought about taking probiotics to reduce yeast in your body? I thought I was getting thrush and started doing the vinegar thing and taking probiotics daily and within a day or two my symptoms went away. I like the gummy bear probiotics in case you want a suggestion. Sustainex brand, I think.

That's awesome your brother wants to adopt. Sometimes you just know the other person is the one for you, so as long as they've know each other for more than a month or two, I think it'll be ok. You can date someone for years and it can still end in divorce, so there are no guarantees. I wish them all the best.

Yes, I'm more than ready to return to work. In fact, I'm going to visit them tomorrow and show off the baby. :)
Vegas, I keep wanting to start a routine but Jeff's changing schedules makes it hard. The next time he has several night off in a row I would like to take her in the bedroom and nurse her and try to put her in the bed. I want to have her glow worm going so that she can start associating it with bedtime. She loves her baths, but gets all worked up when getting her dressed, and heaven forbid-lotioned!
After reading your post, I did try swaddling again. It does seem to help some at night helping her sleep a bit deeper and sometimes it helps to get her to sleep quicker.
That sounds pretty good for Grace's nights. I wish Emma would do the 2-3 hour blocks instead of 1 hour after her wake.

Stef, Congrats to your brother!!! Sorry about the thrush, how do you and Vegas know you are getting it? My nipples always hurt, but I just thought Emma has a small latch. Let us know how much Sienna weighs tomorrow!

Meli, Zavy is doing soooo great!!!

Jen and Middy, hope you are both well.
Vegas, I'll have to pick some of those gummies up when I go to the store today after her appt.

I'm just worried about my brother because he tends to rush into things. I know it can work without knowing someone for long, Blake and I moved in together pretty much right after we met. My parents were married after 11 months and are still together (32 years in July). I also know you can be with someone for years and end in divorce - I was with my ex for 6 years before we got married and it ended, so I've experienced both sides. I do hope it sticks for my brother!

Have fun showing Grace off at work! I bring Sienna down to my work with me - I'm working from home but going down once a month for meetings.

Angel, I know it's thrush because of the pain and itch. The pain is sort of like stabbing, and sometimes I feel it between feedings.. The tips of my nipples are also bright pink.

AFM, last night was hooooorrible. Hours and hours of screaming. It started when she fed on one side and I went to switch her to the other, cue screaming. I'm not sure why. It took us at least an hour that time to calm her down. Blake got her to sleep and we got her into her bassinet. That lasted about 30-40 minutes, she woke up fine wanting to finish eating. The MOMENT I put her to the boob, before she even started eating, she started screaming bloody murder. That took at least 2 hours to calm her down. I knew it was at least partially that she was hungry and tired, so I kept trying to just hold her to the boob to let her go for it if she wanted. That wasn't working, but eventually at the end of it we sat in a dark room and I just held her there and talked to her calmly and let her take her time; she eventually calmed enough to eat, which calmed her down further and she went to sleep a little while after. I still don't know what started the screaming, though.

Your plan sounds great, but like Vegas says, I hope IUI works and you don’t have to do IVF. Don’t bank on the statistics. Yes, be informed, but don’t bank on them. I’ve learned doctors HAVE to give you worse case scenario, but please just stay strong and positive and hang in there. It WILL work!


Yup, you were right. Xzavier definitely has a hearty appetite. When he’s hungry, he wants his food NOW. Don’t mess around with him. He’s like his dad lol.

That’s great that you realize that being a working mom is for you. Good for you! I’m sure Gracie will be just fine in daycare.

Sounds like you’ve got Gracie’s nighttime routine down pat. I must look up the Happiest baby on the block stuff.

How was your work visit to show off Gracie? Since a couple of weeks ago you had lost all but 6lbs of baby weight, I bet you’ve lost it ALL! jealous!!!


Thanks for the Walmart diaper brand tip. I must try them!

April 1 move in date will be here before you know it. I hope you had good luck with the houses you saw on Monday.

Like you said, Zavy is fattening up!!! Yayy!!!

That totally STINKS that Jeff didn’t get that job. I’m sorry. I know there is a better job out there for him~

So glad Carter is getting better with Emma every day.


How was Sienna’s 2 month appt?

Your nipple thrush sounds painful!!! How is it now? Any better?

Congrats on your brother’s marriage!

oh my goodness, sorry to hear of last night’s episode. I wonder what it is? Colic? Poor Sienna :hugs:


Vegas and Angel, thanks for your feedback on the stroller. I bought the Graco Elite in excellent condition (looks new) from Craigslist for $25. Score!

I also received the 2 bras I ordered. I haven’t tried them yet because I already had 2 and I only bought them for backup.

Anyone heard of the Baby zoli nail file?

I’ve gotten most of my “necessary” items. I got all the big stuff, just need diapers and spit cloths. I can buy those last minute.

My work is having my baby shower for me on Wednesday. I got to pick the catering (teriyaki restaurant!) and my gift. I picked a baby video/audio monitor, which was the last ‘big’ thing on my list. We already have a monitor that allows us to check on him remotely, like from computers or phones, but we needed this basic monitor. It will come in handy for my mom to peek in on him from her iphone or ipad when she wants to see him and isn’t at our house. Or for Raul or myself to check in on him when we’re working.

The weather is still an average of 75-80 degrees here. Seems like our winter here will be mild. I can deal with that!
Meli, Sienna is like Xzavier with her food, too. They say babies cry in hunger as a last resort, but she seriously only gives it a few minutes of expressing hunger and if I don't get to feed her within those few minutes she gets mad and starts screaming!

The thrush pain is gone completely in the right nipple just from the GSE and vinegar, but left side still hurts a lot. Right side is still bright pink though so I know it's not gone, just the pain. Hopefully these probiotics Vegas suggested help get rid of it completely!

Have fun at your baby shower next week! That remote monitor sounds awesome! Blake would probably love that.

Vegas, how many of the probiotic gummies are you taking a day? Directions say 2-4, I'm wondering if I should do the 4 until the symptoms are gone?

AFM, appt went well. She's up to 10 pounds 15.5 ounces (40th percentile), 23 1/2" long (83rd percentile), 37.5 cm head circumference (26th percentile). She got her shots, which she absolutely hated, of course. She was super calm the entire rest of the appt, though. The doctor was surprised with how well she holds her head up already.

He has us trying Maalox after last night's screaming episode. She started screaming again tonight, I gave her the little bit she needs, it seemed to help for a short while, but she started screaming again. Wondering if it was because she spit over half of it out... we'll be trying again tomorrow night. It's now midnight and I think she just passed out next to me on the couch, but the moment I try picking her up she'll probably start screaming... It's weird, if she's laying flat on her back she's ok, if I'm holding her and bouncing her she's ok, but if I just hold her or fold her legs up even a little, she starts SCREAMING. She had a big poop a little while ago which I thought solved it, but it didn't... Usually folding her legs up against her tummy helps her get the gas out... but tonight it's putting her in pain. Anyone have any thoughts?

She also has cradle cap, which I knew already, but now have the dr.'s confirmation. He told us to use anti-dandruff shampoo 2-3 times a week.

He also said he doesn't treat thrush in a baby unless it's on more than just the tongue. She has some white on her tongue, but it's too hard to tell if it's just milk or thrush. She isn't bothered by it, so he wasn't worried.
I will most more later, but wanted to say,
Stef, just put some olive oil on the cradle cap and let it sit a while then use her brush on it a bit and wash. It takes a few times, but it is a more natural approach if you prefer.
Also, be sure to squirt her meds on the inside of her cheeks, go back and fourth to each cheek until your dropper is gone, it helps them not spit so much out.
Stef: I just take two a day, but I take one in the morning and one at night. I had the sore red nips too and between the vinegar and gummies it was gone in two days.

We've been having gas issues here too. Especially at night. Guess it builds up over the day. There is a video on parents.com or patenting.com (can't recall which, so maybe google it) that shows a couple of techniques that may help. I've just been burping her more often and giving gaviscon.

Sounds like Sienna will be tall.

Meli: speaking of tall babies, I think Xzavier will be tall based on how big his feet are! So happy he's now on room air and doing so well. Hooray for your awesome neighbors doing the laundry for you.

Angel: Charlotte has a glow worm and loves it. I use a sleep sheep with wave noises for Grace. I'm hoping she'll learn to associate it with sleep.

Afm: a couple of things are going on here.

First, Ben just got home last night after four days in Vegas and he's sick. This means he can't help at all and I get to take care of him too.

Second, who else deals with a super cranky baby from about 6pm until bedtime (10:00ish for Grace)? She use to be content with either being held or me making her bouncy seat extra bouncy, but now I have to hold her and walk her around. This makes watching a movie at night impossible and stresses everyone out. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to calm her? I'm hoping this passes soon. Again, I think gas is partly to blame and am trying to work through that.

Third, I weighed Grace yesterday and the scale said 11 pounds! Such a chunker!

Lastly, please send some positive thoughts/prayers to the five-year old son of a friend of mine from elementary school. The little boy was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week. He's being treated at St. Jude, but his type of cancer does not have a very good survival rate. It just breaks my heart.
Hey Girls:

I can’t believe how big all of the babies are getting!! I am glad you all keep posting pictures on Facebook. I love to see them. They are all so cute (and so are the big brother/sisters too!!).

Vegas – I can’t believe you go back to work so soon. Sounds like you are ready though. Did you figure out your daycare situation yet? I bet your coworkers loved meeting Grace!! Hope your husband gets better soon. There is nothing worse than a sick husband (men do not tolerate illness well….you would think they were dying with the common cold!!).

I am sending lots of positive thoughts/prayers to the five-year old son of your friend. I have a friend whose son had stage 4 Neuroblastoma (which is a type of cancer) at 4 years old. It was a long tough road for them but he has made a complete recovery and is now 7 years old and healthy. It is so hard when they are so young. I hope that he can make a full recovery!!

Angel – Any update on the house hunting?? At least if you are looking to move April 1st you still have two whole months to start packing and getting ready. I would likely still leave everything to the last minute and then panic. Based on your freezer meal prep before Emma came I am guessing you are more organized than me and will make use of your time!! I am sorry to hear that Jeff didn’t get that job. It is so tough to get your foot in the door when you are starting out. As long as he is persistent and keeps looking I am sure the right job will come along. I have my fingers crossed for him!!

Stef – Hope the thrush has gone away. I have heard that can be painful. Sounds like you have found some good remedies though!! Congrats to your brother!! I hope everything works out for them. Sienna’s episode the other night sounds awful!! I hope the last few days have been better for both of you!!

Meli – I am so excited that Zavy is doing so well. He is getting his cheeseburgers again and everything is working as it should after his surgery. I can’t wait to hear that you get to bring him home. It has been a long tough journey for you all so far. I am so glad that the hospital portion is coming to an end. He really has gotten so big and strong. Have fun at your work baby shower Wednesday.

Jasmine – Hope everything is going well!!

I can’t believe how warm your weather still is. We went back into a deep freeze yesterday and today. It went from +3C (+37 degrees F) on Saturday to -40C (which is also -40F) with the windchill this morning. Its hard to know how to dress when you leave the house!!

As for me: Not much to report. We had to take a break from ttc this month. I finally got my Ruebella/measles vaccination on cd5 (after seeing the fertility doctor) and they recommend not getting pregnant for a month after the shot. We have actually had a bit of a measles outbreak here lately so I figured it would be a good idea to get it. I expect af to arrive around Feb7. I am looking forward to starting the IUI cycle. I am hopeful that it will be the little extra help that we need to finally get a sticky bfp!!

We went out of town this past weekend. My husband was playing in a squash tournament. We were able to go to a mineral spa yesterday before we came home. We didn’t get any spa treatments but we swam in the heated mineral pool (which had an outside section as well). It was pretty relaxing to sit in the hot water in the freezing cold windy weather outside. It is always nice to get away for a couple days.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!! Happy Monday!!
Angel, thanks for the tip. I think the problem that caused her to spit half of the meds out was the syringe the store gave us. It was one of those bigger ones where only the tip is small enough for her mouth. We switched to a smaller one that we had gotten with other meds and aren't having any more issues.

Vegas, has Gracie's gas gotten any better? Sienna is still having issues most nights, none nearly as bad as that one the other night, though.

I read that infant height doesn't necessarily predict full grown adult height. I found a height calculator that's supposed to be pretty accurate that goes based on the mother and father's heights - it's saying she'll be 5'4".

Hope Ben feels better soon! Hopefully it's not that nasty flu that's going around. And Sienna is cranky in the evenings, too. Hers usually starts around 7 and goes until whenever I can get her to go to bed (usually 11-1am on the worst nights). For her, I'm pretty sure it's the gas because, like you said with Grace, walking with her helps.

Jen, that mineral pool sounds awesome! How was it getting out of the water into the freezing air?

AFM, nipples are still bright red and sore... itching has stopped which makes me think that they just need to heal now, so I've been using Lansinoh, which helps with the pain a lot when Sienna is feeding. My whole body is out of whack - I ended up with a vaginal yeast infection, too. Not sure if there's something hormone related going on? From about 7-8 weeks PP, I had some very minor bleeding. Since I'm EBF, I wasn't expecting my period so soon, but since that happened, I've been super moody and then the yeast infections, so I'm wondering if something's going on hormonally.

My friend Holly is finally going to meet Sienna on Saturday. She's the one who threw the baby shower for us, so it feels wrong that she hasn't had been able to meet her yet! I'm excited to see her but it means I need to clean up the nursery, lol, because a lot of the decorations in there are things she made for us.
Stef, I hope it works out for your brother. Has Sienna had anymore of those screaming fits? I read that stretching legs out is a symptom of reflux.
My nipples are also bright pinkish and hurt . I wince when she latches, but then it doesn't really hurt. But just in general, they always feel bruised. I am not sure what the deal is.
Sienna and Emma were almost the same measurements at their 2 month checks (but Emma was 11 weeks). Emma was 10lbs 15oz and 23in.
I am pretty sure I had my first period already too. It was only 2 days of bleeding, but I think I started my second one today, but unsure again because I had some spotting from the IUD I had placed as well.
I know your friend will just love Sienna!
I am starting to work on some of the diy nursery projects. Speaking of, would you still be able to make that alphabet print for me?

Meli, Wow!! That monitor sounds way high tech! I am so happy Xzavier is coming home soon!
Sorry, I have not heard of the nail file. I have only managed to cut Emma's nails twice in her 14 weeks!

Vegas, sorry Ben was sick, hopefully he is better now. Emma is also fussier at night. I have heard of a thing called "the witching hour". She won't nap in the evening, so she goes to sleep at 7:30, but it makes nights awful. And she won't let Jeff hold her. I don't have any advice for you sadly:(
I will be praying for your friend's boy. That is so sad.

Jen, no house yet. I really have champagne taste on a beer budget... I am trying to get it done though so I am not stressing later. And yes, I am a planner and lister!
That sounds like a great time at the spa! Enjoy your month off as much as you can!

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