June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Sorry it has been so long since my last reply ladies!! I can't say things have been more hectic, just the same. Emma still nurses every 1-1.5 hours during the day and still wakes 3-5 times at night. Last night she didn't have her first wake up until 3:40am and we were super happy with that. But then I nursed her three times between 4am and 7:15am. She is advancing tons though. She can roll front to back, she laughs and she smiles and screams a lot. Screams as in yelling and talking screaming. We finally got our highchair and jumperoo from storage. She really likes the jumperoo. She doesn't jump yet, but likes to look and the toys and yells at them. I will be getting the excersaucer from my mom tomorrow. I am pretty excited about tomorrow. We are going to see Jason Aldean and Florida Georgia Line. My mom will be babysitting the kids for the first time, other than for a couple times while I dashed to the store. She is going to be staying here to make it a bit easier.
Carter is doing okay. Pretty much the same, but does love to help me try to get her to laugh. I have him registered for preschool for fall. I know he will love it.
We haven't found a house yet. We are considering buying and have even been pre approved. The only thing stopping us is that we don't have a down payment, so the places we can look are really limited. If we find a great place we may, otherwise the plan is to still rent for one more year and then buy a minivan in the next few months and save buying until after tax time next year.
As for me, I had an IUD placed and I go in tomorrow to double check through ultrasound that it is placed correctly. My body is still getting used to it and I still have intermittent spotting.
So we have only had sex twice since she has been born. I feel bad for Jeff, so sometimes I just give him hand jobs. But I have no sex drive and I am still hating my body. I haven't been able to lose any weight. I am still eating like a cow and just sit on my ass all day breastfeeding. If I ever have a baby again it will be in like march, so after a couple months it will be warm so we can get out and get some exercise.
Have any of you watched Orange is the New Black on Netflix? We just watched the first season. I think next I will watch Downtown Abbey if they have it. We just got Netflix, so we are a little behind the times.
Jeff's mom is doing okay. She is done with her treatments and sounds tons better over the phone. They just have to wait another couple of months to give her another pet scan to see if the cancer is gone.
I have been working on getting stuff done for Emma's nursery. I can't wait for you guys to see the finished product!

Meli, I am sorry about your mil and sil. Pretty juvenile of them to act this way. It wasn't as if you didn't have TONS else on your mind.
The nursery looks very cute and I still love seeing his pictures, but must say that you guys are slacking in that department. I miss my daily Zavy fix!!

Stef, sorry about af coming, but glad you aren't pregnant. I would cry if I was!! I have had at least one period since I got my Iud. I just am so tired of wearing panty liners and pads!! My ob said not to wear a tampon for six weeks after I got it. Well that has passed so on my next af I can wear a tampon.- It's the small things in life, right?
I am glad Sienna did got being babysat and that you guys had a good time.
The Walgreens idea is perfect. If you could do one that is 8x10 for Carter with the letters a pale yellow and the C and the "is for Carter" in green. This bedding has the colors of his room if you could get close to them. https://www.amazon.com/Child-Mine-Safari-Bedding-3-piece/dp/B00ADSGIIW
And a 10x13 for Emma's room with blue letters and the E and the "is for Emma" in Orange. Along these lines:
I really appreciate your doing it! I have another question too. There are some downloadable images I want from etsy, but they come in 11x7. I only want them in 4x6, is it possible to resize them?

Vegas, I am happy to hear that work is going well and that Grace is doing good at daycare. No tips on nighttime from me, Emma is still AWFUL!

Jen, I hope you get some good news very soon. I don't know how you can cut so much out of your diet! You have such good self control!! What did you eat for snacks?

Middy come back to us!
Angel - I hope you enjoyed the concert!! How did everything go with your mom and the kids?? I haven't watched Orange is the New Black. I have heard it is good though. We don't have Netflix (I feel like everyone has it but us these days!!). Good luck with house hunting. I think you have a good plan. Don’t just buy something to buy it. If you don’t find the perfect house you can see your self living in for a good number of years then find a place to rent for now and keep on saving.

Preparation is the key to cutting so much out. As long as we have enough food prepped its not that hard. The worst thing is being hungry and not having anything you can eat. Then the temptation to have something that you can't is tough to resist. I guess I have pretty good willpower. I am stubborn. I think that helps!! For snacks I use nuts, egg muffins (we make a really good buffalo chicken one that we both really like), not sweet muffins (there is a good carrot pumpkin muffin with coconut and almond flour, it is sweetened using a green banana), cut up veggies, grapefruit or banana (we can have one piece per day), a piece of cooked chicken, etc. There are lots of options. The detox we did has a guidebook (that also has recipes) and a cookbook that has a ton of really good recipes in it. We have been making things like ketchup, bbq sauce, mayo, and salad dressing so we still have condiments. All I can say is the fact that we have no toddlers or babies at home has allowed us to have enough time to prep and cook. It really does take a fair amount of time.

Vegas - Glad to hear your return to work went well. It’s so good that Grace did well at daycare. I bet Charlotte loves having her little sister with her there. Hope you aren’t too tired and have been able to get a bit more sleep.

Stef – Glad to hear your post Valentine’s dinner was fun (even if the food wasn’t the greatest). That is amazing that Sienna is sleeping 7-8 hour stretches. Is she still doing that?? If so you got lucky with a good sleeper!!

Meli – Sorry to hear about the family drama. I don’t know why people have to make things so difficult. There are so many more important things going on in your life to have to worry about petty things like that!

Jasmine – Hope you are doing well and are all settled in in your new place.

AFM – Just waiting and waiting for the dreaded TWW to end. Only one more week until the blood test. I will likely POAS on Tuesday it will be 11dpo and I am off work that day. At the very least I can confirm the HCG trigger is out of my system. It was only 5,000 mcg this time. Every other time I have had the trigger they gave me 10,000 mcg. I assume it should leave my system quicker since it is half the dose.

Hope everyone is staying warm. It is supposed to be bitterly cold here tonight. The temp right now is -25 C (-13 F) with a windchill of -43 C (-45 F). Tonight it is supposed to go down to -40 C with a windchill of -50 C (-58 F). It really is ridiculous. They said it is the 4th coldest February on record and the coldest in the last 20 years. Hoping it will warm up soon!!!
Hi girls I just want you to know I haven't forgotten about you all. Things have been so ridiculously busy for months now. It doesn't help that we don't have a computer or a laptop right now but we do have a voucher to go out and get one in the next couple of weeks so I plan to sit down and catch up properly.

Were all fine though, the house move was insane but it's definitely the right choice. We love it here so it's all been worth it. Asti is doing great too.

I literally haven't read the thread for weeks but once I do I'll reply.

Much love and thought to all x x
Good to hear from you Middy and glad Asti is doing great!

Jen, how's it going today?
Thanks for asking how things are going Angel. Sorry I took so long to reply!! I'll give you all the update.

So IUI #1 was not successful. Disappointing. I had a blood HCG test Friday. I already knew before I got the result that it would be negative (as I had a bfn on Tuesday and another bfn Friday morning). Af arrived yesterday. So on to IUI #2. I go for my first tracking appointment on Tuesday the 18th. I start Lezotrole (Femara) tomorrow. I expect the IUI will be done Friday March 21. Hopeful that IUI #2 will be the lucky one!! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Glad to hear from you Jasmine!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
Jen, I am sorry the first one didn't work, fingers crossed for #2!
Hi everyone! Work and the girls have kept me busy, but I thought I'd pop in for a quick update.

Grace is now almost 14 weeks old. She is a very mellow baby though she gets pretty cranky right before bedtime. She loves daycare and they love her. She's trying to roll over from front to back, but can't figure out how to get all the way around which is really frustrating her. Normally I get a 5-7 hour stretch without her walking each night, but the past two she's been only sleeping 3 hour stretches-yikes! I'm ready for her to start sleeping through and for her to be in her own room, but we aren't quite there.

Jen: sorry iui #1 didn't take. Praying you'll get your bfp soon.

Angel: what do you think of your iud? I'm on the mini pill and hate it so looking for other options.

Meli: I love reading Xzavier's updates.

Steph/Jasmine: how are you both?
Hi Girls:

Quick update. Went in for my tracking scan yesterday. There were three follicles (15, 11 and 11). I am supposed to do the trigger shot tonight at 10:30pm. IUI #2 scheduled for Friday am. She said the 15mm follicle would be the dominant one but the other two could still get bigger and ovulate (could ovulate one or both of them a bit later than the 15mm one). So our instructions are to bd for the few days following the IUI just in case. I am hoping that this IUI works. If not I think we will try one more IUI before moving on to IVF. I am really hoping that we don't have to do IVF. I do feel optimistic about this month. Hopefully it will be a sticky bfp month!!

Vegas - Glad to hear that Grace is doing so well at daycare. That must make it so much easier for you to be back at work!! I can't believe she is already almost 14 weeks. Where does the time go??

Thanks to all of you girls for the baby dust, crossed fingers and prayers. I really do appreciate it!!
Jen: sending baby dust your way. If it works (and it will work!) you'd have a Christmas baby!
Hello girls,

Wow, it's been ages! I finally have an actual proper computer to sit and type at now and I'm so happy that means now I'll be able to come on here and catch up with you all after months of being mute!

We have been settling in nicely to our new home, it's been hard work just getting it to a good standard to live in, especially with a baby but we're on our way now. We have carpeted throughout, got hold of a cooker, fridge freezer and washing machine. Decorated fully the living room and the girls bedroom. I'll put some pictures on here once I get time. I'm particularly pleased with the girls room as it's 'Wizard of Oz' theme, very bright and fun!

Baby Astrid is a really good little baby, she is 12 pounds, is nearly laughing and trying to roll over. She's very petite, very chilled out, loves her sleep but seems shyer and quieter than her sister. She adores her sister too and loves watching her all of the time! She has pretty much just slotted into our lives very well and although it's so much harder with two, I'm just thankful that she is such a sweet and good girl! I'm having a wobble over her name though, rather than repeat myself the thread can be found here:


Astrid has been in her own room since 3 months and unlike her sister who is still in our bed every night at 4 years old, she loves her own bed and her sleep (THANK GOD) and sleeps 7pm till 6.30am isn. OH keeps saying we should have another baby but you know we'd get another Eva and not another Astrid hehe!

I took voluntary redundancy from work a few weeks ago, I had a feeling they would make me redundant anyway and I wasn't sure of going back to the job after all the problems I had with bullying last year and I felt not ready to put the baby into childcare as early as I did with Eva. I plan to work a few evenings or weekends though come Septemeber but for now, I am enjoying being a mum. I have been feeling quite down lately though and a bit all over the place, part of me thinks I have mild PND so I need to see the GP about that. A few things have happened though, tried to make contact with my mum again but she's not interested, fell out with one of my friends and this name business has all been getting me down that and of course just how hard it is with two! How are you finding having two Vegas and Angel?

Jen, all the best of luck with this last attempt before IVF, I am thinking of you often and I really hope you get your christmas baby so much but you know what at least there is another option if you don't and a pretty good chance with IVF. You will get there x

Meli, words cannot express just how happy I am for you and your family on the amazing daily progress of little Xzavi! He is such a little star and has quite the fan club! You are doing an amazing job!

Masses of love and thoughts to everyone and now i have this computer I look forward to keeping up more x x x
Hey ladies! I hope you all are doing well. In case any of you didn't see, we are buying a house!!!! I am super excited. It is such a perfect first house for us. It has a perfect amount of space and just the right amout of work for do it yourselfers to do. It has 4 bedrooms, a mostly fenced backyard with a play structure and we are right in front of the hoa community pool and playground! We have inspections on Thursday, so FX!!! Emma is basically the same. We have finally started putting her to sleep in her cosleeper/bassinet and she has slept tons better, at least for the first stretch, usually about 4 hours. Once she did 5 hours. I need to feed her and put her back in bed after her wake to see if she does better, but I am horrible and feed her in bed. After, she ends up staying in the bed.
I have been getting everything together for her nursery and I can't wait for you guys to see! Thanks again Steph for the prints!!!
Carter is doing well, starting to be a bit jealous. I think it is because Emma is starting to interact more. She barely laughs though. Has only laughed about 7 times. I guess we aren't that funny....
Nothing much else going on- that is all stressful enough, right!?

Jen, I hope this cycle goes well. When are you planning to test? The weekend?

Middy, so good to hear from you. I am glad you guys are all settled. I can't wait to see your pics. I love seeing your pins on pinterest, so I am intrigued as to how you finally decorated!
I am sorry about the name confusion. You know I love Wren! My thoughts- if you are thinking so hard about it, it seems like your heart is set on Violet. It may be a tough change for a bit and feeling a little silly for changing, but she will have it for life so better do it now:)

We need to be better at replying. I feel like we are all so close and I miss you guys. Facebook updates are not enough for me!!
Angel – Big congrats on buying a house. That is so exciting!!! How did the inspection go today?? When will you get to move in?? (assuming everything went well with the inspection) Can’t wait to see pics of your completed nursery.

I think I will wait to test Tuesday. I am off that day and it would be approx 11dpo. I go for my blood test next Friday (April 4th).

Vegas – I always thought I would want to avoid a Christmas baby (there are already way too many birthdays in December plus Christmas). Nothing would make me happier now!! Fingers and everything else crossed!!!

Middy – So glad to hear from you again!! As for the name, if it is causing you this much distress already I think you should change it. It will be way easier to change it now than later. You don’t want to have regrets when she is older. I personally think that either Violet Wren or Violet Astrid are lovely names. In Canada Astrid is really not a name you ever hear. It can be nice to have a name that is not super popular (I always hated that there were so many Jennifer’s out there when I was growing up). But, I can see what you mean about how having a more unusual name gets a negative reaction from some people. It shouldn’t matter what other people say or think (but I know it usually does). You’ve given it a lot of thought. I think that you should go with your gut and do what you feel is right. It’s not a spur of the moment decision.

Glad you are getting settled in from the move. You have had lots of changes/stresses lately with the move and the baby and your mom and the job redundancy. I can see why you might be feeing a bit down. I think it is a good idea to talk to your doctor if you aren’t feeling like yourself.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!

I really don’t have much to report. Just in the dreaded tww. Waiting until I can start POAS. I’ve been pretty busy so that helps make the time go a bit faster. I really wish there was a way to know immediately if you were going to get your bfp. This waiting is excruciating!!
Ok Girls I am freaking out here. I am putting in all the details. Sorry if its tmi.

Yesterday I was certain that I was out. I woke up in the morning and forgot that I was planning to test until after I went pee. However, when wiping I noticed a bit of brown blood. This is typically the start of af. It typically stays like this for a day or half a day and then gets redder and heavier. I waited for about 4 1/2 hours and did a test (ic). Did not see a line, still had some brown blood while wiping. I was certain that this month was another bfn and had the discussion with my husband about what to do next month (start ivf or try one more iui). We had better numbers this month for the sperm count in the iui, the timing seemed better. I had been feeling pretty hopeful. I was devastated that this was another failure.

I was expecting af to be here full force this morning. Instead there was no blood when I wiped. I decided to do another test (ic). I thought maybe I could see a faint hint of a line (but I was sure it was just me seeing what I wanted to see). I decided to use a different test. I had a Shoppers Drug Mart brand (early detection) test. I never poas I always use a cup and dip. I had saved it so I dipped the Shoppers Test. Jumped in the shower and when I got out (it was about 3 mins) there was a + sign. It was still a pretty faint second line. But it was clearly a second line. I tried to take a picture. Didn't get a great one but I will try to post it (I've never posted a picture on here before). I hope it works, I really need opinions.

My boobs are super sore (but that often happens just from the progesterone) so I can't trust that. But it does seem to be more than usual. That was my biggest symptom the month I got my only other bfp. I have been extremely exhausted (again often a progesterone symptom). I am worried that it is just my mind reading into things because I want a bfp so badly.

It is an emotional rollercoaster. We want this so much and have had so much disappointment. I am afraid that I am getting my hopes up and its not real. I am scheduled to have a blood HCG test on Friday am. I should have the results of that by Friday afternoon. I will buy a few more (different brands) of tests on my way home from work tonight and test again tonight and tomorrow morning. Based on when I had the trigger shot I should be 12 dpo today. It is 13 days since I had the iui.

My pictures are on my phone. I am going to try to post one or two of the clearest ones. Fingers crossed it works (and everything crossed that it's real). Send me all your baby dust girls. I could really use it!!
Ok. Lets see if I figured this out. Of course it looks clearer in real life. The picture looks a lot fainter. Hope you guys can see something and it actually posts.


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Jen I can see it a mile off straight away on my tiny phone in a dark room feeding Violet Astrid! Will reply properly in around an hour but I'm sending you lots of baby dust, no one deserves this more than you! OMG getting really excited for you I hope it's it! X x x
Oh Jen! I have thought and prayed about you tons during this week. I checked bnb tons to see if you tested but didn't want to bother you. I am beyond happy! So happy I actually yelled out loud!!! I can def see it. :hugs::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks you guys!! I am really in shock. I will post later tonight after I get more tests. You are the first people that know. Your support through this whole process has meant so much to me. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers!!

I haven't told my husband yet. I wanted to tell him in person. He is going to be a bit late getting home tonight as he is scheduled to go play squash after work. He will be shocked as I was so upset yesterday I am sure he is 100% certain we are out for this month.

I just can't quite believe that this could be real.
Ok....good news and bad news. The two new tests were both positive. Posting picture below. That is very very good news.

Bad news.....more spotting. It was gone this morning, nothing there at noon when I went to the bathroom and just before I took the tests I noticed that it had returned (was a bit on the pantyliner and some when I wiped). Its a bit redder than yesterday. Still more brown than red. Still very light. But I am really worried that this will be a chemical.

I guess all I can do is remain cautiously optimistic. As of this moment I am pregnant. What happens from here is out of my control. Lots of people have varying degrees of bleeding and still have successful pregnancies. I just hope that it doesn`t get any worse and that this is a sticky bfp!!!


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