******june babies******

LOL our contractor said he'd be done at the end of January: he was done by a hair on Saturday February 13th, literally 15 minutes before DH's family started arriving. And even then, he had to come back for some last minute details yesterday... Had we not had the family coming over, he likely would have taken even longer! But all of it is done now, this weekend I can rearrange, take pictures and upload onto FB!

Linn, are you better today? I finally slept all night, yay!!! Was rested enough to do 45 minutes lower leg work-out before heading into work, the first time in 2 weeks I've done any exercise. I think I have 3 more doses of the antibiotics to take then I'm done! I usually get a thrush infection after antibiotics, just waiting for that to manifest now...

I've decided to stop buying clothes and things for baby, as everyone keeps telling me we'll get a lot of gifts. I don't really buy it but will wait and see :) I washed all of Zoë's clothes last week, and it's ready to fold and put away, but part of the problem is that people aren't meant to know the gender: which means I can't put it in the nursery yet, will have to put it back into the suitcase I was storing it in! This is complicated...
CJ how do you keep a secret like that? I swore that i wasnt going to tell anyone if it was a girl and yet i was hardly out of the scanning centre before i had rang half the country! I am so so bad at keeping secrets!
Wow it's been tough! Think I've slipped up a couple of times by saying "she" but then countered it by saying "he" :) My mom and several others are convinced it's a boy because apparently I've slipped up and said so :haha: Not sure we'll be able to make it to the end without letting the cat out of the bag! We really wanted that element of suprise for everyone else, even though we know...
Jeez CJ, well done you!! DH and I were way to excited to tell everyone...we couldn't keep it a secret for 24 hours, let alone the rest of the pregnancy!! :lol:

Congrats Sweetniss :D I have a week to go (going by my Drs EDD...)

I'm not feeling too good today...gonna try crocheting again (maybe without ending up throwing the ball of wool across the room this time :rofl:)!

Aw. Today seems to just be one of those days, I feel so blah too. Ooooh I love to crochet too! Seems like a good day to start another blanket for LO :)
It's really hard keeping this secret, but it'll be worth it in the end I hope :)

yay on 24 weeks sweetniss!

stuffymuffy and nightkd, I've been knitting up a storm :) not that good with crochet though!
I've always wanted to learn to knit but I could never get the hang of it.

I am the same I want to learn to knit but could not get it but I can crochet a baby blanket in a day. I have so many done already.

Me too! I know I'm not going to need as many as I'm making but it keeps me occupied lol Have you made any other bits for LO? I've been made some hats and booties and I really want to try my hand at them but I'm terrible at reading patterns.
I've always wanted to learn to knit but I could never get the hang of it.

I am the same I want to learn to knit but could not get it but I can crochet a baby blanket in a day. I have so many done already.

I wish I could crochet a baby blanket! Doesn't even need to be in a day!! :lol:

I found some patterns for booties (gonna practice a bit more with regular squares, but I honestly just have this inability to crochet...I know what to do, but can't do it...)..

I am in a LOT of pain at the moment...I don't think it's anything serious, but it hurts like heck! I was sick this morning, so I think it's something to do with that - gut upset etc...just wish it would ease off. I tried a warm bath, but that didn't help much. Bean seemed to enjoy it though!! :lol: Gonna make myself a baked potato and hope that THAT might help! :dohh:

:hugs:Hey all!!
Hope you ladies are all well. My little ladie has been kicking like crazy lately, it is quite fun now as friends can see my bump moving and hubby feels much more involved now. Our little miss seems to wait for daddy to get home from work, then as soon as she hears him she is off - I'm sure she is rearranging the furnature in there daily!
feeling fairly exhausted at the moment, just want to sleep constantly.
Oh and I tried THREE of my maternity trousers/jeans on today and realised that I had outgrown them all :shrug: (much to my horror!)
I am getting so excited not, I think it is actually beginning to sink in that she is a real bubba and she will be in my arms in just a matter of weeks (ok 15 weeks but still!)
Hubby and I are house hunting at the mo, and are hoing to be in by the time our lil lady arrives, so things are pretty hectic. We are saving so hard too, but it will be worth it.
I too have the crocheting bug, but it is just finding the time!
well off to bed now all, but :hugs: to you all!
I have made about 4 sets of hats with matching sweaters and booties 15 blankets and a teddy so far and am working on a cross stitch quilt at the moment I am about half done with it
Holy cow sweetniss! Good going! Took me 10 years to make the cross-stitch that's now up on the wall of the nursery :wacko: Can't imagine making a cross stitch QUILT! And great knitting work too!
Hey all!
Im a late joiner but so far loving this site! im due june 5th. On team yellow
Hey all!
Im a late joiner but so far loving this site! im due june 5th. On team yellow

hi and welcome. I am due sometime between 27th of may and 2nd of june (got 3 different dates from 3 different scans) but i am going with the 2nd of june! I already have 3 boys and we are now expecting our first little princess!!
CJ sorry I didn't post anymore yesterday, I feel much better now... I got a cold but at least that horrible sinus pain is gone, it was also keeping me awake at night :)

How is everyone today? We been out playing in the snow with DD for a couple of hrs this morning, now I'm just waiting for my lunch to cook and then it's off shopping for DD and the baby :)
Snow??? We have no snow! Do you have alot Linn?

Wow I would love to crochet - I would also love to knit! I just love knitted baby things, I have been knitted a few so will put them to good use!

OH has a horrible sickness bug and bladder infection on top of it - Had the ambulance guy out this morning who has reassured us but he is very unwell poor love. And was meant to be the baby show today :( But i'm glad I can look after him - been running around like a looney!

Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday! Let us know what you buy Linn!! I have been to town this morning to get OH some pills and grabbed some Next sleepsuits (size 0 - 1) which is up to 10lb so will hopefully last a few weeks....hopefully!
Hi everyone! My personal trainer apt got cancelled today, she's sick... So instead I'll swim at my friends' condo building. Before that, I'm going yarn shopping with my friend to get even more baby yarn for knitted projects!!! It's so fast to knit a baby sweater, I started one on Wednesday and it appears it will be done by this weekend!

I'm not allowed to shop anymore until the baby showers... Ordered 12 more diapers yesterday (so will have 24 in the house, need about 48 for only 1 extra wash per week), the smaller sizes with pockets for increased absorbancy (AMG Duo Pocket All-in-2). They have 25 different colours, I want them all :)

In the last 3 days, we can see baby moving around, it's crazy! She's finally gotten big enough to bypass the whole anterior placenta issue :) I sat on the couch knitting last night with my shirt up watching her :cloud9:

Linn, hope you're sinusitis is resolving! Did you start the antibiotics? I'm done my treatment now, and no sign of thrush yet (knock on wood!).

OK, need to take my shower now before my knitting buddy arrives for our expedition. Will check in later!
CJ yeah I started them yesterday.. luckily I never had thrush before, not that I know of anyway!

Hett yeah we had some snow here, not loads but some.. I didn't get anything for baby today, I need to order it all online. Ordered some bits already but I don't like what they got in stores. DD got new shoes, peppa pig knickers and a peppa pig umbrella. OH said I can order what I want for baby next week :)

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