June bugs 2012! 6x Boys 12x Girls 8x Team Yellow :)

Just checking in on all the excitement! Great scan pics, ladies! Emzy, given your SPD and ms, it's amazing Holly is going to have a sibling :) I've had an ongoing rough time. Taking meds, but they aren't working very well. Have to go work a few hours this afternoon and dreading it...
:hugs: cricket, I hope it eases off for you for work.

And ha ha yes I know, I had a bit of a tough pregnancy last time! But it's so worth it in the end I don't care if it goes the same way :) It's funny though, as even though last pregnancy was hard because of bad ms and SPD, I still loved being pregnant and I look back on it really fondly. I loved having my big bump and feeling all the kicks and wriggles. I also had a tough time delivery wise with a bad tear, but I'm still looking forward to that part too. I think there must be something wrong with me ha ha!! I guess the good far outweighs the bad :)
That's so good to know, Emzy! Right now I can't imagine doing this again. But I'm sure I will!

So, question...I don't think my little bean was wriggling during the scan at 8 weeks - but we did see a strong heartbeat. Should I be concerned though?
My bean wasn't wriggling either, don't worry :) I had a few scans with Holly and she was different at each scan. The 12 week scan she was moving her hands, 17 weeks she wouldn't keep still, 20 weeks she must have been asleep as she didn't move and was curled up in a ball!
Ok, good. Thanks, Emzy! Still waiting for meds to kick in so I can go to work! Hope they do.
Emzy I love how you enjoyed your pregnancy even with all the problems, I hated it and dreading it this time!! But obviously I am doing it again because it is so worth it! I will try and enjoy it abit more this time, just depends how badly it goes lol xx
That's so good to know, Emzy! Right now I can't imagine doing this again. But I'm sure I will!

So, question...I don't think my little bean was wriggling during the scan at 8 weeks - but we did see a strong heartbeat. Should I be concerned though?

I'm sorry you're having such a tough time :( My pain is terrible at times bit I just keep thinking "there's a baby in there and this will all be sooooooo worthwhile" and it helps for me. Well, it helps me feel less rotten mood-wise at least.
And as far as the scan goes, at my 7/8 week one there was no movement but for the heartbeat, yesterday he/she was waving arms and legs everywhere as if to say "I know your symptoms have disappeared but I'm here and I'm ok!!" (that's how it was in my head anyway!!) So don't worry about it. I hope work goes ok :)
Hope the appointment goes well Lily, let me know if they have any tips!!

Well, I had a VERY thorough evaluation and it turns out that I dont have sciatica, I have Left sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which is similar in feeling but not in cause. It's due to the loosening if the pelvis and the problem is in the join between the tailbone and the pelvis. Basically it's a bit more localised than sciatica in that it doesn't really travel that far down my leg or cause numbness or tingling, just INTENSE pain. I start physio on Friday, but if you think this sounds at all like your pain he did show me one move to help 'pop' things back into place: stand with your feet apart, squat down then really clench your buttocks when you come back up. Apparently it helps! Anyway, he's confident we can get this under control, so yey! Urgh, my job are being assholes. Because I had fertility treatment, I had a lot of dr appointments before this, not I'm seeing my OB plus a blood clotting specialist and though I have (or had, until this week) a lot of sick time left and always booked the time in advance and brought in notes as proof, they are giving me hell. NOW I'm off for a week because I can barely walk AND have to speak to them when I get in on Monday because the Dr says walking too much is bad for my hip condition and my job has a lot of walking around. Oh my god, I'm so scared. PLUS, hubby's parents want to take us away for Xmas and its all booked, I have the holiday time, I'm not just way too scared to ask for it, but have to soon. Sorry ladies, I just wanted to vent and share. Anyone got any workplace advice at all? Argh, I'm supposed to be taking it easy!!!
Ok, because that last post was a bit whinging, here's something awesome: my scan from yesterday!!! :D

wow! congrats on the scan!!
Hey Ladies, quick question, has any of you videoed the scan on their phone? I really would like to video my next scan as it would be too cool if the baby was moving! (although i suppose really it would be OH videoing! :)
At my hospital they don't allow any videoing equipment in the dept. even mobiles :( x
If you go back a hundred pages or so there were two who did video. Maybe 200 pages...who knows at this point!
when i had my private scan my OH took a video on my phone. I watch that video every night before i go to sleep :) i love watching its little heart fluttering away
Lily, so sorry your work is being so awful about it! My only advice is to remember you have rights...which doesn't do much when faced with a nasty boss, I know. But you have good reasons for all of this, so they can stuff it. Is there any way to take over a role with more desk time??
Lilyfire, scan looks good! Cannot wait for my next one now!
As for the job, not sure so have no advice. I hope you get it all sorted out, if it's a doctor's call they really should take notice of it! xx

Euronova, I guess all you can do is ask no harm in doing so about the video :thumbup: I haven't had a scan with anyone else with me as I have always had hubby + Nathaniel which means he cannot come and see. :haha:
Hello everyone!
Well, I'm finally all moved and back online, so I'll be back to keeping up properly now! I've not had the greatest week: ALL my symptoms disappeared last weekend and I've been waiting all week for them to return but they didn't, my dr let me come in for a scan this morning, I was almost in tears as I was so scared, but then we saw our little baby on the screen flailing it's tiny arm and legs around and I just burst out crying from relief! It's so active! I would consider myself really lucky to have no more symptoms and a healthy baby BUT I've been having debilitating sciatic pain since Friday. At times it's been so bad that I've needed help getting to the loo because I can't walk. I see a specialist tomorrow and start physio on Fri to hopefully treat it, has anyone else had it this early in pregnancy? Or know any tips? It's HORRIBLE but I keep thinking about our little baby dancing away on the screen and I know this will all be worth it. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well? I hope those with sickness start to feel better soon. I'm going to go back now and have a bit of a catch up! PS- yey, I'm a prune!!!

Hi Lily,

I feel your pain, I have sciatica too, its really uncomftable to lie down or to sit, but I feel so sick I need to rest. I'm not sleeping, the pain is mainly in my right buttock and hip, really kills. I have my booking in appintment tomorrow.
Sorry you're feeling bad Emma, try and rest and feel better soon x

Lily do your work know you are pregnant? I'm not sure about where you are, but in the UK they can't do anything about pregnancy related illness. They also have to do a risk assessment and make any reasonable adjustments, like for example giving you desk duties if you have problems on your feet. Like I say I don't know how it works where you are, maybe you could find out? Speak to HR or something? I would assume if your time off is covered by a sick note from a doctor then they can't really complain. What do you do by the way?
my sciatic muscle/part in my back usually acts up time to time..but it hasnt in the past maybe 6mo? I am hoping it stays that way..but i dont think i'll get that lucky. It was so bad, i had to have physical therapy for it..which included hot/cold compresses, an ultrasound(its not what you think) and this massage thing..they felt good but they only let me have them on for 30min each time :/
Hello everyone!
Well, I'm finally all moved and back online, so I'll be back to keeping up properly now! I've not had the greatest week: ALL my symptoms disappeared last weekend and I've been waiting all week for them to return but they didn't, my dr let me come in for a scan this morning, I was almost in tears as I was so scared, but then we saw our little baby on the screen flailing it's tiny arm and legs around and I just burst out crying from relief! It's so active! I would consider myself really lucky to have no more symptoms and a healthy baby BUT I've been having debilitating sciatic pain since Friday. At times it's been so bad that I've needed help getting to the loo because I can't walk. I see a specialist tomorrow and start physio on Fri to hopefully treat it, has anyone else had it this early in pregnancy? Or know any tips? It's HORRIBLE but I keep thinking about our little baby dancing away on the screen and I know this will all be worth it. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well? I hope those with sickness start to feel better soon. I'm going to go back now and have a bit of a catch up! PS- yey, I'm a prune!!!

Hi Lily,

I feel your pain, I have sciatica too, its really uncomftable to lie down or to sit, but I feel so sick I need to rest. I'm not sleeping, the pain is mainly in my right buttock and hip, really kills. I have my booking in appintment tomorrow.

I really hope you feel better soon, because yes, it is horrible. I hope your booking appointment goes well :)

I'm just going to link this because I've been doing some reading about it and wonder if perhaps it might be what some of you are experiencing? I thought it was sciatica so did my OB/GYN and it wasn't until a 2 hour evaluation that they sorted what it is, and I know that unfortunately the NHS doesn't really have the resources to do that with every pregnant lady with back pain, so here is some stuff on Sacroilliac joint pain: https://www.coreconcepts.com.sg/mcr/posterior-pelvic-pain-sacroiliac-joint-pain-in-pregnant-women/

And thanks everyone for the job advice. I'm one of those people who feels so guilty for being away from work, although unfortunately I know my company don't really care about me, or any of us. There is a very high turnover in this field and I've realised that although I worked my ass off for them for laughably little pay, when I was away for my health, they really couldn't care less and give me a hard time. Well, I'm leaving when the baby is born as luckily we are in a position where I can be a stay at home mum for a while. You are all right, I need to look after myself. It's kind of 'funny' when I tell you that the uncaring company I work for is actually a social services organisation! I work with developmentally disabled young people and teach them work skills and help them find jobs. I really like the work and did psychology at Uni so I could help people but god, I really cant stand the company I work for and how little they care about their staff. Aaaaaand rant over!!! :) Breathe!! Urgh, I can't wait to have the "sorry I was off, I'm not sure I can do my job with all the standing and walking.... Oh yeah, also, I need to take my 4 days vacation over Christmas... thanks" conversation! Wish me luck!!!
I'm sure it's baby movements! People often say oh it's just wind, but it feels nothing like wind to me! I remember the feeling from last time, but it was much later as I say, 17 weeks. So exciting!

You always defo know when its wind anyway as its normally followed by a fart lol!!! :haha:

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