June cycle ... Valentines babies for us please

Loula .. HUGE :hugs: don't give up hope yet :hugs:
Schmelly .. Your symptoms might be good tho? you said your not due AF till about the 20th? Maybe if the spotting stays light/goes before then a test might be in order? :hugs:
I've still got light intermittent 'flow'... still dark brown (sorry TMI) and sticky/creamy rather than 'blood' :hissy: I just want a definite AF! Is that too much to ask? Our blooming bodies!

This has had the unfortunate side effect of allowing me to convince myself that maybe, actually I'm pregnant :cry: which is obviously not the case, no soreness in my BB's, no cramping, no extra peeing, no metallic taste ........
Why do we delude ourselves? Why? I know I'm just going to be heart broken by a :bfn: if I test ... and yet I really want to JIC .... Must step away from the HPT's!
I think sometimes we can help to whip one another up into a state of delusion, much as forums are a great support, don't get me wrong, but it's easy to get fired up by replies sometimes. I really try to always look on the realistic side when replying now, rather than give false hope.


feeling rather down with it all now - do you ever get times so bleak you think it's just plain never going to happen? it's been 2.5yrs now - it's my birthday on Thursday, day AF is due - what a fun day that'll be...
:dust: :dust: :dust: !!!

I hope there's going to be some bfps soon and AF stays well away xxx
Loula...you're absolutely right. Words of wisdom. :hugs:

Farie...thanks for your post. However, my 'spotting' was much heavier again this morning (d. brown like yours) so I'm not holding out much hope for a sticky bean. I'm sorry you are going through a similar thing......I hope you're not feeling too crap. :hug:

Elm...thanks for dropping by! Hope you're doing well :hugs:

I, for one, am ready to curl up under the duvet and not come out until :witch: has actually had the guts to turn up properly. :cry:
no more spotting but a serious temp drop this morning, although strangely I feel rather queasy after eating my breakfast.
You feeling any brighter now, Loula? Sorry you're feeling so fed up. :hugs:

I am down in the dumps too and I really hate the fact that I seem to feel this way all the time. I'm not a misery-guts by nature and I hate having this black cloud following me around. :cry:

How can we cheer ourselves up?
Well when my mindees wake up I am going to take them to softplay for an hour, that always cheers me up :D
I am down in the dumps too and I really hate the fact that I seem to feel this way all the time. I'm not a misery-guts by nature and I hate having this black cloud following me around. :cry:

How can we cheer ourselves up?

Not sure .... but I sympathise with how your feeling as I think I'm feeling identical .. just really 'flat' and almost listless about everything ... not like me, I'm usually a bubbly person and don't stay down for long at all ... but cannot shake this glumness.
Arghhh .... may be choc would help?

:hug: fingers crossed AF arrives properly and we can start a new cycle or she goes away properly!

Edited to add - Loula, big :hugs:
Well when my mindees wake up I am going to take them to softplay for an hour, that always cheers me up :D

we went to the park instead and having a go on the merrygoround did cheer me up a bit, but a bottle of wine would do the job far better I think ;) i am ata trainging course tongiht so may go home via the bottle shop!
I've got to go out and be all cheerful this evening as it's my Dad's birthday. I wish I could stay in , but guess I'd only sit in and wallow! I'm sure I'll be fine when I'm out.

Just bumped into an old friend of mine in town. She doesn't know we're ttc and spent ages telling me how fantastic it is to have kids (I think she was prying to find out if DH and I have any plans). Bless her, she wasn't to know, but it just about finished me off! She had her beautiful 2yr old and 4 yr old with her and as happy as I am for her, it broke my heart. :cry:

Came home...DH started on the 'so you're going to be grumpy every month then?'. I think he then realised he'd picked a bad moment, cos it then changed to 'is there anything I can do to cheer you up?'. Of course then I started blubbing, so he was all sweet and tried to 'fix' me in the way only men can. Trying to find a practical solution to a problem we can't control!

My head is pounding and I'm expecting my 1st student of the evening to turn up in a mo...... :hissy: I just want the world to go away and leave me alone! :hissy:

Sorry for the depressing rant, but if I don't let it out somewhere I think I will pop.

:hug: to everyone.
Awww Schmelly, :hug:, :hug: and more :hug:
Im sorry your feeling fed up hon, I will be exactly the same if/when :witch: begins to show. I know Im only on my 3rd cycle ttc but I think I get just a pinch of the frustration and sadness you feel.
Keep strong hon and remember, the best things do come to those who wait, and it will xxx:hug:
oh schmelly, I hope you manage to have a good time tonight :hugs: what do you teach?
Heavy spotting although by my definition of spotting a few days ago I am wearing a pad so I suppose I should really change the * to L on my chart. Temp gone back up though?

Yeah happy birthday to me love :witch:
Thanks Jacqui :hug:

Loula...I'm sorry :witch: has caught up with you on your birthday. She got me on my birthday last month and it's pants. :hug:

I've given up this morning too and finally reached for a tampon. :hissy: You probably all think I'm an idiot now, or deluded, for being so convinced I was pg. I symptom-spot every month, just like we all do, and of course every month I'm desperately hoping to be pg. This month was different though. I'm still not sure I wasn't actually pg because my symptoms were too strong and there were too many of them. But anyway, guess today is CD1 for me. No cramps or anything, just don't trust a pantyliner to do the job toay!:dohh:

I had a dream last week that I killed the Wicked Witch of the East (or West...can't remember!!!!! :rofl:). If only dreams could dome true :rofl:

Anyway, whilst lying awake during the night I've managed to convince myself that, work-wise, it would make sense for me not to conceive until Sept/Oct time. It's not much of a consolation, but I'm clinging on to that thought to try to keep me positive.

Farie.........How you doing hun? You're very quiet...you OK? :hug:
I am considering going on the pill for a few months and see if that maybe kickstarts something - wha do you all think?
I am considering going on the pill for a few months and see if that maybe kickstarts something - wha do you all think?

I've read that the pill is sometimes used exactly for that purpose...so go for it. I guess it just means a few months of def not getting pg and if it didn't work at the end you might get disappointed at the wasted time. But a few months of being able to relax without ttc pressure might be a welcome break for you anyway.

I reckon go for it. Let us know what you decide! :hug:
hmmm why is my ticker not updating? I am going to give it some serious though actually. I could do with a break from the am I aren't I rollercoaster!
Schmelly - so so sorry she got you, I'm still in the limbo .. weird brown discharge phase .. no new blood at all ... so far. I have a HPT but am scared to test as I have managed to convince myself I could well be pregnant .. which of course I'm not! But cannot face the idea of a actual real :bfn:
Loula - Ohh spooky .. I was thinking of the pill thing today too .... let me know what you decide. :hugs: and hope your feeling better, so sorry the :witch: got you on your B'day .. that's pants

I'm really feeling like I'm standing still at the moment watching life drift past without really feeling like I'm participating ... I need to get my head around the fact I can live without being pregnant and life is not stopping.
Argghhh I need to pull myself together and go test .. at least that way I can start the cycle a fresh

:hug: to you all
Hi ladies,
Right, got a :bfn: last night and I'm now determined to attached this new cycle with verve and vigour and plenty of enthusiasm!
Flow/spotting is still weird so I think I'm going to put my ticker back a couple of days as I think I may have jumped into CD1 a little too soon.

How are you all?
Lu - how's things?
Schmelly - sorry AF arrived with such vengeance, roll on the new cycle and spring babies
Loula - any news on hubbys opinion of going on the pill? he still against it?
Hollee - how are you honey?
Tish - you on holiday?
Faerie - how you feeling? How's DH?
Rosh - god bless pre-seed is all I will say!

Who have I forgotten? :hug: to you all
I am getting confused posting on two groups, will stay on the new June/July thread now :)

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