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June jewels 2018!!!!

Thanks, Curious. I think we are going to do Enfamil as we have so many free samples.....but we also have Similac ones and our ped told us it's okay to use both interchangeably but I'm wondering if there will be a difference. Clara has not pooped today and had Similac all day. I've also nursed her less today. I have only nursed her 3 or so times as opposed to each feeding. It's REALLY time consuming to nurse and then give a bottle as well.

PG, what a cutie!!!! Sander did a great collage which I'm sure she will post here!!!

Rach, glad the tongue tie clip helped. :thumbup: Really glad nursing is working out despite the pain heh.

All good here, Clara is a month tomorrow. I guess the only not good thing is my extreme, extreme constipation which is still not sorting itself. I don't know what the next step is. :wacko: Since the stuff they gave me at ER still isn't working (did I post that story here???) I was meant to call my OB but I'm to embarrassed.
Allie, I’ve heard both are interchangeable too but I don’t know. Both my girls had much worse constipation on Enfamil. Who knows.

Speaking of, call your dr! Nothing to be ashamed of.

Yes. Breast and bottle takes so long. I knew I didn’t have the 45 minutes per feeding for that like I did with DD1.
It definitely is time consuming Allie. I've been expressing a bottle for my other half to give to the boy in an evening but he never seems satisfied with it and wants to be breastfed as well! It almost seems pointless but I want him to be able to have a bottle incase I can't feed him.

Dont worry about talking to your OB. Between talking about piles, stitches and bleeding - constipation is nothing to be worried to talk about.

Last night I was a worried as I was so tired I fell asleep after feeding with Dylan on me. We are sleeping downstairs at the moment with him in his moses basket till about 3am as the bedroom is so hot he's not sleeping upstairs well at all. He usually feeds then goes back down quite well but after 3am he decides its his fussy time of the night and has struggled to go back to sleep. I know this phase doesn't last for ever but I do miss sleep.
I'm right there with you on missing sleep. Tony usually sleeps well, he has two 3- 4 hour stretches a day now, but otherwise is still eating every two hours. His brothers on the other hand. (4 year old and twin 3 year olds) refuse to sleep. They finally pass out from boredom at 1 am and wake up between 6 and 8. They used to sleep 10+ hrs every night.
Sorry I haven’t written much, with you all in a sleep deprived haze! Ethan won’t be put down at night so I’m pretty tired. Had an argument with my dh this morning, ugh.

Sending you all positive energy! Can’t believe baby is two weeks old today.
Thanks PG! I have a few photos to add so ill get to it either today or tomorrow :)

Sorry about the constipation Allie - I know how much that sucks. Mine just started clearing up a couple days ago. I was taking tons of Colace but it stopped working. Eventually it just sorted itself out but it sounds like you still need extra help! Just think of how much weight you’ll be down once it’s all out :haha:

Elias has finally figured out his days and nights. We aren’t having perfect nights, but the all night crying has stopped. He usually goes down at 1:30/2am and is up at 6, 9 and then 12 for the day.
That's great his day and nights are sorted Sander, it is really good when they understand that. I'm lucky that Dylan wasn't too bad with his. I remember with Alice that we had to spend ages getting her used to it.

I hope you feel a bit better FX. I hope it was just the sleep deprevation, it's horrible still having arguments because you're tired. :hugs:
Me and my oh don't really argue but sometimes he's said things that come out a hell of a lot more stroppy when he's tired and then in turn I get upset as I'm emotional.

Dylan is getting bigger every day! He still hasn't been measured but I think he's definitely very tall. He's on 98th for weight last time but I think he's put on more weight too but I expect him to be around the 90th for height as well.
Hes strong and lifts up his head to look around at me whilst I'm cuddling him.
Me and DH argued one night last week and I slept on the couch as I was mad and got 7 hours while he tended to Clara. :haha: Best sleep ever, must argue more!!!

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I finally 'went' so didn't call my OB and I see him in a week anyways. I agree the Colace stops working? This other stuff is what DH jokingly calls 'drain cleaner' as it's essentially gel you drink....sigh. What worked for me was a gigantic hot coffee. I'll get one again tomorrow.

I dunno about you ladies but I dread the weekdays once DH is back at work!! This is HARD by myself during the day.

Did anyone have their LOs get their Second Hep B shot at one month checkups ye?!?!

Clara has been fitful ever since she got hers on Friday. :( Not sure if it's that or the formula as we switched it on Friday too. Switched back today and also trying gripe water and gas drops. I hope it's not the vaccine.

How is everyone and babies?!?!
PG - Elias can do the same thing re: holding his head up. I don’t know when babies can usually do that, but he started almost right away and now (1 month old) he can hold it up for a solid few minutes all on his own!

He also got measured on Friday and is 9lb 13oz. Crazy how much he grew in just 4 weeks.

Allie I’m interested in trying this gel :haha: Hope it’s working for you! In BC kids don’t start their vaccinations until 8 weeks. It’s not even standard to give Hep B at birth.

So I don’t know what’s going on but we’ve had 2 straight nights of 6 hours of sleep. I’ve started pumping and we do a big 120ml (4oz) feed at around 1am. Once he’s finished around 2 he sleeps until 8am. I have no idea if this will last but so far it’s been great haha. He struggles during the day with gas pains still. The gripe water seems to help a bit but for the most part we do lots of bouncing and that helps him. I think he’s finishing a growth spurt so he actually napped a few times today instead of the constant nursing.

I wanted to say for those struggling with pumping - I was pumping with a little handheld manual pump for a long time but I would barely get anything so I pretty much gave up. Then I switched to a double electric pump (different brand) and wow it actually gets milk out!! I went from pumping about 15-20ml to around 60ml. And that’s after he’s had a full feed. So the different pump made a huge difference. I pump twice a day, and then I use that 120mls for the big night feed.
Dylan has been measured and weighed today. It's the first time he's been measured.
Hes now 11lb 14oz and is continuing on the 98th percentile, he's 56cm long and 95th percentile for his length.
Hes a big boy but all in proportion.

Unfortunately today and halfway through last night he changed from wanting feeding every 2-4 hours to more like 1-1.5 hours so I'm feeling knackered today.
Recently he's been having a 3 hour nap in the day but not today.
Its my oh first day back at work so I'm alone with Dylan and day time tv which is pretty weird.

I'll get used to it but for the moment it's a bit lonely.
PG it can get so lonely!! Where is Alice during the day? This week Alistair is at day camp all day. I'm quite liking the alone time with Clara but I also miss Alistair. Of course when they are both home with me during the day it's quite rough going at times. I've never been a very good SAHM.....I do get lonely and bored......

Hope everyone is well!
Alice is at school in the day so it's just me and Dylan for most of the time. I miss her but then when she's home I'm finding it difficult looking after the both of them.
Then I feel guilty not giving either 100% of my time.

Its the summer holiday soon and I need to find things that I can do with both a newborn and 5 year old.

I don't know why but I feel like I've lost my confidence about going out with the baby. At first I wanted to go out and about but then my other half was worried about germs and stuff so I'm waiting till the little man is 4 weeks but by not just doing stuff I think I'm getting more nervous about leaving the house.
Hopefully it'll get easier soon, it's only been 3 weeks so far.
We definitely have a hard time finding things that are good for a 6 year old and a newborn! So far...the library and parks. Basically places Alistair can enjoy himself and I can sit let Clara take in the world.

I totally feel you on the dividing attention thing. :dohh:

Aw, you gotta get out there. I go out every day. I would go crazy if not. My pediatrician said to avoid grocery stores :wacko: as they are places people go even if they are sick. But that's been impossible! We've gone out daily to get diapers, formula, just general baby stuff and of course the food shop....

We are taking Clara on a plane at 7 weeks. Her doctors are suggesting getting her 2 month shots at 6 weeks next week.....I'm still nervous and undecided...?!?!?!
Hey :) sorry I have been quiet, but hey you all know what it’s like with a newborn, let alone adding a 3 year old to that. I have struggled with feeling not enough for both of them. It’s hard when for three years I could give all I have had to one child. My parents are going back to Germany on Tuesday. It’s going to be hard. They have played with DS1 from the second he gets up til he goes to bed. And then it’s going to be heart breaking when he doesn’t grasp why they were here for three weeks and gone next day. Another big change in his little life. He still struggles with expressing hi emotions and throws what is in sight when he gets mad or bored for that matter.
Already midnight again. Barely getting 6.5 hours of sleep these days. Will need to go to bed earlier.
I’ll try to stay in touch more :)
You post sounds exactly like what I was going to write mom.
I feel really like I'm struggling to give my eldest enough attention. My parents have been around but now they have gone on holiday for just over 3 weeks and I'm finding it hard.
I keep crying a lot and my oh isn't happy with me. He wants me to do whatever I can to be happy but I just don't feel it. I'm worried I'm suffering with pnd. I've tried to talk to him but it's making it worse as he's angry he can't do anything to help me. It's been a tough ride with breastfeeding and I've struggled with that. Now I still have thrush in my nipples which is hurting when I feed plus with my over supply I keep choking Dylan.
Luckiky he's sleeping pretty well and last night slept 4 1/2 hours.

I just wish I could do what he wants me to do and give myself a break so that I can enjoy all this time instead of stressing.
I’m sorry PG! Can you talk to your doctor to see if it is pnd? Everything is even harder when you feel sad. Luckily it was only the first week for me where I had the baby blues. That feeling of just wanting to hide, not being motivated to deal with anything and just unexplained sadness. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to have it longer than a week or two. I still have moments where I think is this what I wanted (having two kids) and in the next thought I think about ttc again. So I think it just takes time. Our kids will get older we will have time for ourselves again some day. Hang in there. And just FYI been reading your baking blog and I am so going to make the Nutella cookies when I have a chance to buy Nutella. I love it!
Hey :) sorry I have been quiet, but hey you all know what it’s like with a newborn, let alone adding a 3 year old to that. I have struggled with feeling not enough for both of them. It’s hard when for three years I could give all I have had to one child. My parents are going back to Germany on Tuesday. It’s going to be hard. They have played with DS1 from the second he gets up til he goes to bed. And then it’s going to be heart breaking when he doesn’t grasp why they were here for three weeks and gone next day. Another big change in his little life. He still struggles with expressing hi emotions and throws what is in sight when he gets mad or bored for that matter.
Already midnight again. Barely getting 6.5 hours of sleep these days. Will need to go to bed earlier.
I’ll try to stay in touch more :)

It is so hard. DD is also 3 and my MIL just left again. She doesn’t get it and it breaks my heart when she says she misses them. I honestly don’t think I’d be able to handle it if we weren’t moving back near our family next month. So big hugs. It’s so tough.
Hugs to all. It's so hard doing it on your own. We just had my dad for 5 nights and it made my life so nice.

Anyone else's DH always gone at work? Alex works 12 hours/gone 12 hours and it seriously is killing me.

Also it too hot to do anything outside and I'm REEEEALLY an outdoorsy person, aka hiking at 38 weeks pregnant, etc. lol. I hate all this inside stuff.

I'm also in a college class; I'm adding an endorsement to my teaching license. It's an online class but I have no motivation to do it. I'm at Starbucks right now getting my 'break' while DH is home with kids, to do my homework.....

PG when will you see your provider? I have my 6 week post partum appt tomorrow. I'm sure i have PND/PPD. I was already high risk, with GAD and panic. I didn't get it with DS but my life was way different 6 years ago. Mainly I'm super isolated now. No family, very few friends here in Colorado. DH used to work 8 hours, not 12. No 2nd child to feel guilty about. So I'm really struggling with loneliness and very emotinal and feeling down about myself as a mom and person. Also hating my body post C Section.
Can life just pause for a day so I can sleep! DS2 does not sleep in his bassinet for more than 10-15min. The starts grunting and eventually screaming. I would say he has reflux, except that he sleeps fine next to me in bed which scares me to death. And then DS1 seems to have trained himself to wake up at night and join the party. Last night until 4am I was either making a bottle of milk for DS1 or nursing DS2. Essentiallly I slept from 4-9.30am. Soo tired. And of course my parents left on Tuesday, so it’s just me until DH gets off work after 5. I’m so thankful he doesn’t travel anymore though. Couldn’t imagine him gone 3 days a week 3 out of 4 weeks like last year.
Does he leave early in the AM, Mom?

I would take 5 hours of sleep gladly haha! I mean I know it's not ideal but last night I got two hours! It's insomnia for me. Clara only wakes twice most nights but it is a long process each time and I can't sleep before or after. I lay there listening to the grunts and of course checking on her....then every 3rd night I get the living room couch but then I just can't sleep!!

Mom, have you tried a cosleeper? I bought one to help me feel better about how well Clara was napping in bed with me....we usually use it in the morning after DH has left for an hour or so. He leaves for work just after 6. We have this:

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