June jewels 2018!!!!

Allie, I think babies just grow how they want to grow. My first was sooo chubby and my friends daughter was teeny. She is 4 months younger. They are now almost the same height and weight and are both very healthy children.
I’ll try to post more as well. This is all I got thow for now. It’s 5.30am and I am feeding. He slept 5.5 hours!!!
Hahaha Mom15 to the heavy cream! How much did babes weigh at birth? Thats a great weight!

Sawyer is about 11 lbs now at 7 weeks so almost a 5 lb gain since birth! His newborn clothes are all packed away already and his 0-3 month clothes are quickly getting tight! To me this is super exciting because 1) I am so not sentimental and 2) I highly dislike the newborn stage. Lol I love my daughters age and being able to interact and communicate fully with her unbelievable little mind and personality!

PG bfing is going great!! Ever since Sawyer had his tongue tie clipped its been smooth sailing! Have sooooo much regret not knowing about it and struggling so much bfing my daughter for that year. I feel like our dynamic would be quite different if there wasnt so much pain and frustration surrounding it. :’( Nothing I can do about it now but my anxiety ridden self cant let it go. Happy at least I wont have the same difficulties this time around and feel like I can easily give him a year of breastmilk like I did for Delilah. How is nursing going for you?
Rach - he was 8lbs1oz so he gained about 4.5lbs in 6 weeks :) little chunk.
Dylan has gained about 5lb since birth going from 9lb 11 to 14lb 14oz in nearly 7 weeks.
Clara may just be a petite girl when she grows up. As long as she's feeding and has good nappies then she must be getting everything she needs.

That's great about the bfing Rach. I have to say that since Dylan has his done it's been much better, even though he still clicks but he does this with a bottle and when he sucks his hand so I think it must be just his way as he's gaining enough.

Its 3:30am here and I'm knackered! We're on 2 hour wake ups again but it's taking an hour to feed and settle him so I'm feeling be tired.
Theo def isn’t tongue tied, but he clicks too when nursing. I just think he has a bit of a lazy latch. lol. If I don’t hold my boob for him or hold him really close he tends to unlatch. I think my let down is so forceful he never had to work hard to get milk.

Don’t remember who I talked to about cloth diapers, but I have been using a brand called „best bottoms“ and really like them. My friend gave me a ton of them that her coworker gave her. They look brand new and they work great! Just thought I’d share if anyone is interested in cloth diaper info/opinions.
Sawyer clicks too some times. I think its if my boobs are on the fuller side and my letdown is a bit more foreceful. It seems that milk seeps out and I think its too slippery for a good latch. I’ll just take him off, wipe my boob and his chin then put him back on and it usually helps.
Sawyer was less than impressed by the whole “grass” business. Lol

Things are going well, just switched the crib into the nursery and got my dd a big girl bed! Im praying she stays in it. But im so excited to finally be able to decorate his room! Ive had the decor since before he was born.

Hows everyone elses babes?


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LOOK AT THAT BED!!!! <3 <3

Sawyer is adorable.

So are the kids sharing a bed or a separate nursery????

YES how is everyone?!?!?!

Clara is 3 months tomorrow. :cloud9: She's laughing, smiling a ton, grapsing at things....NEARLY rolling over from from to back....she's done it a few times but it's more falling than on purpose. Still not sleeping more than 5 hours at a go...usually her first 5. Then it's up every 3 or so. Not napping a ton....cat naps.....I keep trying for a long nap but it's right when I pick up Alistair from school. So gotta figure that out.
Aww sawyer is gorgeous and I do love that bed! I want one :haha:
Clara sounds like she's doing really well too and starting to get active already.

Dylan is 11 weeks old tomorrow but is the size of a 6 month old. He's comfortably in 6-9 month clothes.
He's not keen on tummy time at all and generally puts his face down and cries but he's trying very hard to roll back to front, he just hasn't figured he needs to move his arm away yet.
The hardest bit is that he's got separation anxiety already. He can't be away from me otherwise he screams the house down, even his dad can't be alone with him. He will scream constantly if someone else holds him yet he comes back to me and is instantly quiet, he also looks to me for approval before smiling or chatting to any one.
I'm struggling as I thought I would be able to go out or do something as long as he had a bottle but he'll have a bottle if I'm in the house but as soon as I'm gone he refuses it and freaks out. I'm feeling a little trapped, Alice was very sociable and would go to anyone, especially at this age.

Apart from that he did his first 8 hour stretch of sleep last night, though that's not a normal thing though we usually get between 3-5 hour stretch to begin with.

I've hope everyone is getting on OK? Xx
Allie they each have their own room. Sawyer isnt sleeping in his yet, we’ll probably transition him to his crib in the next week or so. He’s in his rock n play in the living room at night. Dh and I were switching off on the couch so at least 1 of us was getting sleep ( well so I could sleep since I wake at the sound of heavy breathing whereas my dh could sleep next to a freight train lol) but Sawyer is starting to sleep through so I think he’s ready for his crib. I was waiting until he slept through bc he and my dd share a wall and its not very soundproof.

He’s officially found his voice. Has been chattering non stop the last 3 days and smiling/laughing up a storm. Also has started to grab the hanging toys on his playmat. Cant wait until he’s sitting and crawling!

Whats everyone elses babies up to?


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Dylan is doing a lot of grabbing at things now and is very chatty but I'm still waiting for his first giggle. Its close and he's done a giggle kinda noise a couple of times but nothing definite yet.
Hes really trying to roll back to front but he hates tummy time so is late in lifting his head much. We're practicing every day though, even if it's just a couple of minutes at a time.
Dylan aged 11 weeks


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PG so cute! Sawyer hates tummy time as well so not much in the rolling over department. He&#8217;s getting better with his head control though which is good. I cant wait until he can sit up and crawl! Thats when I really start to enjoy baby time!
I'm the same, when they are a bit more interactive is really fun.
Dylan can sit propped up with a couple of pillows or on your lap so now he wants to do that all the time :haha:
We did have a breakthrough with tummy time today... he didn't cry. Yay. He mainly lay there and ate his hand but at least it wasn't crying into the mat.
Aww PG he's so cute.

Clara won't do tummy time as she just rolls right over onto her back haha. Tummy time is over. She will get tired once I roll her back onto her tummy and she rolls a few imes.Then her head will plop down a bit...but in general she's REEALLy strong and agile. Probably from being so petite!!

We need to buy a crib asap. I keep putting it off but she is close to rolling back to front and I know that's not safe in the bassinet or swaddled.
Aww Clara sounds a lot like Alice was :haha: She rolled around everywhere and never stayed still. I'm enjoying that Dylan stays in one place, for the moment anyway. Haha.
Testing testing here I am. What's with this new format. Sigh. Let's not let this thread die!! How are our June Jewels?!!?1

Clara had her 4 month check up and shots today. All is good. She's in the 10th percentile now which is a gain! Woohoo!!
Hi ladies! This new format is so crazy.

I moved across country so things have been insane but we switched Fiona to her crib last night and things have been going okay. Hoping for less wakeups tonight. Luckily she is the calmest baby ever so we have been able to deal with this move and DD1. I'm interested to see her stats in a couple weeks because she is still in 0-3 clothes.
My Theo is one the big side. I just weighed him with a luggage scale, one of those handheld things and he is 17lbs 4 days shy of 4 months. Although his brother at 10 days older back than was 19lbs. Poor DS2 just doesn’t get to nurse as often and in peace as his brother did due to having a bigger brother. He is easily in 6 months clothes.
He is still in his bassinet, but it only goes til 5mon or 20lbs. I might set up the crib this weekend to have it ready. It will be in his room and I will sleep on the sleeper Sofa in there as I am not ready to have him sleep in a room by himself. He does really well at night with 0-2 wake ups. I’m going to try to upload a photo as I have never share one. Let’s see if I can manage with the new format.

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