June Jitterbugs- 2013, 51 babies born 27 boys, 24 girls (145 on the Way)

Hi all,

Just a quick question - is anyone else having a really bad bladder already? It seems like 20 weeks is too early to be struggling so much, I'm in and out of the toilet all the time and at night about 5 times!

Maybe I am naive and this is normal, it's my first baby and I'm a bit clueless! I'm just thinking that if it's like this now I have no idea how I'll cope when I am heavily pregnant!


Im the same, I never seem to be off the toilet. Baby's feet are on my bladder so the kicking makes it worse!!
Found out that we are team :blue:!! :D

Congrats on Team Blue - You thought it was :blue: this time :)

Congrats on team blue autigers!! I feel like team blue is beating team pink for June babies!

On the topic of tartlet being told to drink more... Does anyone have any tricks to make drinking more water appealing?? Not a huge water drinker myself and wouldn't mind some tips.

Try not to add sugary things to your drinks but at the office I add a little bit of fruit squash to my drinks to give me variety As tea and coffee can make you more dehydrated I believe?

Hi all,

Just a quick question - is anyone else having a really bad bladder already? It seems like 20 weeks is too early to be struggling so much, I'm in and out of the toilet all the time and at night about 5 times!

Maybe I am naive and this is normal, it's my first baby and I'm a bit clueless! I'm just thinking that if it's like this now I have no idea how I'll cope when I am heavily pregnant!


I'm up about 2-3 times in the night at the moment, trying to think back with JJ I think the need to go was more sudden but also depended on the babies position at the time. I have issues now if I get stuck in traffic in my commute to the office. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to work on my pelvic floor each day
Hey guys, just wanted to comment on your suggestions and questions, gonna try to catch them all without quoting everybody.

My urine is usually about med yellow. I started the drinking like a fish yesterday and it has paled up some. Praying this will help!

I'm going to leave the pantiliners in the box for the next 2 weeks until my rescan. Maybe I'll be able to tell if I'm getting wetter than I should be for discharge.

I should be able to rest most of the time the next 2 weeks. I work PRN as a respiratory therapist, and as of now I'm only scheduled 3 days over the next 2 weeks. (Today 10 hours, Friday 12 hours, and the night of the 14th 8 hours). When I go in this afternoon, I'm going to tell them what's going on and ask that they not call me for any additional days until we have the levels checked again. I do have a 4 1/2 yr old, but should be able to get help with her so I can rest.

I've never tried coconut water, but definitely willing to give it a go. It will help break up the water through the day. Also, they told me that Crystal Light now has a line of 5 or 6 flavors that they sweeten with Truvia, and they said those were fine to drink. They are called Crystal Light Pure. I don't know if these are available outside the US. I'm also going to try just slicing some limes and oranges and keeping them in the fridge to add to my water. I've always been one of those that didn't like drinking plain water, so it makes it harder.

There are so many things I'm scared of that could be wrong or could go wrong with low fluid levels this early on, the next 2 weeks are gonna be hell. I still have 4 weeks until V-day. Trying not to get too worked up over it at least until we go back, but it's hard. Just worried about my baby girl.

Thank you all for your concern and help. It means a lot to have a group like this to talk with. :hugs:
:hugs: tartlet, sorry your going through a worrying time right now :( hope all is well at your re scan...rest up as much as you can

Misslissa I constantly need to pee also, it's not fun! Don't remember it being this bad in previous PGs, I think it's gotta be something to do with babies position and strength of pelvic floor muscles, also been trying to remember to do them as often as poss!

Congrats on team blue, autigers!!

Afm I'm feeling really fed up today :( DS behaviour is quite challenging and it's really getting on top of me at the moment, he's had a series of illness so that's not helped him as we've tend to give in to his tantrums while he has been poorly....hoping he starts to improve again soon and a lot better behaved by the time baby arrives or I'm really worried how we will cope :(

Hi all,

Just a quick question - is anyone else having a really bad bladder already? It seems like 20 weeks is too early to be struggling so much, I'm in and out of the toilet all the time and at night about 5 times!

Maybe I am naive and this is normal, it's my first baby and I'm a bit clueless! I'm just thinking that if it's like this now I have no idea how I'll cope when I am heavily pregnant!


iM having the same issues hun

Tartlet... try getting some fishtank aquerium test strips they are really cheap at any local fish store or like walmart and such. it test for urine in the tank and the strip will turn blue. but i was told to use it for checking if i was leaking amniotic fluid with my son. the strip should turn blue or yellow if its just urine( check the instructions on box) and if its water it will stay clear thats when you now. just slide the strip in the vaginal area very lightly and it will change colors for you. hope it helps it did for me and saved me from rushing to the ER. and also how i new i didnt pee my self when my water finally broke.
Mellie I find as quickly as JJ tests my patience he just as quickly goes back to normal. Hope he starts behaving for you soon :)
misslisa, don't worry, you're not the only one. I'd say I average about 5 times per night and it's been this way for a few weeks now :dohh:

tartlet, I hope everything goes well with your following scans, can't imagine how nerve wracking the next couple weeks will be for you
i have a deli ma. My husband and i have chosen a name we totally love and dont here much. Evelyn Hope. we have really feel in love with it. well i made a little picture thing that i put the name on for use to announce the babys name and it is linked to face book. well we werent ready to post it yet i was just making it and it got posted after i saved it. didnt now this. well a few hours later after getting home from picking my daughter up from school i get a call from my mother in-law and she is asking why we picked Evelyn and does it have meaning and she doesnt like it because its old fashioned and she has a co-worker with that name that she dislikes.. so we need to pick a new name. i was crushed like wait what. Ive been depressed ever since and told my hubby and he was hurt and he said we will discuss it today, im like ive looked at all sorts of other names all night and nothing has stood out and made me feel the way Evelyn did. should i give in and change it or should we keep it because it just makes me feel as if we chose another name is there gonna be an issue with that one also.
Well just got the call saying our AFP was screen positive for Downs. 1 in 149, which isn't terribly high, I know, but combined with the low fluid (which I have read could be caused by chromosomal abnormalities), now I'm even more freaked out. I'm waiting for the call from the perinatal clinic where they are sending me for our appointment day and time. With low fluid, I won't be getting an amnio, but they do offer the Maternit21 test, so I'm hoping they will do that. They should be doing a Level II ultrasound as well, so hopefully we will get a better look at baby's bladder and kidneys to make sure they are functioning correctly. Please keep us in your prayers.
Well just got the call saying our AFP was screen positive for Downs. 1 in 149, which isn't terribly high, I know, but combined with the low fluid (which I have read could be caused by chromosomal abnormalities), now I'm even more freaked out. I'm waiting for the call from the perinatal clinic where they are sending me for our appointment day and time. With low fluid, I won't be getting an amnio, but they do offer the Maternit21 test, so I'm hoping they will do that. They should be doing a Level II ultrasound as well, so hopefully we will get a better look at baby's bladder and kidneys to make sure they are functioning correctly. Please keep us in your prayers.

praying for you guys and the little one.
i have a deli ma. My husband and i have chosen a name we totally love and dont here much. Evelyn Hope. we have really feel in love with it. well i made a little picture thing that i put the name on for use to announce the babys name and it is linked to face book. well we werent ready to post it yet i was just making it and it got posted after i saved it. didnt now this. well a few hours later after getting home from picking my daughter up from school i get a call from my mother in-law and she is asking why we picked Evelyn and does it have meaning and she doesnt like it because its old fashioned and she has a co-worker with that name that she dislikes.. so we need to pick a new name. i was crushed like wait what. Ive been depressed ever since and told my hubby and he was hurt and he said we will discuss it today, im like ive looked at all sorts of other names all night and nothing has stood out and made me feel the way Evelyn did. should i give in and change it or should we keep it because it just makes me feel as if we chose another name is there gonna be an issue with that one also.

IMO, this is your baby, not hers, and if you and your hubby are in agreement of the name you have picked, then tell her you love the name and it's time to get used to it!! (I adore Evelyn btw.) I know what you mean about that one name just feeling "right". Hope it works out for you! :hugs:
at first i had to keep saying Evelyn to get said right now it just roles off the tong and i picture her and its been said over the past few days as her identity baby Evelyn. i new for sure it was the name is when my hubby came home and told me he told all the ladies at work her name and was excited because before that he just was saying he liked Hope. and would just say yes to Evelyn. so when i told him what his mom said he was but I love Evelyn... :( i think when we talk he will speak to her that is a done deal. since we both feel in love with it.
Well just got the call saying our AFP was screen positive for Downs. 1 in 149, which isn't terribly high, I know, but combined with the low fluid (which I have read could be caused by chromosomal abnormalities), now I'm even more freaked out. I'm waiting for the call from the perinatal clinic where they are sending me for our appointment day and time. With low fluid, I won't be getting an amnio, but they do offer the Maternit21 test, so I'm hoping they will do that. They should be doing a Level II ultrasound as well, so hopefully we will get a better look at baby's bladder and kidneys to make sure they are functioning correctly. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thinking of you lots! I hope you don't wait too long for a call to get in for an appointment. :hugs:
at first i had to keep saying Evelyn to get said right now it just roles off the tong and i picture her and its been said over the past few days as her identity baby Evelyn. i new for sure it was the name is when my hubby came home and told me he told all the ladies at work her name and was excited because before that he just was saying he liked Hope. and would just say yes to Evelyn. so when i told him what his mom said he was but I love Evelyn... :( i think when we talk he will speak to her that is a done deal. since we both feel in love with it.

If you and DH love the name - then that is her name. You mother in-law can get over it! I LOVE it and I have someone very close to my heart with the name Evelyn. It is beautiful!
girl names are hard to pic i find becouse you now how some people you find in life that will have like mood swings or an attitude and it kind of tarnishes the name for you becouse you here that name and you think of the one person you now with it that you arent found of. so it was hard for us to agree on a name in the first place. and this one we were both like yes thats it. so im trying to stay positive.
Well just got the call saying our AFP was screen positive for Downs. 1 in 149, which isn't terribly high, I know, but combined with the low fluid (which I have read could be caused by chromosomal abnormalities), now I'm even more freaked out. I'm waiting for the call from the perinatal clinic where they are sending me for our appointment day and time. With low fluid, I won't be getting an amnio, but they do offer the Maternit21 test, so I'm hoping they will do that. They should be doing a Level II ultrasound as well, so hopefully we will get a better look at baby's bladder and kidneys to make sure they are functioning correctly. Please keep us in your prayers.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a good result for you. It must be so scary not knowing. Hope you don't have to wait too long :hugs:
i have a deli ma. My husband and i have chosen a name we totally love and dont here much. Evelyn Hope. we have really feel in love with it. well i made a little picture thing that i put the name on for use to announce the babys name and it is linked to face book. well we werent ready to post it yet i was just making it and it got posted after i saved it. didnt now this. well a few hours later after getting home from picking my daughter up from school i get a call from my mother in-law and she is asking why we picked Evelyn and does it have meaning and she doesnt like it because its old fashioned and she has a co-worker with that name that she dislikes.. so we need to pick a new name. i was crushed like wait what. Ive been depressed ever since and told my hubby and he was hurt and he said we will discuss it today, im like ive looked at all sorts of other names all night and nothing has stood out and made me feel the way Evelyn did. should i give in and change it or should we keep it because it just makes me feel as if we chose another name is there gonna be an issue with that one also.

It's a lovely name! If you two love it then go with it. I pay no attention to my in-laws anyway. In my opinion they chose boring names for their kids. They haven't been enthusiastic about any of the choices for their grandchildren.

BTW, we have Hope as a middle name too! Never known/heard of anyone with it so a real coincidence that you have chosen it too!
Will keep you in my thoughts tartlet, hope all is well at second scan and tests :( :hugs:

Sweetpea, how rude of your MIL :( if its a name you and DH both love then sod what anyone else thinks!! I've told a few people our name choices and instantly regret it now as they feel the need to say well I like X name but please don't call him X or X .... I will call my baby what I like!!! I don't get when people feel the need to comment on names, as soon as baby has arrived and you announce the name...nobody says anything about the choice, so why say anything before? I think it's so rude :(

Sweet pea if you love your chosen name then keep it! I know eventually we will probably spill our name by accident as well. But I don't want to change it because we've already been calling her Georgie! It's her name and it doesn't matter when people find out :)
Praying for you guys tartlet :hugs:

Sweet pea I love Evelyn. Evelyn and Evangeline are the names I'm working hard at getting DH agree to one but he doesn't like them :( But honestly, it doesn't matter what name you choose, when people hear it before the baby is born there is always always someone who voices a negative opinion about it. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't even try - if you both are in agreement no one else's opinion matters :hugs:

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