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June Jitterbugs- 2013, 51 babies born 27 boys, 24 girls (145 on the Way)

Just got back from my appointment, the mw tried a sweep but said as my cervix was completely closed she couldn't do it, she then booked me in for an induction on 14th June if baby hasn't already come. Just got a call from the hospital and they told me due to my borderline BP I should come in at 9am tomorrow for induction!! Deffo not going to let them induce me tommorrow as I had a horrific time with my son when they induced me, might just go to the hospital and ask them to re check my BP and urine. My BP was 135/89, so only slightly high and urine was clear so am I right to put off induction for at least a few more days?????
Hopefully the sun finally coming out will encourage more babies to come out too!

I'm so grumpy with dh right now. I've got my parents asking how his job hunt is going - every day. It doesn't matter how many times I say i'll let them know when there is any news. Then i'm stressed because there really isn't any news and I hate that we're getting close to when he should have been paid and I'm going to have to use my savings for leave to get by and then maybe go back to work early.

I'm being asked all the time if there's any sign of baby, from friends, family, colleagues and even the women who work at my daughter's nursery who all come out and say "are you STILL pregnant?!"

Last night i'd had enough and came to lie on the bed and just cry. I've woken up and still have the hump with dh.

My next mw app isn't until i'm overdue and so now I don't even have a date for when they'll start helping things along.

Thanks for the rant!

sorry for all that's going on, your baby will be here before next appointment and you will have lots to smile about:)
Just got back from my appointment, the mw tried a sweep but said as my cervix was completely closed she couldn't do it, she then booked me in for an induction on 14th June if baby hasn't already come. Just got a call from the hospital and they told me due to my borderline BP I should come in at 9am tomorrow for induction!! Deffo not going to let them induce me tommorrow as I had a horrific time with my son when they induced me, might just go to the hospital and ask them to re check my BP and urine. My BP was 135/89, so only slightly high and urine was clear so am I right to put off induction for at least a few more days?????

Yeah I would just get them to check your BP again and go from there. If it hasn't risen then I would ask to wait a bit longer!
I've got another attempt at a sweep tomorrow, lets hope baby is nicely engaged this time :thumbup:
I start sweeps as of next week with induction for 41weeks if I don't go into labour naturally. Another scan today and baby is measuring 9lb 4oz, so back to consultant in 2 weeks to be assessed again. Was a horrible appointment telling me of the risks of birthing big babies and probability of a c section etc ...... Really not ideal but am going to try and think positive.
Just got back from my appointment, the mw tried a sweep but said as my cervix was completely closed she couldn't do it, she then booked me in for an induction on 14th June if baby hasn't already come. Just got a call from the hospital and they told me due to my borderline BP I should come in at 9am tomorrow for induction!! Deffo not going to let them induce me tommorrow as I had a horrific time with my son when they induced me, might just go to the hospital and ask them to re check my BP and urine. My BP was 135/89, so only slightly high and urine was clear so am I right to put off induction for at least a few more days?????

I think if you get your bp checked again then maybe they will be happy just to monitor you, but you will need to relax as much as possible in the meantime. You will have to ask them the risks of not being induced. Fingers crossed all is ok xxx
Em I was talking to a lady at the school who was told she was having a big baby at least a 20lber and ended up only being 8 lb something. I think these scans r totally crap half the time. I know so many who have had totally wrong est weight.

My sweep was pretty uncomfortable. Felt a bit crampy for 10mins after but now I'm fine. Having some blood loss but nothing major x
Jellycat - Just an update for the front page. We have named her Aoife. Could you also change the date, she was born on 2 June, Thanks
I start sweeps as of next week with induction for 41weeks if I don't go into labour naturally. Another scan today and baby is measuring 9lb 4oz, so back to consultant in 2 weeks to be assessed again. Was a horrible appointment telling me of the risks of birthing big babies and probability of a c section etc ...... Really not ideal but am going to try and think positive.

Good luck. I've had a horrible appointment and know how crushing they can be. Fingers crossed the scan is actually way off and all goes ok.

My sweep was pretty uncomfortable. Felt a bit crampy for 10mins after but now I'm fine. Having some blood loss but nothing major x

Hope more comes of your sweep. Looks like my MW has left it a lot later to even discuss it compared to others. I've heard so many different opinions that maybe I should be greatful and just hope she comes on her own in the next week! I found the pessary an uncomfortable experience when I was induced last time so I imagine I'd be more uncomfortable with it. As my mother kindly pointed out to me - I don't have a high pain threshold. Thanks Mum! :haha:
Mummummum - have you an underlying issue to need sweeps early? The standard time for a sweep is 41 weeks.

Littlemiss - updated :)
Mummummum - have you an underlying issue to need sweeps early? The standard time for a sweep is 41 weeks.

Littlemiss - updated :)

Oh really? I'm high risk for pre e and blood loss after my last pregnancy. Didn't make it this far last time, I was so ill I was induced at 36 + 5. My MW is quite relaxed about the pre e risk but the MWs at the hospital were quite scary about it when I saw them after the consultant apps.

My SIL had one sweep before 41 weeks with no underlying issues and had a second and an jnduction booked to (different area to us) so I did think it was planned out slightly ahead of actually being overdue.
Hopefully you won't need one and go into labour naturally..... Strange they haven't offered you one. However I asked if I could have more and earlier to try and avoid being induced otherwise maybe I wouldn't be given them.
Hopefully you won't need one and go into labour naturally..... Strange they haven't offered you one. However I asked if I could have more and earlier to try and avoid being induced otherwise maybe I wouldn't be given them.

Hopefully! I'd like to avoid that drip this time if I can!
How active are your babies at this stage? Mine is still extremely active, it really hurts now! My lo was born at 39 weeks, I don't remember her ever moving this much. I'm starting to worry that this baby is huge!
Here sweeps are offered at 40 weeks .

40+3 today and no sign of anything happening :( heading to the breech clinic this afternoon with no idea what to expect. Dh has the day off work so is coming as well. We're bringing all our bags just in case I go into labour while we're already down there or something (hospital 3 hours away).
How is it that am 3 days past due date and still no sign of labor?....God, i need a miracle! the wait is not easy nor is it funny!.....baby, please come.
I know what you're feeling kendi, I'm in the exact same boat. Except that I made a 3 hour trip to my hospital and was hoping to go into labour before we had to ,make the 3 hour trek home or we'll just have to do it AGAIN in the next week. But nope, nada :( I went 10 days over with my DD and under normal circumstances wouldn't mind again but not being able to give birth at my local hospital is just frustrating.
I really feel for you ladies who are over your due dates. It must be so frustrating.
Went in to hospital today to see what was going on as they gave me an induction appointment for 9am this morning, they sent me up to the ward who said it was unnecessary as BP is only borderline and there's no protein in my urine, I'm Deffo booked in for induction on 14th when I will be 41+1 but I'm hoping baby comes before then!

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