June, month of new beginnings! Thread for laughter, support and POAS! 19 BFP!

Alright, I suck at following 2 threads :D. So, I am just going to use this as a main thread. First of all, hi ladies!! Hopefully this month is our month and we get lots of BFPs. Confuzion is our lucky charm! Thank you for making a new thread. :)

Nothing much going on here. Not BDing since I suppose to have my HSG in 2 days. I am glad that my RE prescribed me Vicodin in advance since I am a wuss when it comes to pain. Back to temping since my messed up cycle last month. OHh..and going to Florida on Friday for a wedding. Yayy. hopefully, I won't be in too much pain :). Should O next wednesday and hope that we can get enough BDs in between HSG and travel time :).

Lots of :dust: ladies
Just on my way out the door for the fertility clinic appointment. Kind of nervous! I'll update you all when I get home:)
We said we were going to start trying at the end of May/beginning of June. Well since I'm out for May, let's bring on June. AF due June 6!
Sunshine - congratulations!

ILT - have fun in Florida.

Lynny77 - keep up posted.

I'm going to start looking for an RE today, just in case. Clomid was prescribed through my OB. I want to talk about getting an HSG, as my mom had one after 3 yrs of trying and conceived on the cycle of her HSG. Heredity is a strong thing.
Deal, thank you!!!

Lynny, good luck! Come back ASAP and let me know how it goes :D.

N. Miller, have you done all of the other tests? Blood and SA? I'd make an appointment to see RE anyway. You can always cancel if the clomid works this time :). Some RE takes a while to get an appointment :). But hopefully Clomid will work for you this time and you don't have to go through HSG :).
ILT - Only blood test my OB did was during a couple of cycles to see if I was ovulating. Got a neg without clomid, and then a pos for ovulation during clomid. DH has an email into his dr. for a recommendation on where to go to schedule a SA (at my urging). I'm found an RE in our area, and I'm going to contact them for a consultation. FX on the clomid. 3 times is a lucky charm. And I might try the pineapple core as well this cycle.
I think one of my GFs got pregnant with twins with clomid :). I think the RE is going to make you do more blood tests too. I had 13 vials of blood taken and 15 different test results :). I don't usually encourage lying but some time it's necessary. I did lie to my OB and fudge the months of TTC. :blush: Just a month earlier nothing major. I blame it on my type A personality :). Even with that, it still takes a couple months to get things done since you can only do the tests on certain time of the month. but again, hopefully you'll get BFP this cycle!
ILT-good luck at your appt on Thursday, I can't wait to see how it goes!! and how exciting to be going on a trip right before O! Hope you have plenty of time to get some fun bd'ing and that you aren't sore (not sure if that hurts after or not actually :shrug:) Florida sounds like fun, I'm jealous!

akil-good luck, I'm close in cycle to you. I'm suspecting AF around June 4th, but not sure if my early mc will change dates on me or not. We are ntnp this cycle (at least that is the decision for now, O should be around next Wednesday)

Lynny-I hope your appointment is going well! I can't believe your 7dpo already!

nm-I think it's a good idea to look into the re as well and if thinks work themselves out before then you can always cancel, but like ILT said, sometimes it can take awhile to get in.
I'm joining this thread! AF due next week and I'm having all symptoms she's coming! I'll ov again the end of this month/beginning of June so maybe June will be my month. O:)

Good luck to the rest of you!
Twinkie!!! How are you feeling?

Btw, been reading a lot ever since I got my test results. Just want to share with everyone, Vitamin D apparently is very important during TTC. Lack of vitamin D can cause miscarriages or infertility. My level of vit D sucks. I think it's because I didn't get much sun last year at all (6 months inside the house due to surgeries) and a lot of women don't get much sun during winter time. They do suggest getting a little sun between 10 am - 3pm is the ideal time. A few minutes or until your skin turn pink and that will be enough :). You can always take vitamin D3 supplement to help out too :). Thought I'd share some info I found this time :).

Welcome MissB!
Hi ILT-I'm okay, better than a few days ago. I was an aboslute wreck! I was telling DH I can't believe how upset I am over this when I hardly had 10 minutes of bliss before spotting started. I pretty much holed myself away at home for 3 days straight and avoided the world at all costs, but alas, I have work to do so can't continue that charade. Yesterday was better, and so far, today better than yesterday. I'm getting excited about impending O, but still really torn on if we should prevent/abstain those few days right before so that we can test. What are the odds of falling pregnant 3 cycles in a row and having all be early losses/chemicals? We know I can get pregnant, so testing will be why it's not sticking. Dr felt pretty confident that it's likely just bad luck as I've never had abnormal anything tests. We did discuss thyroid issues and getting that tested because I have two sisters that have issues (one had to have her right side removed), but neither of them had any trouble getting pregnant...so, I guess we'll see.

I'm still doing the whole, did I cause it to happen? thing, even though I've read about a bazilion things that say it just happens, but it's hard to think if it wasn't my body, then it was something I did, like running two days in a row, when I had sworn it off during tww, or that stupid sub sandwich with tons of cold cuts (I've been avoiding lunch meats because of the nitrates), but caved in on a craving because I was sooo certain that I wasn't pregnant. Right now, I'm just trying to take one day at a time, but really wishing it was the end of the month already.

On the plus side, I was thinking about the last two cycles and I now know early pregnancy symptoms for me include back aches (I usually get this before AF, but these times felt "different") increase in cm during last part of tww, exhaustion and sore nipples.

I had a dermatologist tell me that he tells all his patients to take D3 every day because most people are deficient. I've been taking it for almost a year now!
ILT - Everyone keeps saying that! LOL. I told DH with my luck, it'll be quadruplets. Had a vivid dream that I was preg the other night - turned into a nightmare when doc announced 4 identical boys who came marching out. :wacko: LOL.

ILT & twinkie - thanks for the advice. I filled out the online appointment request form as the one near me doesn't require referral.

twinkie - I'm glad to hear you're doing better. FX that your dr can help you figure out why baby won't stick.

MissB - Welcome! Hopefully June will be the month for all of us.

RE can take all the blood they want, run all the tests they want. I will take the pain. I will grin and bare it. I love my pregger friends, but I'd trade places with them in a heart beat, despite all the symptoms they complain about. :lol:
RE can take all the blood they want, run all the tests they want. I will take the pain. I will grin and bare it. I love my pregger friends, but I'd trade places with them in a heart beat, despite all the symptoms they complain about. :lol:

This is exactly how I feel! (I may need to be reminded, but right now, I welcome the idea of ms, back aches, fat ankles, all of it, I want it!
Twinkie, I think what you are feeling is pretty normal. We are only human :). I am sure you'll figure out what to do when O then is here. I am glad that you are taking your D3 vit. I didn't even know anything about it until I got tested for it. I've been avoiding the sun like a plague. I got dizzy and sick if I am out in the sun too long and I live in California doh! But, I've been getting my tan on these past couple of days. Looking forward to the 100 degree weather today.

N. Miller, I hear you!! I am prepping myself for the pain but hopefully the pain killer will help take the edge of. FX you'll get an appointment w/ the RE next month! :D

Yes!! I want to feel bloated, puking my guts out every morning/night, and wobbles! hahahaha. No seriously I do and not trying to make fun of people.
Yes!! I want to feel bloated, puking my guts out every morning/night, and wobbles! hahahaha. No seriously I do and not trying to make fun of people.

This is exactly how I feel! (I may need to be reminded, but right now, I welcome the idea of ms, back aches, fat ankles, all of it, I want it!

I am so glad to know I'm not the only one. It's rough sometimes. Society is so different these days. My mom only understands a little because it took her a while, but she didn't have to be confronted by pregnancy constantly like Social media does for us today. Not to mention my co-worker is 7 mons. She conceived accidentally the month DH and I started trying
N.Miller, that's why we are here! I met a lot of wonderful women here and very understanding. A lot of us are in very similar situation and no one else can understand how we feel.

My sister started TTC this month and they are convinced that they are pregnant already. She's been having symptoms since 4 DPO. I tried to get excited and symptoms spot with her but it's really hard. Especially when I know that all the symptoms can also mean no baby. But, I don't have the heart to tell her that. So these past few days, my email has been flooded by symptoms spotting, baby clothes, and pregnancy items. :dohh: I can only vent to you ladies and DH. Luckily, you can't read emotions through emails!! :D
Oh my gosh ILT-I have so had the same feelings. Our poor hubby's, I feel bad sometimes when I vent alot to him, thankfully I have BnB to give him a break. He calls it my "dear baby diary," such a smart ass, but I love him all the more for it!
ILT-good luck at your appt on Thursday, I can't wait to see how it goes!! and how exciting to be going on a trip right before O! Hope you have plenty of time to get some fun bd'ing and that you aren't sore (not sure if that hurts after or not actually :shrug:) Florida sounds like fun, I'm jealous!

akil-good luck, I'm close in cycle to you. I'm suspecting AF around June 4th, but not sure if my early mc will change dates on me or not. We are ntnp this cycle (at least that is the decision for now, O should be around next Wednesday)

Lynny-I hope your appointment is going well! I can't believe your 7dpo already!

nm-I think it's a good idea to look into the re as well and if thinks work themselves out before then you can always cancel, but like ILT said, sometimes it can take awhile to get in.

We are doing the same thing. If there is nothing by November then we are stopping because we don't want our LO to share birthdays!
My appointment was a little anti climactic lol. I met with the doctor and we went over my history and he drew a diagram of the female reproductive system at which point my eyes glazed over lol. But basically he said that they want to find out what's wrong so they can fix it before IUV or IVF. So on the first day of blood I'll call in and then the testing will begin. All the same ones you're going through ILT so I'll just be 2 weeks behind you:) Plus I have a cup for dh to do his business in.

N.miller hopefully clomid does the trick for you this month!

Twinkie- glad to see you moving out of the clouds!

MissB welcome!

Confuzion enjoy the time while bd'ing is still pleasurable lol.

One of my coworkers went to the fertility clinic and one of the first things they did was give her a list of vitamins she should be taking and one of them was vitamin D. They didn't do that for me today but maybe they will when I start with testing? Anyway, after she told me that I went and bought some and was good about taking it for a month but last month I was so frustrated with ttc that I stopped taking everything. I should probably start up again. How many do you ladies take a day?

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