hi everyone please can i join
my gorgeuos Finley Joseph arrived on the 1st of June, 7lb 7oz
i posted a few times on the junebugs thread, but hoping to be on more often now and get to know some lovely new friends
hope you are all doing well. Im finding things hard at the moment with a demanding 18mth old and 2 week old lol. FInley is also very windy
he just wont settle after feeds and only takes a bit at a time and then is hungry again about an hour/hour and half later
ive also been very upset about breastfeeding. I managed to BF my other 2 boys, my first for 7 weeks and lewis (my second) for a week, and it didnt work out well with Lewis,
this time round i was determined to try and perservere but it didnt work from the moment he was born he wouldnt latch on and didnt seem interested, he got on once then came off after 4 or 5 mins then wouldnt go back on, tried and tried for 24 hours in hosp with midwives helping and he just didnt latch/uninterested and they ended up cup feeding him (with my permission) so i decided not to mess about and FF. Hes been the hardest to feed he even struggles with teats on bottles, hes not very sucky at all bless him
However, since he was born ive tried 4 times to breastfeed again and again hes still not latched on
and ive still got lots of milk...decided to give up now i know ive tried and i know he is happy and content now i just wish i could BF
it just gets to me when im having so many issues with bottles leaking and him cluster feeding it would be so much easier if i was BF
hope you are all well xxxxx