Happy Sunday, gorgeous Mamas!
Claire- great to hear you have a carnivore on hand! Never too early for a decent sausage.
Emerald- I can imagine how Kaida stole the show at the wedding! Everyone must have been cooing over your beautiful girlie, I'm sure.
arj- how the heck have you been? How are those handsome boys coming?
I was discussing this with Colin actually

There was another 4 month old there who, I'm sad to say (because I adore his parents), was really really, ahem, "individual" and "had character". Yes, in other words, he was ugly

Anyways, people (including me) were telling these parents how adorable their son was. Then people proceeded to turn to us and tell us how cute Kaida is. Now I have NO idea if they meant it or Kaida actually has been beaten with an ugly stick. Of course, as her parents, we have rose-coloured glasses and think she's gorgeous lol.