Just a fun thread... Tell us about the day you found out you were having more than 1!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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For me, I was 13 weeks pregnant and had NO inkling whatsoever it was twins. I only had ovulation pain on one side that month (obviously meaning one egg :dohh: ) I have no history of twins, Im wasnt on any fertility drugs, Im only 27, My tummy was flat still at 12 weeks, my sickness only lasted a week, I had very low hCG count, and my doppler only picked up one heartbeat! ONE baby! Obviously! And it was going to be a girl becuase the Chinese birth chart and Shettles method was all good for a :pink: ! And it worked for my other two kids (girl and a boy). We were already calling her by her name, which was Jasmine! :D

13 weeks scan, lay down and was hoping baby was alive and kicking... I saw a baby with a beating heart and said "at least it's in there"! And the sonographer went silent and just stared at the screen, and I thought something was wrong! Then she said "you said the word it...... its actually a 'they'." And showed me a second baby over the other side of my tummy! :shock: And then she said one looked like a boy!

I started shaking and crying and thinking that this cant be for real. I said "are you serious, are you serious" over and over.. It was like some kinda strange dream! My DH started talking about upgrading our car... Not like I cared about a car!!!!!!!!!!! And my 3 year old was with us and saw me cry and came up and held my hand :)

I was in a daze and shaking for the next few hours! But then rang friends and family and told them I was pregnant... AND that it was twins! A lot didnt believe me for ages! But the shock soon turned into excitement and now at 30 weeks, and Im stoked to be blessed two times over with my little boys who are growing well and are happy inside me waiting to come out in 8 weeks! :cloud9:

What was your experience?
Great thread!!

I found out I was having twins at 9 weeks as I had paid for a private scan as I was feeling very poorly (dizziness, no appetite, very tired and like a woman posessed - poor OH)! I also had "just" a feeling something was different with this pregnancy - it felt completley different to my two DD's. I was 29 at this point (now 30)! I was blaming my pregnancy vitamins at first for making me so ill!

My Mum is a twin and my Mums Great Aunt was a twin, I still never thought in a million years about the prospect of twins.

Like you I laid on the couch just wanting to know there was a baby in there - then the sonographer said there is two - she was smiling away as I had just said to her I felt like something was very different.

I now have two more gorgeous girls. They were born at 37 + 2, Alana weighed 5Ib 12oz and Fleur 5Ib 14oz. x
Shocks for us all. Lol.

I went in for an emergency scan due to pain in my side and they suspected an ectopic. Had a man scanning me and he said he could just make out a sac but there was something beside it, maybe a cyst bleed or another sac. At that point I freaked out. He asked if I'd do an internal scan, he didn't need to ask twice. There was a nurse present who was lovely, hubby couldn't make scan as was working. The scanner confirmed 2 sacs and I just remember crying uncontrollably, I remember thinking I have 3 kids already, hubby gonna kill me lol. I asked for a pic as proof and was given an appointment to return in 2 wks to find heartbeats.

I phoned hubby and he said what's wrong I said "it's twins". He just laughed. He was so over the moon, it took me a while to calm down and accept it.
I'm now 34 wks with boy/girl twins and think its great and so excited. Hubby has been so supportive and brilliantly throughout. The worse part was the sickness which I still suffer from but it's all worth it when I meet my babies . :) xx
When I went in for my first OB/GYN visit- I had MC fraternal twins a couple months previous, so they did an ultrasound to Date my pregnancy, as I figured I was only 3-4 weeks. the Dr. tried to get a good measurement of the baby and said she was going to have to send us in for a sono on the good machines at the hospital, that she couldn't get a good read because the baby was being too active "there are arms and legs everywhere". Hubby and I laughed a bit nervously and I said "But there's only one in there this time? Right?" She paused. Furrowed her brow and moved the want a bit and said "oh, you're right- there's the other head!" :shock: confirmed the next day that there were TWO (not a two headed baby that I had nightmares about all night the night before :dohh: ) healthy, strong, and 9 weeks!!! Turns out I got pregnant again (this time identicals) exactly 28 days after MC!

For the record- No, I was not on fertility drugs/enhancers- and Yes, twins run in my family (All fraternal)
We were on Clomid and I had gotten a really early, very positive HPT and some relatively high hCG numbers, but I (naively) thought "ohhh 90% of people who get pregnant on Clomid end up with a singleton, surely there's only one."

Our first scan was an accidental scan bc the lab made an error and she could see "several little holes, but nothing looks like a sac." So, I spent the next 2 weeks freaking out that there was actually nothing in there at all. :dohh:

Went back for a dating scan at 7w1d and as soon as she put the probe in I could see two and immediately said "Oh my gosh, there's two aren't there? Are there two? I can see two."

She was quiet for a second while she looked around and eventually said "Yep, two heartbeats."

I just cracked up laughing and when we left went between hysterical laughing and sobbing. In fact I still alternate between the two I think. :cry::haha:
It was my 7w4d dating scan. My DH was working so I went with my mom. The tech was using the normal abdominal one at first, I saw a few flashes of the screen but didn't really think anything of it, I was kind of half paying attention talking to my mom waiting until she got a good picture on the screen to really look at it. But then she said she would need to do an internal, so she left while I took my pants off and put the sheet over me. She came back and got to it. All the sudden she asks
"Do twins run in your family?" My mothers mouth dropped and I said
"Noo! Why?", "there are two babies there" she said.
I asked if she was kidding, even though I knew it wasn't allowed and she replied with
"This I cannot joke about" I just grabbed my head and kept saying "oh my god" while my mother began jumping up and down and squealing lol
Good thread! I got a bfp at 6 dpo after 5th round of clomid. Soo....i found out at 3 wks 6 days. About a wk later i started spotting light pink and it wasnt stopping. Called the office and they wanted a sono. They did the scan...the tech didnt say a word through the whole thing. The office called right when i pulled in my driveway and said they thought it was ectopic or there were 2 and one was ectopic. I was devastated because i was finally pg after 17 months and then got that bad news. I had a f/u appt about 2 wks later. As soon as she put the probe in she said dont worry theres a heartbeat and its interuterine. I saw something else on the screen and asked what it was. She said prob a bleed and that it would dissolve by itself. She then said she was going to grab another tech to take some pics (which i thought was fishy). The other tech came in and right away said it was another baby. No heartbeat yet but she was measuring 4 days behind baby a. My husband claims he just knew lol. I went back a wk later and there were 2 heartbeats.
We were on Clomid and I had gotten a really early, very positive HPT and some relatively high hCG numbers, but I (naively) thought "ohhh 90% of people who get pregnant on Clomid end up with a singleton, surely there's only one."

Our first scan was an accidental scan bc the lab made an error and she could see "several little holes, but nothing looks like a sac." So, I spent the next 2 weeks freaking out that there was actually nothing in there at all. :dohh:

Went back for a dating scan at 7w1d and as soon as she put the probe in I could see two and immediately said "Oh my gosh, there's two aren't there? Are there two? I can see two."

She was quiet for a second while she looked around and eventually said "Yep, two heartbeats."

I just cracked up laughing and when we left went between hysterical laughing and sobbing. In fact I still alternate between the two I think. :cry::haha:

Wow!!!!! you are so so so so lucky. Super happy for you. I wish you a lovely pregnancy. I hope i get to be as lucky as you someday soon on clomid :) Pray!
Good thread! I got a bfp at 6 dpo after 5th round of clomid. Soo....i found out at 3 wks 6 days. About a wk later i started spotting light pink and it wasnt stopping. Called the office and they wanted a sono. They did the scan...the tech didnt say a word through the whole thing. The office called right when i pulled in my driveway and said they thought it was ectopic or there were 2 and one was ectopic. I was devastated because i was finally pg after 17 months and then got that bad news. I had a f/u appt about 2 wks later. As soon as she put the probe in she said dont worry theres a heartbeat and its interuterine. I saw something else on the screen and asked what it was. She said prob a bleed and that it would dissolve by itself. She then said she was going to grab another tech to take some pics (which i thought was fishy). The other tech came in and right away said it was another baby. No heartbeat yet but she was measuring 4 days behind baby a. My husband claims he just knew lol. I went back a wk later and there were 2 heartbeats.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe. Your such a brave girl. Thats such amazing when you have been through that longing for such a long tiem. How ever did you cope trying for 17mths? Was there tension sometimes with your husband? Did you lose hope with clomid through the cycles? I have been trying a little less then 2 years with 2 m/c and this is my 5x cycle of clomid. Any advice?
Yes. My husband was fed up with me. I even skipped the month before i got pg and my doctor was ticked i did that....he said it would mess up my cycles. I showed him! Lol. I was so frustrated month after month. I was very ready to give up. They never checked me and i didnt use opks but after using the clomid for four months i could tell i was ovulating around day 18. I told my dh it was our only shot to try around that cd. We did 3 mornings in a row and i forced myself to fall asleep after every time with my hips up on a pillow. Thats the only thing i did different that month. I swear it was the morning sex that did it...sperm count is higher ;) i wish u so much luck because i know first hand how hard it can be.
I had morning sex too and got twins =D No clomid tho, just the natural way. And it was my DH's 30th birthday that day too! (lucky him lol)

I think the hips elevated may or may not help... With my DS I got pregnant only having unprotected sex once in the month, it was day 17, standing up in the shower and I literally got the showerhead and flushed all the little guys out of me (I wanted to start trying the month after)! Obviously not allllll of it came out tho!
awesome thread - great stories!

I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks after my last period. I only took a test because OH and I had a photo shoot after our holiday (when we were nicely tanned :) ) and I started sweating like a pig when they did my make up. Afterwards I wanted to eat the floor cleaner in the entrance area... so I was sure there is something wrong! We didn't try, we didn't prevent!

I took a test 2 days later and surely it was positive! I called my mum (who still lives in Austria) and told her! She was over the moon (even tho I am only 22 and she only just turned 42) and told me if I knew it would be twins. And I said "stop joking about those things, one will be enough at the moment" and she wouldn't stop saying that I was meant to have twins as they run in my family (fraternal).

I wouldn't believe it at all but also joked with OH at my birthday dinner about it and he said "Oh dear, just imagine 2 girls at once" (we only have girls in our family - my gramps was the last boy in 1954) and we just said "nooo, never" :D

I went to Austria on August 1st 2011 and got a last minute appt at my gynacologist's for the next day to date my pregnancy and took my mum as OH was in Devon with his family. I laid down and he inserted the probe and I told my mum that I don't want to look in case something is wrong and turned my head towards her, she was standing behind me so she won't see my donwstairs area lol.

"I hope you have string nerves" the tech said and my mum said "look there THEY are!" so I looked and started laughing and crying at the same time!

I couldn't reach OH all day until about 7pm and when I told him he said "you're kidding me!?" but was sooo happy and text me later that he loves me and the twins already more than anything else in the world. :cloud9:

Ella Joyce (5lbs 12oz) and Finn Victor (5lbs 6oz) were born at 36+3 after a 15hr labour, but 6 days of contractions.

Now we are a really happy family.
Yay you got your boy! Will you have any more kids? You really risk more twins dont you!
well my midwife arranged an early scan as i was having alot of pain in my left side-we feared ectopic. i was 7wks pregnant. my dad drove us there, on the way hubby said i reckon its twins, eeh what would we do if it was, i said dont be silly i googled it, its not twins, but if it was id be happy. we got there, very scared, expected bad news.sonographer told us there was a heart beat but then went quiet, so me being me started rambling on about some old shite, hubbys face looked strange, athen the sonographer put down the scanner and put a hand on either hers or mine-cant remember-and said- "theres two". i looked at hubby and then back at her and said "two what" and laughed. she said "two babies, both with heart beats, yr having twins".

i laughed some more then said"but i havent bn ill, i googled twins and they siad yr ill" she told me to think myself lucky and went on to explain everything.

we went for a coffee and sat and laughed, hubby looked petrified, kept saying "well what if we get two girls, bet its two girls, what will i do with two girls!!!"

i just couldnt comprehend how the hell someone of my size would carry two babies!!

and that was that day!!

lots of emotions followed and as u all know-hubby got his girls he was so frightened of!!!

we'd be trying for 6 months and nothing, id bn under stress tho, my grandad had died and we werent trying properly, the night i think i fell was when we dtd on my ovulation time. hubby joked and said "right get yr legs up on the wall with yr bum in the air, it worked with finn, its taking bloody ages this time" so i did. and what do u know!!

he now jokes saying i didnt need to stay there that long.
haha, yeah I feel very blessed having one of each and yep - we want ONE more and will probably take the risk of having twins again! but only once Ella and Finn are in school! :)
We were on Clomid and I had gotten a really early, very positive HPT and some relatively high hCG numbers, but I (naively) thought "ohhh 90% of people who get pregnant on Clomid end up with a singleton, surely there's only one."

Our first scan was an accidental scan bc the lab made an error and she could see "several little holes, but nothing looks like a sac." So, I spent the next 2 weeks freaking out that there was actually nothing in there at all. :dohh:

Went back for a dating scan at 7w1d and as soon as she put the probe in I could see two and immediately said "Oh my gosh, there's two aren't there? Are there two? I can see two."

She was quiet for a second while she looked around and eventually said "Yep, two heartbeats."

I just cracked up laughing and when we left went between hysterical laughing and sobbing. In fact I still alternate between the two I think. :cry::haha:

I could have written this exact thread. I have PCOS so don't ovulate on my own. DH thought it was time to try for a baby brother or sister for DS so I scheduled an appointment with my fertility specialist (it had taken 4 and a half years, clomid and a IUI to conceive my son), so we didn't want to leave anything to chance. My FS said that he saw the cysts but not as bad as last time and he just wanted to put me on the Clomid for a month and see what it did, ie. if it'd aggravate the cysts, make me ovulate etc. He put on 50mg days 4-8 and said I must go back on CD9 or CD10 to see how the follies looked; I presumed he'd want to perform another IUI if the follies looked good. Anyway the days happened to fall on Easter weekend and DH works away so he was only home once that whole month. We DTD on day 9 or 10 and I decided to not go to the doctor until the following month as it was hectic. Easter was that weekend and there were just too many things going on. I felt for certain we were out that month because we only dtd once the whole month and it was way before ovulation day (I presumed). I had no idea how many follies I'd make or if I'd even ovulated on the Clomid. I felt completely fine post ovulation and was 100% sure I couldn't be pregnant so just carried on as usual. My friend was going through IVF at the time and I was on CD30, so about 16 days after ovualtion (assuming I O'd on day 14), and I still hadn't come on. She told me "please take a test with me" and I said "For what? I'm not pregnant". My cycles also vary between 33-39 days usually so I was early for my period anyway. The only thing I did find was that day I had a metallic taste in my mouth but I brushed it aside thinking I'd eaten something to do that. She kept bugging that she didn't want to do the test herself so I caved in and told her I'd get a test "but I didn't know what for". I went to the pharmacy and bought the cheapest one I could find (was not going to waste money on a -hpt). I got to work and she said "ready lets do this". I went wee'd, washed my hands and thought nothing of it, almost walked out the door when I realised I'd left the test on the toilet paper dispenser. I turned around and saw 2 VERY BRIGHT RED LINES! I almost passed out I swear!!! I started thinking the test was faulty etc etc. I went for bloods straight away as I thought well what have I got to lose. I went to pick the bloods up that afternoon and hcg was 1776, the nurse said she'd never seen so high that early and was I sure of my dates. I came back to work and started googling what else could give false positives and high hcg and got ovarian cancer etc etc. I was convinced I was dying :dohh: Yes I really didn't believe I was pregnant! Either way I called DH and told him "I took a test and it said I'm pregnant and I took a blood test and it said I'm pregnant". He said "what?" I said "I'm pregnant" him: "What?" "I'm pregnant" "what?" "Dammit I'm pregnant" :haha: "But we only did it once?" "I know, that's why I'm not believing it til I have a ultrasound". So fast forward to 7 weeks 1 day I go to my obgyn and tell him our story and that hcg was high and he said "maybe its twins". He does an internal and says "There's one beautiful baby!" I was so overjoyed! I could finally believe it :thumbup: Then he said "You know I was only joking about the twins thing?" "yes doctor" "Well turns out the jokes on me! Congrats there's your second healthy baby". Well we almost passed out! My son was one of two as well but I experienced early bleeding and clots for 3 weeks and it was confirmed that I had a vanishing twin at 6 weeks. So I'm very scared and nervous but I'm praying both my little miracle beans are well and healthy, for miracles they really are :kiss:
Wow Jogami, going from not even thinking about pregnancy to twins! lol

Was your IVF friend pregnant too?
We found out at the normal 12 week scan. This is my first pregnancy so didnt know what to expect. I felt really ill for the first 3 months but didnt know if that was normal or not. I got a strong positive hpt 10dpo but again didnt know if that was unusual or not.
When we went for the scan i was so scared there was going to be nothing in there i just sat in waiting room saying to oh, please let there be a heartbeat. We have no twins in our family and hadnt even mentioned the possibility or joked about it.
When she did the u/s she was very quiet and it took a while so i started to get very scared. She then asked if we have twins in the family to which both oh and i in unison said NO. She started to laugh and said, Well you do now!! OH and i just started to laugh and continued to laugh all day. We were so happy, still are.
I remember being really pleased because i hadnt told many people but lots had guessed cos i'd looked so ill for so long. When i told yhem all i had some news everyone said oh we know what your gonna say, and i was like, oh no you dont:haha:
Wow Jogami, going from not even thinking about pregnancy to twins! lol

Was your IVF friend pregnant too?

Sadly not Arj :cry:

She put 6 embies back (it was her 4th failed IVF), and she got an extremely faint on the hpt so went for bloods and her levels were 26. Doctor told her she was pregnant but not to get too excited her levels were extremely low. We prayed they'd double and double and rise, next time they were 35 and doctor sounded worried, 3rd test they went down to 15 and she miscarried shortly after.

Imagine how bad I felt that I didn't even really try and here I was preggers and she put 6 back and none of them made it :( She even got excited saying what if all 6 took how would she cope etc and she was doing alot of research on multiples.

It's always awkward in a situation like that because I'm sure she thought hers would be the + and mine the -. I'm still here for her anyway I can be because I know the emotional rollercoaster that goes with ttc.

She has recently said she wants me to surrogate for her and if we'd seriously consider it, if she still has not gotten pregnant in 2 years time.

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