Just a fun thread... Tell us about the day you found out you were having more than 1!

We just went in for our 20 week anatomy scan this Tuesday (7/3) at 23 weeks because that was when I was due for my monthly checkup, we aren't finding out the gender so we just figured we would do them at the same time so we don't have to go in and wait for them 2 times.

The ultrasound tech took us back a little later than my scheduled appointment (like normal). She put the gel on my stomach and put the wand up for a few seconds. She then put the wand down and asked to be excused and left the room. We weren't too concerned we just thought I was further along. She came back and said "this is going to take a little longer, you are having twins" it was a complete shock but we are really excited. Our whole family was really surprised and I called my mom first and she didn't believe me so I had to text her photos of the sonogram pics with "Baby A" and "Baby B" titles at the top. The funny thing is Sunday we ordered the crib and Tuesday my MIL called to order a second one. :happydance:
I went to my gynecologist for my annual exam and to refill my prescription of BCP. Before the exam, they had me do the preliminary stuff -- pee in a cup, take my blood pressure, etc. That's how I discovered I was pregnant. Because I was on the pill and because DH and I were not planning to have any children together, I was shocked. (I have a 12 year old son from my first marriage.)

I spoke to the doctor for a brief moment while still in shock. He suggested I have a trans-vaginal U/S to figure out how far along I was. Something had obviously gone wonky while I was on the pill so I was clueless.

About 15 minutes later, I was laying on the table trying to figure out how I was going to tell DH. The tech was doing her work quietly with the screen turned away from me. At one point, she turned on the sound, and I could hear "woosh, woosh, woosh." I knew exactly what that sound was. Despite the shock of it all, that sound was so beautiful that I started to relax. A few minutes later, she turned the sound on again, and I heard the "woosh, woosh, woosh" again. I just thought she was being very diligent in getting good measurements.

When she was finished, she told me that I was 6 weeks pregnant. Then she said, "are you ready for another surprise?" Without waiting for me to answer, she swiveled the screen towards me and plain as day there were two distinct sacs and two distinct little beans. I instantly started to laugh and cry simultaneously. It was too absurd to be true.

I waited a couple days to tell DH. I sat him down and told him I was pregnant. I thought he was going to hyperventilate. Then I handed him two U/S pictures. He stared at them for a minute still not sure how to react to the news.

Me: "Do you know what you're looking at?"
Him: "Yeah. It's a baby."
Me: "Yes. It's a baby. But, can you read what it says on there?"
Him: *squinting and reading slowly* "B-a-b-y A"
Me: "Now go to the next picture. Can you read what that says?"
Him: *still squinting * "B-a-b-y OH MY GOD!"

In retrospect it was one of the funniest moments of our entire relationship. It's crazy to think how much our lives have changed in the last 12 months. We adore our boys to pieces, and I feel like they were truly meant to be a part of our family. :flower:
This pregnancy was a huge surprise for us as we only did it unprotected once and my daughter is just coming up to one. Haven't felt as sick as I did with her but then had some bleeding so went in for an early scan. Hubby and I were afraid of another blighted as my first pregnancy I miscarried. Big sac, no baby. :(

So I was relieved when my hubby exclaimed he could see something but then the lady said, "I hope this is good news...." and I'm thinking, it's a baby, of course we are happy. But then she said, " there are two and they are identical!". OMG! Hubby just kept saying, "no way! No way!" I was shocked! No ivf, no history of twins, no reason to think there were two. Crazy! I'm going to have 3 under the age of 2. Yikes!!
Well, My husband and I were talking with the sonographer about how nervous we were because we had a stillborn last september and a miscarriage recently so we were worried, My husband said, weve just lost two kids and we really want this to work, I "though" it would be funny if there were two kids in there, and low and behold the sonographer says, I dont know if you know this BUT you are having twins:) my husband starts crying and Im an in shock, literal shock, I tell her shes lying and is she sure and she shows me the proof and we are both floored and over joyed, we told every immediate family member we have, we were and are sooo overjoyed
Great thread and I really enjoyed reading all your stories.
DH and I had joked about twins, and it had crossed my mind when I first found out I was pregnant (lines on HPT were pretty dark)...but I honestly didn't think I would actually have two in there. The odds were so low (1 set of fraternal twins in my entire extended family) that it seemed improbable.

Went to have a dating scan at approx 7 weeks, and as soon as the ultrasound tech put the transducer on my belly, I saw what looked like two sacs. Of course, I don't know much about ultrasounds, so I figured I didn't know what I was seeing.

After a few minutes the tech asked to do a transvaginal scan, and within a few minutes he said "Ok, I see a sac, which is good...here's the thing. There are two!" DH popped his head over the tech's shoulder and was like "Twins?!?" and I said a curse word :blush:. We were so shocked!

At that point, it was too early to see the fetal poles, so they scheduled me for a follow-up scan to confirm. We went today and saw both babies with strong heartbeats :D
I had a feeling that I was having twins.

When we went into the ultrasound room I made sure my son who was 14 months at the time was there. For some reason, I thought it would be a magical moment...I wanted to show him the screen so he could see his new brother/sister....

THE SECOND the lights went dim, I laid down, and the ultrasound equipment went in, my son went crazy. Crying at the top of his lungs. My husband was panicked. The doctor tried to tell us (over my screaming son) that she had her own kids and not to worry and that my son was probably just scared that I was laying down and that the doctor was doing something. And then, when the images popped up. There they were. My uterus looked so full. The doctor, asked the nurse if she saw it too, and they said twins. I smiled at my husband like "see, I am not crazy" BUT he pretty much started crying bc my son was still screaming and the thought of two more was a little overwhelming.

Now that the news has settled a little. We are excited.

And, just to add, natural twins.
I loved this thread and now there are a lot of new twin mommies over here, so I thought I would try to revive it. Please share your story! They make me cry every time!
It's funny they make me cry too, happy tears.
I was wondering if all you twin mommies could answer a question for me. Did any of you have any super early indications/thoughts you might be having twins? Ovulation bleeding for the first time ever. Even after BFPs any thoughts you might have been carrying two?

I had zero indications. HCG levels didn't tell anything, I wasn't overly sick, nothing. The only way I knew was at my 7 week early ultrasound.
Found out at 11 weeks after a bleed scare. We were clueless; no twins in families, no fertility treatment, morning sickness was less than with my first. Only thing that even might have been a sign was how tired I was. Funnily joked to my hubby about it being twins when we were headed in for the scan. He just said,'Dont say that!' As we were due to move overseas in Sept. The sonographer said,' I hope this is good news...' And I was thinking, as long as there is a baby, we are happy. The she said,'there are two heartbeats' with a big grin, 'and they are identical.' I just kept saying 'WHAT?!' and hubby just looked shocked but was dead excited as soon as we left. Needles. To say we aren't moving until they are here and given the all clear!

Twin boys!!
i was exhausted and had MS for the first few weeks but it wasn't nearly as bad as it was with my prior pregnancy. And i was an emotional mess lol i kept saying i am never like this until the last part of my pregnancy is this one ever different from the others. lol i should have clued in there.

Everything was tracking with my due date up until about 16 weeks and my doctor noticed my uterus was measuring bigger than it should. both of us put it off to this being my 4th pregnancy.

The day before my 20 week anatomy scan i went in to see my doc for a check up and he said wow your uterus has really grown. so he asked are you sure about your dates and i was like yes i write everything down or else i forget. and showed him my day planner with my LMP. and he said "well either your wrong or there's two in there" and i started laughing at him and i was like yeah right my uterus is just all stretched out from my other babies. He tried looking for another heartbeat but could never find the other one and i was like "see only one".

So the next day i went to my scan and the tech excuses herself and goes and calls my doctor. She comes back in an continues the scan the whole time i'm thinking oh no whats wrong but all she would say is i have to wait until the doctor gets back to me. She leaves again when the doctor calls back and then comes back in and said "I don't know if you were expecting this or if you'll take this as good news or bad news, but your having twins! congratulations." and me i was in complete shock all i said was "their both okay? nothings wrong with them?"
and she said "yes they are both healthy and doing fine." and i said "okay that's good you had me worried something was wrong"

Then she turned the screen so i could see them and i feel in love with them right there. she made me a video and lots of pics to take home and the commented. "your the calmest person i ever told that, usually it's either people are really surprised or happy or devastated you took that very well are you sure you didn't have any idea?" and i said "i think i am just in shock right now.lol"

As soon as i got out of there i called my best friend and as soon as i said twins i started crying and completely melted down i had no clue how the heck i was going to manage two more. i think i cried for about 2 or 3 weeks before i finally got excited about it. and now that they are here i just feel so blessed.
We had no clue... Our first ultrasound was at 4.5 weeks, because of a previous miscarriage and my husbands insistence. There was a tiny black dot, the Dr said it was too early to actually see anything... but that black dot was probably it. We left the Dr's office on cloud 9... I could not take my eyes off that dot. As soon as we stepped out of his office I said, "Hey babe... if the Dr thinks that little black dot is a baby... then what is THAT little black dot?" My husband immediately says, "Twins?" Which scared the ever loving crap out of me, so I said, "Nope, the Dr was only concerned about THAT dot... the other one must be nothing."

We had a follow-up the next week, so 5.5 weeks... we get to the Dr's office, another internal U/S. Immediately my DH and I see two black blobs as the Dr moves the wand around. Sure enough... the Dr says "Gemini!" I could hardly believe it. I think I was in denial for the entire rest of the appointment, my husband couldn't stop laughing. He thought it was wonderful and funny... I thought it was terrifying and scary. My main problem was thinking that twins runs a higher risk of miscarriage, and already having gone through that I didn't want to start loving two babies, when we might loose one or both.

Once I saw two heartbeats at the next appointment, all my worry of loss went away and I just fell in love. We told our family via Skype (we were living in Germany at the time) by showing them tiny pairs of Converse. There's a video in the first post on my blog, the link is below.
Aww H i just watched ur skype vid and it made me :cry: It reminded. Me of when we told our parents and what there reactions were :) How great that you will always have that vid :) xxx
I just watched the video too! Amazing! I am crying now. We told my parents over the phone and I wish I could have seen their reactions!
I watched the video not expecting to cry at all... FAIL! Im crying and it's only 9am!!!!!
And she was right too, two girls!!
I had no idea I was having twins, I had a flat tummy still at 13 weeks and was feeling like there wasnt even gonna be one baby let alone two! I nearly DIED of shock! So happy now :) hCG levels were low, morning sickness minimal, the only thing was that I was SO tired all the time. I thought that was just cos I was getting soft!
A scan is really the only way of knowing, and usually if you think your'e having twins, you're not!
We had been trying for 3 and a half years before we went to have ourselves checked out at a private clinic. For several reasons we then did IUI with fertility meds to up the chances. So though we knew there was a chance of twins, we didn't really think this would happen. We went to have a 8 week or so scan and that is where the tech discovered it. She said oh congratulations there are two in there. And I said, are you sure? And she said, Yep have a look. And she showed us the screen where we could see and then hear the little heartbeats. OH was so shocked he had to sit down lol. But as soon as we left the clinic, we were both like walking on air, we were so happy! We knew that this pregnancy would likely be my only one since we cannot really afford more IUIs or even IVFs. So having twins was an incredibly stroke of luck. I am not religious and nor is OH but we feel so blessed! We are totally besotted with our boys :)
I had a positive test at home so went in to the gyn and did the regular tests. She wrote me a scrip for the ultrasound and I went in at about 6 weeks. I was already pretty traumatized because as I drove to the doctor's office, someone sideswiped my car and broke off my mirror. By the time I got to the clinic, I was running late, shaky from the car stuff and totally distracted thinking about all the insurance paperwork, etc. As I was laying there, the tech said to me in Spanish, "There is the sac and it's early but it looks fine. And the other sac looks good too." I couldn't quite believe what I heard and said to her "Wait, Spanish isn't my first language. Are you saying there are TWO in there?" She started smiling and turned the monitor so I could see both of them.

It was a COMPLETE and utter shock. No fertility treatments, no twins on my side or his side so it had never even crossed my mind. I left the clinic shaking and alternating between laughing and a little bit teary and in total shock. For about a week after, I would randomly blurt out "Holy S##t" when I thought about it:blush:

It really didn't seem real until I heard both heartbeats at the 2nd US.

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