Just a fun thread... Tell us about the day you found out you were having more than 1!

I took Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI so I knew there was an increased chance of twins but it was only something like 8%. My 14dpiui bloodwork came back at 297 and when I went to the beta base, it seemed a bit high but honestly, I didn't think anything of it. DH kept telling me for the next 3 weeks that we were having twins (not because of the beta number but just his feeling) and I would tell him every time that chances were so low and that I was definitely pregnant with a single baby. I had absolutely no idea. In fact, when it came to my 7 week ultrasound, he said he only came to see the twins. I really wasn't having very bad morning sickness or exaggerated symptoms at that time. It was mainly just normal pregnancy feelings and in fact, I had 10xs worse nausea in my pregnancy that I m/c so I was sure it was only one baby. Well, I had never had a pregnancy u/s so when she started and she was moving between 2 sacs, I thought it was just 1 sac and it was showing different angles or something. :dohh: Then, the tech says, there are two there. I was like yup I see that. She then looked me straight in the eyes and said NO - there are two there. I'm like...twins? And of course DH is just sitting there acting like, I told you so. He wasn't shocked at all. Anyway, this was my birthday...so what a birthday present. My dad was up visiting for it and I just got home and started crying. I was so happy and shaking and he started crying. It was wonderful. Then I called my mother and sister, who were both at the same place and I tell my them that I'm pregnant and of course I got oh congratulations but as soon as I said both heartbeats were good, my mom starts screaming over the speaker "WHAT - OMG". It was hilarious. Finding out I was having two was the best birthday present ever. I doubt anything could ever top that.
I booked in for a private scan at 9 weeks as i had terrible bleeding early on in the pregnancy and was worried that everything was ok.
I went with my mum as OH works away and whilst the sonographer was scanning me he went real quite and i thought OMG something is wrong and then he said i have found another heartbeat and my mum said " TWINS" really loud, she frightened me more than what he had just said. I rang OH and he thought i was joking... hardly a joking matter lol, but the best thing that ever happened to me.
At 3dpo, I had a feeling I was pregnant. You can't really even know at that point, but I knew. I got my BFP at 4w exactly. At 6w I had this really weird feeling that I was carrying twins. At that point, I'd alreay told SIL, my mom, and a few friends at work that I was pregnant (and of course OH knew). I mentioned to them that I felt like it was twins, and each of them - except OH - said I was crazy and it was definitely just one. At 8+2 I had my bloodwork done and my doctor pulled out her little handheld ultrasound machine to peek at the baby.

We saw one little baby with a healthy heartbeat. As she was putting the machine away, I jokingly asked, "Didn't see two in there, did you?" She said that she hadn't, but she also hadn't been looking. I didn't ask her to check again.

At 9+1, I had a small mental breakdown, cried all over OH's shoulder (while hanging out of the running shower, soaking wet - poor OH) and said, "How in the world and I going to raise a baby?" A baby!

The next day (9+2) was our dating scan. OH was with me and we went into the US room and I got on the table. The sonographer got things ready, I pulled my shirt up and pushed my pants down a little, and she squirted the goo on my belly. As she was lowering the wand onto my belly, I once again jokingly said, "Let's check and see if there are two!" At that moment, the wand touched, and up popped the image on the screen - of TWO little black blobs!

The sonographer asked if this was our first scan, and I said yes, and then I said, "That's two, isn't it?" and she said yes. I turned to look at OH and said, "I told you! I called it!" And while I'd felt like it was twins, I of course was freaking out, because - hello - TWO BABIES. Double the stuff! Double the money! But all the time OH and I were paying attention to each other and basically over and over saying, "Two!" the sonographer was very quiet.

I noticed they were sharing a sack and happily said, "That means they're identical, right?" and she nodded but didn't say much. She printed us out a lot of pictures and sent us out to the waiting room while she got the doctor. After a few minutes, the doctor called us into her office and sat us down and explained that I was now considered high risk, the babies were sharing a sac with no seperating membrane (mo/mo twins), and she would have to transfer me to a high risk OB. I actually started crying because I love my doctor and suddenly I'm high risk and I'm expecting twice as many babies as I was thought!

We spent the rest of the day telling family and friends and it was quite funny in a way, because I called SIL and said, "Remember that thing I said about how I felt like it was twins, and everyone said I was crazy? Well I'M NOT CRAZY! IT'S TWINS." :haha:

Of course at 12 weeks we found out that there is actually a thin seperating membrane and that made life so much calmer! But that whole day was just incredibly exciting and scary. These two girls are really giving me a run for my money with this pregnancy! I'm sure I'll have gray hairs before they're a year old :haha:
I laughed and cried reading all your post. God bless and keep you all and your precious ones!

i am 7wks 2 days pregnant with baby #2, like shelbylc just have a strong feeling there are 2 in me. No symptoms at all, just very tired and my boobs feel full and heavy. had no symptoms with my first not even breast changes. My dh thinks i am crazy because there is really a slim chance for me having twins. i guess i will find out in four days
I had a feeling all along it was twins. At Thanksgiving I told my mom we would find out how many at our first scan. We went to the MFM at 8 weeks and took us back for the scan. She started by measuring my cervix, then moved up and was measuring the baby. I thought, "Oh, there's only one" and was quite disappointed. She then moved the wand a bit and said, "Oh, what is this?" I knew right away she had found a second baby. She then measured that baby. :)
Congrats to all the twin mommies on here, each of your stories are amazing and I really enjoyed reading them.

I did IVF and transferred two blasts so I wasn't surprised when they told me both took. My DH on the other hand didn't think it would be twins, I believed it would be from day 1. The doctor gave us 60% chance of achieving pregnancy and only 30% chance of twins. I had my beta test at 5 weeks and I felt that it confirmed twins but DH still wouldn't believe. Our first ultrasound was at 8 weeks and as soon as she inserted the probe I saw the two sacs and two babies. I screamed out that it was twins before she could even speak. I was ecstatic since it took 3 years to get pregnant and given my age (36) I felt we were running out of time. I always wanted 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and figured that this may be our only chance of having our dream family. And we were very lucky as it turns out it is a boy and a girl. :cloud9:
This is a fun thread that needs to be revived after we get a bunch of new twin mommies on here!
Hi ladies,

Loving these stories, happy to keep it going...
For me it was quite a shock... If I'm totally honest it all was!

It was very early in a new relationship, we'd been dating for a while but things started to get more serious just before Christmas. Due to the timing I hadn't had a chance to start on the pill but wasn't worrying too much because we were using condoms. On the 26th one split!
We went straight to the clinic on the morning of the 27th and picked up the morning after pill. Taken within 12 hours it's something like 99.5% effective! I also started on ceravette the next day which stops periods.

Even though I was on the pill we were still being extra careful with condoms and I wasn't expecting to get a period so didn't think anything of it.
I was utterly exhausted but just put it down to Januaryitis and working too hard...
Then in mid feb I was almost sick at the smell of a glass of red wine! At that point I thought I perhaps I should test...
An immediate positive! Over 9wks gone!

I was pretty shocked to say the least but the overwhelming feelings were joy and excitement... Complicated a fair bit by the fact that we had broken up only a few days earlier!
I booked in for a private scan at the weekend and my two closest friends came with me for support. I felt I had to see proof before I could properly believe it and before I had the courage to tell my ex.

When the first baby popped up on the screen, heart beating and waving away I turned to my friends and we were just so excited... I looked back at the screen and the lady doing the sonograph asked 'did you just see that?' I shook my head then she said 'Well, you're having twins!'

I just started laughing! I honestly couldn't stop... It was all just so surreal!

That was quite a conversation to have with my ex!

We had our first NHS scan last Tuesday and they are Mono/Di. When I think about the odds on all of this happening it's just crazy... To be pregnant in the first place let alone twins! I can only think that it's meant to happen.

I just feel so blessed and lucky. My ex and his whole family have just been so amazing and supportive. Although we certainly didn't intend for any this to happen I do believe everything will work out.

Now to get these wee ones through the next 5 months safely... and then the real adventure can begin!

I found out I was preg via a clear blue test at home which showed I was 1-2weeks. Both myself and my hubby were thrilled as we have a now 8month old lb hi is so goo and decided we wanted to try for another. Luckily the doc had put me on the cerazette pill. We decided to stop taking it mid way through the cycle and we weren't sure if I could even fall pregnant yet as I was bf my lb and had t had a period since we conceived him! All ov test were neg so we just figured we'd give it a go n what will be will be (this is how we fell preg with Lucas).
I called the doc who arranged for me to go for bloods on Wed. Doc called me on the Thurs and said HCG was very low and suspected an ectopic preg but sent me for more bloods on Mon. She then called again Tues to conf HCG had increased nicely and booked me at midwife and scan as she suspected I was around 9wks preg not 3-4.
Hubby and I were so relieved to hear all was going well and as twins dont run in the family, we never have it a thought!
Scan day arrived and we were both anxious to see that our baby was ok as it had been a very stressful few wks since finding out we were preg. The sonographer put the doppler on my belly and instantly said 'Congratulations, it's twins' my hubby and I looked at each other in shock n he said to the sono 'you're joking' obv sono laughed n said' no I'm deadly serious look' pointed at the screen n showed us our 2 babies with beating hearts both in their own sacs. I said 'Holy Sh*t' burst into tears n the sono stopped and asked if I was ok n I said I was over the moon and overwhelmed! Hubby went a paler shaed of white, before looking back at me and we were both grinning like Cheshire cats and still are now :hugs:
The scan confirmed I was 8+4 which worked out perfectly from my dates & clear blue, doc assumed I was further along coz HcG more then trebled and now we know why haha.
I've had a few complications but pleased to say I'm now 13wks, babies are perfect and I can now enjoy the rest of my pregnancy stress free (ish) lol.

Sorry for the long post ladies, I'm just so proud of my story and how far me & hubby have come since thinking we had list our baby then finding out we're blessed with 2, it's the most amazing, yet surreal feeling we have ever had!

Good luck to you all xx
^Me too and broody! lol Love the stories ladies. Keep them coming :)
I found out I was pregnant with a home pregnancy test that was positive day of missed period. I am always sick with my pregnancies but I got sick earlier than normal but the thing that made me wonder was the fatigue. I was so much more tired than other pregnancies. I told my husband something was different he said "you are just getting older". About 5 weeks pregnant I had a dream I was having twins. I went in to my first appointment at 11 weeks and told the doctor about my dream and the fatigue. My husband thought I was crazy! She did a quick exam but didn't say anything. She Then Did an US in the room. She said "just what I thought" and I knew! She turned the screen and said here is your baby and here is your second baby. My husband didn't believe her and said let me see them both at the same time. When she showed them both to him he went quiet and didn't say anything for a long time! He was excited to find out later we were having identical boys since we have only 1 boy and 5 girls now!
this is a great thread! :)

I was on clomid so I knew it was a possibility but I had put that at the back of my mind since we had been trying for so long. I got a very dark bfp at 15 dpo and a 2-3 weeks on a digi the same day. Lots of people around here were telling me it would be twins but I didn't believe it. Went for my first scan at 6+1. The tech told hubby he had to wait outside for the first bit. As soon as she started the scan she pulled the monitor so I couldn't see it but then told me everything was fine because I must have looked really worried. After she was done getting all the measurements and heartbeats she called my hubby in and showed us our two little beans! I was really shocked, I started crying and shaking and there was my hubby with this huge grin on his face :haha:

I was still in shock as we were leaving (and for a few days afterwards). The first thing I said as we walked out of the building was "how are we going to take care of two?". He said it will be fine then told me excitedly "now we get to buy two of everything!"
I found out at my first scan two days ago! The OB was sneaky and showed me one first, described the sac, showed me the heartbeart, and then was like "Then if I move over heeeeeere, there's a second one!" and kind of rolled off the first sac and onto the second one, so they hadn't been on screen at the same time yet for me to see for myself :lol: I just laughed and said "Oh my God" a lot and laughed some more. I definitely remember wiping a tear at some point, but I think it was a happy tear.
Hi melly, I'm only 6 weeks 4 days but still pretty close to you!
I did ivf and put back 2 embryos so definitely knew there was a 50/50 chance. I found out in the emergency room last week after some bleeding. The tech never said a word, just changed "number of fetuses" from 1 to 2! And starting measuring fetus a and fetus b. Dh and I caught on right away! We got to see 2 strong heartbeats yesterday! This explains why I'm a least having trouble buttoning my pants!
Yayyyyyy for two heartbeats, how wonderful :D

Yes, I'm already in my 'fat' pants. :lol:
I had the WORST morning sickness ever. I literally thought I was dying. I was throwing up constantly, I had already lost about 15 lbs and was just all over ill. We knew we were pregnant for a while and and I got a GOOD line at 10dpo, but just thought we had a good sticky! I constantly kept joking with OH after that that we were having twins, just as a joke though (he didn't think it was funny :haha:). I remember feeling like I could feel all of my joints grinding against my bones and I felt like I was going to die. I called my OB and they said I needed to go to the ER. So I dropped off DD with my dad and went in. My mom worked in the building over from the ER so she met us there and they got me in after an hour(horrible ER). They ran some tests on me, and gave me some anti-nausea meds and said that because I hadn't had an u/s done, they'd do one just to make sure everything was ok. We didn't know how long we were going to wait until the u/s so my mom ended up leaving since my dad was getting sick and DD was destroying the house :haha:. So after my mom left they wheeled me into the room and had a look and I saw two immediately, but I was thinking "Surely there's not two in there." And then the tech said "Um, yep, there's two in there." I just started hysterically laughing! OH looked like he'd seen a ghost! After the scan they wheeled me back into my room and the only thing I could think of was "Omg, I can't think of ONE girl name, now I'm going to have to think of two!" :haha: We were in shock but happy. We live an hour from the hospital, and we didn't tell my parents we were on our way to surprise them. My mom asked me how the baby was and I was like "Oh, the baby is great! The other one is doing awesome too!" And she didn't believe me! :rofl: It took me over an hour to convince her I wasn't kidding with her! We went in a week later for my NT scan and got to see them! :kiss: Loved them ever since!

I also didn't need to come up with two girl names since we only had one! :oneofeach:

Edit: Forgot to add, there were twins in my mom's side, wayyyyyy back and I had no idea until I told my grandma, who told me we actually had a few!
I was on clomid so the chance was 7% higher than 'spontaneous' plus there are 4 sets on the maternal side.

Monday 7th july at approx 11.20am i am lying on the bed in the epu holding DH's hand just praying there was a heartbeat. I had 2 episodes of 24 hour spotting (only ever pink in CM) and pretty bad cramping the weeks before. The nurse (my FS nurse) then turns the screen saying 'take a look'.... I was so happy as she wouldn't have turned the screen if there was no heartbeat... As i looked up and saw the screen i could clearly see the two sacks!! I said 'OMG thats twins' and burst into tears! lol DH then put his head in his hands and cried too. The Nurse then said... 'oh hang on....' DH nearly fell off his seat saying there better not be 3 in there lol Then she went 'oh no... it's ok lol' Can honestly say i had waited so long for that moment i will never ever forget it :cloud9::cloud9:

I wish i could have had pictures but they don't do them in the EPU - she allowed us to take a picture of the screen of the two sacks, but to get that position you can't really see either of the babies in the picture. I can't wait til Thursday 31st July (6 days and counting lol) to see them again and actually have pictures of my little ones xxx
hi ok i will tell you from the start!! it took us 6 years to get our little girl faith who is 3 years old now. Even clomid didn't work! in that time we lost 2 babies. but we got blessed with faith and then we lost again after trying for another. Then we got blessed with thomas. he is 12 months now. we found out i was pregant again 6 months but becaues of all the mc i always get early scans. so there i was on the bed at 7 weeks saying can you see the heartbeat yet and she said yes i can see it and also i can see another one! omg i nearly fell off the bed lol i really don't know why i was so shocked i am i twin and we have 14 sets of twins in my side of the family!! then after i sat out side then it hit me omg 4 under 4's i just laughted i am so excited :dance: i still can not belive its me thats been blessed with 4 children after all the years of sadness of not even having one and all the losses:cry: i am on :cloud9: my twins are mo/di due in 10 to 12 weeks x xxxx

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