Just found out i have PCOS

Babydust, your temps are a little crazy at the moment aren't they?! Your low temps have hollow circles though, I'm guessing they're not 100% accurate? Did you take provera or have a normal AF before Clomid? It's kind of hard to tell what's going on, especially because you haven't got any previous charts to compare with. I didn't temp last cycle until I thought I might O and gave up on temping when I started provera. Hopefully things level out soon so you can detect your clear rise.

And yes it does make me mad. I really thought we'd be ok and like you, probably left it much longer than I needed to before seeking help. I was going off the 12 months TTC but we could have gone in sooner really. It's hard not to be emotional and stressed out about it all, but lately I've just tried to become less emotionally involved. I'm doing all I can and I'm doing what the doctor told me to do so I just have to let go. Sometimes it works. It'll be worth it when we get our wee one(s) but nothing's a given in this game.

MrsMcCurdy, I'm sorry you didn't have much luck oncClomid. That is what I'm worried about :(. What is your next step?
Babydust- I dont know if there's a link, I have both hypothyroidism and pcos. Either can/could cause issues with temp and Oing and all that obviously. Have you had any testing for your thyroid?
I responded to clomid only one cycle out of 3. 1st was 50mg and nothing, 100mg I O'd, 150mg nothing.

Well to be honest I'd imagine they would've checked for everything during all my tests but on Friday when I go for my u/s I will ask the question...
That's crazy how you responded to the 100 and not the 150!!
Usually if the dose is too low they up it which is how it seemed for your to begin with and then from 100 making you O to 150 not making you O is just crazy.
What are your next steps? Xx
Babydust, your temps are a little crazy at the moment aren't they?! Your low temps have hollow circles though, I'm guessing they're not 100% accurate? Did you take provera or have a normal AF before Clomid? It's kind of hard to tell what's going on, especially because you haven't got any previous charts to compare with. I didn't temp last cycle until I thought I might O and gave up on temping when I started provera. Hopefully things level out soon so you can detect your clear rise.

And yes it does make me mad. I really thought we'd be ok and like you, probably left it much longer than I needed to before seeking help. I was going off the 12 months TTC but we could have gone in sooner really. It's hard not to be emotional and stressed out about it all, but lately I've just tried to become less emotionally involved. I'm doing all I can and I'm doing what the doctor told me to do so I just have to let go. Sometimes it works. It'll be worth it when we get our wee one(s) but nothing's a given in this game.

MrsMcCurdy, I'm sorry you didn't have much luck oncClomid. That is what I'm worried about :(. What is your next step?

The hollow circles are because I've done my temp at different times, I literally just wake with no alarm and I take my temp the second I open my eyes. I didn't realise I had to take bang on the same time each day as I read as long as you have 4hrs consecutive sleep it's OK. If this cycle isn't the one for me ill make sure I set an alarm and temp at the same time each morning.

I can go back to my calender from a couple of years back on FF but it won't bring up the charts for some reason.
I'll get on my computer in the morning and see if it'll let me on there rather than my phone.
Af came without any help and a day early which is just mental, :witch: is always late rarely on time and never ever early!!

I have my U/S on Friday so will update you on follicles and whether the clomid is working for me.
So if they are good size follicles it means I will ovulate is that right or do I need to trigger to actually make me ovulate?

I feel unusually positive this month but I think it's because I'm trying the clomid and looking forward to finding out if it's doing what it's meant to be doing.

It's hard not to stress isn't it, I'm trying to relax a little and tell myself if we are meant to have a baby it'll happen, stressing won't do anything other than hinder things... easy to say haha because 5mins later I start stressing again xx
Babydust, it's generally a good idea to take your temp at the same time. For some women it is more important than others. It'll be really important that you take your temp as accurately as possible between CD 10-20. I actually have given up temping any other time. I just temp to confirm if I've ovulated or not and give up if I start provera.

I'm not sure what the deal is with trigger shots. I think they just make you release the follicle within 24-48 hours. I didn't get offered a trigger.

I really hope this is the cycle that you get your BFP, or at the very least ovulate on Clomid. TTC with PCOS is stressful, be kind to yourself!
Babydust, it's generally a good idea to take your temp at the same time. For some women it is more important than others. It'll be really important that you take your temp as accurately as possible between CD 10-20. I actually have given up temping any other time. I just temp to confirm if I've ovulated or not and give up if I start provera.

I'm not sure what the deal is with trigger shots. I think they just make you release the follicle within 24-48 hours. I didn't get offered a trigger.

I really hope this is the cycle that you get your BFP, or at the very least ovulate on Clomid. TTC with PCOS is stressful, be kind to yourself!

OK, I'll make sure I set my alarm for 7.30 each day because that seems to be the time where I don't get a hollow circle.

I pray that the dosage is right first time and I at least ovulate even if we don't catch that lucky egg first time... to ovulate will be a huge success and a step in the right direction eh.

Do you not get af naturally then?

You're right it's stressful but as my mum keeps telling me we have to try and enjoy the journey now that we have answers.

How often are you bd'ing?

I'm trying AM as much as possible as the :spermy: is better quality etc and I want to do EOD ideally so we get a better amount but every day seems to be more like it for us, too scared to miss a chance xx
Yup definitely set your alarm for those CD. Really the rest of the temps don't mean much. You could continue to temp after O but TWW temps can cause stress.

I really hope this is the right dose for you. I had virtually no side effects at 50mg so hopefully that's the same for you. Ovulating alone is half the success. It means we can and we can get pregnant.

Since coming off the BCP in November, my cycles have gotten longer and longer. I do get AF but my cycles are usually 45+ days so my Fertility Specialist said i could take provera to hurry things along rather than waiting around for AF. Last time I didn't have a great time with provera but this time has been alright.

We usually try to BD every other day until the fertile window and then try every day. Occasionally we might miss a day but usually every day. I've heard that about am swimmers. I'm scared of missing it too. Have a look at how much we BD (on my FF chart) this cycle and nothing even happen :(
I've been put straight onto 100mg which worries me why I weren't starred on lower first like most people... hmm I tell myself my specialist knows best eh.
The S/E I've had so far are hot flushes, headaches and emotional but nothing major.

Oh yeah I'm the same usually af is late but I've never took anything as this is my first month on meds however if we don't catch this cycle then I don't want to be wasting time waiting for :witch: so I may ask on Friday when I have my U/S if I can have something to bring af on just incase it's delayed.

Wow you have bd a lot haven't you... That's so annoying how much and it hasn't worked... stay positive it'll be your time soon.

What days do you take clomid? I've been told 2-6 (sorry if you've already told me)
I'm wondering when around I'll be expecting to ovulate.
I'm cd 10 now so I'm hoping I O soon but then surely the U/S booked for Friday is cutting it fine... wonder why they left it until Friday what if they miss O? Then again they'll still pick it up won't they if I O? Xx
That's not a hugely high dose. I'd be happy if my doctor had gone straight to 100mg. I wasted a month on 50mg. It's especially annoying because my DH is in the military and likely to be deployed in December/January until April and then could be away after that. The doctor knew our time pressure. Ugh!

I was fine on 50mg so hopefully I will be on 100mg too. But if not, I'm sure I'll live. It'll all be worth it. Plus I'm nursing a lingering sprained ankle and a sore wisdom tooth. I'll just be all round miserable :( haha.

It's called Provera or Progesterone that you take for 10 days and stop and then AF comes in the next few days. It's not meant to be very good for you if you take it often. But it means you don't have to wait and wait. I had low progesterone at CD 22 (no ovulation) but my doctor was away for a few days and I think I ended up starting Provera on CD 29 or 30. I've heard of women ovulating on Clomid on CD31 but my doctor said it was a pretty low chance and if I did ovulate it wouldn't be a Clomid related ovulation.

Yup lots of BDing haha. We've been at this for nearly 12 months now but DH is determined BDing isn't going to ruin our sex life. Plus we were excited that this was going to be it. we'd even booked a holiday in my fertile week so we could be relaxed and catch the egg....grrr!

My script is for CD 3-7 but last cycle I ended up taking it 4-8 because AF was so light and I had to get a blood test done to see if it was really AF or just spotting. It was really AF and I found out on CD4.

My doctor said to consider CD11-19 as being fertile based on taking Clomid CD 3-7. I think you're meant to O between 5-10 days after your last Clomid tablet. I'd just go EOD from now if you can.

What CD is your ultrasound? If you haven't ovulated they'll measure your follicle sizes and let you know when you should O and how many eggs you'll release. If you have O'd they'll see that too.
That's not a hugely high dose. I'd be happy if my doctor had gone straight to 100mg. I wasted a month on 50mg. It's especially annoying because my DH is in the military and likely to be deployed in December/January until April and then could be away after that. The doctor knew our time pressure. Ugh!

I was fine on 50mg so hopefully I will be on 100mg too. But if not, I'm sure I'll live. It'll all be worth it. Plus I'm nursing a lingering sprained ankle and a sore wisdom tooth. I'll just be all round miserable :( haha.

It's called Provera or Progesterone that you take for 10 days and stop and then AF comes in the next few days. It's not meant to be very good for you if you take it often. But it means you don't have to wait and wait. I had low progesterone at CD 22 (no ovulation) but my doctor was away for a few days and I think I ended up starting Provera on CD 29 or 30. I've heard of women ovulating on Clomid on CD31 but my doctor said it was a pretty low chance and if I did ovulate it wouldn't be a Clomid related ovulation.

Yup lots of BDing haha. We've been at this for nearly 12 months now but DH is determined BDing isn't going to ruin our sex life. Plus we were excited that this was going to be it. we'd even booked a holiday in my fertile week so we could be relaxed and catch the egg....grrr!

My script is for CD 3-7 but last cycle I ended up taking it 4-8 because AF was so light and I had to get a blood test done to see if it was really AF or just spotting. It was really AF and I found out on CD4.

My doctor said to consider CD11-19 as being fertile based on taking Clomid CD 3-7. I think you're meant to O between 5-10 days after your last Clomid tablet. I'd just go EOD from now if you can.

What CD is your ultrasound? If you haven't ovulated they'll measure your follicle sizes and let you know when you should O and how many eggs you'll release. If you have O'd they'll see that too.

Oh yes I remember now, you said about starting on 50mg. Sometimes I just think the Dr's dont care because it's not happening to them they don't get the urgency.
I hope that you catch the lucky egg before oh leaves that would be just perfect!!

I have my U/S tomorrow cd 12.
I've never felt O before and not felt anything this time, maybe the odd twinge but that was when I was taking the clomid so too early for anything.

So cd10-cd18 is my fertile window then I guess based on the figures you were told at taking meds 3-7.
I had my last clomid on Saturday 15th so I'm on the 5th day post clomid... I must be getting close then.

For some stupid reason my alarm didn't go off and I woke half hour later than it should've woke me so as you can see my temp has dipped majorly and another hollow circle. How annoying!!

Have you found any changes to your CM since taking clomid?
I know a lot of women have said they are much dryer.

Do you check cervical position or anything?
I tried and I have no clue so I gave up. I haven't noticed any egg white consistency in my CM as yet. Xx
I've uploaded an old chart.
Infact I think this was one where I was totally convinced I had conceived because it shows a triphasic shift.

Does that look like I ovulated or does the temp change anyway because I'm told I have annovulatory cycles xx


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Yeah and I had no side effects but no ovulation. I'm really hoping 100mg will make me ovulate. DH is around this month so we are really desperate for it to happen before he goes.

I've felt O once and it was the cycle I got a BFP and then lost it at 5w 2d. Apart from that, I've had temp rises but never felt anything different. I also never get PMS.

Yes I'd assume CD 10-18 is your fertile window, but because you're having an ultrasound they should tell you when you'll ovulate with a bit more certainty. I'd start BDing now if I was you.

Oh frustrating about your alarm. It's probably not the end of the world though. Try tomorrow :)

Your other chart does look triphasic. I've had a triphasic chart and it was a BFN :( I was so excited that it going to be our cycle.

Yes my CM was much drier after Clomid. But it was still just patchy, W then C then EWCM. Typical PCOS. No I don't do CP because my cervix is really high anyway. It's too confusing for me haha.

I took my last Provera last night and I'm just waiting for AF to come. I hope she comes tomorrow.
Right ladies,

Firstly, I have pcos and found out in may.
Went for my follicle tracking scan, the nurse was very happy with what she found.

9mm lining
One follicle was 27mm
One was 13mm
One was 12.5mm

She's not sure if the 27mm is a fluid sac but she said the other 2 will be classes as my lead follicles if that one is a sac.
I have my blood test booked for 31st October to see whether I ovulated. She thinks O will more than likely be this weekend so lots of bd for us :spermy:

She said hopefully I just ovulate by myself and there will be no need to trigger and basically I'm off to a fab start. So I'm feeling really positive.

The 27mm is really getting me excited but do you think it's too big?

In the waiting room there was lots of babies pics and especially lots of pics of twins and they were thank yous from the mums on clomid that finally got their bundle of joy it was so lovely to see.

I also mentioned temp charting to the nurse and she said basically not to bother... although yes the temp does peak around O she said it's just not worth it and to just bd regular which she classes as every 2-3days and then cd10-cd20 maybe slightly longer depending, aim got EOD at the least but would be good to do every day.
So I think I'll carry on seen as I've started this month and then next if I don't get my :bfp: I'll give up the charting.
She said it's more likely to cause problems than help because it's an added stress and not letting it happen as it should it's too much like clockwork xx
I've not been monitored so I'm not sure about the details of follicle size but it sounds good. From what you said it's all promising that you'll O without a trigger and have plenty of warning to get in all the BDing. That's exciting

In terms of charting, if you weren't being monitored then it'd be much more valuable. If I was you, I'd temp until you have got a rise and then don't bother. That was my plan last cycle. I just wanted to know what day I ovulated so I could work out exactly when to test. I'm planning to temp again next cycle from last day of Clomid until temp rise. Just as long as I actually ovulate!

Still waiting for AF. I took my last Provera on Thursday evening and it's Saturday morning. I really want her to hurry up!!
I've not been monitored so I'm not sure about the details of follicle size but it sounds good. From what you said it's all promising that you'll O without a trigger and have plenty of warning to get in all the BDing. That's exciting

In terms of charting, if you weren't being monitored then it'd be much more valuable. If I was you, I'd temp until you have got a rise and then don't bother. That was my plan last cycle. I just wanted to know what day I ovulated so I could work out exactly when to test. I'm planning to temp again next cycle from last day of Clomid until temp rise. Just as long as I actually ovulate!

Still waiting for AF. I took my last Provera on Thursday evening and it's Saturday morning. I really want her to hurry up!!

Well I'm still temping this month just to see whether I do O.
Nothing has given a sign that I've O yet so the 27mm follicle will have grown too much now and be too mature from what I've read on different forums.
But the 12 and 13 which was in each ovary will be growing nicely on the brighter side. They say about 2mm a day.
I just want to O now.

I also read that keeping your tummy warm with a wheat bag or hot water bottle helps the follicles grow and lining :flower:

Has af come yet for you? X
Well that's exciting! You might have two eggs released! Maybe twins?? Haha I'd be so excited.

No AF for me yet. It's been 5 days since my last Provera and I'm feeling SO impatient. I've got a cold and went to buy some cough mixture today. I asked the pharmacist and she said to ring my doctor if it's not here a week after my last pill. I guess I keep waiting and waiting and waiting!
Well that's exciting! You might have two eggs released! Maybe twins?? Haha I'd be so excited.

No AF for me yet. It's been 5 days since my last Provera and I'm feeling SO impatient. I've got a cold and went to buy some cough mixture today. I asked the pharmacist and she said to ring my doctor if it's not here a week after my last pill. I guess I keep waiting and waiting and waiting!

I feel this whole ttc thing is a massive waiting game isn't it. I hope and pray af comes soon so you can get onto your next cycle.

I have replied to your other post in the other thread regarding my chart.

I just want to O now so that I have a chance of making this or these babies and don't want to have to have a trigger but I just have this feeling ill not O alone and I'll need the trigger.
I've read clomid makes O happen sooner so really I feel for taking clomid days 2-6 I'm a little late to O now.

But hey they more we stress the less likely our babies will happen eh.

So how are you feeling other than your cold and no af? Is there any chance you could be pregnant ? Xx
Yes! So much waiting. I feel like it's been months since I have even had the chance to get pregnant.

I'll check the other thread.

I really hope you O soon. You might have O'd on CD 15 but who knows. When's your next scan? I wonder if you don't respond to Clomid if it's that you produce no follicles or if you produce them but they just can't be released? I'm not sure. Hopefully it's happened or happening soon. What's your CM up to?

Haha how can we NOT stress? Our stupid bodies make that impossible haha.

Other than my cold I feel normal, a few cramps but nothing major. The stupid thing is that provera causes early pregnancy symptoms so even if I thought that I was possibly pregnant, it's probably the provera. I'm thinking of temping again in the morning and seeing if my temp is low or high. If it's high I'll do a test. If it's negative then I hope AF will be here in a few days. If she's not here by Thursday, I'll ring my nurse.
It's horrible waiting and guessing all the time isn't it especially when it's everything that you want you're waiting on .

Well the nurse said she's really pleased how I'm responding to clomid as i had quite a few follicles. She wasn't sure about the 27mm as she thought it would be a fluid filled sac but the other one on each side which she classed as my two dominant ones were 12.5 and 13 so they will be a decent size Joe if I just O asap lol but like you say... who knows I may have already O but the stupid thermometer hasn't picked it up.
If I don't O myself this time they I'll give me a trigger next month but she hasn't mentioned changing the dose of Clomid as she's happy how I'm getting on with it and how well my body has responded.
I read that the clomid just makes you grow follicles but doesn't make you O so if my body won't O alone it'll then be the trigger needed but as far as I know the clomid is doing what that's meant to be doing so there's one good thing I guess... come on little egg pop out... I'm waiting for you haha!!

My next test is a blood test on Monday 31st to see whether I ovulated... I think it's checking the progesterone level which will tell them.

I can imagine you're going out of your mind! How long do you usually wait for AF to rear her ugly face?

Yeah it definitely is so hard. I'd trade almost anything to not be dealing with this :(

Well that's good. It sounds like those two follicles will be your main ones. It sounds like this dose of Clomid has produced them, you just need them to pop. Because I wasn't monitored, I don't know if I produced some and they didn't pop out or I didn't produce any at all. I guess you'll find out if you need the trigger if your progesterone is low on your blood test.

I've only ever taken provera once before and AF came the next day. I decided to start temping again this morning (but of course I had a rubbish sleep). I think I got 3 hours before I took my temp, but as you can see its high. I'm thinking of doing a HPT this morning and I'll just continue temping. Usually when I get a temp drop I know AF is on her way.
Yeah it definitely is so hard. I'd trade almost anything to not be dealing with this :(

Well that's good. It sounds like those two follicles will be your main ones. It sounds like this dose of Clomid has produced them, you just need them to pop. Because I wasn't monitored, I don't know if I produced some and they didn't pop out or I didn't produce any at all. I guess you'll find out if you need the trigger if your progesterone is low on your blood test.

I've only ever taken provera once before and AF came the next day. I decided to start temping again this morning (but of course I had a rubbish sleep). I think I got 3 hours before I took my temp, but as you can see its high. I'm thinking of doing a HPT this morning and I'll just continue temping. Usually when I get a temp drop I know AF is on her way.

I'm praying you get your bfp because yes your temps are right up there aren't they!

So when will you start getting monitored then have they said?

I really think I'm gonna need the trigger on my next cycle. Annoying though I am so impatient

I wish our bodies dropped an obvious signal when we either O or conceive would be much easier wouldn't it!! X

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