I tore my labia but nothing else too! I noticed the same thing about the hole seeming more open. I found myself wishing it had torn so I could've had it sewn up neatly! How dumb is that! I had it looked at and my doctor explained that it looked bigger because I'd broken my hymen completely now, where before I probably had some left which made things look a bit more neat. She also said to do lots of pelvic floor exercises to close it back up and they are slowly making a difference. I'm glad to say that after four weeks, it almost looks back to normal. I've had sex three times. Once at two weeks, then at three weeks and the last time at four weeks was actually really good and only slightly ouchy. The only thing that still bothers me is I seem to have a gigantic wee hole now! I've never seen it before and now it's about as big as a boy's! Rubbish!