Just started TTC Baby#1 Group! Looking for buddies!


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Hello Everyone! Welcome Welcome!!!

I just turned 30 in Feb. and also stopped birth control in Feb. I just started TTC in March (really relaxed TTC month) Then this month, I have started using FF and temping. I have not received my crosshairs yet but my temp went up, so it's looking like I am currently 2 DPO.

The dreaded TWW has begun! This is only my second month trying but first month "really" trying.

I really hope that this will be my month if not soon. I am learning so much all the time, about pregnancy. I really should have started researching before I wanted to TTC. I thought I knew a decent amount about pregnancy, but now I feel like I was pretty clueless. I thought it was easy to get pregnant--I was wrong. It just shows how much a special amazing miracle having a baby truly is.

Let me know about you!! Would you like to be TTC buddies? Ask questions! ( I may not know the answers, but someone might) Vent, Rant, whatever you want.....

Just know we are all in this together! :)
Hello. I just went to my RE and had an ultrasound done and they confirmed O either last night or this morning so I am 1DPO tomorrow. :)

Its amazing how absolutely little they teach women about their own bodies in sex ed class. :/ They make it seem like every single time you have unprotected sex that you could fall pregnant, that easy. *rolls eyes* Really, when you look into the odds and everything that comes with TTC, its a miracle that anyone ever gets pregnant!

I am actually in my 19th month of TTC #1. I did get pregnant once but it was ectopic :(
Oh wow we are so close in our cycle this month!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for us this month. Keep me posted on how you're doing!!

I totally agree with you!!! Everyone makes it sound so easy to get pregnant it's crazy. I really dont have much room to talk as this is only my second month trying, but my sister got pregnant with on accident after knowing a guy for one month. (A bad choice for a boyfriend, to make it worse.) Plus dont they say you really only have a 20% chance each week if you are perfectly healthy? Not the best of odds.

I am so sorry about your loss. I can't even imagine. :hugs: Throwing tons of baby dust at you!!!
I am 33 years old and trying to conceive since Dec. been using OPK's
Yeah, it's only about 20% each cycle and then 60% of those could end in miscarriage. And yes, we are really close! How long is your LP? Mine is 12 days so I think I'll be testing around the 20th? Maybe earlier.
Hi Ladies,
I have been trying since September with no luck as well! I am about to approach the 2ww too. I think that it is amazing that we try to prevent pregnancy for so long and then assume right away it will happen when we want it too. I am starting to get frustrated due to this being my 8th month trying but I am really hoping that this is the month! Good luck to you all:)
Hi girls. We were NTNP Sept 2014 and actively TTC since Nov 2014. I'm heading into cycle 6. Right now waiting for super late O or AF.
Welcome MLZ, mommytobe, stilettomom!!!!

So nice to see you all here!!!

Bee Bee: I'm not sure how long LP is since I just started temping this month. I am supposed to get AF around 18th so I was also thinking of testing on the 20th. Fingers crossed for both of us!!

MLZ: I have not used OPKs yet, not sure if that should be the next step after starting to temp this month. How are you liking it?

mommytobe: It is very crazy we prevent for so long.....makes me wonder if I hadn't prevented if it would have happened or not, since the chances of getting pregnant are so slim! Fingers crossed for you that this is your month!!

stilettomom: Fingers crossed that AF doesnt show up!!!

I am now 3 DPO and the crosshairs on FF showed up...yay! I am feeling an overwhelming sense of calm this month. Last month I wanted to test every minute of everyday and was symptom spotting like crazy lol

If I stay calm I think I will be able to wait until April 20th to test. I really hope this is our month girls!!!
My SO and I are going to start TTC within the next month or so, hopefully sooner. It'll depend on my AF, being as she's been here for going on 2 weeks now, and doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon :(

This is our first time TTC, and I don't know 100% how to go about tracking my Ovulation date with an abnormal AF.
Hey guys!
Currently CD 14, waiting for a +OPK/temp indication. My cycles have been crazy irregular for the last year or so, but they seem to be regulating themselves over the last few months... so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We just TTC and are in cycle #2! Good luck to us all! :flower:
I am 5DPO today so I've got 5-7 more days before testing.

I start taking progesterone on 3DPO so my temps will stay high and AF will stay away until I stop taking it. So I think I'll be taking it until 14DPO and if no + by then then I will stop.
kmb: Oh no! 2 weeks, having AF that long totally sucks!! Have you tried temping? That will tell you when you are ovulating. Or you can try OPKs which I know lots of people do as well. I really hope AF stops soon so you can get to TTC!!!

fulltime: Why do you think they were irregular? Were you previously on birth control? I am glad they are regulating themselves tho, that helps tons!

Bee Bee: I am not that familiar with taking progesterone, but it sounds like you have a plan. Do your temps get even higher after you ov?

AFM: I am 7 DPO today, and really not much to report. I really dont have like any symptoms :/ Last month I had so many symptoms I though for sure I was pregnant. This time....really no symptoms at all. Not sure what to think of it.

Make sure you update us all! Im curious to hear how everyone is doing.

Good luck to all of you!!! Hoping you all get BFPs very very soon!!! :D
Raining Love- You only take progesterone after ovulation and your temp rise. And you have to wait until 3DPO just to be absolutely sure that you did O because progesterone will stop ovulation.

Progesterone is taken to help with the lining. It thickens it up. It'll also keep AF at bay so it can be used for making your LP longer as well. During my ectopic, my progesterone was only a .96 and during another random blood test in the TWW it was only 8 and I guess you need it to be more like 20? So I don't think my progesterone is particularly high which is why my docs gave me the go ahead to take it.
Would love to jump in with you ladies. I told myself I wouldn't poas until at least 12dpo and wouldnt go crazy symptom spoting but I can't seem to help it. Help me!! I'm going crazy!!!

Today's sympotms were intense back pain (low back right aide... I used to get this pre bc pill before period). But have not in ages (due to pill prob). Also this morning I had a funny boob pain. It hurt to touch it. Just my right one. And I've been so so so tired. I'd love to stay home and sleep all day tomorrow. But must pay the bills hahah (darn bills haha). Id go on about previous days. But you all dont want to hear it haha I'm currently only 10dpo. Day 8 I had a dip in temp then it shot up really high at day 9.
Help I'm going crazy. I want to not think about it and just be or not be Prego. I don't analyze every pain or feeling hah
I'm 28 and its my first time TTC and I'm not sure what all to do besides you know what :) I did buy ovulation strips, trying to lose some pounds and just trying a few things. Anyone have any tips on what else to do?
I'm 28 and its my first time TTC and I'm not sure what all to do besides you know what :) I did buy ovulation strips, trying to lose some pounds and just trying a few things. Anyone have any tips on what else to do?

First of all, I am in Colorado too! :D

As far as TTC, here are some tips. OPKs are a good place to start. Start taking those around CD10 until you get a positive (which is when both the control line and test line are the same darkness, or the test line is darker than the control line) Once you get a positive, you will generally ovulate 12-48 hours after your +OPK. Also, if you keep testing, you will possibly get 2 days of positives followed by a negative, that's normal.

Anyway, that'll give you a good idea of when you ovulate each month which will help you time intercourse better. For now, my suggestion is to maybe start BDing (baby dance/sex) every other day starting after your period is over until 3 days after your first +OPK. BDing every other day is considered the best thing to do because it gives you a really good spread and give you good timing most likely. Just remember though, every month your chances of conceiving are around 20% at the very best. So, it can take up to a year to get pregnant. Don't be discouraged if you don't get pregnant right away!

In general, it's always better for sperm to be waiting for an egg in your tubes than to be chasing after it when it has released. Thus, it's better to have had sex before ovulation. Generally, as many times as possible about 5 days before as sperm can live for 3-5 days in your tubes.

Other than that, my other suggestion would be to try charting next month! Charting involves taking your temperature every morning and making a chart out of it. Your temperature does very specific things at certain times of the month. So, when looking at a chart for a whole cycle, you can typically see exactly when the person ovulated and specifically when their period came, or you can specifically see implantation and pregnancy. Charting is important because it helps you understand your cycle better. It's also the only real way to confirm ovulation. With OPKs, you know that you ovulated up to 48 hrs after a + but with charting you can pinpoint the exact day. If you need more help on getting started with charting, let me know.

Lastly, once you ovulate, it's important to note the amount of time from ovulation to your period. This is called your Luteal Phase or LP. For 99% of the population, it is the exact same every cycle and never changes. For example, mine is 12 days but anything from 10-16 days in considered normal with 14 days being the average. Thus why we call it the "two week wait". Anyway, you could possibly ovulate at different times every month but your LP will always be the same. I am one of those people who ovulate at different times so I don't expect my period at a certain time each month because I don't know exactly when it'll arrive until I ovulate. Once I ovulate, I know that if I am not pregnant this month then my period will come in 12 days.

I think thats it! lol! I hope that helps!
Bee Bee: Thank you SOO much for all that info on progesterone!!! I really appreciate it!!! I love this forum because I am able to learn so much!! I really hope it works for you this cycle and you get that :bfp: you have been waiting for!!! Also thank you for those TTC tips!!! I leanred even more then I thought I knew!!! :D

Ella: Welcome!!! You sound like you have some great symptoms, I really hope they are do to pregnancy!!! I wish there was a way that we could easily distinguish between pms and pregnancy symptoms. Oh wait then we would NOT have a dreadful TWW.....we cant have that now could we? LOL

leashasue: Welcome!!! The first month of TTC I just based my ovulation on an app that just guesses when you ovulate based on when your period is. Now I know that is totally not accurate at all. So the second month of TTC (this month) I charted and took my temperature. This helped LOTS plus it's really interesting to see what your body does. This help DH and I BD and at a more opportune time. My suggestion would be to start temping as soon as you are able! So much luck to you!!!

AFM: I am 8 DPO. I have had like no symptoms thus far. I have had a few but I don't think they are relevant enough. Two things are worth noting however. First one is being SO sleepy. After working out yesterday I felt like I was going to just pass out from exhaustion. I went to bed at 8:30pm but easily could have gone to bed sooner. I slept 10 hours last night and still feel exhausted. The other thing worth noting is TMI....so I apologize in advance. I found like a dime size amount of blood in my undies, but when I wiped there was nothing. That has never happened to me before....so I am just assuming it's implantation bleeding....thoughts anyone?

Good luck this month to all of you!!!! Baby dust!!!!
🙋🏻I ll join cause I have been reading other groups and I seriously have no clue at all and now petrified it's going to take an age cause I don't chart, temp or anything 🙈trying to learn it all. We TTC this month for the first real time and I am CD 21 but I don't remotely feel like I am this month so looking forward to starting again soon. Need to get up with the lingo and figure out how to actually start 🙈🙈sssoooo much to learn
Nervous I totally understand how you feel!!! I didn't start temping until this month. Last month was our first month trying but really we didnt know as much as I know now. These forums have been such a helpful way to learn. If you have any questions be sure to ask, everyone is so nice and are ready to help! :)
I think I'm gonna start testing tomorrow. I got a dip on my chart which I never see in the TWW so I'm hoping it's an implantation dip!

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