Poor Jess.

Louisa, please send her our love and hugs and tell her we hope she starts feeling better real soon!
Tara, I'm so sorry for the BFN, but I'm super proud of you for keeping your spirits up! You sound too busy to even be thinking much about it, bless your heart. I have EX for Friday's test! Get it, girl!
Shara, I was dry like Kika up until recently, so I'm not much help there. I too have heard that the wetness is a good thing, so woohoo!
Kika, I looked up the definitions for clarification. An OB (obstetrician) specializes in childbirth and the care for and treatment of women in connection with childbirth. A GYN (gynecologist) deals with health maintenance and diseases of women and their reproductive parts. My doctor is an OB/GYN - she specializes in both. Her practice has a gynecology side and and obstetrics side. Until I got pregnant, I'd go see her annually on the gynecology side for my well woman care exam (pap smear, etc.). Once I got pregnant, I started going to the obstetrics side. The definition of a midwife is a person trained to assist women in childbirth, so an OB is basically the same thing as a midwife. If I'm not mistaken, the OB goes to medical school longer than the midwife, but I'm not absolutely certain. So I'd definitely keep your OB appointment for now if I were you!

Maybe you could ask if they have a midwife at their practice during that appointment and get even more clarification?
Louisa, I'm so excited for you to O!!! And so glad your line has started getting darker! Catch that egg, girlfriend. It's your time!
Jodie, how are you, hun? You seem to be feeling much better about the decision to move in with your parents. That's great! I'm so glad things are working out for your little family!
AFM, I don't think I told you guys, but I had my first 1-hour glucose test a couple of Fridays ago. Do my girls across the pond have to do them? Well, here in the states, you usually only have to do them once at around 25 weeks. However, since yours truly was over 200 pounds at the time I conceived, I was told I'd have to do one at around 16 weeks and then again at 25 weeks. I think the chances of having gestational diabetes are greater for overweight women. Anywho... My OB's office called last week to tell me that my glucose levels were elevated and I'd need to go back for a 3-hour test. I was sooooo bummed! I just knew I was going to pass with flying colors! I cried (big surprise there, pregnant lady!), I was just so upset that it was even an issue. I mean, like I said, I've been eating pretty darn healthy (for the most part)!!! Anyway, once you get there, you can't leave the lab until they've completed the test (it was like that for the 1-hour test, but what's an hour, right?). Now I'm just venting, but let me break it down for y'all: for the 1-hour test, they gave me a glucose drink that I had to consume in 5 minutes or less. I waited an hour, they took my blood and then I left. THIS TIME, I had to fast for at least 12 hours prior. Once I got there, they took blood first then gave me the drink (which made me feel nauseous both times, but it went away after about 30 minutes). After an hour, they drew blood again. Then again after another hour. Then AGAIN after ANOTHER hour. I wasn't even allowed to drink water that whole time, and certainly not eat anything. I was just fine until right after the last blood drawing. I was gathering my things to leave, and all of a sudden, I was light-headed, woozy, and felt like I was going to pass out, vomit or both. I grabbed a quick lunch at the Chick-Fil-A drive through (scarfing down fries as I drove

) and went in to work right after. That was not the best choice of food as it seriously made me feel more ill! I went in to work but had to go out to my car and recline the seat for a while because I felt so bad! I really thought I might get sick. Here's the best part: Even if I pass the test this time, I have to go back for another 3-hour test at 25 weeks. Yes, skip the 1-hour test altogether.

Obviously, I'm being sarcastic about that being the best part. However, I'd rather do it again than have gestational diabetes!!! Poor Lil' Monkey.