Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

...That's the buttercream, icing AND cherry on the cake so of course you want to be the one to tell people news that you've been wanting to tell for so long. Again though, her intentions were probably good! xx

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
And the difference between an OB and midwife here is, if you're pregnant or not :rofl:

Bahaha, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!! Haha can't stop laughing :rofl:

In the UK you can't see anyone without GP's referral :) so I was confused about it but they gave me appt and I'm happy :)

They said first appt is paperwork and talk through the process only...can't blame them...

Then they'll schedule tests and scans appointments :) I wouldn't dare have a scan before Valentine's weekend :wacko:

I do hope it's all well and stuff but I'm just too scared :) it is very close to where we live (about 2.5miles) and I'm thinking of walking there :winkwink:
Lou Lou it's great you're close to Jess and can help with school runs and stuff... send Jess our love and hope she feels better soon <3

Oh, Shara, I nearly forgot --> who else have you told and how did your mom take the news she must have been so happy bless <3
Oh and one more question --> I really want a midwife if she's the pregnancy specialist and not the gyne... So will I be stuck with my OB after my Friday appt or could I switch to midwife...I can't believe I booked it before asking here first... I can always cancel it...
You can absolutely cancel it, but that would be doing too much!!! You can change OB, midwives, or even PCP in the middle of your pregnancy if you wanted to lol. You're not stuck with anyone! That's the beauty of paying for healthcare :rofl:
Poor Jess. :( Louisa, please send her our love and hugs and tell her we hope she starts feeling better real soon!

Tara, I'm so sorry for the BFN, but I'm super proud of you for keeping your spirits up! You sound too busy to even be thinking much about it, bless your heart. I have EX for Friday's test! Get it, girl! <3

Shara, I was dry like Kika up until recently, so I'm not much help there. I too have heard that the wetness is a good thing, so woohoo!

Kika, I looked up the definitions for clarification. An OB (obstetrician) specializes in childbirth and the care for and treatment of women in connection with childbirth. A GYN (gynecologist) deals with health maintenance and diseases of women and their reproductive parts. My doctor is an OB/GYN - she specializes in both. Her practice has a gynecology side and and obstetrics side. Until I got pregnant, I'd go see her annually on the gynecology side for my well woman care exam (pap smear, etc.). Once I got pregnant, I started going to the obstetrics side. The definition of a midwife is a person trained to assist women in childbirth, so an OB is basically the same thing as a midwife. If I'm not mistaken, the OB goes to medical school longer than the midwife, but I'm not absolutely certain. So I'd definitely keep your OB appointment for now if I were you! :thumbup: Maybe you could ask if they have a midwife at their practice during that appointment and get even more clarification?

Louisa, I'm so excited for you to O!!! And so glad your line has started getting darker! Catch that egg, girlfriend. It's your time! :hugs:

Jodie, how are you, hun? You seem to be feeling much better about the decision to move in with your parents. That's great! I'm so glad things are working out for your little family! <3

AFM, I don't think I told you guys, but I had my first 1-hour glucose test a couple of Fridays ago. Do my girls across the pond have to do them? Well, here in the states, you usually only have to do them once at around 25 weeks. However, since yours truly was over 200 pounds at the time I conceived, I was told I'd have to do one at around 16 weeks and then again at 25 weeks. I think the chances of having gestational diabetes are greater for overweight women. Anywho... My OB's office called last week to tell me that my glucose levels were elevated and I'd need to go back for a 3-hour test. I was sooooo bummed! I just knew I was going to pass with flying colors! I cried (big surprise there, pregnant lady!), I was just so upset that it was even an issue. I mean, like I said, I've been eating pretty darn healthy (for the most part)!!! Anyway, once you get there, you can't leave the lab until they've completed the test (it was like that for the 1-hour test, but what's an hour, right?). Now I'm just venting, but let me break it down for y'all: for the 1-hour test, they gave me a glucose drink that I had to consume in 5 minutes or less. I waited an hour, they took my blood and then I left. THIS TIME, I had to fast for at least 12 hours prior. Once I got there, they took blood first then gave me the drink (which made me feel nauseous both times, but it went away after about 30 minutes). After an hour, they drew blood again. Then again after another hour. Then AGAIN after ANOTHER hour. I wasn't even allowed to drink water that whole time, and certainly not eat anything. I was just fine until right after the last blood drawing. I was gathering my things to leave, and all of a sudden, I was light-headed, woozy, and felt like I was going to pass out, vomit or both. I grabbed a quick lunch at the Chick-Fil-A drive through (scarfing down fries as I drove :blush:) and went in to work right after. That was not the best choice of food as it seriously made me feel more ill! I went in to work but had to go out to my car and recline the seat for a while because I felt so bad! I really thought I might get sick. Here's the best part: Even if I pass the test this time, I have to go back for another 3-hour test at 25 weeks. Yes, skip the 1-hour test altogether. :nope: Obviously, I'm being sarcastic about that being the best part. However, I'd rather do it again than have gestational diabetes!!! Poor Lil' Monkey.
Oh Kim I'm sorry you had to go through all this testing and just to have it done again in a months time regardless ... But then...it's for the best of lil monkey <3

They don't do it routinely in the UK, they may do it only if they suspect high risk or ppl have symptoms... I did Google a bit and apparently the cure is exercise and diet, and if it still can't normalise they'd prescribe meds, which is why they are testing second time (I guess)...

The most important thing is for you and lil monkey to be well and healthy so trust the doctors, gear up with patience and fingers crossed you pass with flying colours <3

I'll keep my OB appt to see what she says and I'm happy I could change any time :) I'm very excited about the appointment :)

Happy 6 weeks, Shara:happydance: and 9 weeks for me today-->time is flying by!!

How's Jess doing Lou Lou and did you get the chance to buy pineapple?

Hope everyone's doing great, have a wonderful day my sweet lovely friends <3

Indeed we are very close always have been kika but luckily Sofia is only at preschool 3 days a week so it hasn't made things too difficult for jess! And I know - how super cute is her bump! I've been trying to convince myself there is no bump and that its just my eyes bevause she's still so early but that's an undeniable bump, isn't it :haha:

Thanks kim! Hoping I do just that, would love to finally get a BFP this month :D oh no that's absolutely crap, so many tests in so little time!!! But you're right, you'd much rather that than have gestational diabetes - now that WOULD suck. Bad!

Other than that, hope you're feeling good. When is your gender scan again??? I truly think you're team pink :pink: do you feel anything regarding gender? :D

Hope the rest of you guys are all good today! Kika, shara, tara, jodie <3 happy 6 weeks SHARA and happy 9 weeks Kika!!!! Love ya, girls and bumps! <3 :baby:

Yes I did manage to grab a pineapple in morrisons on the way back from taking Sofia to preschool! According to all my apps I'm ovulating today and I did get my positive OPK today. So FX it may have already been fertilised woohoo but we shall still give it a few more days of :sex: to make sure we gave it our best shot! I am glad we started bd'ing early this cycle because we left it way too late last month! I also had a temp dip yesterday and today so that could be saying something, hopefully it starts to rise within the next couple days. I feel really positive about this cycle purely because we've just started using the 'EWCM lube' which is what preseed and the like are meant to act as.. Because I produce abundant creamy and sticky cm but not so much EW so I hope this helps a little :wohoo:

Have a good day :hugs:
Hey Ladies :hi:

Oh No Kim :nope: I'm so sorry about all those tests, but I'm glad their checking on you and making sure your healthy for both you and peanut. I'm sure you'll be fine. And I heard, even if you do get Pregnant diabetes, majority of women go back to normal after the baby is born, so there's always a bright side even if it doesn't look like it. I'm praying you don't have it though. Good Luck mama

Woohoo Louisa for the BDing marathon!!!! I'm so proud of you guys, which I know you were planning to do it anyway, but I'm happy you guys stuck to the plan. FXd you caught that egg lady! Good going on the pineapple too..that plus the lube will definitely give you an extra advantage with fertilizing and implantation. There's no way it could not work.

Thanks guys, 6 weeks sounds so early lol, but I'm thanking God for making it this far! Next week, I get to see my BabyC and their HB(s) :cloud9: And HOLY BOOBS :holly: I have had sore nipples/throbbing boobs since last night, and then this morning the nausea just made me want to pass out.... but I'll gladly pass out with a smile on my face, knowing my baby's ok :rofl:

Hope everyone has a great day!!

That's the thing though .. I am relying on this cycle to get pregnant a bit too much! :rofl: just because we have started using conceive+ and the eating pineapple.. So I need to try and drag myself away from that mind set because you know how badly I take a bfn on a normal day, let alone when I genuinely feel like it's my month. Although I'm not gonna test until atleast 11dpo this cycle maybe 12 because I would rather test when the result would be more accurate!

Oh Shara, boooo to the sore boobs and nausea! Bless your little soul BUT you're right, it's all good news (as harsh as that sounds :rofl:) we like nausea, vivid dreams, sore boobs, cm, etc etc!!! <3 Roman/Royal is getting bigger and what do you get in exchange? Your head down the toilet of course ;)
..... and what do you get in exchange? Your head down the toilet of course ;)

:rofl: you are so crazy!!! I just spit out water laughing....ON MY DESK hahahahahaha...good times, good times

I know what you mean about relying on a cycle to be the "one", that was me cycles 1 and 2....those BFNs were the WORST so I understand. I won't say it anymore, but I will feel in my heart lol <3
Hahaha the thought of that makes me chuckle:rofl: woman, you're as crazy as me so we are even!!! :haha: make sure you clean your desk! oh I do love you. A lot :rofl:
Is Jess still really sick Louisa?? I haven't been able to really eat because of the nausea so I know that time is coming soon :(
Yeah she still looked drained when I went to pick Sofia up at 8.30am this morning, she had been up all night but hadnt been sick since 5.30am. She picked Sofia up from preschool so I guess she felt ok to do that otherwise she would have asked me :haha: I'm wondering if she's forgotten her password or something though :shrug: I'll ask her when she calls
:hi: I am trying to stay preoccupied through this 2WW. :rofl: I promise to come back once this is all over. I'm kind of freaking out. I just don't want to go through another cycle of trying.
Hey tara :wave: Aww bless you. I completely feel the same too! I never thought it was going take this long (although technically it hasn't been 'long') but being a young couple you expect it to happen pretty much straight away and each month you feel like you CANT take another one don't you! I'll be heartbroken with a bfn this cycle over our extra efforts lol. Bless you tara I really hope the bfn turns into a bfp, I'm beginning to feel the exact same <3 big hugs :hugs: x
Good Morning Ladies!!

Where's Kika, Jodie and Kim??? Boooooo I don't like lol

Louisa, I know how you feel, but I'm staying positive for you this cycle. I know you did plenty to catch the egg, and I have every reason to think this is your cycle. :dust:

Same to you Tara, I know you won't be on for a while but I still have my FXd for you!

Afm--Sorry I disappeared yesterday, but I am having the worst nausea. Thank God is not resulting in vomit yet, but I know it's going to be soon. I can feel it. I'm trying to force feed myself, but it seems like it gets worse lol...Lord, help me
Hey Heyyyyyy :wave:
I have no idea .. They've been QUIET :(

Ohhh no!!! Thing is, FEELING sick is worse than being sick I think. Atleast when you're actually sick you feel some sort of release from that horrible feeling in your gut and throat (if you know what I mean) but feeling sick is just torture. Jess said she's gonna post today, she has barely been able to look at her phone let alone computer screen lol. I'm hoping when she hits 12 weeks it'll ease off.. Although Sofia keeps asking her to stay at 'auntie loulou's and uncle tessys house' because we spoil her rotten lol. :rofl:

Shara I feel the same as I said yesterday, I feel more positive and hopeful this cycle than any other cycle but I don't know if that's a good thing in the long run if it turns out bad lol. My cousin (the one that I don't get along with) announced her pregnancy today and it sounds bad I know but I can't help but resent her! It makes me sound like a bitch, I know, and I'm not that type of person believe me. I'm not the jealous type but because we have never got along and she's now pregnant which is the one thing I want so much, I just feel crappy :( my mum saw her post and showed me and my heart sank. It sounds silly I know! But I do feel really hopeful and I think we have a good chance. :D I had a big temp dip this morning .. I'll have to post my chart at some point today so any of you can try and identify if it IS a dip (if you don't mind of course) but it sounds about right as I think I'm now due to O on Friday... Correct me if I'm wrong but i'm now looking for my temp to rise which is what confirms O??? Yesterday's OPK wasn't positive after all but very close, and I'm having twinges and cramps today :wohoo: so I'm hoping for a pos OPK today :D we have BD every day for the past couple weeks minus a couple days various reasons but yesterday we gave it a miss and left it to build up for today, just before O :haha: :sex: hopefully they're strong enough to get there :bfp:

I can't wait for tara to post, I hope it's good news when she does!! I can feel how she feels this cycle, what with being the last 2 left to get our bfp's, I think we BOTH feel at the end of our tethers with ttc now. I just hope we do get them at the same time, same cycle because that would be tough if not (please please God!!!!! <3) I just wish I already had a beautiful toddler like tara has Lucy, to take my mind off ttc (although the residents at work are like looking after babies lol sometimes worse) one can only wait SO long, right!!!

Have a good day all :hugs:

<3 <3 <3

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