Hey guys!

did you test with the digi?! Either way, you're pregnant and I'm still so excited for you!!

thanks for your kind words about this cycle sweet but this is infact AF sadly
Kika! No way, Winchester is 20 mins from me I'm in Basingstoke. I use to have to go to Winchester for my physio when I was young! Small world isn't it. That's why we moved here, I mean there's not many beaches close by but there are some close enough! Like the southsea beach in Portsmouth, hayling Island, Weymouth in Dorset is nice, oh and Brighton

It's much quieter than Merton and we're happy here plus this is where my parents are so that's why we ended up moving here. Merton is where jesse lived most of his life which is why we ended up living there for a while, I lived there as a youngen and knew him ever since

He's a typical Londoner bless him.

yes we will do it! Jesse and I sat down and had a big chat last night about everything. He STILL hasn't got round to getting his

checked out and now with that faint bfp I'm worried that my body isn't right so he is talking about going to see a fertility specialist or someone who can run some tests and hopefully confirm that were both ok! I'm not so convinced atm! I'll keep doing what everyone else is doing and hope, that's all I can do but I don't like the way my periods have changed either which I'm not sure if I've mentioned to you guys before. I use to bleed bright red heavy for the first 2 days and then the next 3 days got lighter and lighter, that's a normal period right?! And I also use to get cramps the first 2 days, sometimes to the point where id have to put myself to bed for the day. But for as long as I can remember (since ttc I guess) my periods consist of (sorry lol) like a sticky brown spotting with barely any blood and no cramps! So does that mean no cramps=no egg in the first place?

We need to get this sorted. Ugh, sorry to bang on. I guess it helps to say what I'm thinking. Anyways, in the end I will get there somehow

and you will get there next cycle tara!

you girls are my motivation through this to not give up, I love that these bfp's have kept on coming because it gives me reason to not give up! I love you girls.
You know they say that exercise can ease period pain? (Not that I seem to get any pain!) well, I did 45 minutes of Zumba this morning and now who's cramps have arrived! Lol, bad move! I guess that's a good thing?!