Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Shara, where are you? If you want to test in a few days time it's ok <3 but come back here as I have lots of health care questions and with Kim taking a break you're the only one who could reply, mwah
Shara I wish I had your way of thinking when it comes to POAS! I find every reason TO test lol but I second what kika said, test when you're ready sweetie <3
Good morning ladies :hugs2:

How are you all today???

Shara, are you testing this morning? :test: :D

AFM- I'm almost certain this is AF. It's a good thing that I'm still spotting brown but it's also nothing unusual for me because I always spot brown during my period especially the first couple days! The only difference with this cycle compared to others is that I had lots of cramping and then spotting, where's as normally I have spotting first then start cramping. I have noted on all my apps AF is here so they're all reset :( gutted but that's life hey ho move on :?

Something automatically took the bad mood(because of AF) away today though. Saskys vet check following the surgery was today and she's doing fab- thanking God for that! :wohoo: I also had Amber and the baby's 6 monthly checks (the other 2) at the same time whilst he was there and she's ready to start being weened off mum which is good <3 if my fur babies are happy then I'm happy. I would go hungry for each those animals lol. :dog:

If I had any tests then I would be upstairs peeing on one right now! Too bad I use them all way too quick! :haha: what are you all doing today? I have a day off today hallelujah!!!! :happydance: but I have tonnes of washing and house work to catch up on :laundry: :iron: :dishes: boooo!!! and then we have to go do a big food shop when jesse is home. We had a debate on where to go last night lmao, kika (when you lived here) and Jodie - where do you shop?! I normally do tesco but I had a huge disagreement with one of the supervisors/managers in there not long ago over something they refused to deal with when the fault was on their side :? (Whaaaat! Idiots) so I'm a bit reluctant to go spend more money there. But I hate morrisons it's too expensive, our asda is full of all the wafes and strays and I've never been a fan of sainsburys, never shopped there! Lol, such a serious decision over a damn supermarket! :rofl: what happened to the days where the only decision to be made was what sweet to choose in the corner shop :haha:
Lou Lou, don't count yourself out yet!!! My sister bled not spotted for 4 weeks and none of the test she did were positive and on her 12 week scan they saw a beautiful healthy baby...

I'm so happy for your fur babies <3

I like cooking and baking from scratch so for me the most important thing was to find a shop that sells whole food and not package food. There's a huge asda in croydon of which I'm only fan of the clothing section --> I like cheap clothes, never spent a penny more on clothes than needed. The food section of asda however is mostly package food. They don't seem to have good quality or prices on their perishables.

I also don't buy or consume milk.

I'm a fan of tesco's clothes and my fav is the 24hrs Tesco on A3 near Worchester Park and Raynes Park. Lou Lou where do you live?! I can never picture you on the map because you never tell :/

I almost never shopped from Tesco though except for clothes :)

My fav ever shop was Makro in croydon ---> that's where i bought all my food, cheese, almond milk, meat, spices, tea and legumes. Also toilet paper, washing detergent and cleaning stuff as well as pots and pans and kitchen stuff :) it's amazing and it's what I miss the most in USA... So it's Makro and/or Costco (thank goodness we had both in Croydon that's why I couldn't imagine living anywhere else + the IKEA...) and for little things during the week if we ever needed something we'd do sainsbury's :)

We've been filling in forms like crazy ...hopefully we'd file Tuesday and my boobs started hurting again which makes me very hopeful, optimistic and happy... Pain is good :p anything that may mean baby is alive and growing is good...

Kika that is FAB that your boobs hurt! See, it's all going on for you! Married and baking a bun within the same month lol I'm so happy for you and this bean is gonna be just fine! Remember to eat anything and everything ;)

I love Costco and Macro! <3 but since it's mainly bulk buy, it's pointless me going there lol. My limit is the likes of home made lasagne and cottage pies :rofl: if I could cook from absolute scratch and had the time to do so then I would go there more but for things like their MASSIVE blocks of cheese and crates of fizzy drinks and water, I love it! I really want that huuuuge Costco bear :haha: <3

I was in Merton up until 2 years ago and then we found our place which is Hampshire about 45 mins out from there. I would love to go back to 'proper' london some day but I also don't miss it so much. It has changed a lot if you know what I mean! :( I've still got family spread across the city though, some in Walthamstow and addington, how far from there was you? I still love Westminster <3

i know the only wish is that this baby survives kika, but do you have a :pink: :blue: preference as of yet or have you always hoped for one or the other? Or has it not even entered your head? I completely get that if so <3 :baby:
Good Morning Ladies!! So sorry I disappeared yesterday. I went back to sleep lol....then I had to clean a bit then I cooked, and before I knew it hubby was getting off work
Then we went out with some friends to shoot darts, which was my first time ever, and I must admit....I suck :rofl:, but I did test this morning and...

The pee is still wet!!!!!! I can't believe how dark the damn line is...
Aaaaaaaa!!!! I'm so HAPPY!!! I am literally crying my eyeballs out. I can't believe this would happen right NOW. I'm gonna take another one, which came with my opks a couple of cycles ago and then buy a digi when hubby gets off at 6:30 so he can see it's for real. OMG GUYS I'M PREGNANT :yipee::wohoo::happydance:
OMG SHARA!!!!! :wohoo: I'm so crying for you right now!!!! I'm soooooo elated Ahhh CONGRATULATIONS my girl! It would have been great if mine stuck around so I could join you but this is the best thing I've heard all day and I'm made up for you and Romeo <3
I just can't believe it! I mean NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL that were different than pre AF. The only thing different was that backache I had near my rear but that was it.
So I took the other test and it was postive too!!!! So this is for sure a baby in there. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm okay, I'm okay.... I'm not gonna change my siggy or status until I confirm get the digi though. I can't wait to tell Romeo <3<3<3 :cloud9:
You're okay but I'm NOT :haha: I'm sooo ecstatic for you shara. You knew your time would come and you were patient, and now look :) have you taken the digi? I am gonna vowel NOT to test until the day before AF next cycle! :happydance: I'm gonna follow in your footsteps next month girly! :p I can't believe how dark that line is aswell! There is without a doubt a baby Carter in there!!!!! :baby::crib:
Thanks so much Louisa because you ladies help me with being patient and confident that it would happen, and then your well wishes and prayers definitely gave me favor with God. I mean, it had to be in his plan because there was nothing to obsess about. Even the lotion CM which I've gotten 2 cycles ago was to no avail... but obviously it meant something extra special this cycle. I mean no indication of O at all, but we were still :sex: every other day, sometimes twice on those days, just in case and what do you know, there was an egg waiting there after all!! I'm putting it in HIS hands now, and whatever be his will, it shall be done. I just hope that will is for me to be a mommy to a healthy baby lol... And I haven't gotten the digi yet because I'm waiting for Romeo to get off and go buy it together. Just in case I'm NOT dreaming or going crazy, I want to share that moment with him, because he experienced that loss and suffering like I did, so I want him to experience every piece of possible(fx) joy with this one.
I know Louisa and Tara are up next, but I feel that's gonna be real soon and I can't wait (though I have no choice lol). I'm still crossing everything for you to get your BFP this cycle Louisa, its not over!!! :af: :kiss:
Yay Shara, I knew it <3 I'm so happy for you and Romeo sweet, you are pregnant and it's a sticky little bean growing in there, awe I'm so so happy!!! I so much want Lou Lou to join you in a couple days --> I don't think she's out this cycle yet... But here's to happy and healthy pregnancy for you and your bean(s) and your Romeo <3

Lou Lou, Hampshire is the best! I've my best friend in Winchester and oh we would go to the coast almost every weekend...well it's also where my ex's besty drowned saving a little girls life a couple years ago. I don't like proper London to be honest, we are very outdoorsy ppl and we used to do out of London stuff every weekend, go to national trust sites, hike, do beaches... London isn't very kids friendly, it's far too busy, hold on I need to check on my cooking as timer just went off...


Ok I'm back...so I don't like London much, but I love Croydon for the Makro, Costco and IKEA and for all the big parks --> I'm very close to crystal palace park, croydon library is 4 floors huge with escalators and it's just the best I've ever seen...and ctoydon is only 45 miles from Brighton --> great :)

Anywho, I'm off to spending time with my sweet loving husband and I'll see you all tm.

Aaaaaaaa!!!! I'm so HAPPY!!! I am literally crying my eyeballs out. I can't believe this would happen right NOW. I'm gonna take another one, which came with my opks a couple of cycles ago and then buy a digi when hubby gets off at 6:30 so he can see it's for real. OMG GUYS I'M PREGNANT :yipee::wohoo::happydance:


THIS IS SUCH AMAZING NEWS! I am so glad i signed on today. I was like, you know what, I'm just going to sign on real quick to see if Shara tested!


This is amazing and I'm so very happy for you.

Louisa, you're up next I can feel it. We're going to do this! :hugs:
Hey guys!

Shara! :hugs: did you test with the digi?! Either way, you're pregnant and I'm still so excited for you!! :happydance: :wohoo: thanks for your kind words about this cycle sweet but this is infact AF sadly :nope:

Kika! No way, Winchester is 20 mins from me I'm in Basingstoke. I use to have to go to Winchester for my physio when I was young! Small world isn't it. That's why we moved here, I mean there's not many beaches close by but there are some close enough! Like the southsea beach in Portsmouth, hayling Island, Weymouth in Dorset is nice, oh and Brighton ;) It's much quieter than Merton and we're happy here plus this is where my parents are so that's why we ended up moving here. Merton is where jesse lived most of his life which is why we ended up living there for a while, I lived there as a youngen and knew him ever since :p He's a typical Londoner bless him. :haha:

Tara :) yes we will do it! Jesse and I sat down and had a big chat last night about everything. He STILL hasn't got round to getting his :spermy: checked out and now with that faint bfp I'm worried that my body isn't right so he is talking about going to see a fertility specialist or someone who can run some tests and hopefully confirm that were both ok! I'm not so convinced atm! I'll keep doing what everyone else is doing and hope, that's all I can do but I don't like the way my periods have changed either which I'm not sure if I've mentioned to you guys before. I use to bleed bright red heavy for the first 2 days and then the next 3 days got lighter and lighter, that's a normal period right?! And I also use to get cramps the first 2 days, sometimes to the point where id have to put myself to bed for the day. But for as long as I can remember (since ttc I guess) my periods consist of (sorry lol) like a sticky brown spotting with barely any blood and no cramps! So does that mean no cramps=no egg in the first place? :( We need to get this sorted. Ugh, sorry to bang on. I guess it helps to say what I'm thinking. Anyways, in the end I will get there somehow :hugs: and you will get there next cycle tara! <3 you girls are my motivation through this to not give up, I love that these bfp's have kept on coming because it gives me reason to not give up! I love you girls. :hugs2:

You know they say that exercise can ease period pain? (Not that I seem to get any pain!) well, I did 45 minutes of Zumba this morning and now who's cramps have arrived! Lol, bad move! I guess that's a good thing?! :rofl:
Big yay for Shara im so excited about the digi this morning :)

Tara, Lou Lou your turn now!

Lou Lou, I wouldn't do any exercise if I were you :( when I was late for my period and I was worried it'll show up in Vegas, dh said is there anything we can do to make it come already and I said Ya let's have rough rough rough sex like crazy... And we were both screaming with pain but did it anyway and still no AF and I was pregnant all along :( horrible --> I wish I knew... So don't do any Zumbas or anything stupid yet, you're only 11dpo and my test showed 3-4 days after AF due date...

With your faint lines I don't think it's Jessy's guys. Let's hope you are pregnant this time and it sticks. Meanwhile get lots of Omega 3s --> that's what helped my period normalise, bleed for more than a day and arrive every 28 days. And may be quit gluten for a while.

Going to fertility is ok if you want to do it but since it's the NHS --> they have a list with things to do and test and that's it. The whole testing thing is spread within a year or two - 3 months wait for each appointment and then when you've done all they say --> ok you qualify for free IVF. And they do it and it either works or it doesn't and that's it. The IVF waiting list in Wimbledon was 3 and a half years.

I wasted 1.5years to have the free nhs fertility testing and when they told me another 3.5 years wait for the IVF I went privately. I had to do all the tests NHS did but now privately and when IVFs didn't work I got tested for something that NHS never tests for and it came back positive and it's the high NK cells that kill babies in pregnant women with crazy immune systems... So let's hope you're pregnant and that you can do things to help yourself cause the NHS is helpless as are most of private IVF clinics...

When I miscarried in August I went to my GP and said I know what's caused it, it's these cells, can you give me anything for them and she looks at the test and she says she's never heard of it and she doesn't know what to do and offers to send me to fertility specialist and I know what it means --> 1.5 years of test but the NK cell test in not there so I say NO I need to see reproductive immunologist and she looks in her computer and there's not such option and she's puzzled and doesn't know what to do and I get mad and say forget it and decide to fix myself by eating raw eggs and taking fish oil...

They don't have reproductive immunologist even in Boston and the closet one they have to where we are is the one in New York and then they have one in LA and that's it. That's why I love London, cause if you live in London you don't have to go to NY. But if you live in Boston and thought you're a citizen --> no cause your city is as good as the hills --> you find out that NY is really the city, aargh...that was a very long letter hope it makes sense.


Yesssss!! I did take the digi this morning and I'm trying my hardest to post it on here, but I can't seem to get it to post here. It's doing the same thing that it did last month when I tried to show my opks!!! No image is popping up....Louisa, I'm gonna keep trying on my end, but worse case, can I send it to your email, since it's the only one I know lol, and you can try and post it for me pleeeeeaaaase?? Sorry to ask this favor, but my phone is being a jack-a$$ right now! It took me almost an hour, going back and forth with the pic yesterday, doing the same steps today and nothing!!!!! AGGGGGHHH :growlmad::help:
But I know this is AF kika :( I checked my tampon earlier and I'm bleeding bright red now so this can't be IB sadly enough. On the other hand though I have heard that light exercise is really good during early pregnancy as the baby benefits from the super oxygenated blood flow apparently but I would probably be too scared to do any type of exercise during pregnancy anyway!

At the minute all I want to do is be tested, for anything, just so they can turn around and hopefully say that everything is ok! I have done some research though and they say IC HPT's are the most likely to give false positives and evap lines :( if it happened on a FRER, then I think I'd be more worried. I just want to go down the easiest route for them to check me out, is there nothing simple they could do at the doctors to check my fertility? I know jesse can do his sperm test there but I don't know about me. I know I can conceive because I did under 2 years ago but I do feel like something has changed since then! I don't know what. Well, I know my periods have and my cycle lengths. :shrug: they checked my ovaries and they did mention that my uterus tilts back a little but they said it won't make a difference to any aspect of pregnancy, they didn't say if it would affect future ttc! I'm thinking did my d&c mess anything up. Ugh. Sucks!
Yay Shara congrats and now we want a preggy ticker <3 easiest way to post is --> go advanced--> click on the staple (near the smoky face) --> upload a photo :)

I'm so excited for you yay you're pregnant weee
Yes no worries Shara! The only problem is I start work in 30 mins and were not allowed to log into personal accounts at work for confidentiality of residents bla bla bla! So if it's still not working then hopefully you see this quick and I'll pop it on here for you :p otherwise I'll do it when I'm home chick :p
Your GP will test your hormones --> one test cd 2-5 and another cd 20 --> they test if you're by any chance in menopause (which some women are unlucky enough to get around 35) but you're 21... So no chances for that. And I don't know what else the hormons say but guessing if your cycle is working ok. And your cycle could be helped by herbs and vitamins so not sure what doctors could treat differently. If any of you or Jessy got bad results on their gp tests or tests are good but you failed to conceive in another 6 months you'll get refered to specialist --> 3 months wait for referral to go through and for appointment letter to arrive. Then you go there really excited and she says I'm just the nurse and today's appointment is just to get history. So basically you tell her all you told your doctor and she makes notes and she gives you another slip for making same hormons and Jessy's sperm count and she explains she's differrent department from GP and regardless your first results you got to do the same tests again. Then another 3 months for the next letter --> you go there and they ask you how you're and they give you another slip this time to test for HIV, rubella, Hep and I forget what else. Then another 3 months wait. Then you get s letter to have your tubes checked but the waiting list is long so they tell you to call on the first day of your cycle and they explain that for the first 3 cycles they'll refuse appointment and appointments will be given only to ppl with 3 consecutive NOs so you'll get an appointment for your cycle/ month 4 but only if you called the previous cycles for the refusal.
After that you'll receive another appointment (in 3 months) and that's when you discuss the findings --> and they say we'll put you on the list. And in 3 months you receive a letter you've been placed on the list and the wait is this and that.

That's all the test they do on NSH --> hormons, HIv and if your tubes are blocked. They may send you to see gyny for ultrasound for say cyst and stuff but that's all the tech could see/tell --> if the size of your ovaries is right, if there's any PCOS and that's it...

So start taking vitamins and herbs and omega 3s and catch that egg next cycle <3


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