OH MY GOSH, soooooooooo much has happened since I've been away!!! There were 20+ pages for me to catch up on. I'm so proud of you ladies, being so chatty!
Congratulations, Shara my sweet!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! You're pregnant!!!

What a BEAUTIFUL sight to see, those two glorious lines! And there is no mistake about your test line - YOU ARE SOOOOO PREGNANT! When catching up on the threads, I saw Louisa's siggy first and it took my breath away and made me grin from ear to ear. Then when I saw yours, I literally started crying with joy! I am so, so extremely happy for you, Ladybug!

Baby Carter coming October 2015!!! Please, please, please tell me how Romeo is doing? I know he has got to be over the moon with excitement! How are you? Excited, nervous, anxious, happy, thrilled and worried all at the same time? I am so very happy for you, honey!

And I'm a little envious of your soul wrenching feeling that you're having a girl. This momma has no clue about the gender of her baby! I'm 51% sure it's a boy and 49% sure it's a girl!

And the pic you attached with all the different tests - absolutely positively awesome! I have the biggest grin on my face! Wait, twins!?!? Oh my, how sweet! That would be AMAZING! And it would definitely explain why you're already 2-3 weeks but haven't even missed your period yet! I am beyond excited!
Congratulations on your marriage, beautiful lady! I'm glad the stressfulness was temporary and you got to see some beautiful sights! I do hate it for you about the smoking in casinos - yuck! I've never been to Vegas, but it makes total sense that smoking would be allowed at the expense of those who shouldn't have to be subject to it. That city is mostly about money! And I totally understand what you mean about your "fat tire" - I think I look a lot bigger than I actually am (my bump is nowhere near as cute as Jodie's) because I had excess weight to begin with, especially in my tummy. I probably could've passed for early 2nd trimester pregnant before I actually got pregnant! I'm afraid my belly will be super huge by the end of my pregnancy.

Also, I'm so glad you don't have to leave the country after all. Yay! Praying for everything to be OK with your LO, but I know it will be. This baby is a miracle baby! Have faith, honey, and just keep trying to think positive.
I love the avi of you and Sasky. Gorgeous! And I'm so glad that all of your fur babies are doing well!

I'm sorry to hear about your doctor who you've had since you've been little. That sucks. Hopefully your new doctor will turn out to be awesome and not judge you!

I'm sorry you've been through the wringer this cycle. I know it's so frustrating, but just keep hanging in there because your time is coming soon, so very soon! As far as temping goes, my thermometer is set for Fahrenheit. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask any time! I'm not an expert, but I'm glad to give advice.
Your bump is absolutely FAB and ADORABLE!!! You are so precious!

And you are sooooo right about "I'll relax when..." - it's easy to say it until you get to that next stage and your mind conjures up the "what ifs". In all honesty, none of us will probably ever relax again - that changed the moment we all started TTC!
How's it going for you, sweet lady? You've been pretty quiet lately. I hope all is well! Have you guys started BDing yet?
Lots of

for Louisa and Tara! I know you girls are coming up soon. We all said 2015 was going to be a big year and it has already started out that way! Hang in there and have faith - both of your times ARE coming, I just KNOW it!!!
Totally random question for Louisa, Kika and Jodie: how do the doctors, midwifes, and healthcare professionals get paid in the UK if medical care is free? I can't wrap my brain around free healthcare!

Also, what do the words "fortnight" and "chuffed" mean?