Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Good morning, ladies!!! How are we all doing this morning?

Happy 7 weeks to Kika and happy 4 weeks to Shara! <3 :hugs: <3

Ohmigosh, Shara, the thought of twins! :oneofeach: I can totally see you and Romeo with twins, one boy and one girl. Then you can use both of your names together! Roman and Royal, right? So perfect! I am beyond excited at all the BFPs - it's contagious!!! :happydance:
Thank you Kim:hugs: I hope my baby is still alive :wacko: my boobs don't hurt this morning and I've not had any other symptoms :( not even heart burn or nausea ...

Happy 4 weeks to Shara and Roman and Royal twins go so well together :)

I'm a bit jealous Romeo is so protective and excited ...good jealous not jealous jealous... My dh doesn't seem to share my baby passion and he can't stand any baby tv programs or web sites or anothing to do with babies :(

I'm also really worried about not knowing what to do about my pregnancy if it lasts. I don't have a doctor and there's no info on the web on private patients pregnancy clinics :(

Health care in UK is paid by sales tax, that's VAT on goods which in UK is 20% compared to only 4-5% in the USA. But!!! If a coke is £1 in the uk that include coke price and 20% vat i.e healthcare. And in the USA a coke is $1 but when you go to the checkout you pay 4% tax so total isn't 1. Anyway coke probably doesn't pay tax cause is a food/drink but that's how it works.

Before you start converting £ to $ thinking ah but the £ is 0.5 times more expensive think of it that way:

If someone in the UK gets £50k per year and pays £500 for iPhone total including VAT ie healthcare. In the USA is someone gets $50k per year pays $500 for iPhone + sales tax and health care on top of it :(

Also iPhone is $700 not $500 in the USA :( so if you get $50k vs £50k you're better off in UK cause after you paid all your bills and tax you'll have more money left.

It's a mystery as why coka cola and apple (our examples but not the only ones) would sell their products cheaper to the UK than USA --> my theory (that drives dh mad) is America against the Americans :(

But ya although tax is 20% in the UK compared to 4-5% in USA and except for brand clothes and shoes that are cheaper in the USA, everything seems cheaper to me in the UK, including mobile phone monthly Bill, gas, electricity, cable, FOOD--> all cheaper in the UK.

Gas (petrol) is cheaper in the USA but public transport including flights both trans-Atlantic and domestic (within Europe) is cheaper in UK.

Example from yday: in the summer I flew DELTA and Hubby paid for the flight in $ and the flight although London - Boston - London was purchased in USA --> cancellation tax was $350.

My last flight with delta I bought in the UK London - Boston - London and I paid in £. Yday I called delta to cancel it and I asked what the cancellation tax was --> web site said between $200-400 so I expected a $350 again. After a long wait on the line she comes back and said because your flight was purchased in the UK it's £100.

So even if you convert £ to $ ->> £100 is $150 not sure why they charge Americans $350 and Brits the equivalent of $150...

Ah that's enough money talk ... Have a good day everyone and Lou Lou where are you today and what are you up to?

OOOOOOOOooooooo I'm getting super excited. I surely hope I get blessed with that opportunity. It just sounds so awesome to have twins, and that would complete my baby making days. 2 is what I wanted. Now if it happens again, of course, I would have it, but I wouldn't be "trying" if I get twins this time...
Awww, Kika, honey! Your baby is alive, you sweet dear. This child is a miracle and we have every reason to believe s/he is strong and healthy and getting bigger by the day in there! Remember, some women don't have many symptoms, if any at all! I know it doesn't make you feel any better because of the past, but it seems as though everything about this pregnancy is different for you! I am keeping you in my prayers, sweet lady. Try to keep a positive outlook. I think this baby is here to stay! :hugs: I am sorry to hear that your DH isn't as excited as you'd hope. That is a bit of a bummer, but try not to let it get you down. You can still be excited even if he isn't! And thanks for the explanation about the difference between US/UK monies. Very interesting information and insights there. You definitely know your stuff and are very knowledgeable! :thumbup:
Where is our Louisa? :( She hasn't posted since 11:45 yesterday morning - very unlike her! I hope she is OK!!!
Ah I'm far from knowledgeable, I do Google a lot but the healthcare was researched by dh who refused to believe health care was free in UK :) I'm glad he knows now and also he came back from work yday and said his company (some retirement policy selling company) made a resserch about retirement plans in the whole country vs UK and UK had the best :haha: so he was surprised but kinda excited and said that he could admit uk's +s and now I need to learn admitting USA +s...and I will :)

Awe so sweet of you to reassure me, I certainly hope my baby's alive...I can't wait till I'm 12+ weeks as then I'd be one leg out of the woods... Or may be more :)

I'm worried about Lou Lou now --> very unlike her to not post in the morning.

Kim, did you guys move house? How's peanut doing, are you having a gender reveal scan?

Aww Kika, no, don't say that!! Every man is different, maybe once he sees the baby on the U/S or hear the HB for the first time or feel him/her kick, that wil change him. I know I don't know him, but I'm pretty sure deep down he's happy you guys will be having your OWN family together. Maybe he just doesn't know how to express his emotions on the subject :shrug: Idk, but I sure hope he gets more excited as the time draws near because you're gonna need him and his support....If not, you ALWAYS have us!!!! :hugs:
And, yes, I think bubs is still alive. My symptoms went ghost on me soooo many times the last pregnancy, and like Kim said, some women have no symptoms at all!!! Sometimes your body goes stagnant throughout first Tri until it kicks back into high gear, so some symptoms may disappear, but I'm sure you're fine.

Good Morning Kim, I just noticed the same thing! Where is our sweet Lou Lou, maybe still exhausted from last night's shift. I hope everything's okay
Kim, did you guys move house? How's peanut doing, are you having a gender reveal scan?

We haven't moved yet, but our house is up for sale, so that's good. We're hoping we can time it so that once we get an offer on our house, we can make an offer on a new house, but that would be in a ideal world! We don't want to (and can't, really) pay double mortgages. :oops: ATM, we're just looking. I don't know what we'd do if we found "the perfect house" right now because we haven't had any bites on our house and it's been on the market for 3 weeks! :?

We are having a gender scan, it's scheduled for February 18th! :dance: These next 3 weeks can't pass quickly enough!
Tara has been quiet, too. Did I scare her and Lou Lou and Jodie off when I came back? :( I'm just kidding of course, but I missed my girls while I was sick and now more than half of them have gone silent!
Hey my lovely ladies. I'm here :hugs:

Sorry for the lack of posts today. I have a day off, i was down at the horses this morning and then I had a call from my sister who's name is Jess btw! I went to her early scan this morning. it was a last minute thing, Jacob (her partner) was called into work and didn't make it back in time so she asked me and my mum to go. She had no idea when she conceived bless her heart, it wasn't planned, so she had to have an early scan to see exactly how far along she is. I don't have a clue what possesed her to test, I guess she had a couple symptoms but I'm glad she did. She's 8 weeks and... There wasn't just 1 baby in there!!! She's having twins, I cannot believe it she is in such shock, we all are and I'm gutted Jacob missed that beautiful moment today. :oneofeach: she's due in August but has a planned c-section scheduled for a couple weeks earlier as it's twins. I am sooooo unbelievably excited to have twin nieces and/or nephews. Sofia won't stop kissing jess's belly and she won't stop calling the babies her sisters lol! Everything and everyone is a girl to her :rofl: <3

I saw you sweet people were worrying so I thought I'd quickly post to let you know why I've been quiet today so I now need to go through your posts too and I'll be posting again :)

Twins! Omg! How does one get twins oh did you take photos of the twins oh Im so excited!!!

I'm hoping for twins for shara and whoever wants them, you too Lou Lou, it runs in the blood of your sister has them you can too :)

For me--> with all the complications and lack of any prenatal care in the situation im in im praying for one healthy baby... I'm not sure about twins but also if God decided to send me twins I'll love them. If I could choose I'd choose one at a time :)

Kim, why wait 3 weeks, I thought gender scans can be scheduled as early as 15 weeks... I. Excited about peanut gender... May be we could start calling him by name in 3 weeks...besides he's way bigger than a peanut now :p awe bless...I cannot wait for peanut gender scan :)

You could try the old wives ring test may be, like tonight? And tell us peanut gender according to ring tomorrow? Oh im so happy and excited <3

Shara, what are your symptoms, I know that I don't have to have any...but just wondering how you're feeling and if any symptoms yet.

Kim, was there times with peanut when your symptoms would completely disappear for a few days and then come back?

Wrong response... Sorry. I didn't see Louisa's post on the previous page! That's so awesome that your sister's having twins!!!!!! Mine is speculation but to know your having twin nieces or nephews or both is so amazing!!! How sweet.. And bless Sophia's sweet little heart too. She's sounds so adorable <3
Louisa, how exciting for Jess!!! I feel terrible for Jacob, though, and know he's going to hate that he missed seeing his little bean twins! Sofia is going to be such a good big sister! Did I remember you saying in a previous post that the pregnancy itself took them by surprise, they weren't trying? It will be so cool for you two to be pregnant at the same time, and for her to be just ahead of you, in my opinion. She gets to go through stuff first and then give you heads up about it before you get there. Even though she already has Sofia, sometimes mommies forget some of the details from before, so I think it will work out great for you!

Kika, I could schedule a private scan but it's not as reliable as it will be if I wait until my appointment AND I really don't want to pay the $200+ for it! If I wait until my appointment, I will only have to pay the $40 copay my insurance requires for the visit.

We have started calling Peanut our Lil' Monkey because Shaun and I nicknamed each other "Monkey" years ago, so it's only fitting that our baby be our Little Monkey! Not to mention, the way s/he was moving around so much last time! Boy or girl, I'm pretty sure s/he will have a monkey-themed nursery! :haha: My favorite animal is a giraffe, so a monkey and giraffe nursery would be really cute, I think! :crib:

Oh, we did the ring test at my mother-in-law's last week! I came down with the sinus infection and totally forgot to tell my SSMs about it. We did it twice, and it went round and round in a circle (instead of in a straight line up and down my belly), which my MIL said means we're having a girl. Is that right? Circle for girl, straight line for boy?

Yes, there were times when my symptoms completely disappeared. As a matter of fact, I was worried because I lost the sore boobs and nausea week 9, and I didn't think those started getting better until around week 12. But then week 10, they came back, just not as bad. So you never can tell, sweetie. Try not to worry yourself too much, because every pregnancy is different. :hugs:
Yes circle for girl and line for boy...

I'm trying not to stress and so good to hear your symptoms went away and came back was Lil Monkey is healthy and happy <3

Giraffe and monkey go together perfectly and I can't wait to see Lil Monkey gender pics :)

Lou Lou please tell us more about the twins!!! Omg twins everywhere ... <3
Kim I'm soooooo excited to find out what lil monkey is!!! What a super sweet nick name for peanut, besides s/he is much bigger than a peanut right now! :haha: :baby: 3 short weeks and you'll know, wooooohoo!!! :wohoo: :wohoo:

Shara, how cool would that be if your bean(s) were twins aswell as my sister?! Twins everywhere!!!! Have you a scan scheduled yet? :D

Kika bless your sweet little heart for worrying :( this baby knows it's been a long time coming so s/he is gonna be strong for mummy! <3 lil Anthony or Antonia is gonna be just fine, as kim said and also my sister earlier as I asked her after reading your post, symptoms come and go sweet! But I do agree the only downside to being in the US is the health care side :( I too would be slightly worried about leaving the uk purely for the way they look after us during pregnancies for one! So I completely feel you, especially if their system isn't so great. Maybe a flight back here is in order if you're really worrying, plus being high risk it probably wouldn't be a bad idea! :hugs: and about the twins - eeeaaaahhhhh i am SO excited I can't tell you! I feel as though I've just got a bfp. Ok, maybe not, but I'm so so so happy. I love twins, I always wanted to be a twin!!! I didn't take a photo of the screen but Jess did, I'll see if she can send it to me :D we were talking names earlier, she likes some pretty nice ones. Kim, have you and shaun spoken any more about names?! I can't believe how quick your pregnancy is going. Fast approaching 20 weeks lady! Of course we already know shara and Romeos picks ;) I lobe Roman and Royal! Did I ever mention my next door neighbours son is a Roman? :D i wonder what names tara has lined up for #3 :blue: :pink:

Tara and jodie ARE pretty absent today aren't they :nope: I love it when we're all on at the same time and our posts clash! :rofl: at the same time I don't like being the one who always posts first of a day, time differences suck! :haha:

Oh.. My bbt thermometer turned up today and jesse's conception vitamins and the pre-seed. We didn't start BD'ing until the day of O last cycle, way too late imo! so I'm determined to start 5 days before and we ARE gonna :sex: twice a day! No matter what I will find time lol. We are gonna catch the egg this month, that's if my temps prove I actually do ovulate, my biggest fear as we all know! :spermy:
Awe thank you Lou Lou and how sweet of you to ask your sister about symptoms:hugs:

I'm so excited about your nieces or nephews? Was it identical twins? And wha are the names!!! And ya Kim tell us your names!!! And Tara too and let's talk names!!!

And Shara, can't wait to hear about your bean(s)...ah im so excited!!!

I just ate 3 chocolates ...and wanting more...may be that's why I'm going so excitedly here :happydance:
It wasn't clear enough to tell whether they're identical or fraternal yet, she won't know until her 12 week scan. I think it was unclear because obviously it was only her 8 week dating scan. But I knew there was more going on in there as soon as I set eyes on that screen. It was nice to be in a ultrasound room smiling this time, ultrasound rooms do scare me for obvious reasons and bring back terrible memories especially when I walked past the exact room I went in! Remember like it was yesterday, so hopefully i'll be back in there soon with some good news to share like Jess :D

Kika, she said if one of them is a girl then it'll be Grace :pink: I think that comes from when she was pregnant with Sofia, she couldn't decide between those 2 names for 4 days after she was born :rofl: poor baby had no name for 4 whole days so she will definitely use the opportunity this time! I can't remmeber one of the boy names she said, but she did mention Hayden which I really like (not that it's my choice or business :p) she is such an indecisive person!!! I ended up suggesting Sofia last time, bless her. :D I'll set my photo as a recent one of me and jess. Just so you can put a face to the name :D she's on the right, the typical turkish looking one! :haha: she isn't swearing btw, she's doing that punk thing hahaha- tit! :haha:
Kim, no way could you keep me away! :hugs: With the blizzard and working and a houseful of kids and a husband I have been flat out and my internet shoddy. Ugh! We are still digging out!

No blood or spotting here yet but it's really painful :( if it doesn't go away I'll be flying back to London on Thursday to see EPU doctor cause I don't have a doctor in America or insurance and I can't really find any information on how and who I could see here in case of emergency.

Even their freaking international airport doesn't have a web site or live flight info like we do in the UK. I'm feeling trapped in the 19th century here. No info on any private early scan clinics, no info on reproductive immunologist either. May be cause neither exists. Lou Lou you wouldn't ever want to come live in this country it'll drive you mad...

Shara, don't worry about ectopic as hcg levels are really low there and they don't rise. Just enough to turn a pregnancy test positive.

Most likely it's TWINS! Omg! How exciting, awe, twins would be wonderful! Ya I agree that you haven't even missed your period yet and digi already puts you 3 weeks after Ovu which is very very unlikely, yay, twins!!

AFM, I'm in bed and taking it easy, I feel more comfy lying and not doing anything as the pain is bad :( I can't do anything about it tho and it is what it is... Hoping for a happy outcome...

FX for you Lou Lou and for Tara, too, she'll have to hit that BD hard in a few days, go Tara!

KIKA!!! Don't worry about your little bean. I feel bad you're not having any luck. Can you pay out of pocket for an initial appt? I see a practice at South County Hospital but I hear Women and Infants is a wonderful facility with great doctors. Let me know and i can ask around for a doctor's name. Did you call that scan place in North Kingstown? I'm here if you have any questions!

Kika that sucks badddd! Maybe I would rather stay here :haha: think Brits forget how lucky they are and how good we have it!

Glad to hear you're resting up. Best thing for you right now and ohhhh my goodness twins would be amazing shara!!!!! :oneofeach: especially if it was a boy and a girl! Made for life hey?! :D

Ok I downloaded fertility friend (the app) and I'm sooooo confused! This is nothing like the charts I'm use to, and the whole app is confusing me! May need Tara's help when it comes to putting data into it and how I can put a link for it in my sig! If I can't get it in my sig then I may have to just screenshot the chart and upload it as a picture because I sure as hell won't be able to do it myself lol. :?

Guys I miss kim. Badly :( where has she goneeeeee! I miss Jodie too but I sort of get use to her not being around as much after her traumatic couple months so that's understandable but our CHATTIEST lady needs to come back. :(

Lou Lou, I will help you any way I can with charting. Essentially take your temp with a BBT every morning around the same time and record it. Then post your link here so we can see it and analyze it!!!

SHARA!!!! How cool would TWINSIES be!!! So excited for all the little babies!!! :happydance:
Tara!!!! Yay it's lovely to hear from you <3

Thanks for the help regarding the charts! But I have a problem, I can't post a link for my chart because I downloaded the app on my phone, but I can screenshot it when I start to form a proper chart over this cycle :p

It sounds like you're having a hectic day bless you! X

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