Thank you Kim
I hope my baby is still alive
my boobs don't hurt this morning and I've not had any other symptoms
not even heart burn or nausea ...
Happy 4 weeks to Shara and Roman and Royal twins go so well together
I'm a bit jealous Romeo is so protective and excited ...good jealous not jealous jealous... My dh doesn't seem to share my baby passion and he can't stand any baby tv programs or web sites or anothing to do with babies
I'm also really worried about not knowing what to do about my pregnancy if it lasts. I don't have a doctor and there's no info on the web on private patients pregnancy clinics
Health care in UK is paid by sales tax, that's VAT on goods which in UK is 20% compared to only 4-5% in the USA. But!!! If a coke is £1 in the uk that include coke price and 20% vat i.e healthcare. And in the USA a coke is $1 but when you go to the checkout you pay 4% tax so total isn't 1. Anyway coke probably doesn't pay tax cause is a food/drink but that's how it works.
Before you start converting £ to $ thinking ah but the £ is 0.5 times more expensive think of it that way:
If someone in the UK gets £50k per year and pays £500 for iPhone total including VAT ie healthcare. In the USA is someone gets $50k per year pays $500 for iPhone + sales tax and health care on top of it
Also iPhone is $700 not $500 in the USA
so if you get $50k vs £50k you're better off in UK cause after you paid all your bills and tax you'll have more money left.
It's a mystery as why coka cola and apple (our examples but not the only ones) would sell their products cheaper to the UK than USA --> my theory (that drives dh mad) is America against the Americans
But ya although tax is 20% in the UK compared to 4-5% in USA and except for brand clothes and shoes that are cheaper in the USA, everything seems cheaper to me in the UK, including mobile phone monthly Bill, gas, electricity, cable, FOOD--> all cheaper in the UK.
Gas (petrol) is cheaper in the USA but public transport including flights both trans-Atlantic and domestic (within Europe) is cheaper in UK.
Example from yday: in the summer I flew DELTA and Hubby paid for the flight in $ and the flight although London - Boston - London was purchased in USA --> cancellation tax was $350.
My last flight with delta I bought in the UK London - Boston - London and I paid in £. Yday I called delta to cancel it and I asked what the cancellation tax was --> web site said between $200-400 so I expected a $350 again. After a long wait on the line she comes back and said because your flight was purchased in the UK it's £100.
So even if you convert £ to $ ->> £100 is $150 not sure why they charge Americans $350 and Brits the equivalent of $150...
Ah that's enough money talk ... Have a good day everyone and Lou Lou where are you today and what are you up to?