I did exactly what Shara did! --> I asked my baby to come to me! I told my baby I was ready and it's time and come be my baby...and it worked!
Lou Lou I love you too and we need your breakfast, lunch, tea menu here every day to scrutinize and comment on!
Shara, first time I watched what I ate --> I was so so so very healthy, I walked 6 miles every day and drank water like crazy, no juice, no coke; fruit and veg all day long, salads and a little bit of plain yogurt -- 3-4 spoons a week, and 4-5 eggs a week and a little bit of cheese. No fat, no coffee, no alcohol. 95% plant based diet.
And it didn't work.
Now I read, that with my condition I've to confuse the body with fats and foods, so I'm like a pig. I still don't drink coffee, but remember th champaign on New Years (--> makes me very sad)... I eat a lot of fried food --> mostly French fries and fried veg rice.
Lots of butter, full fat yogurt, avocado, olives, cheese mmmm and fruit and veg.
I have crisps and peanuts and last time my snacks was only raw fruit and veg...
So far so good! I am worried about putting on weight and my eating frenzy makes me sad sometimes cause I'd like to choose better, but nothing scares me more than loosing my baby...
I'm so scared that I'd lose it had i eaten a salad for lunch, so I gl and add mozzarella sticks and fries to the salad --> at the side not inside... Or smoothie in the morning is not fat enough so have two eggs and toast drowned in butter... I am scared of eating healthy, because I need to frazzle my immune system *grin*
But ya Shara, try eating as healthy as possible and if you slip from time to time it's ok sweetie. Oh and I have to have lots of ice cream --> I like th coldness in my mouth --> helps with the thirst. Also since I don't drink any milk my ice cream is vegan coconut --> full of fat yay