Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

OMG, Louisa, WTH!!!!! I'm glad Jesse and your Dad was able to scare them off! That's freaking horrible! Wooww....what the hell is this generation coming too??? Lord forgive us all because for we know, they could've burned down the whole dang block :growlmad: I'm sorry your day started out so crummy
I use to 'speak' to the guy who lives next door (and now me and jesse live there lol- awkward!) he says he has a day off work tomorrow and is gonna wait for them outside because they're always hanging round this road. So I feel a bit better, they deserve a smack in the mouth do they not! Do you know the worst bit? The college near us is for kids that have been kicked out of every school around here, for all the troubled wafes and strays! We've never really had an issue with them until now. Scum bag idiots :growlmad: anyhow ... breathe Louisa lol.
Girls, I have a training for work this afternoon and may not be back on until tomorrow. If not, I will catch up then. Just didn't want y'all to worry! :hugs:
Before getting out of bed this morning I honestly didn't give temping a thought, because I've only just started out like shara said but I only walked to the loo and then to the drawer where I keep the termometer. I know you shouldn't but atleast I can start properly tomorrow and my temp was still smack bang in the Middle of where it should be atleast :D
So the Walmart there is basically like the English Iceland? I bet it has taken some real getting use to moving there! Either way I'm still jealous, from the age of 7/8 I've always wanted to live in America. Dreaming! <3 kika, I personally think a Doppler is a great idea what with the healthcare situation over there. Reassurance at its finest.

Sorry it's a little late, but I'm ok thanks girly. Still pissed over those morons today but ugh whatever! - you? :hugs:
Way to go!!! :wohoo: that line is dark and fab and extremely pregnant!!! Just what we like :happydance:

Kim: aw, boo to training lol. Have a good day chick (as good as it can be) love to you and lil-monkey! <3

Tara, jodie.. Come back you busy bees!
Lou Lou, I'm glad they didn't manage to cause real trouble and I hope the police will watch the street or the college or both and those kids would shift their focus to doing something else and hopefully something productive and not destructive!

Shara, great line and are you keeping your tests? Have you kept one from the first pregnancy? Digis really suck cause they can't be kept, boo and my out of date one turned some horrid colour and the window got something like a cracking shape from the inside although not a all cracked. So I really want to buy a new test, may be first response and pee on it and keep it. My sister's kept one for each pregnancy and the first is 7 years old ...

Kimmy come back soon girl!!

I officially had my first nap this pregnancy. Until today I didn't feel the need to nap. I wonder if it's a one off time --> I napped for couple hours every day with my first pregnancy...

Shara have you got any symptoms?

I can't wait for Kim to share doppler thoughts :)
No Kika, I haven't kept any from my first pregnancy :( but I do still have the ones I took since Sunday. The only pics from my last are my U/S pics because the background was turning yellow after a few weeks, which grossed me out a little so I just tossed them once I got my first U/S that verified and made it official for me. But that sounds like a good idea, especially if you want that keepsake.

As far as symptoms, besides the watery now CM and the backache, I did get some hard nipples this morning that's passed on to be one boob (my right) that hurts, :shrug: WEIRD! Nothing else though.
Speaking of pics, I might have to upload my 'bump' photo from last time. Of course it wasn't really the baby, it was bloating but I couldnt believe how I went from being tiny to an actual belly.. I loved it but wished it was a baby bump instead of bloat lol. I'll see if I can find it either tonight or tomorrow :)
Yay, Lou Lou, bump pics :p

Ya mine is yellow from the first time --> gross. My sister's aren't yellow, I wonder why ... May be there's a brand that doesn't turn yellow--> I'll go google it.

I had sore boobs the first time and this time they aren't sore but like under pressure inflated like, but it comes and goes :( No watery, lotion like or any CM this time and last time I was wet down there all the time. It scares me a bit I don't have it this time :( everyone seems to have it and also it's a good indication of early pregnancy. I hope it's baby I'm having and not some weird disease that made my AF disappear and pregnancy test turn positive :( ... What if I'm in menopause, I'm so scared now :/
My symptoms last time were nausea from the minute I knew to the point where I had to get out the car for some fresh air. Was awful. And again like shara abundant watery/lotion cm. There may have been more but they're the ones i noticed.

Kika I'm so sure that nothing turned these tests positibe besides this baby :baby: I know how much you're panicking about everything. The baby being alive, healthcare over there and it must he horrible but this baby is gonna be strong and I'm sure you already know but maybe take comfort in knowing that a much higher percentage of first pregnancies end in mc/mmc than anything else. So what with this immune thing or not, I know there's gonna be no stopping this little one! You've well and truly waited your turn and it has come lady <3 enjoy it (try to) xx
Good morning ladies :)

Awe thank you Lou Lou for your kind words, I must stop panicking, Ya I must remember to wait patiently...I promise that I wont panic again :) and I'll wait patiently for my scan...

I've a bit of a cold/ sore throat, I was really suffering last night and through the night but to my surprise I woke up feeling better :)

Lou Lou, how did temping go this morning? Did you remember to temp before you even moved?

Hugs all

PS I'm so happy that I found you my sweet SSMs <3
Good Morning!!

Awww Kika, you're the cutest thing :kiss: We're lucky we have you as well, I'm sure I speaking for all of us saying that! And that's an understatement. Just seconding what Louisa said, I'm sure there is a babyKika growing in there, and when you get that scan, we want to see! :cloud9:

Louisa, my last pregnancy I had Nausea starting around week 6 on through til the end, ......BUT I haven't really had any nausea, except for this morning, the toothpaste, ugh... made me gag! Which was weird, because I didn't have that last time until I was about 9 weeks, but the feeling is still there from this morning, like I can't stand to smell anything now, not even my coffee! Still wet down there, that's why I keep running to the bathroom but I'm not cramping so I know it's nothing bad.

AFM--I have had this expanding balloon feeling on the lower right side of my pelvis! It just feels like a tiny balloon is being filled with air then it stays like that for about an hour or 2 then it disappears lol...that's the best I can describe it. I'm gonna have to ask my OB when I go to the doctor for my first scan, which is 2/25, but I did tell her about the tests being so "positive" so early on so she's trying to get me in a week early. [-o&lt; I'm praying she does, any time sooner is fine with me :winkwink:
Grr- I just wrote a big post and then my phone died! :( but shara and I said the same thing, kika! You ARE the sweetest thing :hugs:
Shara was definitely speaking for all of us, I am definitely glad you piped up on this thread and the same goes for tara. We're very lucky to have each other during this journey (and after that, we won't and cannot lose contact ever!) even though we will be busy bees when we have newborns and it may be harder to come on :D :baby:

Shara I bet your scan feels like forever away! Bless your heart. A week early sounds good to me, although baby would look more developed a week later so it's swings and roundabouts really! :hugs: I think knowing that there is a baby and that it's growing well would mean more to me! I would just want to get in there asap. Ohhhhh no, nausea sucks!!! Do you know what. In the car all morning, I've also felt sick. Of course it's nothing to do with pregnancy, but it did take me right back to when I did have pregnancy nausea- was awful! :sick: I'm a worrier though and with this anxiety that my doctor just recently brought up, I don't think yesterday's events did me any good! I didn't eat dinner, didn't really sleep last night just wanted to sit at the window! Didn't have breakfast either and that fact I've felt sick all morning is probably related to those idiots from yesterday. One of which I saw this morning. I can't wait until this set of 'pupils' time is up and we get a new lot because I won't lie, we've never had trouble with them before! It's this particular set of troubled idiots! I'm dreading being indoors right now so i went to a friends this morning and then I took jesse some hot lunch and a drink to work just to pass time! I really don't want to go back home to where those idiots were trying to start fires footsteps from my house. My babies are in there ffs. Ugh I'm normally a nervy person anyway - not in general, like I can hold my own 100% when in just in a general arguement but when someone is trying to do bad things or burglars are another major issue I've always had, I just shake and feel sick over things like that, people getting up to no good etc etc. I honestly think it's got worse with all the anxiety and whatever not. It's just for the fact you don't know what nutters like that are capable of. You hear of so many messed up things on the local news and world wide these days, as Shara said what IS this generation!!! I could go off on one seriously.. Again, breathe Louisa :rofl:

I must remmeber to upload my 'bloated bump' photo when I get home as it's on my old laptop. People honestly thought I was around 20 weeks, it was quite embarrassing really! :rofl:

I hope Kim's training day went well yesterday. And I hate that tara and jodie are still quiet :(

Oh, Kika, Yep I temped this morning! Although after yesterday's events I didn't sleep until 2am and then it was on and off, so I didn't sleep for 4 solid hours which may have hindered it. But around the time of O I should have it off to a T! :happydance:
Btw guys, my phone for some reason automatically changes kika's and shara's name to capitals. And it sucks going back and changing it to normal letters every time so if ever i can't be bothered to change it then you know it's just my weird ass iPhone :D
Btw guys, my phone for some reason automatically changes kika's and shara's name to capitals. And it sucks going back and changing it to normal letters every time so if ever i can't be bothered to change it then you know it's just my weird ass iPhone :D

:rofl: It's no big deal. I'll just think you're screaming at me then :rofl: J/K :haha:

You're right nausea does suck!! I just hope it's not as bad as the last time, because when I finally got the MS, it was full blown!! Actually puking, not just the seasick feeling. Either way, it's an indication that my baby is in there progressing well, so I'll take it when it comes.

:happydance: Woohoo on the testing! Trust me, I did the same thing last cycle when I first officially started. I would have a cocktail the night before and then wake up around 2 hours later then go back to sleep then wake up an hour later and temp, forgetting for 1. I wasn't supposed to temp after drinking and 2. I was supposed to get 4 or more hours of sleep, but after a while of it being a routine, you get it down, like you said. I'm sorry you're feeling sick today, but I agree, those arseholes need a good punch in the mouth and the arse too!! :haha: I hope you feel better
Awe thank you my sweet SSMs, what Lou Lou said --> bump, newborns, teenagers --> we must never lose contact!

Lou Lou, I want to tell you off big time!!! It's terrible you had to deal with the idiotic boys BUT you promised to be healthy and relaxed for your baby this cycle and you already fault :/ You MUST eat breakfast - lunch and dinner and no No's and But's!!!

You must drink lots of water and please leave all the worrying to Jessie and dad and neighbors and police --> grrr my hubby's iPad is set to American English and automatically changed the spelling of neighbors, haha im becoming american, boo, I don't want to forget british spelling cause I'm a teacher and one day I'll teach back in the UK and I wouldn't like to misspell neighbors,grrr :)

Lou Lou, you need to think baby, talk baby and dream baby...drink water and eat 3-4 meals a day!

Shara, I've heard ppl gagging when brushing teeth and I've hesrd it's not even the toothpaste but even the tooth brush going in mouth feeling causes gag... I can't wait for your scan and hope morning sickness doesn't hit you hard but if it does i know you'll take it willingly and you'll be grateful for it --> there's ppl on the pregnancy board who complain about it all the time --> I know we aren't like them and we'll be thanking God for MS and for our babies and for the blessing of being pregnant. Shara, have you had the chance to peek in the pregnancy section of the site?

Anywho, Shara, what do you eat? And are you thirsty all the time?

I had to eat and eat and eat and eat all the time up until yday and yday I kinda felt not hungry at all. But if I don't eat I get a very weird feeling of thirst and headache and upset ness in my tummy so I got to keep eating. Normally I eat everything and anything and a lot of it and never have preferences and for the first time today I wanted my breakfast to be crunchy and dry...crispy and salty like lots and lots of crisps --> the one it's called chips in America. Anywho, I ate two pieces of toast with one over easy egg --> like always, but ya im after dry, crispy salty food and nuts...

I also eat pineapple every day --> they say don't eat cause it causes contractions but it's also antiflammatory and since I'm not on steroids (yet) I have to eat a lot of foods that would help with inflammation and suppress my immune system...

Oh the good news :) --> as soon as our marriage certificate arrives --> 1-2 weeks from now, DH will try put me on his health insurance... ISo hopefully I get a scan around 12 weeks--> I'll be 8 weeks on Tuesday so ya...I can't wait to see my rascal <3
I know :( honestly like anyone who's ttc, it's in my mind every single day. But things like that really shake me up especially when I witnessed them physically trying to set a house on fire which could have easily killed the man who lives in there who's 80+ and had a stroke not long ago:nope: could of even spread to ours before any help got there.. So I know it's bad and it's stupid that something that would be classed as minor can make me feel that way and all day today I've been nervy with not much appetite still but I promise to get straight back on track. Either way I still managed to drink 4 bottles of evian, take my vitamin and temp so I didn't drop out completely :p I love the way you give me a kick up the ass though :rofl: I do LOVE you :hugs:

fab news!!! :baby: would be great to go on hubs insurance for that scan and it would be good to go on it in general! It's good to have that reassurance no matter what. My back is soooo damn achey today no matter what way I sit -_- not good.
I have looked on the pregnancy board Kika, as I was once a part of it, but I honestly don't feel like I belong on there. Nothing to do with my baby or anything negative, but I just feel like I belong right where I am, with you guys. It's nice reading the threads, but I don't think I'll join or subscribe to one, unless I truly have to. Which I don't know why I would have to seeing as though, this isn't my first go 'round with pregnancy, and if it's something I don't know, everyone else on here has been pregnant before, so hopefully they could help with anything else. I just don't have the time for one, nor the energy to do that. Thanks for asking though.

I AM NEVER FULL!!! It's so unfair too because I'm trying to watch what I eat anyway, but being pregnant I'm trying to be super cautious, but yday, my body actually told me I ws getting a burger, and guess what I did.....I went and got the biggest burger carrying restaurant I could find in my city :rofl: I still love my fruits and veggies, but I'm trying to stay from processed, fast, and fried foods. I do have cotton mouth, however lol. I have drank at least a full 24 pk of water in the last 3 days!!! And it has to be spring water, nothing else will do or else the thirst doesn't go away (or at least I tell myself that :haha:)

Being on hubby's insurance is AWESOME! Especially if he has good benefits. Here in the states that goes a LONG way! I'm glad you're getting on there

Louisa, that is AWESOME how she keeps up all on that path of confidence and positive thinking, I love it. One thing I will say Louisa, that when you guys start the process this cycle. Call your baby to you, like meditation!!! It works, at least it feels like it works. I was completely relaxed and open hearted, and I called my baby to me and thanked his/her little soul for choosing my womb as their home. I know it sounds a little silly, but it makes you feel like your telling nature "Hey, my time is NOW! Send my baby!!" :rofl: Don't knock til you try it :blush:
Shara that's so cute!!! Calling your baby to you, it worked right?! :baby: I willl be doing that this cycle for sure, when I'm laying with my legs up in the air and a pillow under my hips I will call those :spermy: to my egg and then if/when I get a bfp I'll talk to my baby and tell her/him to be strong this time!!! LOVE that! <3
Ohmygoshhhh!!!!! Only just realised there's only a week left until my fertile window starts. Woooow that came around super quick this cycle :wohoo: :happydance: (ticker is wrong btw, need to change it) :p
I did exactly what Shara did! --> I asked my baby to come to me! I told my baby I was ready and it's time and come be my baby...and it worked!

Lou Lou I love you too and we need your breakfast, lunch, tea menu here every day to scrutinize and comment on!

Shara, first time I watched what I ate --> I was so so so very healthy, I walked 6 miles every day and drank water like crazy, no juice, no coke; fruit and veg all day long, salads and a little bit of plain yogurt -- 3-4 spoons a week, and 4-5 eggs a week and a little bit of cheese. No fat, no coffee, no alcohol. 95% plant based diet.

And it didn't work.

Now I read, that with my condition I've to confuse the body with fats and foods, so I'm like a pig. I still don't drink coffee, but remember th champaign on New Years (--> makes me very sad)... I eat a lot of fried food --> mostly French fries and fried veg rice.

Lots of butter, full fat yogurt, avocado, olives, cheese mmmm and fruit and veg.

I have crisps and peanuts and last time my snacks was only raw fruit and veg...

So far so good! I am worried about putting on weight and my eating frenzy makes me sad sometimes cause I'd like to choose better, but nothing scares me more than loosing my baby...

I'm so scared that I'd lose it had i eaten a salad for lunch, so I gl and add mozzarella sticks and fries to the salad --> at the side not inside... Or smoothie in the morning is not fat enough so have two eggs and toast drowned in butter... I am scared of eating healthy, because I need to frazzle my immune system *grin*

But ya Shara, try eating as healthy as possible and if you slip from time to time it's ok sweetie. Oh and I have to have lots of ice cream --> I like th coldness in my mouth --> helps with the thirst. Also since I don't drink any milk my ice cream is vegan coconut --> full of fat yay :p

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