Just watching the news about the baby who after a delayed csection . . .

Not sure if it was because I was induced and I was attached to the HR monitor permanently or if I was just lucky but I had the same midwife right by my side from starting the injection at 7pm to bring on contractions to finishing with an emergency section at 5.45am. I'm so glad she was there she was great, I would have majorly panicked if it was just me and OH!
https://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article6954034.ece This is the story Blah is talking about.

They do eventually want it to be one woman one midwife, which means one on one care. I believe that to be a good thing as a few minutes can make all the difference.

As for this case in particular, she was high risk (having cardiac disease, and one kidney which was scanned because she was in pain and it was swollen), yet they still left her alone and her Mum pressed the button when Ebony heart rate spiked, a member of staff said if she (the grandmother) had pressed the button 5 minutes earlier then it could of saved Ebony. That is disgusting, blame the grandmother who is not trained to read ctg's :growlmad: in my mind what is the point in running CTG and then coming back 10/15 minutes later when anything could of happened in that time?
Thats so sad :(

I had someone with me the whole time!! from my waters being broken to him being born I wasnt left on my own once!!!

I was pretty much with someone the whole time but I was only there for 3 hours...it all went very fast!

but I think it if goes on for hours and hours then it's unrealistice to have someone with u constantly. But they should check on your all the time
I had a home birth and so had 2 midwives with me from about 5cms. When they did the changeover I had 4 and when the student came at the end I had 3. This story has really angered me and makes me so glad I did it at home.
I had my baby at Northampton General Hospital and I had someone with me from the beginning to the end and she even gave Caitlyn her first bottle. TBH, I do think the care I recieved there was excellent but was everything I didn't want but at the end of the day I have my baby safe and sound so will never moan again.

Heard this story and was very shocked and saddened :(
This is in milton keynes yeah??

This is the 3rd death that has happened due to negligance. The care there is truly disgusting my sister has been treated badly all 3 times she had her children there

I was left alone a few times during labour but someone was with me most of the time but I think it was due to the fact I was on the inducation drip and they have to keep a close eye
I had a midwife with me constantly, bar 30 mins when she went to get her dinner. Emma was fine and not in distress.

In fact We did kinda wish she would have buggered off as we got no privacy :( - which I know is stupid to want but I just felt crowded.

I only finally got left alone when Emma was with me in the recovery ward after the C-sec, and that was only cos the MW there was a mardy cow! Seriously, NOT the type of person you want when your coming round from an op!!

But other than that the care was really good - if weird as I had 8 different MW in 4 days........a lot of info having to be repeated etc.
I was in a midwife led birthing centre (a stand alone one, not one in a hospital) and my MW was there the whole time, and when I was pushing, 2 of them were there. It seems odd to me that I had one to one care all the way through my labour in a centre only for 'low risk' pregnancies! Yet people who were higher risk in hospitals were left alone.
The night i had Billy there were 6 midwives on and 14 ladies in labour one of which ended up giving birth in the waiting room as there wasn't a room for her! For the first 4 hours the only time i saw a midwife was when she came to put on or take off the fetal heart rate monitor.When i was in active labour she stayed the whole time though as lo's heart rate kept dropping. I must admit though after i had given birth when i had a postpartum hemorrhage the midwife hit the emergency button and about 20 people crowded in to see if they were needed.
I wasnt left alone. You pay good money to these hospitals,so the service should be superb. If it is government run like in the UK,then the service should also be superb as you pay taxes from your hard earned salary and everything you buy. Sorry but I feel there is no excuse for this.
I was almost never alone but i was induced and Paddys heart rate was all over the place so maybe thats why, when i was left alone it was for about 10mins at a time and if we buzzed someone was in in a second...my midwives were amazing, they turned what could of been something quite traumatic into an amazing experience.
I wasnt left alone. You pay good money to these hospitals,so the service should be superb. If it is government run like in the UK,then the service should also be superb as you pay taxes from your hard earned salary and everything you buy. Sorry but I feel there is no excuse for this.

The NHS are REALLY understaffed so you're not going to get 'superb service'. The nurses and doctors work really hard, it's not their fault that there isn't enough money for more staffing. I think people would be surprised at how much equipment costs. Our wards budget is £400 for 30 patients and it's HARD to keep to (I am the one who does the ordering). That doesn't include medication or anything, just basic supplies like wipes, pads and pants, bandages, gloves, needles, syringes etc etc
That being said the baby dying shouldn't have happened so I'm making no excuses for that, I can just see both sides.
My midwife stayed with me for most of my labour, i did have 1 on 1 care she was really very good. :)
I was almost never alone but i was induced and Paddys heart rate was all over the place so maybe thats why, when i was left alone it was for about 10mins at a time and if we buzzed someone was in in a second...my midwives were amazing, they turned what could of been something quite traumatic into an amazing experience.

Same with me. They were lovely, even the newly qualified MW (who turned out ot be the sister of my oh's hairdresser)
I was left on my own until I was 10cms with Noah, I was left because I was a 'silly little girl who wouldn't know she was in labour because she hadn't been to parenting classes' according to the midwitch from hell. I ended up having to scream to get her to take me seriously, had a horrible traumatic experience, birth and afterwards with Noah, so much so I had a section with Mailie. Noah almost died and so did I. I can see how it happens. My birth with Mailie on the otherhand was absolutely fantastic, only bit I didn't like was hubby leaving me with a tiny Mailie unable to move on my own whilst he went and phoned everyone in the phonebook :dohh:

sounds like my birth with jake when i ws 14 i wasnt in labour i started screaming 30mins after being told this and was 9cm
the midwife was with me from first pain until i went to the ward with him, in saying that it was only an hour
I was on my own for most of my labour up til about 8cm, and when I needed something I buzzed for her. After I was 8cm she barely left me anyway
i was only left alone for long enough to get some paper work but i was already 9cm :shrug: but all the rooms where full i was ment to be high risk but was but into the midwife led unit since the consultant led was full with women who where 5-7cm dilated :shrug: ** i no that because a few of us where getting checked at the same time so i heard how far along they where **
For the first 18 or 19 hours of labour I was at home and was checked on once after about 9 hours (though U did go in for a bit to check baby as he wasn't moving) and again at the end before I had to go to hospital.

Once in hospital for the next 10 hours labour I was mostly alone. DH says they came in about every 20 mins or so and gave him instructions for how to get them if needed (I knew none of this! lol). For the last 5 hours I was pretty much with someone constantly because I'd had an epi, I was on a drip for antibiotics and syntocinon, Byron's heart was being monitored and I ended up with episitiomy and ventouse. Naturally this all took staff, lots of them!

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