~ Karma's Birth - 4/01/2010 - Traumatic - Long with pics & video! ~


Love Bunny

Sorry its late ladies! Taken a while for me to get my head around everything!

Some of you might know my original birthplan, some of you might not. For those who don't, this is how it *should* have gone.

My plan was for Karma to be born at home, have a very active labour, no pain relief, be able to use gravity positions for birth, natural delivery of the placenta and for a lotus birth (placenta kept attatched until it fell off of its own accord).

My actual labour and delivery as it was couldn't have been further from that!

I went into labour naturally without the need for a sweep/induction. I guess I got one thing I wanted!

Guess I better get started :winkwink:...


4 Days overdue on Monday 4th of January at 2am I awoke with a strong contraction. At first I mistook it for a braxton hicks contraction but 5 minutes later - I had another. Again I thought "false alarm" but sure enough, 5 minutes after that! Another! I woke up Matt (who was supposed to be going back to work that day after a months holiday if she hadn't arrived by now!) and I told him I thought this was it! After a few more contractions we deffinatly decided something was happening!

I nipped to the toilet to see if there was any plug/waters leaking but instead I was greeted with bright red blood :( I called the hospital and spoke to a lovely lady on the phone and after explaining my homebirth situation she advised me to put on a pad and see what happened over the next half an hour and then to call her back to let her know what was going on.

I did this and checked half an hour later, there was a little spotting but nothing major execpt for when I wiped. I called her back up and told her this and she asked that I come in to get checked over as it didn't seem normal being as the loss wasn't mucusy :nope: She also told me not to worry though as these things can happen and if everything is okay I would probably be allowed home!


So! Being as we hadn't even bothered to pack for the hospital (I was sure we'd be fine!) We quickly grabbed stuff for us and baby shoved it all in a hold-all and walked into town to catch a cab to hospital. 10 minutes later we arrived and were sent into an examination room to wait for a doctor and midwife.

After about an hour a midwife came in and hooked me upto tocco and said they'll monitor me for an hour. Baby's heartrate was doing fine and my contractions were reaching around 80-90% .


After the monitoring a doctor came in to do an internal examination to see if they could find out where the bleeding was coming from! After that was done and dusted they said it was inconclusive and more than likely just blood coming away as the cervix was opening. She also told me I was 3cm dialated!

The doctor spoke with me about my wishes for a homebirth and told me that she would have to speak with the consultant to see what they thought about be going home and if it would be okay.
She returned around half a hour later and told me that the consultant thought it would be better if I stayed in and that I would be under constant consultant lead care :cry:

Those were the words I dreaded :( I had to hold myself from bursting into tears when she said that. It was horrible! Obviously I agreed as being as this is my first baby I didn't really want to put her into any harm and if the consultant wanted me in there care then I thought it must be serious?

I was also told that I would be constantly monitored for progress - In other words bedridden and strapped to tocco for the duration of my labour. GREAT.

I wasn't even allowed to deliver in the labour suit :cry:


After the doctor had spoken to me a midwife came and led us to the consultant labour room (it was horrible and clinical, I just couldn't relax :( ) and hooked me back onto tocco. I tried my best to keep as active as possible - I had a big bouncy birthball which I used to take my mind off the pain before I tried gas&air (I didn't think I needed it as the pain wasn't unbearable)

After a couple of hours I hadn't really progressed immensly so I was offered the option of having my waters broken which I accepted.

It was a weird sensation! Like a pop then a gush and it was all warm and strange :rofl:

About an hour after that I felt my contractions had deffinatly got stronger, longer and more intense!

I tried out the gas&air when the pain got a bit more intense - my god that stuff is good! I was spinning my head off! Matt tried a bit too and loved it :blush::haha:


I was texing my mum and she told me she would be on her way and be with me soon! Within about an hour she was here!

Pain was getting pretty bad by this point but I was still coping and breathing and bouncing on my ball so I was dealing with it.


Around this time midwives were flitting in and out seeing how I was etc etc... I was still having bloodloss but it was now becoming mucusy so I don't think it was that bad.

Anyway! They decided it would be a good idea to put me on a hormone drip to speed things up! The consultant came in with a band of other doctory looking people and told me thats what she thought was best being as I was progressing slowly. I agreed - albeit reluctantly.

Within an hour I was hooked up to the drip AND tocco meaning I was most certainly BEDRIDDEN. Being as tocco was on one side and drip was on the other, so I was trapped in the middle.

Within about 2 hours the pain started getting unbearable and as I'd been told baby had twisted so that we were back to back I WAS IN AGONY. I couldn't stand or even go on the ball cause I was strapped to the fucking monitor and drip. Looking back it was just a big gas&air filled haze! My mum and Matt were massaging my back where it hurt when I got a contraction and it really worked to an extent. I don't know what I would have done without them!


By now I was in hell. I cried through every contraction it was so bad. My back was arching with the pain and I was still forced to stay in bed on the monitor :cry:even though baby had been fine all the way through! Whoever tells you its not as bad as it sounds is LYING!


After enduring hours of intense pain I finally gave in :cry:I asked for an epidural.


I was very angry about this as I was VERY VERY tired (try 1 hours sleep before the contractions woke me up and I hadn't slept during labour at all!) and hadn't been checked interanally since my waters were broken! So god only knows how long I'd been fully dialted! I could have been pushing her out hours ago!

Almost imediatly she got me to start pushing. I tried and tried and TRIED. An hour went by and still no baby. I was practically passing out from the pain. They gave me a cathater to see if emptying my bladder would work but no such luck. I was so weak from tiredness and my body had literally no energy as It'd just been left to deal with the pain on my own. No matter how hard I pushed I just couldn't keep it going long enough for me to progress :cry: I was so tired and out of breath and in pain I just couldn't do it. The only pain relief I had was to moan and groan! I was like a wild animal! But hey, don't knock it! If you have nothing else - it works!


After 2 hours and no progress and babys heartrate dropped below 50 the doctor was called to preform a forceps delivery as she was in distress and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

I was put in stirrups and given a general anastetic down below whilst I was given an episiotomy and the forceps were inserted. By now the pain had got worse than I ever thought possible! I thought I was going to die! Then I got extreme cramp in my leg ! It was all getting unbearable!

I was told she would be out in 2 pushes max! So on my next contraction I went for it. I screamed so loud I'm surprised the windows didn't crack! It was the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard!!! And it came from my mouth! After that one push she was out! I cried with relief! She started crying immidietly and was put on my chest!

So on the 4th of January 2010 at 4.01PM Karma was born weighing in at 7lbs and 14oz !


Unfortunatly my notes and birthplan weren't read and her cord was cut :cry: and placenta disposed of before I even noticed as I was in shock.

Jesus christ. Just thinking about it has got my heart racing! I remember thinking afterwards how intense it all was. My god.

And it doesn't end there!

After she was born I was getting stitched up - I can't believe how much that hurt either! Ouch ouch ouch!

I felt absolutly shite. To put it bluntly! Apparently I'd lost a liter of bood :| no wonder I felt like a ghost!! I couldn't move for hours I was so stiff all over :'( I couldn't even hold my baby I was so weak.

A video few mins after birth with daddy :)


After a few hours I requested a shower as I just felt sooo gross and it literally took me about an hour to get out of bed! I stumbled into the shower and just stood there for what seemed like an eternity and just stared at the blood running down the plughole.

When I'd finished the bathroom was a bloodbath :rofl: there was blood everywhere! Smeared all over the toilet, sink and floor! At the time I thought I was going to faint - it was like being in a horror movie! I was so so weak and shakey its a miracle I didn't pass out. after I'd showered I got back into bed... A few hours later at about 11pm I was sent up to the ward (Matt had to go home and so did mum so I was alone :( ) I managed to get a few hours sleep but I was in alot of pain.

6 hours old!


We left the next morning and finally I was home with my family!



The last 3 weeks have been a nightmare as regards to recovery :(

On day 2 (although I was adamant they hadn't!) My stitches had come open and my wound was gaping. After 4 days of agony I finally went to a&e and they confirmed that it was open and that they couldn't restitch in case it was infected :cry: the week after that was hell. I couldn't do anything without being in intense pain I felt so helpless! I cried my eyes out for a week it was that bad!

Now 3 weeks on things are getting better! I can do stuff on my own and the pain isn't that bad. I haven't been infected yet - touchwood! - so I'm healing well :)

I'm still immensly dissappointed with my labour and very upset that my notes were disregarded.

But at the end of the day I have a healthy baby girl and I'm still alive!

And I guess thats all that matters!

8 Weeks Old!



Thanks for reading :hugs:
Omg! :( you poor thing!
At least you have your gorgeous girl now!:hugs:
But what a birth story!!
jeez!! i dont actually know what to say lol
Well done for one!!

And she is gorgeous. Glad you are getting on track and enjoying being a mummy :)
oh I am so sorry your birth wasn't exactly what you planned, your little lady is beautiful though, congrats
sorry to read you had such an ordeal and your wishes were not followed. You have a beautiful baby girl tho congratulations. Glad you are starting to feel better now
tons of congrats, what a little cutie!!

Sorry that it didnt go as you wanted though, i feel the same about mine, even though we have our lo's here etc it still affects us. glad to hear youre on the road to recovery though, may that continue and enjoy her!!

p.s. i really like that wrap! she looks very cosy! :)
wow i didnt expect to read that bless you, well done for going through all that and karma is beautiful and her name is lovely too xx
Sorry you didnt get the birth u wanted. But congratulations on the birth of ur wee one xx
Sorry it didnt go the way you wanted but congratulations, she's gorgeous x
Aww hun your birth story is very, very like mine, so traumatic. Karma is gorgeous and I love the photos of her in her wrap :).

Nothing worse than being strapped up to a monitor, but she's here and she's beautiful, and you did incredibly, CONGRATULATIONS
Good lord that was an ordeal and a half, and quite difficult to read at times, but glad your both ok and home safely now shes ADORABLE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nothing worse than being strapped up to a monitor, but she's here and she's beautiful, and you did incredibly, CONGRATULATIONS

I'll second that .... the whole monitor and drip thing is awful :( and I'm sorry that you didn't have the peaceful labour and home birth that you wanted :hugs: I went through much the same disappointment when I had my youngest, so I totally get how you are feeling.

Your Daughter is absolutely gorgeous though, and I LOVE her name - Congratulations :D :D :D
Wow, what a story i'm so sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted, it sounds horrific. You must be such a strong woman hun well done. Karma is so beautiful you must be so so so proud xox
Thanks so much for sharing, I'm sorry things didn't go as you'd hoped but, as you say, at the end of the day it's really about you and your beautiful baby making it through okay :)

The photos are gorgeous :)
Congratulations, she's gorgeous. Sorry you had such a tough time though xx
Sorry the birth was so horrific, but what a beautiful baby you have. She is a stunner. Congrats!
congrats hun, shes lovely and im glad your feeling better! x

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