.... I need to breath, If I go back to work this is going to get even worse 0.o ..
i want to live vicariously through you because i kind of miss being pregnant recently.
So I'll live vicariously thru Em too. Cause I don't think it's happening again for me!
Hrm....... but I don't have enough drama left in my pregnancy to keep it interesting hehe. I do, however, have more squee. Please stand by.
But the issue is i never went to school for either, and going to school costs money I dont have either =/
as requested, more pics of kaida
long legs and buff arms hehe
Nope, I'm 5 foot 7 and Colin is 6 foot 1, so not exceptionally tall
Hoping Kaida takes after her aunties. They're 17 and over 6 foot 2.
GUH how do single moms do this stuff?
I cant believe they're doing an unpaid internship these days for you >< they dont seem to do those here..