*sigh* ladies, crisis time.
I basically just got declined my leave of absence from uni. They said I can either
1/ Leave now and take a year off, returning for semester 2 2012; putting Kaida into daycare at 7 months old - I DON'T WANT MY BABY'S FIRST WORD SAID AT DAYCARE
2/ Leave now, take 2 years off and repeat the whole of 3rd year from the start in 2014. Making the last 6 months of my life completely pointless. They will not allow me to return half way through the year if I take 2 years off and that's even if the head of school approves 2 years.
I wanted to get as far through the year as I could and return at the same point the following year. I wanted to get to 30 weeks, which is the end of my Women's Health rotation and then return the following year starting from Paediatrics. But no, if I miss a block (i.e. paediatrics and surgery) this year, I fail the ENTIRE year and have to repeat from the start anyway.
Fuck them. Fuck everything. I'm going to bed.