
BWAHHH! I looked at two daycare centers (or called for now) .. the one Right next to my work is SO EXPENSIVE. $249 a week.. thats $996 a month!!! I told her I work in the building right next door, she said she'd see with her DM if she can work out a better rate. We'll see. Ill go check it out but uhm thats MORE Than I make in a paycheck unless its a really good half a month with some overtime. IDK how Im going to afford that.

The other place is $195 a week which is only 780 a month, Its still a lot of money but more manageable, but he wouldnt be close to me like he would be at Kindercare :(

I hate this. I really hate this. Im in the worst position ever. I talked to mitch and he said we'd talk about it later, IDK what he would rather me do and at this rate, I would be working to put him in daycare and pay SOME of my half of the bills and then be flat broke... -.-

GUH how do single moms do this stuff?
I have no idea what we'll do survey. Even though I go back to "work" it's still unpaid for 2 years
I cant believe they're doing an unpaid internship these days for you >< they dont seem to do those here..

Ok, I think Tyler might have night terrors.. I just witnessed what I think could be an indication? Hes conked out, fast asleep, and he just started crying really loud in his sleep.. I picked him up and hugged him, he finally stopped but hes still asleep 0.o so i put him back in his swing, hes passed out like nothing happened ...
Severe pain from root canal + baby that didn't want to sleep last night + severely cranky baby right now = Lia about to go fucking insane. :( No bueno.
Tyler also did not sleep much last night 0.o maybe they have baby radar
Poor bubby with night terrors :(

Poor Lia with root canal!!! Ugh I hate the dentist with a vengeance.

No, internship is paid but I have to graduate first. Only 1.5 years to go (excluding time off). While I'm studying it's single income. I can't get a job because uni is 8am to 5pm. This sucks.
That does suck :( Silly uni.. but when youre done itll be all worth it :)

My Tyler is asleep still 0.o silly boy sleeps so much in the evening / nighttime .. but during the day he is UPPP
Isn't pregnancy fun? Always something new to experience and feel.

The "discomfort of the day" is sharp lower abdo pain at rest - Yay!!! I'm going to sleep, it should be gone by morning.

More people need to come on and chat. Haven't hear from Katie, Sarah, Jules, Vaurissa and a few others (is it Kat and Becky? I blame baby brain!!)

I went to uni today. I might go for half the day tomorrow. I hate getting a cold and of course this is the week before exams and I'm preggo. Lets add to the fun.

Yep, I'm cynical tonight. Hmph.

Night night xoxox

yes more people do need to come on , I bet that Katie = exhausted due to returning to work though, IDK where everyone else is, Vaurissa did let me know her life has been crazy lately so thats why shes MIA..

Guh, I actually woke mitch up for help at 1am -- I had spent three hours trying to get tyler to sleep and he wouldnt, mitch sat him in his swing and swung him just a little and played music and he was out cold >< guh.. he stayed there for 3 hours while i slept on the couch , then he woke up, i fed him he fell asleep , we went to normal bed so he was in his bassinet, an hour later he was up again so i put him on my tummy and he fell asleep, i put him back in the bassinet and he was out for another 3 hours.. >< He was a better sleeper than this.. I dont think he likes his bassinet - he prefers his swing weirdly 0.o.....

muh - bring on the Thursday so I can do my last night of this and call it all good and have my weekend with my husband and my baby together :(

You needs to get your rest- that cold sounds really bad =/
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halfway baked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a little butt hurt no one commented on my absence :(ok, yeah i know that was, like, a day...

alas, i am here; overwhelmed by work and a cranky baby. he had a massive screaming fit last night and the night before. last nights could have been due to his shots thoug. omg, that sucked. he had to get three, but they tell me they are out of one, but they'll have it in the afternoon....so after the first terrible experience, i still had to come back and do it once again in the same day. then, also that day, i had to take my dog to the vet and he has abscessed teeth i have to have removed.

it's just overwhelming times right now.

milf! yay for potential wedding bells! do you have a location or dress in mind? do share pictures of dream dresses if you have them. i am obsessed with wedding dresses. i think if i could do any job it would be working as a dress consultant. i don't think i'd ever get sick of looking at dresses!

em--day-um, those ARE long legs! i hope they don't kick you too hard later. how are you feeling today?

lia--how is your mouth?

ash--does tyler have a general sleeping pattern yet? daycare expense sucks. it's roughly 1200 a month here. in our office we are kind of half-jokingly trying to get a daycare established within the company lol; it won't happen but is a nice thought!
Tyler used to have a sleep pattern that i could predict daily and that lasted the last 2 weeks and now this week he has been like hell.. its been awful.. like I want to cry its that bad.. Last night Mitch ot him to sleep at 1:30 and he stayed asleep til 4... then I put him in his bed around 4:50.. 5:50 he woke up (Grr) so i got him back to sleep quick on my tummy but he was back up at 8... and then he slept from 9-11.. Im about dead tired, frustrated, and at my end.. I really dont like being this sleep deprived with a husband that needs his sleep and wont help at night -.- I get sleep deprived too, and for me its strung together for DAYS not just one night of interrupted sleep, DAYS of about NO sleep at a time .. . Im hoping we're just having a bad week, we'll see ><
how frustrating :( i really hope it gets better. sleep deprivation is SO tough.
Laura, I was going to send out an SOS to you if we didn't hear from you within the next 7.6 minutes. I was thinking of you I promise.

They do kick me hard when she wants to but she's been quiet the last two days. I think she's having another monstrous growth spurt or else this piece of shit cold is also knocking her about :(

I'm ok, been better. The cold is beginning to ease but I'm still blocked and raspy. I'm fucked mentally though, I'm having one of my unnecessary anxious days about bubs and on top of that exams start in 6 days, I have 4 assessments to get marked in 1.5 days (due tomorrow arvo) and one of my marked assessments I've lost. I'm not going to bitch about my sleep deprivation because you lovely ladies have it far worse! My week is ruining my 20 week milestone! If anyone has a bullet, my head would welcome it right about now.
you can bitch about sleep deprivation :hugs: we can ALL be sleep deprived!

actually i can't complain much right now...he's getting 7-8 hours with a half hour break in there somewhere and that works for me :thumbup: i haven't even really felt the need for a nap during the day...well, no more than usual anyway.

colds are the worst! i hate them, and i hate that there's shit you can do about them except let them run their course. especially when you're pregnant. i actually got a cold while i was pregnant too, just at about that time! except i didn't know what to take...and the pharmacist i consulted was useless. it went like this:

"Hi, i'm pregnant. can you tell me what i can take for a cold?"

"Hmmmm...I................................think you should talk to your doctor." seriously, even with that long stupid pause.

wow, thanks guy. glad all your training has done you well, and you have become so very helpful.


i totally forgot to tell you guys that i also have to take Des to physical therapy for his flat head. they think he has torticollis. blah.

this week is a smidge on the overwhelming side :/
Blah. Des sure is good at worrying his mommy -- isnt he?

I hope sleep gets better too, Im glad des is doing so good at night for you!
Emerald, I hope you feel better soon =/

Laura!! That sucks about the pharmacist.. my doctors website has a list of stuff youre allowed to take when prego, i would have directed you had I known you back then :( LAME!
Group sleep deprivation FTW!

I find pharmacists funny but most of the time more useful than the GP in regards to meds. Even then, 90% of the time I have to research my own info and just walk in demanding what I need. I haven't taken anything for this cold although at some points I was exceedingly tempted. I'm not a fan of meds, including category A. If I wasn't up duff I'd be eating every medication I could get my hands on to feel better.

It sucks you're overwhelmed. The transition back to work couldn't be easy :hugs: and I wish I could somehow alleviate the pressure. How is work treating you, btw? If they're bums I'm happy to send either threatening emails or alternatively, raving reviews of your awesomeness :D

Torticollis you say? I have not heard of such sorcery! Reading ahoy!!!!

I'm hungry. We have to do an old person home visit before I can eat. Its a quarter to midday, they cannot deny a hungry pregnant lady her food. Wrath shall be experienced!!!!!

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