
So I feel like a massive whale. I was in a baby shop today looking at cots and I'm panting (from walking to the store... lol) and sat down in a rocking chair (which, BTW, was comfy). Anyways this lady walks up to me and I was saying stuff to Colin about "she this" and "she that" and the lady says "oh so you're having a girl?" - well I was all gushy and said "yeh" and she's like "oh, how far along are you?" and I smugly replied "almost 22 weeks". Well her face just dropped and she said "wow, you're huge" and I just stared at her, finally caught my breath and said "oh, how far along are you?". On that note she lifts her shirt to show straight skin - points at the tiniest of bumps and says "I'm 21 weeks!". I just stared at her, not know what to say. I should have had some snarky remark that her baby is small and mutated but I was just too offended. I've been so depressed all afternoon that I'm a massive whale now. So I googled 22 week pregnant pics and I'm no where near the size of most of them... she was just abnormally small. I don't think its fair that she made me feel so ashamed of my bump. I'm really down now. I've been indulging in my bump - its reasonably round, I've only gained 1-2kg overall and I haven't gained ANY weight anywhere else (other than my juicy boobies).
Why the hell would you do that? Every single pregnant woman that I've seen I say "oh how far along are you?" and once they reply the ONLY thing I say is "Wow! You look fabulous" and "congratulations". I could be lying out my arse but that doesn't matter; I'm not about to make a hormonal, uncomfortable pregnant woman who is doing an extremely important job gestating, feel bad about herself. I'm sure she'd be criticising herself enough and thus if I can do anything to make her feel remotely better, I do.
So fuck that skinny bitch in pram warehouse today.

That is all.
OK, Katie. Time for me to eat humble pie!

So, for the last.... I dunno, almost a month or so, Kesslie has been awake between about 1 & 4 am, screaming bloody murder. I can nurse her for the whole 3 hours, and she's still starving and screaming. We can make her a bottle, she's still screaming.

Finally, last night, I'd had it. I said "what if we TRIED some rice cereal. We know she's starving, maybe it'll help?"

No screaming. At all last night. She ate every bite and was really happy! So I am nomming my humble pie about making the comments on feeding rice cereal. ;) Cause she's gonna keep eating it as long as it makes the screaming go away! LOL

Could she have reflux, If so the rice cereal may have helped..? Ive read a little about silent reflux when Tyler was being screamy, hes been really quiet the past few days 0.o like.. really mellow... So I dont think he has it.. but it would make sense for Kesslie maybe?
So I feel like a massive whale. I was in a baby shop today looking at cots and I'm panting (from walking to the store... lol) and sat down in a rocking chair (which, BTW, was comfy). Anyways this lady walks up to me and I was saying stuff to Colin about "she this" and "she that" and the lady says "oh so you're having a girl?" - well I was all gushy and said "yeh" and she's like "oh, how far along are you?" and I smugly replied "almost 22 weeks". Well her face just dropped and she said "wow, you're huge" and I just stared at her, finally caught my breath and said "oh, how far along are you?". On that note she lifts her shirt to show straight skin - points at the tiniest of bumps and says "I'm 21 weeks!". I just stared at her, not know what to say. I should have had some snarky remark that her baby is small and mutated but I was just too offended. I've been so depressed all afternoon that I'm a massive whale now. So I googled 22 week pregnant pics and I'm no where near the size of most of them... she was just abnormally small. I don't think its fair that she made me feel so ashamed of my bump. I'm really down now. I've been indulging in my bump - its reasonably round, I've only gained 1-2kg overall and I haven't gained ANY weight anywhere else (other than my juicy boobies).
Why the hell would you do that? Every single pregnant woman that I've seen I say "oh how far along are you?" and once they reply the ONLY thing I say is "Wow! You look fabulous" and "congratulations". I could be lying out my arse but that doesn't matter; I'm not about to make a hormonal, uncomfortable pregnant woman who is doing an extremely important job gestating, feel bad about herself. I'm sure she'd be criticising herself enough and thus if I can do anything to make her feel remotely better, I do.
So fuck that skinny bitch in pram warehouse today.

That is all.

Emerald, She sounds like a bitch. Don't get down on your bump, mine looked way bigger than it measured, which made me feel massive.. it's really hard to tell how big/small someones bump is when we all have different torsos.. I wouldn't put too much stock into what some moron you'll never ever see again has to say. WE LOVE YOU! and You're carrying a HEALTHY baby, and that's all that matters =) Gestate the Kaida some more HEALTHILY and don't worry about what you look like right now <3 you look amazing anyways.

Ugh, I'm scared. I'm growing a martial artist in here - going to be a black belt like Daddy. She's violent! When she's facing outwards the kicks can frikkin hurt. I cannot fathom how some women aren't even feeling movements at 21-22 weeks yet mind is abusing and mincing my insides.
Hrm, it seems she likes parties. I wonder who she has invited to party in there because it sure feels like more than two arms and two legs ;) Daddy is going to have to give her a firm talking to when he's home!

I knew today would be particularly active though; she didn't move AT ALL all night and scared Mummy (I wake up a lot during the night and usually get a kick before I fall back to sleep - got nothing last night). I'm hoping this becomes a pattern - sleep at night, awake during day. We can all dream, right? ;)
HAHAHA yeah that wont happen, likely she'll be most active when youre not moving, then when she comes out she'll be day/night confused, but it does get better, I can assure you =)

Aww :( I remember there were some days even toward the end where Id realize mid day "I didnt feel tyler move once" so id do EVERYTHING to get him to move and NOTHING until I was finally contemplating going in for monitoring, THEN he'd be fine.. wtf?

-.- they like to worry us, but she's been doing so good so far so I don't think you need to worry and you're CLOSE TO V-DAY! God. You came to us at 12 weeks pregnant and youre now almost 22 weeks 0.o I find this insane.

Do you celebrate fathers day there? It was fathers day today and I didnt do much for mitch although he almost got slapped first thing in the AM. I was going to make breakfast and I never do breakfast, he does, I cook dinner.. but I KNOW how to.. Im not dumb, anyways.. he walks in like "how about I make breakfast.. cuz I know how I like it..." ..... I almost cried... I was like "are you saying I can't cook breakfast?" "Well whens the last time you made pancakes?" "Uhm its been a while but last time you took a picture and posted on facebook about how good they were..." ... he then apologized and told me he forgot about that but I ran into our room upset anyways and cried. Im not sure if it's hormones or he actually deserved me to be that mad -.- but it really hurt my feelings.

After that we discussed dinner for the week, we're needing to feed ourselves on about 50 bucks a week and working out the budget is being tricky cuz its new, any possibilities i brought up he just brought up money concerns, but he doesnt want me to work which is why im home 0.o so I feel guilty and he doesnt get why (duh, cuz I used to help with money and now im gimp and cant, and he doesn't see how him stressing about money makes me feel guilty?)

So today wasn't the best fathers day he could have had, part of me feels bad, the other part of me just says 'meh, mothers day sucked too..'

...-.- I want more good days than 'meh' days with him -- Ive asked if he's depressed or feels bad about having tyler, he says no... but IDK, things are just so different lately.

I got my medical bill taken care of .. his grandparents are paying them all which is amazing... I feel bad about that, too though =/ I also feel like my bills are way higher than they should have been because of negligence on my doctors behalf but whatever Im too lazy to actually do anything about it now =/

How was everyone elses fathers day?
Fathers day here is in September :)


All your talk of food makes me hungry. Sorry, I know what Mitch said hurt your feelings but that is such a guy thing to say!! Mine would do that too hehe. I made Colin breakfast in bed on Saturday after his 1am finish at work. I figured he's been looking after me during exam week (he even did all the washing) so I wanted to make it up to him in a non-sex kinda way.

Hey, when is/was your post-partum checkup? I can't remember if I missed that already.

Budgets suck. We've been very frivolous with our money over the last 2 days and shouldn't have been. Colin got paid (he gets paid monthly) and I finished my exam so we've been eating out too much. Once I've caught up on sleep I'm going to go get food supplies and be a good girl and cook.

Geeze it's a bad day for hormones. I'm ridiculously tired, I have a headache that could kill and elephant and my face has broken out in pimples.

V DAY IMPENDING. I can't wait. However I'm going to be at a remote mining town in South Australia, or rather on a plane travelling there, on V day. Less than 2 and a half weeks to go and Kaida has a fighting chance!!

We're stuck in the stupid remote town for 5 days in July because for some reason my FIL decided to book that long. There is NOTHING to do there - like zilch, nada, nothing. It's going to suck hairy ballsacks. For example their "beach" is covered in seaweed for about 2km towards sea and there is no other plant life - all red dirt. Better yet, while FIL was trying to be "generous" and paid for our motel room, he booked such a dodgy place :cry: I want him to cancel so I can book the ONLY nice motel in the entire town.
There will be lots of sleeping, playing computer and talking to you guys for 5 days. Actually, I don't know if there's internet... oh joy. 5. long. days.
Oh, I forgot to say the reason we're going lol. Colin's grand dad lives there and this will most likely be the last time we see him. He's dying (BAD BAD choice of words, Emerald) to see me (yep, none of his actual family). He adores me to bits and loves me for giving him his first great grandbaby and wants to see my tummy.
I might see if I can book in for an ultrasound there so he can see Kaida because he most likely wont see her in person :(
Lizzie update: 3 lbs, 8 Oz, almost 16 inches long :) they are doing a routine head ultra sound tomorrow, and possibly a heart us tocheck for pulmonary hypertension. And congestive heart failure. Which apparently they don't think she has, she just qualifies for the test stop they are doing it?? Who does that? Oh yeah, docs that are greedy...I shouldn't say that, but damn. And an eye exam on Wednesday. Busy week!!
Not sure if the baby has nec or not, but now he is not eating so they won't key him go home anyway. Like not eating a bottle, he still has his feeding tube thing.
I will get you an updated pic today em! I haven't been on the computer this weekend, Nick was here :)
Only two more Weeks till sex!!!
Hope everyone is well, congrats on the rice cereal ;) love it!
I'm tired of pumping....blah!
Hey Sarah - great to hear from you :D glad for the update

Yeh, I assume that's American due to private insurance; they will not do any kind of tests here unless it's indicated (or you demand it). I'm not sure about the NICU though, maybe they're just being thorough as they don't want to miss any potential complications - if they catch things early its easier to manage.

Hey did they ever figure out what set you off early?
No I have no idea why I went early, she just wanted to stretch I think :) she is a stretcher!!!
!!!! YAY LIZZIE!!!

Wow Emerald that vacation sounds like its going to be really sad =/ I hope there is internet and hopefully you CAN get a scan for him.

I had one PP checkup (my 2 weeks because of c-section) and my next one which was supposed to be at six weeks is on Thursday this week (almost 7 weeks? Someone who scheduled me can't count.) ... Then I get signed off to do stuff hopefully but Ive been doing things anyways...

i found that i am still or again leaking breast milk... This is really creepy, Tylers been formula fed since day 1... 0.o Im going to attempt to pump, if i can get a decent supply maybe ill switch him over 0.o
Ok help. I had a sexy time dream and woke up to the worst braxton I've ever experienced. And it lasted frikkin FOREVER. My uterus just stayed rock hard for minutes on end. Dear god talk about turn me even more off sex. Did this happen to you guys? Lol not the sexy dream part ;)
OK, Katie. Time for me to eat humble pie!

So, for the last.... I dunno, almost a month or so, Kesslie has been awake between about 1 & 4 am, screaming bloody murder. I can nurse her for the whole 3 hours, and she's still starving and screaming. We can make her a bottle, she's still screaming.

Finally, last night, I'd had it. I said "what if we TRIED some rice cereal. We know she's starving, maybe it'll help?"

No screaming. At all last night. She ate every bite and was really happy! So I am nomming my humble pie about making the comments on feeding rice cereal. ;) Cause she's gonna keep eating it as long as it makes the screaming go away! LOL

lol, i think it's miracle food. Be watchful of her poops (i'm sure you already know this though)...they'll turn a little black because of the iron in it. If she's eating as much milk as normal, she shouldn't get constipated, but keep an eye out.
So I feel like a massive whale. I was in a baby shop today looking at cots and I'm panting (from walking to the store... lol) and sat down in a rocking chair (which, BTW, was comfy). Anyways this lady walks up to me and I was saying stuff to Colin about "she this" and "she that" and the lady says "oh so you're having a girl?" - well I was all gushy and said "yeh" and she's like "oh, how far along are you?" and I smugly replied "almost 22 weeks". Well her face just dropped and she said "wow, you're huge" and I just stared at her, finally caught my breath and said "oh, how far along are you?". On that note she lifts her shirt to show straight skin - points at the tiniest of bumps and says "I'm 21 weeks!". I just stared at her, not know what to say. I should have had some snarky remark that her baby is small and mutated but I was just too offended. I've been so depressed all afternoon that I'm a massive whale now. So I googled 22 week pregnant pics and I'm no where near the size of most of them... she was just abnormally small. I don't think its fair that she made me feel so ashamed of my bump. I'm really down now. I've been indulging in my bump - its reasonably round, I've only gained 1-2kg overall and I haven't gained ANY weight anywhere else (other than my juicy boobies).
Why the hell would you do that? Every single pregnant woman that I've seen I say "oh how far along are you?" and once they reply the ONLY thing I say is "Wow! You look fabulous" and "congratulations". I could be lying out my arse but that doesn't matter; I'm not about to make a hormonal, uncomfortable pregnant woman who is doing an extremely important job gestating, feel bad about herself. I'm sure she'd be criticising herself enough and thus if I can do anything to make her feel remotely better, I do.
So fuck that skinny bitch in pram warehouse today.

That is all.


You're hot, babe. Dont let skinny bitch get to you.
Ok help. I had a sexy time dream and woke up to the worst braxton I've ever experienced. And it lasted frikkin FOREVER. My uterus just stayed rock hard for minutes on end. Dear god talk about turn me even more off sex. Did this happen to you guys? Lol not the sexy dream part ;)

I actually liked having the bhs post-orgasm. made it seem like it was really good.

but yes. Whenever I even got aroused (which was often-if you look from the begining of my posts when I started 3rd trimester, almost every one said 'i want to have sex.') my stomach got all hard.
I didn't have much sex or interest in sex at all so when I DID have sex I usually didn't orgasm, There was ONE time I remember it gave me contractions for a few hours, but they werent very strong :( ..

..Im really probably the worst for giving advice on contractions since I Really didn't feel many before I was induced =/

But yeah BH after orgasms is normal... as long as youre not having them super often I wouldn't worry too bad 0.o but I could see why it'd scare you more out of sex.
..Katie "Would sex with a crochet hook be dangerous?" ... I'll never forget how none of us answered that question... but I KNOW all of us laughed.

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