
Fo' Sho. I think we slow down when Katie and Laura are working :( I know that Lia got her Implanon today too..

I have my appointment tomorrow. My scar looks good. I havent had any oozing or anything :) Im pleased.

How is Kaida today?
She's brilliant. My GP was able to hear her heartbeat with her stethoscope! If I can find it then I don't have to antagonise my unborn baby with a doppler anymore lol
And yay for no oozing!!

So... I asked (one of) my GP to refer me for some mental health help for my anxiety; she didn't have time to do a proper assessment for referral and told me to ask the Mater Hospital. If the hospital assesses you as having issues with mental health, they send you to your GP for referral. LOL. Great. I'm stuck in limbo with no help. It's rare they'll get a patient with enough insight to get help yet they struggle with helping these people???

Is it true that pretty much everyone in the US has a therapist? We barely get help here. You pretty much have to have tried to commit suicide to be taken seriously.

My house is messy. I cleaned a little yesterday but I really need to motivate myself. We're going shopping tonight :D What should I spoil myself with?
we al have the ability to seek one - but ive never seen one so idk 0.o
Is it true that pretty much everyone in the US has a therapist? We barely get help here. You pretty much have to have tried to commit suicide to be taken seriously.

I have had a whole slew of them. Five, to be exact. And honestly? you guys have done a lot fucking more than they ever did. And the one lady stunk and had my stupid name.

could you afford a private shrink once or twice a month?
Yeh I could, but I still need a referral - which I'm not getting. Grrrrrr. It's ok, once I tell the hospital they'll refer to my GP who will refer to a therapist. It'll be fine, just a long process. What's another 4 weeks? I've semi-lasted this long.
But you're right Katie, I've got you guys, which I don't think I could have gotten this far without you.
Could you go to the hospital with a "panic attack" (fake it, of course, because who really wants to be around people during panic attacks...) and just flip shit. Like total mental instability style, and speed up the process a bit? I'm totally for conning folks.
Sooooo I was feeling all sad and sappy and sentimental and kind of sick (yeaaaah alliteration emotions. wtf) yesterday, so I cuddled up with patrick at around 10pm and fell asleep. I woke up this morning to him staring at me and grinning and cooing. He's as close to heaven as I'll probably get, I think.

During pregnancy, do your abs disconnect from each other? because I can feel them on the sides when I clench them, but not in the front. I know it sounds dumb and it could be some sort of dismorphia without the visual but really...it feels strange.

Patrick's two month appointment is tomorrow, then I promptly go to work after it. I've got split emotions about this...I'm pretty happy that I won't be around to hear the hours and hours and hours of screaming that are bound to ensue, but i'm sad i'm going to miss comforting him. Oh well. And then the day after, he's going to thermopolis.

Tyson and I got into a big fight last night. It wasn't even a big fight...or a fight. We're just both fly-off-the-hook assholes. I told him patrick was going with my mom and sister to thermop, and he said "well then fine. that means I get a day with patrick and you can totally, you know, not hang out with us."

so I flipped. something along the lines of 'how dare you insinuate that I don't let you have time with your son by yourself. I've offered. I've more than offered. I've begged. You think I want to hang out with a screaming child ALL DAY EVERY DAY and then when I have a break, have to do it anyway, except I have to take care of your mood swinging ass too? I never know which one of you is hungry or is poopy through all the screaming and whining and carrying on blahblahblahblahblah"

i havent had that good of a freak out since I was pregnant.

Anyway, I said I was sorry all over the facespace. Eventually he gave me a recipe.

Annnd on that note,

I made the most bomb sweet and sour sauce yesterday, without his help. I'm not gonna let him know that or else world war 3 will occur, but yeah. It was fucking delicious. We had pork tempora and rice with it. I love cooking dinner.
I love cooking.
i'm a terrible cook.
Unless it's desserts. I can make really simple desserts, or really really really elaborate ones. And they're always pretty. My pride and joy of cooking, as of yet, has been my strawberry/rhubarb/raspberry cobbler. Fucking AMAZING. And I don't use recipes for the desserts. or anything else, which explains why i'm so shitty at regular cooking, i guess.

My goal for the year is to make the most perfect cupcake to give people for christmas. I want it to be christmas themed, too. My idea right now is to make a dark chocolate cupcake with milk chocolate chunks in it, and a very, very light frosting (vanilla bean) with peppermint shavings on top. Dunno for sure yet though.

i'm sleepy. dunno how, I got 546571654 hours, but I am. Also on cup two of coffee. Maybe by cup five i'll be okay.

How is the weather for everyone right now? It's hot and sunny, not windy at all (gasp!) and glorious. I was thinking about putting OMF in his carrier and hanging out outside while I try to do something with my glow-in-the-dark legs.

btw? if I get the chance, ever, I'm going to make casey anthony suffer so much she wishes she was buried in her backyard.
Hmm ill investigate baby club, Im still reading your post, but YES your abs do separate and they say not to do ab exercises until they're close together again... I read about this on one of the sites i was looking at to find out whats safe to do during C-section recovery..
OK. I read your post. Im opposite of you... I CAN cook, but I HATE cooking, this upsets my husband..

Your cupcake idea sounds awesome, are you good at cake decoration as well? You could decorate them like snowmen or santa.

Weather is HOT AS FUCK

I have my appointment today and Tyler was pissing me off at 6AM.. "HE KEEPS SMILING AND WONT EAT AND ITS PISSING ME OFF" lmao... :) I love me :)

now he's grumpy, It'll be ok.
Today has been a rush of "starving mommy! Starving! I haven't eaten in like... 30 minutes! Are you trying to KILL me?" I wonder if there's a 3 month growth spurt. :(

Combine that with her complete hate of the car lately, and I'm feeling like a shut in. I'm not kidding, within 10 seconds of getting her in the car, she starts screaming like we're peeling off her toenails. Loud, high pitched, blood curdling screaming until we get to where we're going and get her out of the car. Doesn't matter if she's just eaten, doesn't matter if she's fucking exhausted. Nope. Blood curdling ear splitting evil screams until she's out of the car.

OH NOHHHS! I'm sorry Lia =(

Can you bike ride her?

:( I'm not sure what else to suggest.. ahhem.. baby sedatives ;) lmao
LMAO! Sounds like a good sedative to me ;)

In all seriousness, both mitch and myself sympathize and agree that we would be insane if Tyler did such.. :(



Again I say, THE FUCK?

And beyond that: Ok, So apparently you were kind of back together? Was he still seeing someone else, Im lost on the soap opera that is Tyson and Kathryn's love.

Anyhow, one message every two hours is more than my husband receives, so i had to laugh because he's being a girl... And also: I actually see him and you talk more on your wall while youre at work than I see anyone else talking to you, so I don't get his anger, it seems to me like he's covering something up.

He's a vile individual and the relationship is straight up toxic.. you also could do better, because as I said before, you're way too pretty and way too amazing for Tyson... =)

You shouldn't bother with him, but as long as he wants to at least know about Patrick let him be a dad, because he doesn't seem to suck at that, but he seems to suck as a boyfriend.. actually mitch and I had a conversation about this last week because he was mad I let out aggression towards him on facebooks.. And I finally put out there that he needs to be a husband too, not just a daddy.... and he looked at me and said, "asking someone to be a provider, a daddy, and a husband is really hard." so I responded with "Asking someone to be a chef a housekeeper a mother and a wife is hard too, but I try to find balance.. you should too."

He was a bit taken back, we've been working on our relationship since then, but i think its interesting that some men excel at being a daddy but not a partner.... =/ Mitch is doing well now being all of it, but Im not sure all men can.
LOL before I even read Ash's reply I was totally thinking "Huh? DA FUCK?"

He has some serious issues. And I'm totally lost about what he's going on about. From what you posted you're being a mature mother and trying to make things work for your son and he's all like "I'm hormonal and I've got my period so I'm not talking to you". What "grown adult" as he likes to say "doesn't want to talk to you" anymore? He needs to grow up and work shit out rather than running away.
If you guys want a laugh we've got a marijuana argument going in 2nd tri lol

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