Time flies? Hells no, sorry Katie, can't agree there

I feel like I've been pregnant for years and I'm barely half way through lol.
Somehow though, your babies are getting big and strong and awesome yet I feel like nothing has happened for me. Hard to explain - I'm sure you get what I mean though.
LOL Ash, yeh I know the cake is a lie but at least I could be doing
something to make things move along. At the moment I'm taking every precaution to keep her IN there like resting, taking magnesium for my killer contractions and avoiding pineapple juice
just in case.
I remember ages ago you guys told me of the transitions in midset I would have
First tri - Miscarriage *check*
Second tri - Abnormalities and premature birth *check*
Third tri - Premature birth and labour complications - not even there yet and *check*
I must say though, I've been having just as many good days as bad recently which is a nice change from constant stress and worry.
My current concern? My baby is kicking so strong that she's going to detach her own placenta

Yep - I'm that fucking insane.