
LMAO!! Tyler never was a real violent kicker 0.o oddly, but probably because he was squished :) YEs, I see you have gone through all the fears, next is still birt hand thne when shes out safe, SIDS -.- motherhood.
You should get some sleep; I'll talk to you tomorrow!


Katie - still waiting for Patrick news!! How goes his seizures? Do you have squee?
I tried to sleep last night. last night was bad. Thank god mitch is here. I fell asleep around 2 because of storms, I Guess at 3 Tyler woke up and was screaming, I didnt hear him AT ALL I woke up to Mitch feeding him, he told me he also tried to wake me up.. but sometimes, esp if its storming, i have to tune everything out to go to sleep so Im thinking I was so heavily asleep, that Tylers screaming didnt wake me up.. USUALLY, he shuffles and thats enough to wake me up. Mommy Fail. Daddy saved the day.
Time flies? Hells no, sorry Katie, can't agree there ;) I feel like I've been pregnant for years and I'm barely half way through lol.

Somehow though, your babies are getting big and strong and awesome yet I feel like nothing has happened for me. Hard to explain - I'm sure you get what I mean though.

LOL Ash, yeh I know the cake is a lie but at least I could be doing something to make things move along. At the moment I'm taking every precaution to keep her IN there like resting, taking magnesium for my killer contractions and avoiding pineapple juice just in case.

I remember ages ago you guys told me of the transitions in midset I would have

First tri - Miscarriage *check*
Second tri - Abnormalities and premature birth *check*
Third tri - Premature birth and labour complications - not even there yet and *check*

I must say though, I've been having just as many good days as bad recently which is a nice change from constant stress and worry.

My current concern? My baby is kicking so strong that she's going to detach her own placenta ;) Yep - I'm that fucking insane.

I actually thought the same thing. Later on, when I wasn't worried that ze baby would come early, i worried that s/he'd poke a hole in my ___insertorganhere___

As you get closer to your due date, stillbirth will be a big freak out, too. That's the one that really got me. I was afraid to even mention my fear of it, for fear that announcing the fear would make it so.

Yeah, pregnancy makes you insane.
You should get some sleep; I'll talk to you tomorrow!


Katie - still waiting for Patrick news!! How goes his seizures? Do you have squee?

He's only had one reported leg spasm (it was with me) since my last big freak out about it. He's also turned into a TV junkie. He'll sit there and talk to Peppa Pig and just be happy as a clam. It's like "hey, talk to ME! I'm here! In real life! PATRICK!!!!"

He likes being sang to...not soft lullabies, but like hard, theatrical singing. I sang all of Bohemian Rhapsody at him, a cappela, full sound effects and all, and he LOVED it. He also starts cooing along. Pretty cool.

He FINALLY has started reaching for stuff. Makes me feel a lot better.

With all of the mosquitos out and about, I have yet to see a bite on him. I, on the other hand, look like the personification of a bite... I may as well just give up on anything but long sleeves and jeans now. Fuckin' bugs.

OHHHHHHH and he's developed this new yell he makes that is completely seperate from the i'm hungry/sad/lonely/cold/hot/etc yells. this one is the same noise a young toddler makes when throwing a fit. High pitched and translates into big-people-speak as "I AM ANGRY AND I'M GOING TO HAVE A COW OVER IT"

I wasn't aware infants could be bratty. He doesn't do it a lot, but sometimes....grr. It happens if you stop blowing on his tummy, take him away from the tv, or won't give him your food.


But other than the new scream, he's been very happy and bubbly and talkative and generally just a cheerful baby.

In other news, I now work five days a week instead of four =(
I tried to sleep last night. last night was bad. Thank god mitch is here. I fell asleep around 2 because of storms, I Guess at 3 Tyler woke up and was screaming, I didnt hear him AT ALL I woke up to Mitch feeding him, he told me he also tried to wake me up.. but sometimes, esp if its storming, i have to tune everything out to go to sleep so Im thinking I was so heavily asleep, that Tylers screaming didnt wake me up.. USUALLY, he shuffles and thats enough to wake me up. Mommy Fail. Daddy saved the day.

I've slept through Patrick screaming before. my mother woke me up all panicking, because apparently this was loud and I wasn't even stirring a little bit...she thought i'd died lol
yeah apparently Tyler was loud too, i had no clue.. I woke up to Mitch feeding him and I felt terrible.. Mitch thinks its the hormones and my body adjusting because I had so much of an issue getting to sleep, that I had to strip down and sleep naked, like, my pajamas were bothering me 0.o

weird. I feel better knowing im not the only one who has done that, though.

and stillbirth was a huge fear of mine too and it got worse in the hospital with his heart rate drops 0.o better during c-sec, because i knew hed come out okay at that point, he screamed before he was all the way out.
Still birth already scares me and makes me cry. I kick count constantly. Yesterday she went into an extremely deep sleep after wiggling non stop ALL DAY and I couldn't wake her, even poking hard. I was almost in tears but collected myself and gave her time to nap. She didn't let me sleep last night. She just doesn't stop wiggling.
Im so drained I have no smartass answer. I just wanted to add my two cents. Kick counting is good, but toward the end they kick less 0.o i was always freaked out in the end about tyler but he came out fine..
Patrick likes Queen. Patrick gets top prize.

Ash, don't feel bad at all. Just feel proud that Mitch stepped up when needed. Good man.
Tyler seems to like alternative music as well, he is a big fan of the killers 0.o
Awesome!!!! Uber cool infants FTW. I'm gong to play some Queen, metallica and queens of the stone age to her today. Maybe she'll actually sleep. Her schedule is stuffed - I usually get big kicks at 11.30am 5pm and 11pm. With her wiggling constantly I'm not getting that pattern. Grrr. I want my big kicks!!!

Well, I'm leaking enough now to stain my bras and have my nipples stick to the bed when I sleep. Me thinks it's breast pad time :-/ I thought I wouldn't need pads during pregnancy ;)
I never needed them, even after :( My boobs fail..

...*passes my breastpads through the monitor*
Tyler was more awake today for playtime :

I leaked since late first trimester. SUCKED.

Small hint here...pantyliners cut it half are more comforable, work better, and MUCH cheaper than breast pads.

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