Lol I would love to come to the US. We considered moving there - wanna know our reason? The cars are cheaper. Yep, that's why we'd uproot our entire family and move overseas - for the
When she's old enough to travel I promise we'll visit. Maybe, just
maybe, I'll have facebook soon so we know we can keep in contact.
Sorry I've been so quiet. It's been busy here which is good and bad. I'm stressed like mad and having one of my "bad days" today. She's active, which is great, but I'm illogically freaking out again. I don't know; I guess after being made to feel stupid by the consultant I hate this combination of stupid and paranoid. I want to ask my doctor questions but I'll just be made to feel like an idiot again so I'm just stewing at home.
She rolled over in my tummy this morning (what an ODD feeling!!!) which made me cranky at her because I don't want her to tangle herself. Lol - yep, I'm chastising my unborn child...
She had lots of hiccups yesterday so I stupidly consulted Dr. Google again and didn't like what I read. It wasn't a pleasant night sleep.
And just between friends - I've been having, erm, "happy" dreams which result in... yeh... that... which causes intense contractions and I wake up panicking.
I can't enjoy anything.
We've got another guy coming to quote how much it'll be to install a built in wardrobe into the spare room/nursery. So far it's ranged from $1300 to $2300 which is WAY out of our price range. I'm hoping the landlords will fork out for it considering they'll benefit in the end from and MUCH higher resale value.
As for the nursery, I haven't been able to start on the mural. The ceiling has to be painted first otherwise the splatter will ruin my hard work. Colin did the cutting in of the undercoat last night. We'll undercoat x2 this afternoon/evening and then tomorrow we'll be able to top coat.
We've changed our theme from dragons I'm sorry Laura - Colin considered it too dark (like literal dark colours; not morbid or anything) so it'd make the already small room look smaller and that dragons aren't girly enough. Unfortunately there is going to be pink in the room. I fucking hate pink. BUT BUT BUT I've figured out a way to incorporate the pink so it's not just "pink walls" but rather there for a reason.
We're doing a Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time theme; I'm painting the characters standing on grass and then *dum dum dum!* a SUNSET in the background - thus the PINK. Colin gets his pink colour and I get my Zelda theme (which he was also resistant to).
I'll be back soon to blurt out more. The cupboard guy is here.
Laura, thanks for replying to that CH lady; poor thing - such a hard time