Labor and delivery!!


Mother of 3
Jan 28, 2009
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I know when it comes to pain, labor, and delivery most of us would like to just hit the :ignore:! Lol

But has anyone thought about how they are going to do it yet?

With Alyssa I was 6cm by the time I got to the hospital. I had a epidural for about 3 hours, and got to 10cm just fine, but had some problems when it came to pushing. She was face up, rather than face down.

I had them shut down the epidural, so I could work with the contractions. Then my husband told me that there was this bar thing in the bathroom. All of a sudden i was like I want that!!! It was a squat bar, which allowed you to sit up at the end of the bed with the support of the bar and squat down to help everything along.

THIS BAR WAS MY LIFE SAVER!! Even with it, it took me 90 minutes to get her to crown. I don't think i would have been able to deliver her naturally if I had not used this bar to help me into a better birthing position.

Not to mention, I had no tearing, no broken blood vessels, and I felt wonderful right afterwards.

I am going to use this bar while I am in labor with James. I am going to try not to use pain medication, because I feel that if they let my waters wait as long as possible, I should be alright.

They have birthing balls also, so I might make use of them.
It's my first so I just want it to be safe for the both of us and end up with a healthy baby! I know I propbably sound a bit naive but the whole birth plan thing I just see as a waste of time as I know so many people who didn't even get theirs out of their bag when they got to hospital! I'm just going to see what happens and go with it!
I want it to be natural, no painkillers, over in a couple of hours with no tearing or complications please! :thumbup:

Oh, and if it didn't hurt that would be AWESOME!



but seriously, I think I'm going to do some type of hyno classes. I have a birthing ball and an doing yoga and want to stay active for as long as possible (gym, walking etc.) there's not much else I can do I imagine. A bar sounds handy! The thing is, as a first timer, you JUST don't know!!! I mean I try and imagine what the pain might feel like but I don't know! I have no idea!?!!? But thanks for your post. It's always helpful to hear other people's stories! :thumbup:
I would love to be able to do it naturally or with just gas and air, as little pain relief as possible. But in reality I know sometimes labour can drag on and on for days, so I've just decided not to rule out anything. I would prefer not to have an epidural, but again, if I've been in labour for 12 hours or whatever and the end isn't in near sight i wouldn't rule that out either. xx
i'm having a planned csection so I have nothing to think about lol
Id like to do with as little pain relief (except gas n air) as possible, but im not going to rule anything out, id love a water birth tho! if not id like to try and keep as active as possible xx
I want all the drugs under the sun :p hehe, no I mean this is going to be my first so in all honesty I have NO idea whatsoever what to expect or what to do !! Guess i'll just have to see how it goes. eeeek!
I keep going to and fro on this. Part of me would love to do it without the epidural and try for a water-labour at least, if not a water birth. However, my friend just had her little girl a couple of weeks ago, and her text to me was simply "she's gorgeous, epidurals rule".

Am thinking it might be the way forward! Dont fancy the wee tube then though! Or the fact that if I want to pace and try to walk off some of the pain, and move about, etc, etc, Or the not being able to get out of bed and pick up my own baby, etc etc. I really am still in a quandry. Does it show..... :haha:
Last time I had pethadine and then had to be cut as katie was wrong way, facing upwards but as soon as had episiotomy she slid straight out. This time im really not fussed, will try to go with as little as possibloe but if its to painful will be epidural all the way!!! Only thing I really didnt like last time was when midwife wanted me to squat on the bed to deliver felt so undignified and wouldnt do that!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm offically a wimp!

I'm not going to be there for the actual birth, my body will, but I'm planning on being as high as a kite on whatever drugs they will give me so I can just watch the birth whilst floating.

I keep trying not to think about this.......but somehow this baby has got to get out :wacko:

I am in two minds about epidural...I keep having a little argument in my head about it. I need to do some reading up about it I think.

But I'm so scareddddddd...I don't think I am going to think about it too much until my midwife forces me too!!

I could sit here for ages thinking how i want things to go, but getting too hooked up on how you'd like it to go just setting yourself up for big let down if it doesnt happen.

Im honestly just thinking, take it as it goes.
I do certainly want an active labour again, can only hoped that this happens.
As for pain relief, id happily take pethidine again because i loved the affect of it, lol.
Good plan Noodles :rofl:

I missed out from my previous post that the episiotomy also scares the living daylights out of me (note I didnt say the crap out of me - that grosses me out too - although I realise that any crapping will be the last worry on my mind!!).

I just have this image of them making a tiny little cut - and it stretching and splitting and.. eeeeeeyeeeeeugh!!!!! :shock: :hissy:

Sorry TMI - but this is just all sooooo eeeeyeeuugh!!:wacko::hissy::shock:

As I've said before, Mother Nature's equivalent of painting oneself into a corner!!

Sorry if I just freaked anyone else out on my little journey into scared insanity!!!

Buffy is the epsio thingy when they have to cut you a little??

My sister (very kindly) told me that the stitches hurt a trillion times more than labour.... OUCH! I don't want one of those....but I don't think we get much choice!

Gotta do some pelvic floor exercises.......squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze
Or the fact that if I want to pace and try to walk off some of the pain, and move about, etc, etc, Or the not being able to get out of bed and pick up my own baby, etc etc. I really am still in a quandry. Does it show..... :haha:[/QUOTE]

buffy i'm the same, but i've been reading about a kind of epidural that you can still move around with - i cant remember the name of it sorry hun but from what i've read, it not quite as strong meaning you don't have to be totally numbed and can move about a bit. i'm also worried about the idea of a catheta and wonder if this would reduce the need of this too?
I MUST start the perineum massage!!!!!!! I'm scared! :cry:

NO NO! NO I'M NOT! Women have been doing this for centuries!!!!!


I am warrior woman!

I'm DEFINITELY in ignore mode on this one at the mo!!

I'd prefer as natural a birth as possible but I've no intention of being a martyr about it - if it hurts too much I'll take the drugs!

I'm just hoping that my placenta rises up a bit - otherwise it may be a c section for me! If I have to have one then obviously I'll go with it but I'd prefer not to!
I intend not to have too much in the way of drugs. I am sure the next bit will make any of you mums already laugh out loud - but having had a filling earlier this year with no injections, I think (hope) I have a high pain threshold. So I'm aiming for as little in the way of meds as possible if only so I'm in control. But I will certainly be open minded to any suggestions at the time if it gets too bad. All the women in my family have historys of 1.5 to 4 hours labour from start to finish, so I'm hoping I'm genetically similar - and ccertainly not adopted!!! If it's only for that long then I'd rather be in a state where I can feel properly what's going on and the pains. Some may say I'm living in cloud cuckoo land!!!
I intend not to have too much in the way of drugs. I am sure the next bit will make any of you mums already laugh out loud - but having had a filling earlier this year with no injections, I think (hope) I have a high pain threshold. So I'm aiming for as little in the way of meds as possible if only so I'm in control. But I will certainly be open minded to any suggestions at the time if it gets too bad. All the women in my family have historys of 1.5 to 4 hours labour from start to finish, so I'm hoping I'm genetically similar - and ccertainly not adopted!!! If it's only for that long then I'd rather be in a state where I can feel properly what's going on and the pains. Some may say I'm living in cloud cuckoo land!!!

I don't see any issue with cloud cuckoo land - in fact that's where i want to be during labour :rofl:

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